148 Publications (Page 6 of 6)
Climate and recruitment limitation of hosts: The dynamics of American cutaneous leishmaniasis seen through semi-mechanistic seasonal models
Chaves, Luis and Chaves, L.F.
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, vol. 103, pp. 221-234. | Journal Article
Combined sewage overflow enhances oviposition of culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae) in Urban areas
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Keogh, C.L.Keogh, Carolyn LVazquez Prokopec, Gonzalo MVazquez-Prokopec, G.M.Kitron, Uriel D and Kitron, U.D.
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 46, pp. 220-226. | Journal Article
Random, top-down, or bottom-up coexistence of parasites: Malaria population dynamics in multi-parasitic settings
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Kaneko, AkiraAkira, K.Pascual, Mercedes and Mercedes, P.
Ecology, vol. 90, pp. 2414-2425. | Journal Article
Malaria transmission pattern resilience to climatic variability is mediated by insecticide-treated nets
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Kaneko, A.Kaneko, AkiraTaleo, GeorgeTaleo, G.Pascual, M.Pascual, MercedesWilson, Mark L and Wilson, M.L.
Malaria Journal, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Predicting endemic cholera: The role of climate variability and disease dynamics
Pascual, M.Pascual, MercedesChaves, L.F.Chaves, LFCash, B.Cash, B.Rodó, X.Rodo, X. and Yunus, Md.
Climate Research, vol. 36, pp. 131-140. | Journal Article
Shifting patterns: Malaria dynamics and rainfall variability in an African highland
Pascual, MercedesPascual, M.Cazelles, B.Cazelles, B.Bouma, MJBouma, M.J.Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Koelle, K. and Koelle, Katia
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 275, pp. 123-132. | Journal Article
Simulation of mathematical models as a tool for the study of reservoirs of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis,Simulación de modelos matemáticos como herramienta para el estudio de los reservorios de la Leishmaniasis Cutánea Americana
Chaves, L.F.Hernandez, M.-J. and Ramos, S.
Divulgaciones Matematicas, vol. 16, pp. 125-154. | Journal Article
Social exclusion modifies climate and deforestation impacts on a vector-borne disease
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Chaves, Luis FCohen, Justin MCohen, Justin MCohen, J.M.Pascual, MercedesPascual, MercedesPascual, M.Wilson, Mark LWilson, M.L. and Wilson, Mark L
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 2. | Journal Article
Casas Muertas and Oficina No. 1: Internal migrations and malaria trends in Venezuela 1905-1945
Chaves, Luis and Chaves, L.F.
Parasitology Research, vol. 101, pp. 19-23. | Journal Article
Comparing models for early warning systems of neglected tropical diseases
Chaves, Luis FChaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Pascual, MercedesPascual, M. and Pascual, Mercedes
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 1. | Journal Article
Erratum: Climate cycles and forecasts of cutaneous leishmaniasis, a nonstationary vector-borne disease (PLoS Medicine 3,8 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed- 0030295)
Chaves, L.F. and Pascual, M.
PLoS Medicine, vol. 4. | Journal Article
Morphotypes and seed germination of the strangler figs (maitin), Ficus maitin (Moraceae),Morfotipos y germinación de semillas del maitin, Ficus maitin (Moraceae)
Chaves, L.F.Bianchi, G. and Skwierinski, R.
Biotropica, vol. 39, pp. 546-548. | Journal Article
Sources and sinks: revisiting the criteria for identifying reservoirs for American cutaneous leishmaniasis
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Hernandez, M.-J.Hernandez, Maria-JDobson, Andrew PDobson, A.P.Pascual, Mercedes and Pascual, M.
Trends in Parasitology, vol. 23, pp. 311-316. | Journal Article
Climate cycles and forecasts of cutaneous leishmaniasis, a nonstationary vector-borne disease
Chaves, LuisChaves, L.F.Pascual, M. and Pascual, Mercedes
PLoS Medicine, vol. 3, pp. 1320-1328. | Journal Article
Malaria resurgence in the East African highlands: Temperature trends revisited
Pascual, M.Pascual, M.Ahumada, J. A.Ahumada, J.A.Chaves, L. F.Chaves, L.F.Rodó, X.Rodó, X.Bouma, M. and Bouma, M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 103, pp. 5829-5834. | Journal Article
Spatial complexity and the fitness of the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus
Sulbaran, J.E. and Chaves, L.F.
Journal of Applied Entomology, vol. 130, pp. 51-55. | Journal Article
Mathematical modelling of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Incidental hosts and threshold conditions for infection persistence
Chaves, L.F.Chaves, LuisHernandez, Maria-Josefina and Hernandez, M.-J.
Acta Tropica, vol. 92, pp. 245-252. | Journal Article
Mortality profile of female Rhodnius robustus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae),Perfil de la mortalidad de hembras de Rhodnius robustus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
Chaves, L.F. and Elis Aldana, E.
Revista de Saude Publica, vol. 38, pp. 466-468. | Journal Article
Mortality profiles of Rhodnius prolixus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), vector of Chagas disease
Chaves, L.F.Hernandez, M.-J.Revilla, T.A.Rodríguez, D.J. and Rabinovich, J.E.
Acta Tropica, vol. 92, pp. 119-125. | Journal Article
Species co-occurrence and feeding behavior in sand fly transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in western Venezuela
Chaves, L.F.Chaves, LuisAnez, Nestor and Añez, N.
Acta Tropica, vol. 92, pp. 219-224. | Journal Article
Effects of blood ingestion on patterns on the chorion of eggs of Lutzomyia ovallesi (Diptera: Psychodidae)
Noguera, P.Chaves, L.F. and Nieves, E.
Parasitologia Latinoamericana, vol. 58, pp. 49-53. | Journal Article
Electoral geography of Merida State: an analysis of voting in 1978, 1979 and 1983,Contribucion al estudio de la geografia electoral del Estado Merida: analisis de la votacion a cuerpos deliberantes en 1978, 1979 y 1983
Chaves, L.F.
Revista Geografica Venezolana, vol. 26, pp. 71-98. | Journal Article
Formation of national settlement systems out of the former colonial systems: the case of Latin America.
Chaves, L.F.
Geographia Polonica, vol. 47, pp. 67-83. | Journal Article