349 Publications (Page 7 of 14)
microRNA regulation of mammalian target of rapamycin expression and activity controls estrogen receptor function and RAD001 sensitivity.
Martin, Elizabeth CMartin, Elizabeth CRhodes, Lyndsay VRhodes, Lyndsay VElliott, StevenElliott, StevenKrebs, Adrienne EKrebs, Adrienne ENephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PFlemington, Erik KFlemington, Erik KCollins-Burow, Bridgette MCollins-Burow, Bridgette MBurow, Matthew E and Burow, Matthew E
Molecular cancer, vol. 13, pp. 229, October 6, 2014. | Journal Article
MiR-373 targeting of the Rab22a oncogene suppresses tumor invasion and metastasis in ovarian cancer.
Zhang, YueZhao, Fu-JunChen, Li-LanWang, Luo-QiaoNephew, Kenneth PWu, Ying-Li and Zhang, Shu
Oncotarget, vol. 5, (no. 23), pp. 12291-12303, December 15, 2014. | Journal Article
SERPINB2 down-regulation contributes to chemoresistance in head and neck cancer.
Huang, ZhiquanLi, HaigangHuang, QiChen, DanHan, JingjingWang, LiliPan, ChanbinChen, WeiliangHouse, Michael GNephew, Ken and Guo, Zhongmin
Molecular carcinogenesis, vol. 53, (no. 10), pp. 777-86, 2014/Oct. | Journal Article
TGF-β induces global changes in DNA methylation during the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer cells
Cardenas, HoracioVieth, EdytaLee, JiyoonSegar, MathewLiu, YunlongNephew, Kenneth P and Matei, Daniela
Epigenetics, vol. 9, (no. 11), pp. 1472, 11/2/2014. | Journal Article
The novel, small-molecule DNA methylation inhibitor SGI-110 as an ovarian cancer chemosensitizer.
Fang, FangMunck, JoanneTang, JessicaTaverna, PietroWang, YinuMiller, David F BPilrose, JayChoy, GavinAzab, MohammadPawelczak, Katherine SVanderVere-Carozza, PamelaWagner, MichaelLyons, JohnMatei, DanielaTurchi, John J and Nephew, Kenneth P
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, vol. 20, (no. 24), pp. 6504-6516, December 15, 2014. | Journal Article
Three-tiered role of the pioneer factor GATA2 in promoting androgen-dependent gene expression in prostate cancer.
Wu, DayongSunkel, BenjaminChen, ZhongLiu, XiangtaoYe, ZhenqingLi, QianjinGrenade, CassandraKe, JingdongZhang, ChunpengChen, HongyanNephew, KenHuang, Tim HLiu, ZhihuaJin, Victor and Wang, Qianben
Nucleic acids research, vol. 42, (no. 6), pp. 3607-22, 2014/Apr. | Journal Article
3D culture adds an extra dimension to targeted epigenetic therapies.
Ozes, Ali R and Nephew, Kenneth P
Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), vol. 12, (no. 14), pp. 2173-2174, July 15, 2013. | Journal Article
Abstract 2978: DNA methylation changes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer cells
Cardenas, HoracioGoswami, ChirayuNephew, Kenneth P and Matei, Daniela
Cancer Research, vol. 73, (no. 8 Supplement), pp. 2978, 2013-04-15. | Journal Article
Abstract 4623: The novel, small molecule DNA methylation inhibitor SGI-110 as an ovarian cancer chemosensitizer
Tang, JessicaTang, JessicaFang, FangFang, FangWang, YinuWang, YinuTaverna, PietroTaverna, PietroMiller, David F.BMiller, David F.BChoy, GavinChoy, GavinAzab, MohammadAzab, MohammadMatei, DanielaMatei, DanielaPawelczak, Katherine SPawelczak, Katherine SVanderVere-Carozza, PamelaVanderVere-Carozza, PamelaWagner, MichaelWagner, MichaelTurchi, John JTurchi, John JNephew, Kenneth P and Nephew, Kenneth P
Cancer Research, vol. 73, (no. 8 Supplement), pp. 4623, 2013-04-15. | Journal Article
Abstract 5189: The transcriptional regulation of the long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in ovarian cancer
Ozes, Ali RMiller, DaveGuo, CongBhattrai, AnuragLiu, Yunlong and Nephew, Kenneth P
Cancer Research, vol. 73, (no. 8 Supplement), pp. 5189, 2013-04-15. | Journal Article
Abstract IA17: Targeting the methylome for epigenetic resensitization of ovarian cancer
Nephew, Kenneth PMatei, DanielaTaverna, PietroFang, FangTang, JessicaChoy, GavinLyons, JohnAzab, MohammadPilrose, Jay and Turchi, John
Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 19, (no. 19 Supplement), pp. IA17, 2013-10-01. | Journal Article
Adenoviral-delivered HE4-HSV-tk sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to ganciclovir.
Rawlinson, Jennifer WVaden, KiaraHunsaker, JosephMiller, David F and Nephew, Kenneth P
Gene therapy & molecular biology, vol. 15, pp. 120-130. | Journal Article
Amplification of distant estrogen response elements deregulates target genes associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer.
Hsu, Pei-YinHsu, Hang-KaiLan, XunJuan, LiranYan, Pearlly SLabanowska, JadwigaHeerema, NylaHsiao, Tzu-HungChiu, Yu-ChiaoChen, YidongLiu, YunlongLi, LangLi, RongThompson, Ian MNephew, KenSharp, Zelton DKirma, Nameer BJin, Victor and Huang, Tim H
Cancer cell, vol. 24, (no. 2), pp. 197-212, 2013/Aug/12. | Journal Article
A new method for stranded whole transcriptome RNA-seq.
Miller, David FYan, Pearlly SBuechlein, AaronRodriguez, Benjamin AYilmaz, Ayse SGoel, ShokhiLin, HaiCollins-Burow, BridgetteRhodes, Lyndsay VBraun, ChrisPradeep, SunilaRupaimoole, RajeshaDalkilic, MehmetSood, Anil KBurow, Matthew ETang, HaixuHuang, Tim HLiu, YunlongRusch, Douglas B and Nephew, Ken
Methods (San Diego, Calif.), vol. 63, (no. 2), pp. 126-34, 2013/Sep/15. | Journal Article
Comparative analysis using K-mer and K-flank patterns provides evidence for CpG island sequence evolution in mammalian genomes.
Chae, HeejoonPark, JinwooLee, Seong-WhanNephew, Ken and Kim, Sun
Nucleic acids research, vol. 41, (no. 9), pp. 4783-91, 2013/May. | Journal Article
Comprehensive methylome analysis of ovarian tumors reveals hedgehog signaling pathway regulators as prognostic DNA methylation biomarkers.
Huang, Rui-LanGu, FeiKirma, Nameer BRuan, JianhuaChen, Chun-LiangWang, Hui-ChenLiao, Yu-PingChang, Cheng-ChangYu, Mu-HsienPilrose, Jay MThompson, Ian MHuang, Hsuan-ChengHuang, Tim HLai, Hung-Cheng and Nephew, Ken
Epigenetics : official journal of the DNA Methylation Society, vol. 8, (no. 6), pp. 624-34, 2013/Jun. | Journal Article
Correction: Estrogen Mediated-Activation of miR-191/425 Cluster Modulates Tumorigenicity of Breast Cancer Cells Depending on Estrogen Receptor Status
Cheung, Douglas GIorio, Marilena VPowell, Kimerly ANephew, Kenneth P and Croce, Carlo M
PLoS Genetics, 2013-04-01. | Journal Article
CpG island shore methylation regulates caveolin-1 expression in breast cancer.
Rao, XEvans, JChae, HPilrose, JKim, SYan, PHuang, R-LLai, H-CLin, HLiu, YMiller, DRhee, J-KHuang, Y WGu, FGray, J WHuang, Th-M and Nephew, K P
Oncogene, vol. 32, (no. 38), pp. 4519-4528, September 19, 2013. | Journal Article
Epigenetic targeting therapies to overcome chemotherapy resistance.
Balch, Curtis and Nephew, Ken
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 754, pp. 285-311, 2013. | Journal Article
Estrogen mediated-activation of miR-191/425 cluster modulates tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells depending on estrogen receptor status.
Leva, Gianpiero DDi Leva, GianpieroDi Leva, GianpieroPiovan, ClaudiaPiovan, ClaudiaGasparini, PierluigiGasparini, PierluigiNgankeu, ApollinaireNgankeu, ApollinaireTaccioli, CristianTaccioli, CristianBriskin, DanielBriskin, DanielCheung, Douglas GCheung, Douglas GBolon, BradBolon, BradAnderlucci, LauraAnderlucci, LauraAlder, HansjuergAlder, HansjuergNuovo, GerardNuovo, GerardLi, MengLi, MengIorio, Marilena VIorio, Marilena VGalasso, MarcoGalasso, MarcoSanthanam, RamasamySanthanam, RamasamyRamasamy, SanthanamRamasamy, SanthanamMarcucci, GuidoMarcucci, GuidoPerrotti, DaniloPerrotti, DaniloPowell, Kimerly APowell, Kimerly ABratasz, AnnaBratasz, AnnaGarofalo, MichelaGarofalo, MichelaNephew, Kenneth PNephew, Kenneth PCroce, Carlo M and Croce, Carlo M
PLoS genetics, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. e1003311, 2013. | Journal Article
Estrogen mediated-activation of miR-191/425 cluster modulates tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells depending on estrogen receptor status.
Di Leva, GianpieroPiovan, ClaudiaGasparini, PierluigiNgankeu, ApollinaireTaccioli, CristianBriskin, DanielCheung, Douglas GBolon, BradAnderlucci, LauraAlder, HansjuergNuovo, Gerard JLi, MengIorio, Marilena VGalasso, MarcoSanthanam, RamasamyMarcucci, GuidoPerrotti, DaniloPowell, Kimerly ABratasz, AnnaGarofalo, MichelaNephew, Ken and Croce, Carlo M
PLoS genetics, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. e1003311, 2013. | Journal Article
An, J.Kim, K.Rhee, S-MChae, H.Nephew, Ken and Kim, S.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, vol. 11, (no. 3), pp. 1341003-1-20, 2013. | Journal Article
Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase alters microRNA expression and reverses epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
Antoon, James WNitzchke, Ashley MMartin, Elizabeth CRhodes, Lyndsay VNam, SeungyoonWadsworth, ScottSalvo, Virgilo AElliott, StevenCollins Burow, BridgetteNephew, Ken and Burow, Matthew E
International journal of oncology, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 1139-50, 2013/Apr. | Journal Article
Integrated analysis of genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression profiles in molecular subtypes of breast cancer.
Rhee, Je-KeunKim, KwangsooChae, HeejoonEvans, JaredYan, Pearlly SZhang, Byoung TakGray, JoeSpellman, PaulHuang, Tim HNephew, Ken and Kim, Sun
Nucleic acids research, vol. 41, (no. 18), pp. 8464-74, 2013/Oct. | Journal Article
MEK5/ERK5 signaling suppresses estrogen receptor expression and promotes hormone-independent tumorigenesis.
Antoon, James WMartin, Elizabeth CLai, RongyeSalvo, Virgilo ATang, YanNitzchke, Ashley MElliott, StevenNam, Seung YXiong, WeiRhodes, Lyndsay VCollins Burow, BridgetteDavid, OdileWang, GuandiShan, BinBeckman, Barbara SNephew, Ken and Burow, Matthew E
PloS one, vol. 8, (no. 8), pp. e69291, 2013. | Journal Article