85 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
Embodied learning for computational thinking in early primary education
Kwon, KyungbinJeon, MinjiZhou, ChenKim, Keunjae and Brush, Thomas A.
Journal of research on technology in education, vol. ahead-of-print, (no. ahead-of-print), pp. 21, 2022-12-15. | Journal Article
Computational thinking practices: Lessons learned from a problem-based curriculum in primary education
Kwon, KyungbinJeon, MinjiGuo, MeizeYan, GeKim, JiyoungOttenbreit-Leftwich, Anne T. and Brush, Thomas A.
Journal of research on technology in education, vol. ahead-of-print, (no. ahead-of-print), pp. 18, 2021-12-07. | Journal Article
Integration of problem-based learning in elementary computer science education: effects on computational thinking and attitudes
Kwon, KyungbinKwon, KyungbinOttenbreit-Leftwich, Anne T.Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Anne T.Brush, Thomas A.Brush, Thomas A.Jeon, MinjiJeon, MinjiYan, Ge and Yan, Ge
Educational technology research and development, vol. 69, (no. 5), pp. 2787, 2021-10-01. | Journal Article
The impact of an issue-centered problem-based learning curriculum on 6th grade girls’ understanding of and interest in computer science
Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Anne T.Kwon, KyungbinBrush, Thomas A.Karlin, MichaelJeon, MinjiJantaraweragul, KatieGuo, MeizeNadir, HamidGok, Fatih and Bhattacharya, Parama
Computers and education open, vol. 2, pp. 100057, December 2021. | Journal Article
Examining the hard, peer, and teacher scaffolding framework in inquiry-based technology-enhanced learning environments: impact on academic achievement and group performance
Shin, SuhkyungShin, SuhkyungBrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas AGlazewski, Krista D and Glazewski, Krista D
Educational Technology Research and Development, 2020-03-18. | Journal Article
Implementing Socially Relevant Problem-Based Computer Science Curriculum at the Elementary Level: Students' Computer Science Knowledge and Teachers' Implementation Needs
Brush, ThomasOttenbreit-Leftwich, AnneKwon, Kyungbin and Karlin, Michael
The journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 109, 2020-04-00. | Journal Article
Innovations in Instructional Design and Technology Programs: a View from PIDT 2018
Richardson, Jennifer C.Richardson, Jennifer CRichardson, Jennifer C.Richardson, Jennifer CRichardson, Jennifer CRichardson, Jennifer CBrush, ThomasBrush, ThomasBrush, ThomasBrush, ThomasBrush, ThomasBrush, ThomasOttenbreit-Leftwich, AnneOttenbreit-Leftwich, AnneOttenbreit-Leftwich, AnneKarlin, MichaelKarlin, MichaelKarlin, MichaelKarlin, MichaelKarlin, MichaelKarlin, MichaelLeary, HeatherLeary, HeatherLeary, HeatherLeary, HeatherLeary, HeatherLeary, HeatherShelton, Brett EShelton, Brett EShelton, Brett EShelton, Brett EShelton, Brett E.Shelton, Brett E.Lowell, VictoriaLowell, VictoriaLowell, VictoriaLowell, VictoriaLowell, VictoriaLowell, VictoriaExter, Marisa EExter, Marisa EExter, Marisa E.Exter, Marisa E.Exter, Marisa EExter, Marisa EStrycker, JesseStrycker, JesseStrycker, JesseShin, SungwonShin, SungwonShin, SungwonShin, SungwonShin, Sungwon and Shin, Sungwon
TechTrends, vol. 64, (no. 3), pp. 432-438, May 2020. | Journal Article
Patterns of peer scaffolding in technology-enhanced inquiry classrooms: application of social network analysis
Shin, SuhkyungShin, SuhkyungShin, SuhkyungBrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas A.Brush, Thomas AGlazewski, Krista D.Glazewski, Krista D and Glazewski, Krista D
Educational Technology Research and Development, 2020-05-15. | Journal Article
Secondary Computer Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Needs
Sadik, OlgunOttenbreit-Leftwich, Anne and Brush, Thomas
International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, vol. 4, (no. 1), pp. 52, 2020-08-14. | Journal Article
Integrating Classroom Video Cases into a Teaching Methods Course
Shin, SungwonBrush, Thomas ASaye, John W and Zhang, Zhizhen
International Journal of Designs for Learning, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 52, 2019-05-10. | Journal Article
Using technology-enhanced cases in teacher education: An exploratory study in a social studies methods course
Shin, SungwonBrush, Thomas A and Saye, John W
Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 78, pp. 164, February 2019. | Journal Article
Inquiry learning behaviors captured through screencasts in problem-based learning
Kwon, KyungbinKwon, KyungbinKwon, KyungbinKwon, KyungbinShin, SuhkyungShin, SuhkyungShin, SuhkyungShin, SuhkyungBrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas A.Glazewski, Krista D.Glazewski, Krista DGlazewski, Krista DGlazewski, Krista DEdelberg, ThomasEdelberg, ThomasEdelberg, ThomasEdelberg, ThomasPark, Su JinPark, Su JinPark, Su JinPark, Su JinKhlaif, ZuheirKhlaif, ZuheirKhlaif, ZuheirKhlaif, ZuheirNadiruzzaman, HamidNadiruzzaman, HamidNadiruzzaman, HamidNadiruzzaman, HamidAlangari, HusaAlangari, HusaAlangari, Husa and Alangari, Husa
Interactive Learning Environments, vol. 26, (no. 6), pp. 855, 8/18/2018. | Journal Article
NCLB Technology and a Rural School
Cullen, Theresa ACullen, Theresa ABrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas AFrey, Timothy JFrey, Timothy JHinshaw, Rebecca SHinshaw, Rebecca SWarren, Scott J and Warren, Scott J
The Rural Educator, vol. 28, (no. 1), 2018-12-03. | Journal Article
Addressing technology integration concerns: Asynchronous video mentoring between pre-service teachers and exemplary technology-using in-service teachers
Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Anne ToddOttenbreit-Leftwich, Anne ToddOttenbreit Leftwich, Anne ToddGlazewski, Krista DGlazewski, Krista DGlazewski, Krista DBrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas AAslan, SinemAslan, SinemAslan, SinemZachmeier, AaronZachmeier, Aaron and Zachmeier, Aaron
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2017-08-29. | Journal Article
Delayed severe anaphylactoid reaction following retrograde pyelogram: A case report
Pooli, AydinBrush, ThomasBelle, Joshua D and LaGrange, Chad A
SAGE Open Medical Case Reports, vol. 5, pp. 2050313X17745212, 20171130. | Journal Article
Designing and Implementing Web-based Scaffolding Tools for Technology-enhanced Socioscientific Inquiry
Shin, SuhkyungBrush, Thomas and Glazewski, Krista
Journal of Educational Technology & Society, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 1-12, 2017. | Journal Article
Scaffolded lesson study
Saye, John WSaye, John WKohlmeier, JadaKohlmeier, JadaHowell, James BHowell, James BMcCormick, Theresa MMcCormick, Theresa MJones, Robert CJones, Robert CBrush, Thomas A and Brush, Thomas A
Social Studies Research and Practice, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 112, 2017-05-23. | Journal Article
Supporting Change in Teacher Practice: Examining Shifts of Teachers' Professional Development Preferences and Needs for Technology Integration
Liao, Yin-ChanOttenbreit-Leftwich, AnneKarlin, MichaelGlazewski, Krista and Brush, Thomas
Contemporary issues in technology and teacher education, vol. 17, (no. 4), 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
What Will Keep the Fish Alive? Exploring Intersections of Designing, Making, and Inquiry Among Middle School Learners
Wallace, ScottWallace, ScottBanks, TarranceBanks, TarranceSedas, MishaelSedas, MishaelGlazewski, KristaGlazewski, KristaBrush, Thomas ABrush, Thomas AMcKay, Christian and McKay, Christian
International Journal of Designs for Learning, vol. 8, (no. 1), 2017-06-24. | Journal Article
Interactive and Collaborative Professional Development for In-Service History Teachers
Callahan, CoryCallahan, CorySaye, JohnSaye, JohnBrush, Thomas and Brush, Thomas
The Social Studies, vol. 107, (no. 6), pp. 243, 11/1/2016. | Journal Article
Interpersonal Consulting Skills for Instructional Technology Consultants: a Multiple Case Study
van Leusen, Petervan Leusen, PeterOttenbreit-Lefwich, AnneOttenbreit-Lefwich, AnneBrush, Thomas and Brush, Thomas
TechTrends, vol. 60, (no. 3), pp. 259, 20160500. | Journal Article
Supporting In-Service Teachers' Professional Teaching Knowledge with Educatively Scaffolded Digital Curriculum
Callahan, CorySaye, John and Brush, Thomas
Contemporary issues in technology and teacher education, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 568, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
An Instructional Model to Support Problem-Based Historical Inquiry: The Persistent Issues in History Network
Brush, ThomasSaye, JohnSaye, John and Brush, Thomas
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, vol. 8, (no. 1), 3-7-2014. | Journal Article
Conexiones: Fostering Socioscientific Inquiry in Graduate Teacher Preparation
Glazewski, KristaShuster, Michele IEllis, AndreaBrush, ThomasShuster, Michele IEllis, AndreaGlazewski, Krista and Brush, Thomas
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, vol. 8, (no. 1), pp. 2, 2-20-2014. | Journal Article
A Case Study of Applying Blended Learning in an Accelerated Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Education Program
Shen, Ying WangShen, Ying WangReynolds, Thomas HReynolds, Thomas HBonk, Curtis JBonk, Curtis JBrush, Thomas A and Brush, Thomas A
Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, vol. 6, (no. 1), 2013-12-01. | Journal Article