
Dr. Leftwich’s expertise lies in the areas of the design of K-12 curriculum resources (particularly focused on technology and computer science), the use of technology to support teacher education, and development/implementation of professional development for teachers and teacher educators.

Her research focuses on the adoption and implementation of technology and computer science and artificial intelligence at the K-16 levels.

Research Areas:

  • Teacher Education, Technology Integration, Computer Science Education, Teacher Professional Development
Past Affiliations

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Purdue University (past)

Assistant Professor, Instructional Systems Technology, Department of Instructional Systems Technology, School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington

Education, Education, Education, Computer Science, Curriculum and Instruction
PhD, Purdue University, Educational Technology, 2007
MA, Western Michigan University, Educational Technology, 2003
BS, Western Michigan University, Elementary Education, 2002
curriculum development computer assisted instruction--cai instructional materials and practices teacher attitude educational values instructional technology educational technology use: instructional technology elementary or secondary education elementary education higher education women's education pedagogy use: education computer science education broadening participation in computing bpc artificial intelligence education
American Educational Research Association
Association for Computing Machinery
Association for Educational Communications and Technology