148 Publications (Page 2 of 6)
Trade, uneven development and people in motion: Used territories and the initial spread of COVID-19 in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean
Chaves, Luis FernandoFriberg, Mariel D.Hurtado, Lisbeth A.Rodrı́guez, Rodrigo Marı́nO’Sullivan, David and Bergmann, Luke R.
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol. 80, pp. 101161. | Journal Article
Aedes albopictus and Aedes flavopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) pre-imaginal abundance patterns are associated with different environmental factors along an altitudinal gradient. Current Research in Insect Science
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A proposed framework for the development and qualitative evaluation of west nile virus models and their application to local public health decision-making
Keyel, A.C.Keyel, Alexander CKeyel, A.C.Gorris, M.E.Gorris, Morgan EGorris, M.E.Rochlin, I.Rochlin, IliaRochlin, I.Uelmen, J.A.Uelmen, Johnny AUelmen, J.A.Chaves, L.F.Chaves, L.F.Chaves, Luis FHamer, G.L.Hamer, G.L.Hamer, Gabriel LMoise, I.K.Moise, I.K.Moise, Imelda KShocket, MartaShocket, M.Shocket, M.Kilpatrick, A MarmKilpatrick, A.M.Kilpatrick, A.M.Defelice, N.B.DeFelice, Nicholas BDefelice, N.B.Davis, J.K.Davis, Justin KDavis, J.K.Little, E.Little, ElizaLittle, E.Irwin, PatrickIrwin, P.Irwin, P.Tyre, A.J.Tyre, Andrew JTyre, A.J.Smith, K.H.Smith, K.H.Helm Smith, KellyFredregill, C.L.Fredregill, Chris LFredregill, C.L.Timm, O.E.Timm, O.E.Elison Timm, OliverHolcomb, Karen MHolcomb, K.M.Holcomb, K.M.Wimberly, M.C.Wimberly, M.C.Wimberly, Michael CWard, M.J.Ward, Matthew JWard, M.J.Barker, C.M.Barker, Christopher MBarker, C.M.Rhodes, C.G.Rhodes, C.G.Rhodes, Charlotte GSmith, R.L.Smith, Rebecca L and Smith, R.L.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 15. | Journal Article
Diversity, co-occurrence, and nestedness patterns of sand fly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) in two rural areas of Western Panamá
Rigg, C.A.Perea, M.González, K.Saldaña, A.Calzada, J.E.Gao, Y.Gottdenker, N.L. and Chaves, L.F.
Insects, vol. 12, pp. 1-14. | Journal Article
Housing quality improvement is associated with malaria transmission reduction in Costa Rica
Chaves, L.F.Ramírez Rojas, M.Delgado Jiménez, S.Prado, M. and Marín Rodríguez, R.
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol. 74. | Journal Article
Plasmodium vivax Genetic Diversity in Panama: Challenges for Malaria Elimination in Mesoamerica. Pathogens
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Modeling the association between Aedes aegypti ovitrap egg counts, multi-scale remotely sensed environmental data and arboviral cases at Puntarenas, Costa Rica (2017?2018)
Chaves, L.F.Valerín Cordero, J.A.Delgado, G.Aguilar-Avendaño, C.Maynes, E.Gutiérrez Alvarado, J.M.Ramírez Rojas, M.Romero, L.M. and Marín Rodríguez, R.
Current Research in Parasitology and Vector-Borne Diseases, vol. 1. | Journal Article
The eco-bio-social factors that modulate aedes aegypti abundance in south texas border communities
Juarez, J.G.Garcia-Luna, S.Medeiros, M.C.I.Dickinson, K.L.Borucki, M.K.Frank, M.Badillo-Vargas, I.Chaves, L.F. and Hamer, G.L.
Insects, vol. 12, pp. 1-16. | Journal Article
Variable coverage in an Autocidal Gravid Ovitrap intervention impacts efficacy of Aedes aegypti control
Juarez, J.G.Chaves, L.F.Garcia-Luna, S.M.Martin, E.Badillo-Vargas, I.Medeiros, M.C.I. and Hamer, G.L.
Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 58, pp. 2075-2086. | Journal Article
Clinical and immunological features of human Leishmania (L.) infantum-infection, novel insights honduras, central america
Sosa-Ochoa, W.Zúniga, C.Chaves, L.F.Flores, G.V.A.Pacheco, C.M.S.Matta, V.L.R.Corbett, C.E.P.Silveira, F.T. and Laurenti, M.D.
Pathogens, vol. 9, pp. 1-15. | Journal Article
COVID-19 and circuits of capital New York to China and back
Wallace, R.Liebman, A.Chaves, L.F. and Wallace, R.
Monthly Review, vol. 72, pp. 1-15. | Journal Article
COVID-19 basic reproduction number and assessment of initial suppression policies in Costa Rica
Chaves, Luis FernandoHurtado, Lisbeth A.Rojas, Melissa Ramı́rezFriberg, Mariel D.Rodrı́guez, Rodrigo Marı́n and Avila-Aguero, Marı́a L.
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, vol. 15, pp. 32. | Journal Article
Dispersal of female and male Aedes aegypti from discarded container habitats using a stable isotope mark-capture study design in South Texas. Scientific reports
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From surveillance to control: Evaluation of a larvicide intervention against aedes aegypti in brownsville, Texas
Garcia-Luna, S.M.Chaves, L.F.Juarez, J.G.Bolling, B.G.Rodriguez, A.Presas, Y.E.Mutebi, J.-P.Weaver, S.C.Badillo-Vargas, I.E.Hamer, G.L. and Qualls, W.A.
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, vol. 35, pp. 233-237. | Journal Article
Health policy impacts on malaria transmission in Costa Rica
Chaves, L.F.Ramírez Rojas, M.Prado, M.Garcés, J.L.Salas Peraza, D. and Marín Rodríguez, R.
Parasitology, vol. 147, pp. 999-1007. | Journal Article
High rate of non-human feeding by aedes aegypti reduces zika virus transmission in South Texas
Olson, M.F.Olson, Mark FOlson, Mark FNdeffo-Mbah, M.L.Ndeffo-Mbah, Martial LNdeffo-Mbah, Martial LJuarez, J.G.Juarez, Jose GJuarez, Jose GGarcia-Luna, SeleneGarcia-Luna, S.Garcia-Luna, SeleneMartin, EstelleMartin, EstelleMartin, E.Borucki, M.K.Borucki, Monica KBorucki, Monica KFrank, MatthiasFrank, M.Frank, MatthiasEstrada-Franco, José GEstrada-Franco, J.G.Estrada-Franco, José GuillermoRodríguez-Pérez, Mario ARodríguez-Pérez, Mario ARodríguez-Pérez, M.A.Fernández-Santos, Nadia AFernández-Santos, Nadia AFernández-Santos, N.A.de Jesús Molina-Gamboa, GloriaMolina-Gamboa, G.D.J.Molina-Gamboa, Gloria de JesúsAguirre, S.D.C.Carmona Aguirre, Santos DCarmona Aguirre, Santos DanielReyes-Berrones, Bernardita de LourdesReyes-Berrones, B.D.L.Cortés-De la Cruz, Luis JavierCortés-De La Cruz, L.J.García-Barrientos, A.García-Barrientos, AlejandroGarcía-Barrientos, AlejandroHuidobro-Guevara, Raúl EHuidobro-Guevara, R.E.Huidobro-Guevara, Raúl EBrussolo-Ceballos, Regina MBrussolo-Ceballos, R.M.Brussolo-Ceballos, Regina MRamirez, J.Ramirez, JosueRamirez, JosueSalazar, AaronSalazar, AaronSalazar, A.Chaves, Luis FChaves, Luis FChaves, L.F.Badillo-Vargas, Ismael EBadillo-Vargas, Ismael EBadillo-Vargas, I.E.Hamer, G.L.Hamer, Gabriel L and Hamer, Gabriel L
Viruses, vol. 12. | Journal Article
Long-term transmission patterns and public health policies leading to malaria elimination in Panamá
Hurtado, L.Cumbrera, A.Rigg, C.Perea, M.Santamaría, A.M.Chaves, L.F.Moreno, D.Romero, L.Lasso, J.Caceres, L.Saldaña, A. and Calzada, J.E.
Malaria Journal, vol. 19. | Journal Article
Malaria elimination in costa rica: Changes in treatment and mass drug administration
Chaves, L.F.Huber, J.H.Salas, O.R.Rojas, M.R.Romero, L.M.Gutiérrez Alvarado, J.M.Alex Perkins, T.Prado, M. and Rodríguez, R.M.
Microorganisms, vol. 8, pp. 1-12. | Journal Article
Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity in panamá based on glurp, msp-1 and msp-2 genes: Implications for malaria elimination in mesoamerica
Santamaría, A.M.Vásquez, V.Rigg, C.Moreno, D.Romero, L.Justo, C.Chaves, L.F.Saldaña, A. and Calzada, J.E.
Life, vol. 10, pp. 1-16. | Journal Article
Synchrony of globally invasive Aedes spp. immature mosquitoes along an urban altitudinal gradient in their native range
Chaves, L.F.Friberg, M.D. and Moji, K.
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 734. | Journal Article
Trap Comparison for Surveillance of the Western Tree Hole Mosquito, Aedes sierrensis (Diptera: Culicidae)
Chaves, L.F.Reissen, N.White, G.S.Gordon, S. and Faraji, A.
Journal of Insect Science, vol. 20. | Journal Article
When might host heterogeneity drive the evolution of asymptomatic, pandemic coronaviruses?
Okamoto, K.W.Ong, V.Wallace, R.Wallace, R. and Chaves, L.F.
Landscape and Environmental Factors Influencing Stage Persistence and Abundance of the Bamboo Mosquito, Tripteroides bambusa (Diptera: Culicidae), across an Altitudinal Gradient. Insects
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Leishmania spp. infection rate and feeding patterns of sand flies (diptera: Psychodidae) from a hyperendemic cutaneous leishmaniasis community in Panamá
Rigg, C.A.Calzada, J.E.Saldaña, A.Perea, M.Chaves, L.F. and Valderrama, A.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 100, pp. 798-807. | Journal Article
Malaria infection rates in Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) at Ipetí-Guna, a village within a region targeted for malaria elimination in Panamá
Rigg, C.A.Hurtado, L.A.Calzada, J.E. and Chaves, L.F.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, vol. 69, pp. 216-223. | Journal Article