176 Publications (Page 1 of 8)
Indication of Pd–C or Cu–C Intermediates in Bimetallic Nanoclusters During Pd/Au-PVP- or Cu/Au-PVP-Catalyzed Oxidations of endo-4-Oxatricyclo[,6]-8-decene and Tetrahydro-γ-carbolines
Morita, ShunyaRen, ZhaoyangGorla, LingarajuTong, ZongboEdouarzin, EdruceAverkiev, BorisDay, Victor W. and Hua, Duy H.
Synthesis (Stuttgart), vol. 55, (no. 8), pp. 1240, 20230418. | Journal Article
Synthesis of Chiral Tricyclic Pyrone Molecules via Palladium(0)‐Catalyzed Displacement Reactions of Chiral Tricyclic Pyrone Acetate With Azide or Amine
Morita, ShunyaRen, ZhaoyangFan, Huafang and Hua, Duy H.
ChemistrySelect (Weinheim), vol. 8, (no. 18), pp. n/a, May 11, 2023. | Journal Article
Chirality-driven self-assembly: application toward renewable/exchangeable resin-immobilized catalysts
Menuey, Elizabeth MZhou, JohnTian, ShuyuanBrenner, Reid ERen, ZhaoyangHua, Duy HKilway, Kathleen V and Moteki, Shin A
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, vol. 2, (no. 21), pp. 4319, 20220601. | Journal Article
(Invited, Digital Presentation) Development of Multiplex Electrode Array Sensors for Proteases Activity Profiling Toward Cancer Diagnosis
Li, JunRajendran, SabariSong, YangAnderson, Morgan JRen, ZhaoyangHua, Duy HKoehne, Jessica E. and Meyyappan, M
Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society), vol. MA2022-01, (no. 53), pp. 2201, 20220707. | Journal Article
Synthesis and Characterization of Bimetallic Nanoclusters Stabilized by Chiral and Achiral Polyvinylpyrrolidinones. Catalytic C(sp3)–H Oxidation
Fan, HuafangTong, ZongboRen, ZhaoyangMishra, KanchanMorita, ShunyaEdouarzin, EdruceGorla, LingarajuAverkiev, BorisDay, Victor W. and Hua, Duy H.
Journal of organic chemistry, vol. 87, (no. 10), pp. 6759, 20220520. | Journal Article
Comparison of strategies for enhancing RNA interference efficiency in Ostrinia nubilalis
Cooper, Anastasia MwSong, HuifangYu, ZhitaoBiondi, MarieBai, JunShi, XuekaiRen, ZhaoyangWeerasekara, Sahani MHua, Duy HSilver, KristopherZhang, Jianzhen and Zhu, Kun Yan
Pest management science, vol. 77, (no. 2), pp. 645, February 2021. | Journal Article
(Invited) Toward Rapid Profiling of Proteases Activities for Cancer Diagnosis Based on Multiplex Microelectrode Array Sensors
Li, JunSong, YangAnderson, Morgan JFan, HuafangWright, Jestin GageRen, ZhaoyangRajendran, SabariHua, Duy HKoehne, Jessica E and Meyyappan, Meyya
Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society), vol. MA2021-02, (no. 56), pp. 1654, 20211019. | Journal Article
Quantification of Protease Activity Using a Multiplex Microelectrode Array Sensor
Anderson, Morgan JSong, YangFan, HuafangWright, Jestin GageRen, ZhaoyangHua, Duy HKoehne, Jessica EMeyyappan, Meyya and Li, Jun
Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society), vol. MA2021-01, (no. 55), pp. 1371, 20210530. | Journal Article
Quantitative Detection of Cathepsin B Activity in Neutral pH Buffers Using Gold Microelectrode Arrays: Toward Direct Multiplex Analyses of Extracellular Proteases in Human Serum
Song, YangSong, YangWright, Jestin GageWright, Jestin GageAnderson, Morgan J.Anderson, Morgan JRajendran, SabariRajendran, SabariRen, ZhaoyangRen, ZhaoyangHua, Duy HHua, Duy H.Koehne, Jessica EKoehne, Jessica E.Meyyappan, M.Meyyappan, MLi, Jun and Li, Jun
ACS sensors, vol. 6, (no. 10), pp. 3631, 2021-10-22. | Journal Article
Synthesis of 2,24-Diene-12,13,15,16,34,35,37,38-octaphenyl[4.4]triphenylparacyclophane
Wiredu, BernardThapa, MahendraHua, Sheen Y.Desper, John and Hua, Duy H.
Synthesis (Stuttgart), vol. 53, (no. 19), pp. 3590, 2021-10-01. | Journal Article
Simultaneous, multiplex quantification of protease activities using a gold microelectrode array
Anderson, Morgan J.Anderson, M.J.Anderson, Morgan JSong, Y.Song, YangSong, YangFan, HuafangFan, HuafangFan, H.Wright, Jestin GageWright, Jestin GageWright, J.G.Ren, Z.Ren, ZhaoyangRen, ZhaoyangHua, Duy H.Hua, Duy HHua, D.H.Koehne, Jessica E.Koehne, Jessica EKoehne, J.E.Meyyappan, M.Meyyappan, M.Meyyappan, MLi, JunLi, J. and Li, Jun
Biosensors & bioelectronics, vol. 165, pp. 112330, 2020-10-01. | Journal Article
A One-Pot Intramolecular Tandem Michael–Aldol Annulation Reaction for the Synthesis of Chiral Pentacyclic Terpenes
Lu, JianyuKoldas, SerkanFan, HuafangDesper, JohnDay, Victor W. and Hua, Duy H.
Synthesis (Stuttgart), vol. 51, (no. 21), pp. 3972, 2019-11-05. | Journal Article
Corrigendum to “Modulation of mitochondrial complex I activity averts cognitive decline in multiple animal models of familial Alzheimer's disease” [EBioMedicine 2 (2015) 294–305]
Zhang, LiangZhang, SongMaezawa, IzumiTrushin, SergeyMinhas, ParasPinto, MatthewJin, Lee-WayPrasain, KesharNguyen, Thi D.T.Yamazaki, YuKanekiyo, TakahisaBu, GuojunGateno, BenjaminChang, Kyeong-OkNath, Karl A.Nemutlu, EmirhanDzeja, PetrasPang, Yuan-PingHua, Duy H. and Trushina, Eugenia
EBioMedicine, vol. 42, pp. 532, 2019-04-00. | Journal Article
Electrochemical Activity Assay for Protease Analysis Using Carbon Nanofiber Nanoelectrode Arrays
Song, Y.Song, YangSong, YangFan, HuafangFan, H.Fan, HuafangAnderson, Morgan JAnderson, M.J.Anderson, Morgan J.Wright, J.G.Wright, Jestin GageWright, Jestin GageHua, Duy HHua, Duy H.Hua, D.H.Koehne, JessicaKoehne, J.Koehne, JessicaMeyyappan, M.Meyyappan, MMeyyappan, M.Li, J.Li, Jun and Li, Jun
Analytical chemistry (Washington), vol. 91, (no. 6), pp. 3979, 2019-03-19. | Journal Article
Quantitative Electrochemical Analysis of Cathepsin Bactivity Using Carbon Nanofiber Nanoelectrode Arrays Withoptimized Peptide Substrate Length and Temperature
Song, YangFan, HuafangAnderson, Morgan J.Wright, Jestin GageHua, Duy H.Koehne, Jessica E.Meyyappan, M. and Li, Jun
Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society), vol. MA2019-01, (no. 44), pp. 2087, 2019-05-01. | Journal Article
Synthesis of 1,4- and 1,4,4-substituted piperidines for the inhibition of neuronal T-type Ca2+ channels and mitigation of neuropathic pain in mice
Gunaratna, Medha J.Hua, Duy H.Zou, BendePascual, ConradoCao, WilliamZhang, ManWeerasekara, SahaniNguyen, Thi D. T.Xiao, Kui and Xie, Xinmin Simon
ARKIVOC, vol. 2019, (no. 3), pp. 39, 2019-01-01. | Journal Article
Synthesis and biological evaluation of steroidal derivatives bearing a small ring as vitamin D receptor agonists
Arichi, N.Arichi, NorihitoFujiwara, ShinichiFujiwara, S.Ishizawa, M.Ishizawa, MichiyasuMakishima, MakotoMakishima, M.Hua, Duy H.Hua, D.H.Yamada, K.-I.Yamada, Ken-ichiYamaoka, YousukeYamaoka, Y.Takasu, Kiyosei and Takasu, K.
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, vol. 27, (no. 15), pp. 3411, 2017-08-01. | Journal Article
The Anti-Amyloid-β and Neuroprotective Properties of a Novel Tricyclic Pyrone Molecule
Maezawa, IzumiZou, BendeDi Lucente, JacopoCao, William SPascual, ConradoWeerasekara, SahaniZhang, ManXie, Xinmin SimonHua, Duy H and Jin, Lee-Way
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 58, (no. 2), pp. 574, 2017-01-01. | Journal Article
Chiral-Substituted Poly-N-vinylpyrrolidinones and Bimetallic Nanoclusters in Catalytic Asymmetric Oxidation Reactions.
Hao, BoGunaratna, Medha JZhang, ManWeerasekara, SahaniSeiwald, Sarah NNguyen, Vu TMeier, Alex and Hua, Duy H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, December 15, 2016. | Journal Article
Correction: Reversal of the Progression of Fatal Coronavirus Infection in Cats by a Broad-Spectrum Coronavirus Protease Inhibitor
Kim, YunjeongLiu, HongweiKankanamalage, Anushka C GalasitiWeerasekara, SahaniHua, Duy HGroutas, William CChang, Kyeong-Ok and Pedersen, Niels C
PLoS Pathogens, vol. 12, (no. 5), pp. e1005650, 2016-May. | Journal Article
Current tools for norovirus drug discovery.
Weerasekara, SahaniPrior, Allan M and Hua, Duy H
Expert opinion on drug discovery, vol. 11, (no. 6), pp. 529-541, June 2016. | Journal Article
Reversal of the Progression of Fatal Coronavirus Infection in Cats by a Broad-Spectrum Coronavirus Protease Inhibitor.
Kim, YunjeongLiu, HongweiGalasiti Kankanamalage, Anushka CWeerasekara, SahaniHua, Duy HGroutas, William CChang, Kyeong-Ok and Pedersen, Niels C
PLoS pathogens, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. e1005531, March 2016. | Journal Article
Study of Class I and Class III Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Synthases with Substrates Containing a Modified Side Chain.
Jia, KaiminCao, RuikaiHua, Duy H and Li, Ping
Biomacromolecules, vol. 17, (no. 4), pp. 1477-1485, April 11, 2016. | Journal Article
Broad-spectrum inhibitors against 3C-like proteases of feline coronaviruses and feline caliciviruses.
Kim, YunjeongShivanna, VinayNarayanan, SanjeevPrior, Allan MWeerasekara, SahaniHua, Duy HKankanamalage, Anushka C GalasitiGroutas, William C and Chang, Kyeong Ok
Journal of virology, vol. 89, (no. 9), pp. 4942-4950, May 2015. | Journal Article
Chemical synthesis of tetracyclic terpenes and evaluation of antagonistic activity on endothelin-A receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels.
Lu, JianyuAguilar, AngeloZou, BendeBao, WeierKoldas, SerkanShi, AibinDesper, JohnWangemann, PhilineXie, Xinmin Simon and Hua, Duy H
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 23, (no. 17), pp. 5985-5998, September 1, 2015. | Journal Article