349 Publications (Page 6 of 14)
Carboplatin with Decitabine Therapy, in Recurrent Platinum Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Alters Circulating miRNAs Concentrations: A Pilot Study.
Benson, Eric ABenson, Eric ASkaar, Todd CSkaar, Todd CLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PMatei, Daniela and Matei, Daniela
PloS one, vol. 10, (no. 10), pp. e0141279, 2015. | Journal Article
Dual regulation by microRNA-200b-3p and microRNA-200b-5p in the inhibition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in triple-negative breast cancer.
Rhodes, Lyndsay VRhodes, Lyndsay VMartin, Elizabeth CMartin, Elizabeth CSegar, H. ChrisSegar, H ChrisMiller, David F BMiller, David F. BBuechlein, AaronBuechlein, AaronRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PBurow, Matthew EBurow, Matthew ECollins-Burow, Bridgette M and Collins-Burow, Bridgette M
Oncotarget, vol. 6, (no. 18), pp. 16638-16652, June 30, 2015. | Journal Article
Effects of the Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical DDT on Self-Renewal and Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Strong, AmyStrong, Amy LStrong, Amy LStrong, A.L.Shi, ZhenzhenShi, Z.Shi, ZhenzhenShi, ZhenzhenStrong, MichaelStrong, Michael JStrong, M.J.Strong, Michael JMiller, D.F.Miller, David FMiller, David F BMiller, DavidRusch, D.B.Rusch, DouglasRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BBuechlein, Aaron MBuechlein, A.M.Buechlein, AaronBuechlein, Aaron MFlemington, Erik KFlemington, Erik KFlemington, E.K.Flemington, ErikMcLachlan, J.A.McLachlan, JohnMcLachlan, John AMcLachlan, John ANephew, KennethNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PNephew, K.P.Burow, Matthew EBurow, MatthewBurow, Matthew EBurow, M.E.Bunnell, B.A.Bunnell, Bruce ABunnell, Bruce and Bunnell, Bruce A
Environmental Health Perspectives (Online), vol. 123, (no. 1), Jan 2015. | Journal Article
Elevated expression of long intergenic non-coding RNA HOTAIR in a basal-like variant of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Zhuang, YanNguyen, Hong TBurow, Matthew EZhuo, YingEl-Dahr, Samir SYao, XiaoCao, SubingFlemington, Erik KNephew, Kenneth PFang, FangCollins-Burow, BridgetteRhodes, Lyndsay VYu, QiangJayawickramarajah, Janarthanan and Shan, Bin
Molecular carcinogenesis, vol. 54, (no. 12), pp. 1656-1667, December 2015. | Journal Article
Epigenome and genome alterations in platinum resistant ovarian cancer
Matei, DanielaMatei, DanielaMatei, DanielaFang, FangFang, FangFang, FangCardenas, HoracioCardenas, HoracioCardenas, HoracioMiller, David FMiller, David FMiller, David FBuechlein, AaronBuechlein, AaronBuechlein, AaronYu, QingYu, QingYu, QingPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongJiang, GuanglongJiang, GuanglongJiang, GuanglongTaverna, PietroTaverna, PietroTaverna, PietroKeer, Harold NKeer, Harold NKeer, Harold NRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth P and Nephew, Kenneth P
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 33, (no. 15_suppl), pp. 5555, 2015-05-20. | Journal Article
Global DNA methylation profiling technologies and the ovarian cancer methylome.
Tang, JessicaFang, FangMiller, Dave FPilrose, Jay MMatei, DanielaHuang, Tim Hui-Ming and Nephew, Kenneth P
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1238, pp. 653-675, 2015. | Journal Article
Hypermethylation of the TGF-β target, ABCA1 is associated with poor prognosis in ovarian cancer patients.
Chou, Jian-LiangHuang, Rui-LanShay, JacquelineChen, Lin-YuLin, Sheng-JieYan, Pearlly SChao, Wei-TingLai, Yi-HuiLai, Yen-LingChao, Tai-KuangLee, Cheng-ITai, Chien-KuoWu, Shu-FenNephew, Kenneth PHuang, Tim H-MLai, Hung-Cheng and Chan, Michael W Y
Clinical epigenetics, vol. 7, pp. 1, 2015. | Journal Article
In vivo tumor growth of high-grade serous ovarian cancer cell lines.
Mitra, Anirban KMitra, AnirbanDavis, DavidDavis, David ATomar, SunilTomar, SunilRoy, LynnRoy, LynnGurler, HilalGurler, HilalXie, JiaXie, JiaLantvit, DanielLantvit, Daniel DCardenas, HoracioCardenas, HoracioFang, FangFang, FangLiu, YueyingLiu, YueyingLoughran, ElizabethLoughran, ElizabethYang, JingYang, JingSharon Stack, MSharon Stack, MEmerson, Robert EEmerson, RobertCowden Dahl, Karen DCowden Dahl, KarenV. Barbolina, MariaV Barbolina, MariaNephew, KennethNephew, Kenneth PMatei, DanielaMatei, DanielaBurdette, Joanna and Burdette, Joanna E
Gynecologic oncology, vol. 138, (no. 2), pp. 372-377, August 2015. | Journal Article
Molecular determinants of chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer.
Cooley, MeganCooley, MeganFang, PingpingFang, PingpingFang, FangFang, FangNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PChien, JeremyP Nephew, Kenneth and Chien, Jeremy
Pharmacogenomics, vol. 16, (no. 16), pp. 1763-1767, November 2015. | Journal Article
Regulation of triple-negative breast cancer cell metastasis by the tumor-suppressor liver kinase B1.
Rhodes, L VTate, C RHoang, V TBurks, H EGilliam, DMartin, E CElliott, SMiller, D BBuechlein, ARusch, DTang, HNephew, K PBurow, M E and Collins-Burow, B M
Oncogenesis, vol. 4, pp. e168, 2015. | Journal Article
Rethinking ovarian cancer II: reducing mortality from high-grade serous ovarian cancer.
Bowtell, D.D.Bowtell, David DBowtell, David DBöhm, S.Böhm, SteffenBöhm, SteffenAhmed, Ahmed AAhmed, A.A.Ahmed, Ahmed AAspuria, Paul-JosephAspuria, P.-J.Aspuria, Paul-josephBast, Robert CBast, Robert CBast, R.C.Beral, V.Beral, ValerieBeral, ValerieBerek, Jonathan SBerek, Jonathan SBerek, J.S.Birrer, Michael JBirrer, Michael JBirrer, M.J.Blagden, SarahBlagden, SarahBlagden, S.Bookman, Michael ABookman, M.A.Bookman, Michael ABrenton, J.D.Brenton, James DBrenton, James DChiappinelli, Katherine BChiappinelli, Katherine BChiappinelli, K.B.Martins, Filipe CorreiaMartins, F.C.Martins, Filipe CCoukos, GeorgeCoukos, G.Coukos, GeorgeDrapkin, R.Drapkin, RonnyDrapkin, RonnyEdmondson, RichardEdmondson, R.Edmondson, RichardFotopoulou, C.Fotopoulou, ChristinaFotopoulou, ChristinaGabra, H.Gabra, HaniGabra, HaniGalon, JérômeGalon, J.Galon, JérômeGourley, CharlieGourley, CharlieGourley, C.Heong, V.Heong, ValerieHeong, ValerieHuntsman, David GHuntsman, David GHuntsman, D.G.Iwanicki, M.Iwanicki, MarcinIwanicki, MarcinKarlan, Beth YKarlan, B.Y.Karlan, Beth YKaye, AllysonKaye, AllysonKaye, A.Lengyel, E.Lengyel, ErnstLengyel, ErnstLevine, Douglas ALevine, Douglas ALevine, D.A.Lu, K.H.Lu, Karen HLu, Karen HMcNeish, Iain AMcNeish, I.A.Mcneish, Iain AMcneish, IainMenon, UshaMenon, UshaMenon, U.Narod, S.A.Narod, Steven ANarod, Steven ANelson, Brad HNelson, B.H.Nelson, Brad HNephew, Kenneth PNephew, K.P.Nephew, Kenneth PPharoah, P.Pharoah, PaulPharoah, PaulPowell, Daniel JPowell, Daniel JPowell, D.J.Ramos, PilarRamos, PilarRamos, P.Romero, I.L.Romero, Iris LRomero, Iris LScott, Clare LScott, C.L.Scott, Clare LSood, A.K.Sood, Anil KSood, Anil KStronach, E.A.Stronach, Euan AStronach, Euan ABalkwill, Frances RBalkwill, F.R. and Balkwill, Frances R
Nature reviews. Cancer, vol. 15, (no. 11), pp. 668-679, November 2015. | Journal Article
Stranded Whole Transcriptome RNA-Seq for All RNA Types.
Miller, David F BMiller, David F BYan, Pearlly XYan, Pearlly XFang, FangFang, FangBuechlein, AaronBuechlein, AaronFord, James BFord, James BTang, HaixuTang, HaixuHuang, Tim HHuang, Tim HBurow, Matthew EBurow, Matthew ELiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongRusch, Douglas BRusch, Douglas BNephew, Kenneth P and Nephew, Kenneth P
Current protocols in human genetics / editorial board, Jonathan L. Haines ... [et al.], vol. 84, pp. 11.14.1-23, 2015. | Journal Article
Abstract 1034: ZEB2 promotes cell motility and metastasis in ER+ breast cancer cells
Burks, Hope EBurks, Hope ERhodes, LyndsayRhodes, LyndsayMartin, ElizabethMartin, ElizabethPhamduy, TheresaPhamduy, TheresaElliot, StevenElliot, StevenHoang, VanHoang, VanSegar, HenrySegar, HenryBuechlein, AaronBuechlein, AaronRusch, DouglasRusch, DouglasMiller, DaveMiller, DaveBaddoo, MelodyBaddoo, MelodyFlemington, ErikFlemington, ErikNephew, KennethNephew, KennethChrisey, DouglasChrisey, DouglasCollins-Burow, BridgetteCollins-Burow, BridgetteBurow, Matthew and Burow, Matthew
Cancer Research, vol. 74, (no. 19 Supplement), pp. 1034, 2014-10-01. | Journal Article
Abstract 1571: The tumor suppressor Liver Kinase B1 inhibits triple-negative breast cancer cell metastasis via regulation of AP-1 signaling
Rhodes, Lyndsay VRhodes, Lyndsay VTate, Chandra RTate, Chandra RBurks, Hope EBurks, Hope EHoang, Van THoang, Van TGilliam, DiariGilliam, DiariMartin, Elizabeth CMartin, Elizabeth CElliott, StevenElliott, StevenMiller, David FMiller, David FBuechlein, AaronBuechlein, AaronRusch, DouglasRusch, DouglasTang, HaixuTang, HaixuNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PBurow, Matthew EBurow, Matthew ECollins-Burow, Bridgette M and Collins-Burow, Bridgette M
Cancer Research, vol. 74, (no. 19 Supplement), pp. 1571, 2014-10-01. | Journal Article
Abstract 2317: SGI-110 alters ovarian cancer stem cells to prevent recurrent and chemoresistant ovarian cancer
Wang, YinuWang, YinuCardenas, HoracioCardenas, HoracioFang, FangFang, FangCondello, SalvatoreCondello, SalvatoreTaverna, PietroTaverna, PietroChoy, GavinChoy, GavinAzab, MohammadAzab, MohammadNephew, KennethNephew, KennethMatei, Daniela and Matei, Daniela
Cancer Research, vol. 74, (no. 19 Supplement), pp. 2317, 2014-10-01. | Journal Article
Abstract 2320: Clinical epigenetic resensitization of platinum-resistant, recurrent ovarian cancer patients with SGI-110, a novel, second-generation, subcutaneously administered hypomethylating agent (HMA)
Fleming, GiniGhamande, SharadLin, YvonneSecord, Angeles AlvarezNemunaitis, JohnMarkham, Merry-JenniferNephew, KennethFang, FangGupta, ShwetaNaim, SueChoy, GavinJueliger, SimoneTaverna, PietroHao, YongKeer, HaroldAzab, Mohammad and Matei, Daniela
Cancer Research, vol. 74, (no. 19 Supplement), pp. 2320, 2014-10-01. | Journal Article
Abstract 3551: Non-coding RNA HOTAIR connects DNA damage signaling to NF-κB activation in cisplatin resistant ovarian cancer
Ozes, Ali RMiller, Dave FLiu, Yunlong and Nephew, Kenneth P
Cancer Research, vol. 74, (no. 19 Supplement), pp. 3551, 2014-10-01. | Journal Article
A Mathematical Model of Bimodal Epigenetic Control of miR-193a in Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells
Cheng, FrankAguda, BaltazarTsai, Je-ChiangKochanczyk, MarekLin, JoraChen, GaryLai, Hung-ChengNephew, KennethHwang, Tzy-Wei and Chan, Michael
PLoS One, vol. 9, (no. 12), Dec 2014. | Journal Article
Decitabine reactivated pathways in platinum resistant ovarian cancer.
Fang, FangZuo, QingyaoPilrose, JayWang, YinuShen, ChangyuLi, MengWulfridge, PhillipMatei, Daniela and Nephew, Kenneth P
Oncotarget, vol. 5, (no. 11), pp. 3579-3589, June 15, 2014. | Journal Article
Epigenetic targeting of ovarian cancer stem cells.
Wang, YinuCardenas, HoracioFang, FangCondello, SalvatoreTaverna, PietroSegar, MatthewLiu, YunlongNephew, Kenneth P and Matei, Daniela
Cancer research, vol. 74, (no. 17), pp. 4922-4936, September 1, 2014. | Journal Article
Epithelial ovarian cancer experimental models.
Lengyel, EBurdette, Joanna EKenny, H AMatei, DPilrose, JHaluska, PNephew, KenHales, D B and Stack, Mary S
Oncogene, vol. 33, (no. 28), pp. 3619-33, 2014/Jul/10. | Journal Article
Erratum: Corrigendum: EGFR and MET receptor tyrosine kinase–altered microRNA expression induces tumorigenesis and gefitinib resistance in lung cancers
Garofalo, MichelaRomano, GiuliaDi Leva, GianpieroNuovo, GerardJeon, Young-JunNgankeu, ApollinaireSun, JinLovat, FrancescaAlder, HansjuergCondorelli, GerolamaEngelman, Jeffrey AOno, MayumiRho, Jin KyungCascione, LucianoVolinia, StefanoNephew, Kenneth P and Croce, Carlo M
Nature Medicine, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 103, 2014-01-00. | Journal Article
Estrogen induces global reorganization of chromatin structure in human breast cancer cells.
Mourad, RaphaëlMourad, RaphaëlHsu, Pei-YinHsu, Pei-YinJuan, LiranJuan, LiranShen, ChangyuShen, ChangyuKoneru, PrasadKoneru, PrasadLin, HaiLin, HaiLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongNephew, KennethNephew, KennethHuang, Tim HHuang, Tim HLi, Lang and Li, Lang
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 12), pp. e113354, 2014. | Journal Article
Hypomethylation signature of tumor-initiating cells predicts poor prognosis of ovarian cancer patients.
Liao, Yu-PingChen, Lin-YuHuang, Rui-LanSu, Po-HsuanChan, Michael WChang, Cheng-ChangYu, Mu-HsienWang, Peng-HuiYen, Ming-ShyenNephew, Ken and Lai, Hung-Cheng
Human molecular genetics, vol. 23, (no. 7), pp. 1894-906, 2014/Apr/1. | Journal Article
Mg2+ effect on argonaute and RNA duplex by molecular dynamics and bioinformatics implications.
Nam, SeungyoonRyu, HyojungSon, Won-joonKim, Yon HuiKim, Kyung TaeBalch, CurtNephew, Kenneth P and Lee, Jinhyuk
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 10), pp. e109745, 2014. | Journal Article