176 Publications (Page 4 of 8)
Synthesis and anti-breast cancer activities of substituted quinolines
Shi, AibinNguyen, Thu ABattina, Srinivas KRana, SandeepTakemoto, Dolores JChiang, Peter K and Hua, Duy H
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 18, (no. 11), pp. 3364-3368, 2008. | Journal Article
Total syntheses of (+/-)-ovalicin, C4(S *)-isomer, and its C5-analogs and anti-trypanosomal activities.
Hua, Duy HZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KLou, KaiyanJimenez, Ana LDesper, JohnPerchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean Pierre H and Chiang, Peter K
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 5232-46, 2008/May/1. | Journal Article
Total syntheses of (+/-)-ovalicin, C4(S super(*))-isomer, and its C5- analogs and anti-trypanosomal activities
Hua, Duy HZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KLou, KaiyanJimenez, Ana LDesper, JohnPerchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean Pierre H and Chiang, Peter K
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 5232-5246, 2008. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene analogs directly interact with isolated mitochondria to rapidly trigger markers of permeability transition.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangLou, KaiyanZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
Anticancer research, vol. 27, (no. 5A), pp. 3259-71, 2007 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Combining the rapid MTT formazan exocytosis assay and the MC65 protection assay led to the discovery of carbazole analogs as small molecule inhibitors of A beta oligomer-induced cytotoxicity
Hong, HSMaezawa, I.Yao, N.Xu, B.Diaz-Avalos, R.Rana, S.Hua, Duy HCheng, RHLam, Kit S and Jin, Lee Way
Brain Research, vol. 1130, (no. 1), pp. 223-234, 2007. | Journal Article
Combining the rapid MTT formazan exocytosis assay and the MC65 protection assay led to the discovery of carbazole analogs as small molecule inhibitors of Abeta oligomer-induced cytotoxicity.
Hong, Hyun-SeokMaezawa, IzumiYao, NianhuanXu, BailingDiaz-Avalos, RubenRana, SandeepHua, Duy HCheng, R HLam, Kit S and Jin, Lee Way
Brain research, vol. 1130, (no. 1), pp. 223-34, 2007/Jan/26. | Journal Article
Novel substituted 1,4-anthracenediones with antitumor activity directly induce permeability transition in isolated mitochondria.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangLou, KaiyanZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
International journal of oncology, vol. 31, (no. 5), pp. 1231-41, 2007/Nov. | Journal Article
Structure and function of eritadenine and its 3-deaza analogues: Potent inhibitors of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase and hypocholesterolemic agents
Yamada, TaroYamada, TaroKomoto, JunichiKomoto, JunichiLou, KaiyanLou, KaiyanUeki, AkiharuUeki, AkiharuHua, Duy H.Hua, Duy HSugiyama, KimioSugiyama, KimioTakata, YoshimiTakata, YoshimiOgawa, HirofumiOgawa, HirofumiTakusagawa, Fusao and Takusagawa, Fusao
Biochemical pharmacology, vol. 73, (no. 7), pp. 989, 2007-04-01. | Journal Article
A novel tricyclic pyrone compound ameliorates cell death associated with intracellular amyloid-[beta] oligomeric complexes
Maezawa, IzumiHong, Hyun-SeokWu, Hui-ChuanBattina, Srinivas KRana, SandeepIwamoto, TakeoRadke, Gary APettersson, ErikMartin, George MHua, Duy H and Jin, Lee Way
Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. 98, (no. 1), pp. 57-67, Jul 2006. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene analogs induce a rapid collapse of mitochondrial transmembrane potential in HL-60 cells and isolated mitochondria.
Wang, YangPerchellet, Elisabeth MWard, Mary MLou, KaiyanZhao, HuipingBattina, Srinivas KWiredu, BernardHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
International journal of oncology, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 161-72, 2006/Jan. | Journal Article
Preparation and Characterization of Nanofibrous Perylene-Diimide−Polyelectrolyte Composite Thin Films
Everett, Thomas ATwite, Amy AXie, AifangBattina, Srinivas KHua, Duy H and Higgins, Daniel A
Chemistry of materials, vol. 18, (no. 25), pp. 5943, 2006-12-12. | Journal Article
Syntheses, Molecular Targets and Antitumor Activities of Novel Triptycene Bisquinones and 1,4-Anthracenedione Analogs
Hua, Duy HLou, KaiyanBattina, Srinivas KZhao, HuipingPerchellet, Elisabeth MWang, Yang and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 303-318, 2006. | Journal Article
Rapid collapse of mitochondrial transmembrane potential in HL-60 cells and isolated mitochondria treated with anti-tumor 1,4-anthracenediones.
Wang, YangPerchellet, Elisabeth MWard, Mary MLou, KaiyanHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 953-67, 2005/Oct. | Journal Article
Synthesis and in vitro Antitumor Activity of Substituted Anthracene-1,4-diones
Hua, Duy H.Lou, KaiyanHavens, JoshPerchellet, Elisabeth M.Wang, YangPerchellet, Jean-Pierre and Iwamoto, Takeo
ChemInform, vol. 36, (no. 8), pp. no, 2005-02-22. | Journal Article
Total Syntheses of (+)-Chloropuupehenone (I) and (+)-Chloropuupehenol (II) and Their Analogues and Evaluation of Their Bioactivities
Hua, Duy H. and ., et al
ChemInform, vol. 36, (no. 1), pp. no, 2005-01-04. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene bisquinones induce a caspase-independent release of mitochondrial cytochrome c and a caspase-2-mediated activation of initiator caspase-8 and -9 in HL-60 cells by a mechanism which does not involve Fas signaling.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangWeber, Rebeka LLou, KaiyanHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 15, (no. 10), pp. 929-46, 2004/Nov. | Journal Article
Synthesis and in vitro antitumor activity of substituted anthracene-1,4-diones
Hua, Duy H.Lou, KaiyanHavens, JoshPerchellet, Elisabeth M.Wang, YangPerchellet, Jean-Pierre and Iwamoto, Takeo
Tetrahedron, vol. 60, (no. 45), pp. 10163, 2004-11-01. | Journal Article
Synthetic 1,4-anthracenedione analogs induce cytochrome c release, caspase-9, -3, and -8 activities, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 cleavage and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in HL-60 cells by a mechanism which involves caspase-2 activation but not Fas signaling.
Perchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangWeber, Rebeka LSperfslage, Bonnie JLou, KaiyanCrossland, JustinHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
Biochemical pharmacology, vol. 67, (no. 3), pp. 523-37, 2004/Feb/1. | Journal Article
Total syntheses of (+)-chloropuupehenone and (+)-chloropuupehenol and their analogues and evaluation of their bioactivities.
Hua, Duy HHuang, XiaodongChen, YiBattina, Srinivas KTamura, MasafumiNoh, Sang KKoo, Sung INamatame, IchijiTomoda, HiroshiPerchellet, Elisabeth M and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
The Journal of organic chemistry, vol. 69, (no. 18), pp. 6065-78, 2004/Sep/3. | Journal Article
Antiprotozoal activities of symmetrical bishydroxamic acids.
Hua, Duy HTamura, MasafumiEgi, MasahiroWerbovetz, Karl ADelfín, DawnSalem, Manar and Chiang, Peter K
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 11, (no. 20), pp. 4357-61, 2003/Oct/1. | Journal Article
Antitumor triptycene bisquinones: a novel synthetic class of dual inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase I and II activities.
Wang, BunaPerchellet, Elisabeth MWang, YangTamura, MasafumiHua, Duy H and Perchellet, Jean Pierre H
Anti-cancer drugs, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. 503-14, 2003/Aug. | Journal Article
Parallel and perpendicular stacking of ferrocene rings
Hua, Duy H.McGill, James W.Lou, KaiyanUeki, AkiharuHelfrich, BrianDesper, JohnZanello, PieroCinquantini, ArnaldoCorsini, Maddalena and Fontani, Marco
Inorganica Chimica Acta, vol. 350, pp. 265, 2003-7-00. | Journal Article
Syntheses and bioactivities of tricyclic pyrones
Hua, Duy HHuang, XiaodongTamura, MasafumiChen, YiWoltkamp, MelissaJin, Lee-WayPerchellet, Elisabeth MPerchellet, Jean-PierreChiang, Peter KNamatame, Ichiji and Tomoda, Hiroshi
Tetrahedron, vol. 59, (no. 26), pp. 4803, 2003-06-23. | Journal Article
Unexpected Differences in the α-Halogenation and Related Reactivity of Sulfones with Perhaloalkanes in KOH-t-BuOH
Meyers, Cal Y.Chan-Yu-King, RochHua, Duy H.Kolb, Vera M.Matthews, Walter S.Parady, Thomas E.Horii, ToyokazuSandrock, Paul B.Hou, Yuqing and Xie, Songwen
ChemInform, vol. 34, (no. 22), pp. no, 2003-06-03. | Journal Article
Unexpected Differences in the α-Halogenation and Related Reactivity of Sulfones with Perhaloalkanes in KOH−t-BuOH
Meyers, Cal YChan-Yu-King, RochHua, Duy HKolb, Vera MMatthews, Walter SParady, Thomas EHorii, ToyokazuSandrock, Paul BHou, Yuqing and Xie, Songwen
Journal of organic chemistry, vol. 68, (no. 2), pp. 511, 2003-01-24. | Journal Article