148 Publications (Page 5 of 6)
When they don’t bite, we smell money: Understanding malaria bednet misuse
Honjo, K.Chaves, L.F.Satake, A.Kaneko, A. and Minakawa, N.
Parasitology, vol. 140, pp. 580-586. | Journal Article
Host Life History Strategy, Species Diversity, and Habitat Influence Trypanosoma cruzi Vector Infection in Changing Landscapes
Gottdenker, N.L.Gottdenker, Nicole LChaves, L.F.Chaves, Luis FCalzada, José ECalzada, J.E.Saldaña, AzaelSaldaña, A.Carroll, C.R. and Carroll, C R
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 6. | Journal Article
Indian ocean dipole and rainfall drive a moran effect in east Africa malaria transmission
Chaves, L.F.Satake, A.Hashizume, M. and Minakawa, N.
Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 205, pp. 1885-1891. | Journal Article
Indian Ocean Dipole drives malaria resurgence in East African highlands
Hashizume, M.Chaves, L.F. and Minakawa, N.
Scientific Reports, vol. 2. | Journal Article
Nonlinear impacts of climatic variability on the density-dependent regulation of an insect vector of disease
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Morrison, A.C.Morrison, Amy CKitron, Uriel DKitron, U.D.Scott, Thomas W and Scott, T.W.
Global Change Biology, vol. 18, pp. 457-468. | Journal Article
Range prediction for the Giant Fruit-Eating Bat, Artibeus amplus (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae) in South America
Ramoni-Perazzi, P.Muñoz-Romo, M.Chaves, L.F. and Kunz, T.H.
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, vol. 47, pp. 87-103. | Journal Article
Regime shifts and heterogeneous trends in malaria time series from Western Kenya Highlands
Chaves, L.F.Hashizume, M.Satake, A. and Minakawa, N.
Parasitology, vol. 139, pp. 14-25. | Journal Article
Seasonal weather, nutrients, and conspecific presence impacts on the southern house mosquito oviposition dynamics in combined sewage overflows
Nguyen, A.T.Williams-Newkirk, A.J.Kitron, U.D. and Chaves, L.F.
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 49, pp. 1328-1338. | Journal Article
Combined sewage overflow accelerates immature development and increases body size in the urban mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Keogh, CLKeogh, C.L.Nguyen, AMNguyen, A.M.Decker, G.M.Decker, GMVazquez-Prokopec, G.M.Vazquez Prokopec, Gonzalo MKitron, U.D. and Kitron, Uriel D
Journal of Applied Entomology, vol. 135, pp. 611-620. | Journal Article
Ecological patterns of blood-feeding by kissing-bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae)
Rabinovich, Jorge ERabinovich, J.E.Kitron, Uriel DKitron, U.Obed, YamilaObed, Y.Yoshioka, MihoYoshioka, M.Gottdenker, Nicole LGottdenker, N.Chaves, Luis F and Chaves, L.F.
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, vol. 106, pp. 479-494. | Journal Article
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Animal migration and infectious disease risk.
Satake, Akiko and Chaves, Luis Fernando
Faculty of 1000, Ltd.
Fine-scale variation in vector host use and force of infection drive localized patterns of West Nile virus transmission
Hamer, G.L.Hamer, GabrielChaves, Luis FChaves, L.F.Anderson, T.K.Anderson, Tavis KKitron, Uriel DKitron, U.D.Brawn, Jeffrey DBrawn, J.D.Ruiz, M.O.Ruiz, Marilyn OLoss, Scott RLoss, S.R.Walker, E.D.Walker, Edward DGoldberg, Tony L and Goldberg, T.L.
PLoS ONE, vol. 6. | Journal Article
Phlebotomine sand fly species co-occurrence at the local scale: Differences between agricultural and forested areas
Chaves, L.F.
Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental, vol. 51, pp. 35-39. | Journal Article
Spleen rates in children: an old and new surveillance tool for malaria elimination initiatives in island settings
Chaves, L.F.Chaves, LuisTaleo, G.Taleo, GeorgeKalkoa, MorrisKalkoa, M.Kaneko, A. and Kaneko, Akira
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 105, pp. 226-231. | Journal Article
Weather variability impacts on oviposition dynamics of the southern house mosquito at intermediate time scales
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Kitron, Uriel D and Kitron, U.D.
Bulletin of Entomological Research, vol. 101, pp. 633-641. | Journal Article
Age-specific mortality analysis of the dry forest kissing bug, Rhodnius neglectus
Rabinovich, J.E.Nieves, E.L. and Chaves, L.F.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, vol. 135, pp. 252-262. | Journal Article
An entomologist guide to demystify pseudoreplication: Data analysis of field studies with design constraints
Chaves, L.F. and Chaves, Luis
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 47, pp. 291-298. | Journal Article
An Entomologist Guide to Demystify Pseudoreplication: Data Analysis of Field Studies With Design Constraints
Chaves, Luis Fernando and Chaves, Luis Fernando
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 47, pp. 291–298. | Journal Article
Blood feeding patterns of mosquitoes: Random or structured?
Chaves, L.F.Chaves, LuisHarrington, L.C.Harrington, Laura CKeogh, C.L.Keogh, Carolyn LNguyen, Andy MNguyen, A.M.Kitron, Uriel D and Kitron, U.D.
Frontiers in Zoology, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Climate change and highland malaria: Fresh air for a hot debate
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Koenraadt, Constantianus J and Koenraadt, C.J.M.
Quarterly Review of Biology, vol. 85, pp. 27-55. | Journal Article
Ecological consequences of primary and secondary seed dispersal on seed and seedling fate of Dipteryx oleifera (Fabaceae)
Ruiz, J.Boucher, D.H.Chaves, L.F.Ingram-Flóres, C.Guillén, D.Tórrez, R. and Martínez, O.
Revista de Biologia Tropical, vol. 58, pp. 991-1007. | Journal Article
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Environmental variability can select for optimism or pessimism.
Satake, Akiko and Chaves, Luis Fernando
Faculty of 1000, Ltd.
Local impact of temperature and precipitation on West Nile virus infection in Culex species mosquitoes in northeast Illinois, USA
Ruiz, Marilyn ORuiz, M.O.Chaves, L.F.Chaves, Luis FHamer, G.L.Hamer, Gabriel LSun, T.Sun, TingBrown, W.M.Brown, William MWalker, E.D.Walker, Edward DHaramis, LinnHaramis, L.Goldberg, Tony LGoldberg, T.L.Kitron, U.D. and Kitron, Uriel D
Parasites and Vectors, vol. 3. | Journal Article
Unforeseen costs of cutting mosquito surveillance budgets
Vazquez-Prokopec, G.M.Vazquez Prokopec, Gonzalo MChaves, Luis FChaves, L.F.Ritchie, S.A.Ritchie, Scott ADavis, JoeDavis, J.Kitron, U. and Kitron, Uriel D
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 4. | Journal Article
Beneficial effect of spider presence on seedling recruitment of the tropical rainforest tree Dipteryx oleifera (Fabaceae)
Ruiz, J.Ingram-Flóres, C.Boucher, D.H. and Chaves, L.F.
Revista de Biologia Tropical, vol. 57, pp. 837-846. | Journal Article