51 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Benzyloxybenzylammonium chlorides: Simple amine salts that display anticonvulsant activity.
Lee, HyosungGold, Alexander SYang, Xiao-FangKhanna, Rajesh and Kohn, Harold
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 21, (no. 24), pp. 7655-62, 2013/Dec/15. | Journal Article
Discovery of lacosamide affinity bait agents that exhibit potent voltage-gated sodium channel blocking properties.
Park, Ki DYang, Xiao-FangLee, HyosungDustrude, Erik TWang, YuyingKhanna, Rajesh and Kohn, Harold
ACS chemical neuroscience, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 463-74, 2013/Mar/20. | Journal Article
Small-molecule inhibition of the uPAR·uPA interaction: synthesis, biochemical, cellular, in vivo pharmacokinetics and efficacy studies in breast cancer metastasis.
Mani, TimmyMani, TimmyWang, FangWang, FangKnabe, William EKnabe, William EricSinn, Anthony LSinn, Anthony LKhanna, MayKhanna, MayJo, InhaJo, InhaSandusky, George ESandusky, George ESledge, George WSledge, George WJones, David RJones, David RKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshPollok, Karen EPollok, Karen EMeroueh, Samy O and Meroueh, Samy
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 21, (no. 7), pp. 2145-55, 2013/Apr/1. | Journal Article
SUMOylation alters CRMP2 regulation of calcium influx in sensory neurons.
Ju, WeinaLi, QiWilson, Sarah MBrittain, Joel MMeroueh, Louay and Khanna, Rajesh
Channels (Austin, Tex.), vol. 7, (no. 3), pp. 153-9, 2013 May-Jun. | Journal Article
Suppression of pain-related behavior in two distinct rodent models of peripheral neuropathy by a homopolyarginine-conjugated CRMP2 peptide
Ju, WeinaJu, WeinaLi, QiLi, QiAllette, Yohance MAllette, Yohance MRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. 124, (no. 6), pp. 869-879, 2013. | Journal Article
Ripsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SBallard, Carrie JBallard, Carrie JBallard, Carrie JKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AKhanna, RajeshKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
Translational neuroscience, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 1-8, March 2012. | Journal Article
Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation of CRMP-2 enhances its interaction with CaV2.2
Brittain, Joel MWang, YuyingEruvwetere, Omotore and Khanna, Rajesh
FEBS Letters, vol. 586, (no. 21), pp. 3813-3818, 2012. | Journal Article
CRMP-2 peptide mediated decrease of high and low voltage-activated calcium channels, attenuation of nociceptor excitability, and anti-nociception in a model of AIDS therapy-induced painful peripheral neuropathy
Piekarz, Andrew DDue, Michael RKhanna, MayWang, BoRipsch, Matthew SWang, RuizhongMeroueh, SamyVasko, Michael RWhite, Fletcher A and Khanna, Rajesh
Molecular Pain, vol. 8, (no. 1), pp. 54, 2012. | Journal Article
CRMP-2 peptide mediated decrease of high and low voltage-activated calcium channels, attenuation of nociceptor excitability, and anti-nociception in a model of AIDS therapy-induced painful peripheral neuropathy.
Piekarz, Andrew DDue, Michael RKhanna, MayWang, BoRipsch, Matthew SWang, RuizhongMeroueh, SamyVasko, Michael RWhite, Fletcher A and Khanna, Rajesh
Molecular pain, vol. 8, pp. 54, 2012. | Journal Article
Delayed calcium dysregulation in neurons requires both the NMDA receptor and the reverse Na+/Ca2 + exchanger
Brittain, Matthew KBrittain, Matthew KBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaSheets, Patrick LSheets, Patrick LBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshCummins, Theodore RCummins, Theodore RBrustovetsky, Nickolay and Brustovetsky, Nickolay
Neurobiology of Disease, vol. 46, (no. 1), pp. 109-117, 2012. | Journal Article
Disruption of NMDAR-CRMP-2 signaling protects against focal cerebral ischemic damage in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model.
Brittain, Joel MPan, RuiYou, HaitaoBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, NickolayZamponi, Gerald WLee, Wei-Hua and Khanna, Rajesh
Channels (Austin, Tex.), vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 52-9, 2012 Jan-Feb. | Journal Article
Ifenprodil, a NR2B-selective antagonist of NMDA receptor, inhibits reverse Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in neurons.
Brittain, Matthew KBrittain, Matthew KBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshCummins, Theodore RCummins, Theodore RBrustovetsky, Nickolay and Brustovetsky, Nickolay
Neuropharmacology, vol. 63, (no. 6), pp. 974-82, 2012/Nov. | Journal Article
Neuroexcitatory effects of morphine-3-glucuronide are dependent on Toll-like receptor 4 signaling.
Due, Michael RPiekarz, Andrew DWilson, NatalieFeldman, PolinaRipsch, Matthew SChavez, SherryYin, HangKhanna, Rajesh and White, Fletcher A
Journal of neuroinflammation, vol. 9, pp. 200, 2012. | Journal Article
Regulation of CREB signaling through L-type Ca2+ channels by Nipsnap-2.
Brittain, Joel MWang, YuyingWilson, Sarah M and Khanna, Rajesh
Channels (Austin, Tex.), vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 94-102, 2012 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
The persistent release of HMGB1 contributes to tactile hyperalgesia in a rodent model of neuropathic pain
Feldman, PolinaDue, Michael RRipsch, Matthew SKhanna, Rajesh and White, Fletcher A
Journal of Neuroinflammation, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 180, 2012. | Journal Article
Effect of CRMP3 expression on dystrophic dendrites of hippocampal neurons
Quach, T. TWang, Y.Khanna, RajeshChounlamountri, N.Auvergnon, N.Honnorat, J. and Duchemin, A-M
Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 16, (no. 7), pp. 689-691, 2011. | Journal Article
Further insights into the antinociceptive potential of a peptide disrupting the N-type calcium channel-CRMP-2 signaling complex.
Wilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MPiekarz, Andrew DPiekarz, Andrew DPiekarz, Andrew DBallard, Carrie JBallard, Carrie JBallard, Carrie JRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SCummins, Theodore RCummins, Theodore RCummins, Theodore RHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayHammes, Nathan MHammes, Nathan MHammes, Nathan MSamuels, Brian CSamuels, Brian CSamuels, Brian CWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AKhanna, RajeshKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
Channels (Austin, Tex.), vol. 5, (no. 5), pp. 449-56, 2011 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Neuroprotection against traumatic brain injury by a peptide derived from the collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2).
Brittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MChen, LiangChen, LiangChen, LiangChen, LiangWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaGao, XiangGao, XiangGao, XiangGao, XiangAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MMolosh, Andrei IMolosh, Andrei IMolosh, Andrei IMolosh, Andrei IYou, HaitaoYou, HaitaoYou, HaitaoYou, HaitaoHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AZamponi, Gerald WZamponi, Gerald WZamponi, Gerald WZamponi, Gerald WBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayChen, JinhuiChen, JinhuiChen, JinhuiChen, JinhuiKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 286, (no. 43), pp. 37778-92, 2011/Oct/28. | Journal Article
Suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by uncoupling CRMP-2 from the presynaptic Ca2+ channel complex
Brittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MDuarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoBallard, CarrieBallard, CarrieBallard, CarrieBallard, CarrieJohnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LLiu, NaikuiLiu, NaikuiLiu, NaikuiLiu, NaikuiXiong, WenhuiXiong, WenhuiXiong, WenhuiXiong, WenhuiRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SWang, YuyingWang, YuyingWang, YuyingWang, YuyingFehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, Jill CFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayPark, Chul-kyuPark, Chul-kyuPark, Chul-kyuPark, Chul-kyuSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SCheon, Bo MCheon, Bo MCheon, Bo MCheon, Bo MDue, Michael RDue, Michael RDue, Michael RDue, Michael RBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyMeroueh, SamyMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayJi, Ru-rongJi, Ru-rongJi, Ru-rongJi, Ru-rongHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HJin, XiaomingJin, XiaomingJin, XiaomingJin, XiaomingShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaXu, Xiao-mingXu, Xiao-mingXu, Xiao-mingXu, Xiao-mingOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SVasko, Michael RVasko, Michael RVasko, Michael RVasko, Michael RWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
Nature Medicine, vol. 17, (no. 7), pp. 822-9, Jul 2011. | Journal Article
Suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by uncoupling CRMP-2 from the presynaptic Ca²⁺ channel complex.
Brittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MBrittain, J.M.Brittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MDuarte, D.B.Duarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BDuarte, Djane BWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWilson, S.M.Wilson, Sarah MZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, WeiguoZhu, W.Ballard, CarrieBallard, CarrieBallard, CarrieBallard, CarrieBallard, CarrieBallard, C.Johnson, Philip LJohnson, P.L.Johnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LJohnson, Philip LLiu, NaikuiLiu, NaikuiLiu, NaikuiLiu, NaikuiLiu, N.Liu, NaikuiXiong, WenhuiXiong, WenhuiXiong, WenhuiXiong, W.Xiong, WenhuiXiong, WenhuiRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SRipsch, M.S.Ripsch, Matthew SRipsch, Matthew SWang, YuyingWang, YuyingWang, YuyingWang, Y.Wang, YuyingWang, YuyingFehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, J.C.Fehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, Jill CFehrenbacher, Jill CFitz, S.D.Fitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DFitz, Stephanie DKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, MayKhanna, M.Park, C.-K.Park, Chul-KyuPark, Chul-KyuPark, Chul-KyuPark, Chul-KyuPark, Chul-KyuSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, Brian SSchmutzler, B.S.Cheon, Bo MCheon, B.M.Cheon, Bo MyungCheon, Bo MyungCheon, Bo MyungCheon, Bo MyungDue, Michael RDue, Michael RDue, Michael RDue, Michael RDue, M.R.Due, Michael RBrustovetsky, T.Brustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaBrustovetsky, TatianaAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, N.M.Ashpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MAshpole, Nicole MHudmon, A.Hudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyHudmon, AndyMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, S.O.Meroueh, SamyMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, C.M.Brustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, N.Brustovetsky, NickolayJi, Ru-RongJi, Ru-RongJi, Ru-RongJi, Ru-RongJi, R.-R.Ji, Ru RongHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, Joyce HHurley, J.H.Hurley, Joyce HJin, XiaomingJin, XiaomingJin, XiaomingJin, X.Jin, XiaomingJin, XiaomingShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaShekhar, A.Shekhar, AnanthaShekhar, AnanthaXu, Xiao-MingXu, Xiao-MingXu, Xiao-MingXu, Xiao-MingXu, Xiao-MingXu, X. M.Oxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, Gerry SOxford, G.S.Vasko, Michael RVasko, Michael RVasko, Michael RVasko, M.R.Vasko, Michael RVasko, Michael RWhite, Fletcher AWhite, F.A.White, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AWhite, Fletcher AKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshKhanna, RajeshKhanna, R. and Khanna, Rajesh
Nature medicine, vol. 17, (no. 7), pp. 822-9, 2011/Jul. | Journal Article
Suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by uncoupling CRMP-2 from the presynaptic Ca super(2+) channel complex
Brittain, Joel MDuarte, Djane BWilson, Sarah MZhu, WeiguoBallard, CarrieJohnson, Philip LLiu, NaikuiXiong, WenhuiRipsch, Matthew SWang, YuyingFehrenbacher, Jill CFitz, Stephanie DKhanna, MayPark, Chul-KyuSchmutzler, Brian SCheon, Bo MDue, Michael RBrustovetsky, TatianaAshpole, Nicole MHudmon, AndyMeroueh, SamyHingtgen, Cynthia MBrustovetsky, NickolayJi, Ru-RongHurley, Joyce HJin, XiaomingShekhar, AnanthaXu, Xiao-MingOxford, Gerry SVasko, Michael RWhite, Fletcher A and Khanna, Rajesh
Nature Medicine, vol. 17, (no. 7), pp. 822-829, 2011. | Journal Article
Targeting multiple conformations leads to small molecule inhibitors of the uPAR·uPA protein-protein interaction that block cancer cell invasion.
Khanna, MayWang, FangJo, InhaKnabe, W EWilson, Sarah MLi, LiweiBum-Erdene, KhuchtumurLi, JingW Sledge, GeorgeKhanna, Rajesh and Meroueh, Samy
ACS chemical biology, vol. 6, (no. 11), pp. 1232-43, 2011/Nov/18. | Journal Article
Wang, YuyingWang, YuyingBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MHingtgen, Cynthia MHingtgen, Cynthia MKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
Translational neuroscience, vol. 1, (no. 2), pp. 106-114, June 2010. | Journal Article
Emerging roles of collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) as regulators of voltage-gated calcium channels and synaptic transmission.
Wang, YuyingBrittain, Joel MWilson, Sarah M and Khanna, Rajesh
Communicative & integrative biology, vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 172-5, 2010/Mar. | Journal Article
In Silico Docking and Electrophysiological Characterization of Lacosamide Binding Sites on Collapsin Response Mediator Protein-2 Identifies a Pocket Important in Modulating Sodium Channel Slow Inactivation
Wang, YuyingWang, YuyingBrittain, Joel MBrittain, Joel MJarecki, Brian WJarecki, Brian WPark, Ki DPark, Ki DukWilson, Sarah MWilson, Sarah MWang, BoWang, BoHale, RachelHale, RachelMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, SamyCummins, Theodore RCummins, Theodore RKhanna, Rajesh and Khanna, Rajesh
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 285, (no. 33), pp. 25296-25307, 2010. | Journal Article