148 Publications (Page 4 of 6)
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in dogs: Is high seroprevalence indicative of a reservoir role?
Calzada, J.E.Saldaña, A.González, K.Rigg, C.Pineda, V.Santamaría, A.M.Rodríguez, I.Gottdenker, N.L.Laurenti, M.D. and Chaves, L.F.
Parasitology, vol. 142, pp. 1202-1214. | Journal Article
Lack of kdr mutations in a population of Asian tiger mosquitoes from Costa Rica
Chaves, L.F.Kawashima, E.Futam, K.Minakawa, N. and Marín Rodríguez, R.
Bulletin of Insectology, vol. 68, pp. 61-63. | Journal Article
New and common haplotypes shape genetic diversity in asian tiger mosquito populations from Costa Rica and Panamá
Futami, K.Valderrama, A.Baldi, M.Minakawa, N.Rodríguez, R.M. and Chaves, L.F.
Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 108, pp. 761-768. | Journal Article
Population dynamics of Armigeres subalbatus (Diptera: Culicidae) across a temperate altitudinal gradient
Chaves, L.F.Imanishi, N. and Hoshi, T.
Bulletin of Entomological Research, vol. 105, pp. 589-597. | Journal Article
Risk factors associated with Trypanosoma cruzi exposure in domestic dogs from a rural community in Panama
Saldaña, A.Calzada, J.E.Pineda, V.Perea, M.Rigg, C.González, K.Santamaria, A.M.Gottdenker, N.L. and Chaves, L.F.
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, vol. 110, pp. 936-944. | Journal Article
Snakebites are associated with poverty, weather fluctuations, and El Niño
Chaves, L.F.Chuang, T.-W.Sasa, M. and Gutiérrez, J.M.
Science Advances, vol. 1. | Journal Article
Survey of wild mammal hosts of cutaneous leishmaniasis parasites in Panamá and Costa Rica
González, K.Calzada, J.E.Saldaña, A.Rigg, C.A.Alvarado, G.Rodríguez-Herrera, B.Kitron, U.D.Adler, G.H.Gottdenker, N.L.Chaves, L.F. and Baldi, M.
Tropical Medicine and Health, vol. 43, pp. 75-78. | Journal Article
Winter Activity and Diapause of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Hanoi, Northern Vietnam
Tsunoda, T.Chaves, L.F.Nguyen, G.T.T.Nguyen, Y.T. and Takagi, M.
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 52, pp. 1203-1212. | Journal Article
Characteristic age distribution of Plasmodium vivax infections after malaria elimination on Aneityum Island, Vanuatu
Kaneko, A.Chaves, L.F.Taleo, G.Kalkoa, M.Isozumi, R.Wickremasinghe, R.Perlmann, H.Takeo, S.Tsuboi, T.Tachibana, S.-I.Kimura, M.Björkman, A.Troye-Blomberg, M.Tanabe, K. and Drakeley, C.
Infection and Immunity, vol. 82, pp. 243-252. | Journal Article
Climate variability and nonstationary dynamics of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in Japan
Onozuka, D. and Chaves, L.F.
PLoS ONE, vol. 9. | Journal Article
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Sand Fly Fluctuations Are Associated with El Niño in Panamá
Chaves, L.F.Calzada, J.E.Valderrama, A. and Saldaña, A.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 8. | Journal Article
Domestic dog health worsens with socio-economic deprivation of their home communities
Fung, H.L.Calzada, J.Saldaña, A.Santamaria, A.M.Pineda, V.Gonzalez, K.Chaves, L.F.Garner, B. and Gottdenker, N.
Acta Tropica, vol. 135, pp. 67-74. | Journal Article
Hot temperatures can force delayed mosquito outbreaks via sequential changes in Aedes aegypti demographic parameters in autocorrelated environments
Chaves, L.F.Scott, T.W.Morrison, A.C. and Takada, T.
Acta Tropica, vol. 129, pp. 15-24. | Journal Article
Mosquito biodiversity patterns around Urban environments in south-central okinawa Island, Japan
Hoshi, T.Imanishi, N.Higa, Y. and Chaves, L.F.
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, vol. 30, pp. 260-267. | Journal Article
Push by a net, pull by a cow: Can zooprophylaxis enhance the impact of insecticide treated bed nets on malaria control?
Iwashita, H.Dida, G.O.Sonye, G.O.Sunahara, T.Futami, K.Njenga, S.M.Chaves, L.F. and Minakawa, N.
Parasites and Vectors, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Recasting the theory of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission dynamics and control
Smitha, D.L.Smith, David LSmitha, D.L.Perkins, T APerkin, T.A.Perkin, T.A.Reiner, R.C.Reiner, R.C.Reiner, BobbyBarker, C.M.Barker, C.M.Barker, ChrisNiu, T.Niu, TianchanNiu, T.Chaves, L.F.Chaves, Luis FChaves, L.F.Ellis, A.M.Ellis, AliciaEllis, A.M.George, D.B.George, D.B.George, Dylan BLe Menach, ArnaudMenach, A.L.Menach, A.L.Pulliam, JulietPulliam, J.R.C.Pulliam, J.R.C.Bisanzio, DonalBisanzio, D.Bisanzio, D.Buckee, C.Buckee, CarolineBuckee, C.Chiyaka, C.Chiyaka, ChristinahChiyaka, C.Cummings, D.A.T.Cummings, Derek ACummings, D.A.T.Garcia, Andres JGarcia, A.J.Garcia, A.J.Gatton, M.L.Gatton, M.L.Gatton, Michelle LGething, Peter WGethingv, P.W.Gethingv, P.W.Hartley, David MHartley, D.M.Hartley, D.M.Johnston, G.Johnston, G.Johnston, GeoffreyKlein, E.Y.Klein, Eili YKlein, E.Y.Michael, EdwinMichael, E.Michael, E.Lloyd, A.L.Lloyd, A.L.Lloyd, Alun LPigott, D.M.Pigott, D.M.Pigott, David MReisen, WilliamReisen, W.K.Reisen, W.K.Ruktanonchai, N.Ruktanonchai, N.Ruktanonchai, NickSingh, Brajendra KSingh, B.K.Singh, B.K.Stoller, J.Stoller, JeremyStoller, J.Tatem, Andrew JTatem, A.J.Tatem, A.J.Kitron, U.Kitron, UrielKitron, U.Godfray, H.C.J.Godfray, H.C.J.Godfray, H CCohen, J.M.Cohen, J.M.Cohen, Justin MHay, S.I.Hay, Simon IHay, S.I.Scott, T.W.Scott, Thomas W and Scott, T.W.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 108, pp. 185-197. | Journal Article
Uranotaenia novobscura ryukyuana (Diptera: Culicidae) population dynamics are denso-dependent and autonomous from weather fluctuations
Hoshi, T.Higa, Y. and Chaves, L.F.
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 107, pp. 136-142. | Journal Article
When climate change couples social neglect: Malaria dynamics in Panamá
Hurtado, L.A.Cáceres, L.Chaves, L.F. and Calzada, J.E.
Emerging Microbes and Infections, vol. 3. | Journal Article
A Differential Effect of Indian Ocean Dipole and El Niño on Cholera Dynamics in Bangladesh
Hashizume, M.Chaves, L.F.Faruque, A.S.G.Yunus, M.Streatfield, K. and Moji, K.
PLoS ONE, vol. 8. | Journal Article
A systematic review of mathematical models of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission: 1970-2010
Reiner, BobbyReiner Jr., R.C.Reiner Jr., R.C.Reiner, Robert CPerkins, T AlexPerkins, T.A.Perkins, T. APerkins, T.A.Barker, C.M.Barker, Christopher MBarker, ChrisBarker, C.M.Niu, TianchanNiu, TianchanNiu, T.Niu, T.Chaves, L.F.Chaves, L.F.Chaves, Luis FernandoChaves, Luis FEllis, AliciaEllis, A.M.Ellis, Alicia MEllis, A.M.George, D.B.George, Dylan BGeorge, D.B.George, Dylan BLe Menach, ArnaudLe Menach, A.Le Menach, ArnaudLe Menach, A.Pulliam, J.R.C.Pulliam, J.R.C.Pulliam, Juliet R CPulliam, JulietBisanzio, DonalBisanzio, DonalBisanzio, D.Bisanzio, D.Buckee, CarolineBuckee, CarolineBuckee, C.Buckee, C.Chiyaka, C.Chiyaka, ChristinahChiyaka, C.Chiyaka, ChristinahCummings, D.A.T.Cummings, Derek ACummings, Derek A TCummings, D.A.T.Garcia, A.J.Garcia, A.J.Garcia, Andres JGarcia, Andres JGatton, Michelle LGatton, M.L.Gatton, M.L.Gatton, Michelle LGething, Peter WGething, P.W.Gething, Peter WGething, P.W.Hartley, D.M.Hartley, David MHartley, David MHartley, D.M.Johnston, G.Johnston, GeoffreyJohnston, GeoffreyJohnston, G.Klein, E.Y.Klein, E.Y.Klein, Eili YKlein, Eili YMichael, EdwinMichael, EdwinMichael, E.Michael, E.Lindsay, S.W.Lindsay, S.W.Lindsay, Steven WLindsay, Steven WLloyd, Alun LLloyd, Alun LLloyd, A.L.Lloyd, A.L.Pigott, David MPigott, David MPigott, D.M.Pigott, D.M.Reisen, WilliamReisen, William KReisen, W.K.Reisen, W.K.Ruktanonchai, N.Ruktanonchai, NickRuktanonchai, NickRuktanonchai, N.Singh, Brajendra KSingh, B.K.Singh, Brajendra KSingh, B.K.Tatem, A.J.Tatem, Andrew JTatem, AndrewTatem, A.J.Kitron, UrielKitron, U.Kitron, U.Kitron, UrielHay, Simon IHay, Simon IHay, S.I.Hay, S.I.Scott, T.W.Scott, Thomas WScott, T.W.Scott, Thomas WSmith, David LSmith, D.L.Smith, David L and Smith, D.L.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 10. | Journal Article
Changes in Phlebotomine Sand Fly Species Composition Following Insecticide Thermal Fogging in a Rural Setting of Western Panamá
Calzada, J.E.Saldaña, A.Rigg, C.Valderrama, A.Romero, L. and Chaves, L.F.
PLoS ONE, vol. 8. | Journal Article
Environmental forcing shapes regional house mosquito synchrony in a warming temperate island
Chaves, L.F.Higa, Y.Lee, S.H.Jeong, J.Y.Heo, S.T.Kim, M.Minakawa, N. and Lee, K.H.
Environmental Entomology, vol. 42, pp. 605-613. | Journal Article
Leishmaniasis sand fly vector density reduction is less marked in destitute housing after insecticide thermal fogging
Chaves, L.F.Calzada, J.E.Rigg, C.Valderrama, A.Gottdenker, N.L. and Saldaña, A.
Parasites and Vectors, vol. 6. | Journal Article
Short Report: Clinical Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Rates Are Associated with Household Lutzomyia gomezi, Lu. Panamensis, and Lu. trapidoi Abundance in Trinidad de Las Minas, Western Panama
Saldaña, A.Chaves, L.F.Rigg, C.A.Wald, C.Smucker, J.E. and Calzada, J.E.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 88, pp. 572-574. | Journal Article
The dynamics of latifundia formation
Chaves, L.F.
PLoS ONE, vol. 8. | Journal Article