Dr. Reiner's research interests mostly focus on the role and drivers of spatio-temporal variation in infectious disease transmission dynamics. Currently he is fixated on the disease ecology of the mosquito-borne pathogens malaria, dengue and West Nile virus, investigating the drivers of temporal variation (both seasonal and inter-annual variation) in incidence. Additionally, from a more methodological standpoint, he is interested in developing novel modeling frameworks to assess questions of interest that are designed to incorporate and leverage 'individual-level' data related to infectious diseases.
  • Disease ecology
  • Spatio-temporal transmission dynamics
  • Mosquito-borne pathogens
  • Diarrhoeal diseases
  • Individual-level infection data
PhD, University of Michigan, Statistics, 2010
MS, University of Michigan, Statistics, 2009
MS, California State University, Northridge, Applied Mathematics, 2005
BA, University of California, Berkeley, Applied Mathematics, 2002