246 Publications (Page 3 of 10)
Selective ALDH3A1 inhibition by benzimidazole analogues increase mafosfamide sensitivity in cancer cells.B, Parajuli⋅ML, Fishel and TD, Hurley
Selective ALDH3A1 inhibition by benzimidazole analogues increase mafosfamide sensitivity in cancer cells.Parajuli, Bibek⋅Parajuli, Bibek⋅Fishel, Melissa L⋅Fishel, Melissa L⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Hurley, Thomas DJournal of medicinal chemistry, vol. 57, (no. 2), pp. 449-61, 2014/Jan/23.
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β-Catenin-regulated ALDH1A1 is a target in ovarian cancer spheroids.S, Condello⋅CA, Morgan⋅S, Nagdas⋅L, Cao⋅J, Turek⋅TD, Hurley and D, Matei
β-Catenin-regulated ALDH1A1 is a target in ovarian cancer spheroids.
S, Condello⋅CA, Morgan⋅S, Nagdas⋅L, Cao⋅J, Turek⋅TD, Hurley and D, Matei
Oncogene. | Journal Article
Catalytic contribution of threonine 244 in human ALDH2.González-Segura, Lilian⋅Ho, K-K⋅Perez-Miller, Samantha⋅Weiner, Henry and Hurley, Thomas DChemico-biological interactions, vol. 202, (no. 1-3), pp. 32-40, 2013/Feb/25.
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Catalytic contribution of threonine 244 in human ALDH2.L, González-Segura⋅KK, Ho⋅S, Perez-Miller⋅H, Weiner and TD, Hurley
Expression and purification of functional human glycogen synthase-1 (hGYS1) in insect cells.M, Khanna⋅T, Imasaki⋅VM, Chikwana⋅S, Perez-Miller⋅GO, Hunter⋅A, Mosley⋅Y, Takagi and TD, Hurley
Expression and purification of functional human glycogen synthase-1 (hGYS1) in insect cells.Khanna, May⋅Khanna, May⋅Khanna, May⋅Imasaki, Tsuyoshi⋅Imasaki, Tsuyoshi⋅Imasaki, Tsuyoshi⋅Chikwana, Vimbai M⋅Chikwana, Vimbai M⋅Chikwana, Vimbai M⋅Perez-Miller, Samantha⋅Perez-Miller, Samantha⋅Perez-Miller, Samantha⋅Hunter, Gerald O⋅Hunter, Gerald O⋅Hunter, Gerald O⋅Mosley, Amber⋅Mosley, Amber⋅Mosley, Amber⋅Takagi, Yuichiro⋅Takagi, Yuichiro⋅Takagi, Yuichiro⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Hurley, Thomas DProtein expression and purification, vol. 90, (no. 2), pp. 78-83, 2013/Aug.
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Molecular recognition in a diverse set of protein-ligand interactions studied with molecular dynamics simulations and end-point free energy calculations.B, Wang⋅L, Li⋅TD, Hurley and SO, Meroueh
Molecular Recognition in a Diverse Set of Protein-Ligand Interactions Studied with Molecular Dynamics Simulations and End-Point Free Energy CalculationsWang, Bo⋅Li, Liwei⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Meroueh, SamyJournal of Chemical Information and Modeling, vol. 53, (no. 10), Oct 28, 2013.
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Structural basis for 2?-phosphate incorporation into glycogen by glycogen synthaseChikwana, Vimbai M⋅Chikwana, Vimbai⋅Khanna, May⋅Khanna, May⋅Baskaran, Sulochanadevi⋅Baskaran, Sulochanadevi⋅Tagliabracci, Vincent S⋅Tagliabracci, Vincent⋅Contreras, Christopher J⋅Contreras, Christopher⋅DePaoli-Roach, Anna⋅Depaoli Roach, Anna A⋅DePaoli-Roach, Anna⋅Roach, Peter⋅Roach, Peter J⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Hurley, ThomasProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 110, (no. 52), Dec 24, 2013.
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Structural basis for 2’-phosphate incorporation into glycogen by glycogen synthase.VM, Chikwana⋅M, Khanna⋅S, Baskaran⋅VS, Tagliabracci⋅CJ, Contreras⋅A, DePaoli-Roach⋅PJ, Roach and TD, Hurley
The structural basis for phospholamban inhibition of the calcium pump in sarcoplasmic reticulum.Akin, Brandy L⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Chen, Zhenhui and Jones, Larry RThe Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 288, (no. 42), pp. 30181-91, 2013/Oct/18.
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The structural basis for phospholamban inhibition of the calcium pump in sarcoplasmic reticulum.BL, Akin⋅TD, Hurley⋅Z, Chen and LR, Jones
Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors: a comprehensive review of the pharmacology, mechanism of action, substrate specificity, and clinical application.Koppaka, Vindhya⋅Koppaka, Vindhya⋅Thompson, David C⋅Thompson, David C⋅Chen, Ying⋅Chen, Ying⋅Ellermann, Manuel⋅Ellermann, Manuel⋅Nicolaou, Kyriacos C⋅Nicolaou, Kyriacos C⋅Juvonen, Risto O⋅Juvonen, Risto O⋅Petersen, Dennis R⋅Petersen, Dennis⋅Deitrich, Richard A⋅Deitrich, Richard A⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Vasiliou, Vasilis and Vasiliou, Vasilis KPharmacological reviews, vol. 64, (no. 3), pp. 520-39, 2012/Jul.
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Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors: a comprehensive review of the pharmacology, mechanism of action, substrate specificity, and clinical application.V, Koppaka⋅DC, Thompson⋅Y, Chen⋅M, Ellermann⋅KC, Nicolaou⋅RO, Juvonen⋅D, Petersen⋅RA, Deitrich⋅TD, Hurley and V, Vasiliou
Genes encoding enzymes involved in ethanol metabolism.Hurley, Thomas D and Edenberg, Howard JAlcohol research : current reviews, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 339-44, 2012.
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Glycogen and its metabolism: some new developments and old themes.PJ, Roach⋅AA, Depaoli-Roach⋅TD, Hurley and VS, Tagliabracci
Glycogen and its metabolism: some new developments and old themes.Roach, Peter J⋅Roach, Peter J⋅Depaoli-Roach, Anna A⋅Depaoli Roach, Anna A⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Tagliabracci, Vincent S and Tagliabracci, Vincent SThe Biochemical journal, vol. 441, (no. 3), pp. 763-87, 2012/Feb/1.
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The natural history of class I primate alcohol dehydrogenases includes gene duplication, gene loss, and gene conversion.MA, Carrigan⋅O, Uryasev⋅RP, Davis⋅L, Zhai⋅TD, Hurley and SA, Benner
The natural history of class I primate alcohol dehydrogenases includes gene duplication, gene loss, and gene conversion.Carrigan, Matthew A⋅Uryasev, Oleg⋅Davis, Ross P⋅Zhai, Lanmin⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Benner, Steven APloS one, vol. 7, (no. 7), pp. e41175, 2012.
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A new crystal form of mouse thiamin pyrophosphokinase.JY, Liu⋅Liu, Jing Yuan⋅Hurley, Thomas D and TD, HurleyInternational journal of biochemistry and molecular biology.
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A new crystal form of mouse thiamin pyrophosphokinase.JY, Liu and TD, Hurley
Discovery of a novel class of covalent inhibitor for aldehyde dehydrogenases.M, Khanna⋅CH, Chen⋅A, Kimble-Hill⋅B, Parajuli⋅S, Perez-Miller⋅S, Baskaran⋅J, Kim⋅K, Dria⋅V, Vasiliou⋅D, Mochly-Rosen and TD, Hurley