74 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Atractylenolide I enhances responsiveness to immune checkpoint blockade therapy by activating tumor antigen presentation
Xu, HanchenXu, HanchenXu, HanchenXu, HanchenXu, H.Van der Jeught, KevinVan Der Jeught, K.Van der Jeught, KevinVan der Jeught, KevinVan der Jeught, KevinZhou, ZhuolongZhou, ZhuolongZhou, ZhuolongZhou, Z.Zhou, ZhuolongZhang, LuZhang, L.Zhang, LuZhang, LuZhang, LuYu, T.Yu, TaoYu, TaoYu, TaoYu, TaoSun, YifanSun, YifanSun, YifanSun, Y.Sun, YifanLi, YujingLi, YujingLi, Y.Li, YujingLi, YujingWan, ChanglinWan, ChanglinWan, C.Wan, ChanglinWan, ChanglinSo, K.M.So, Ka MSo, KamanSo, KamanSo, Ka MLiu, DegangLiu, D.Liu, DegangLiu, DegangLiu, DegangFrieden, M.Frieden, MichaelFrieden, MichaelFrieden, MichaelFrieden, MichaelFang, YuanzhangFang, YuanzhangFang, YuanzhangFang, YuanzhangFang, Y.Mosley, Amber LMosley, A.L.Mosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LHe, XiaomingHe, X.He, XiaomingHe, XiaomingHe, XiaomingZhang, XinnaZhang, XinnaZhang, XinnaZhang, X.Zhang, XinnaSandusky, George ESandusky, G.E.Sandusky, George ESandusky, George ESandusky, George ELiu, Y.Liu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongMeroueh, S.O.Meroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OMeroueh, Samy OZhang, C.Zhang, ChiZhang, ChiZhang, ChiZhang, ChiWijeratne, Aruna BWijeratne, Aruna BWijeratne, Aruna BWijeratne, A.B.Wijeratne, Aruna BHuang, C.Huang, ChengHuang, ChengHuang, ChengHuang, ChengJi, GuangJi, G.Ji, GuangJi, GuangJi, GuangLu, XiongbinLu, XiongbinLu, X.Lu, Xiongbin and Lu, Xiongbin
Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 131. | Journal Article
Boosting Detection of Low-Abundance Proteins in Thermal Proteome Profiling Experiments by Addition of an Isobaric Trigger Channel to TMT Multiplexes
Justice, Sarah A. PeckMcCracken, Neil A.Victorino, José F.Qi, Guihong D.Wijeratne, Aruna B. and Mosley, Amber L.
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 93, pp. 7000–7010. | Journal Article
Inflect: Optimizing Computational Workflows for Thermal Proteome Profiling Data Analysis
McCracken, Neil A.Justice, Sarah A. PeckWijeratne, Aruna B. and Mosley, Amber L.
Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 20, pp. 1874–1888. | Journal Article
Quantitative proteomic and metabolomic profiling reveals altered mitochondrial metabolism and folate biosynthesis pathways in the aging drosophila eye
Hall, H.Hall, H.H, HallCooper, B.R.BR, CooperCooper, B.R.Qi, G.G, QiQi, G.Wijeratne, A.B.AB, WijeratneWijeratne, A.B.Mosley, A.L.AL, MosleyMosley, A.L.VM, WeakeWeake, V.M. and Weake, V.M.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, vol. 20. | Journal Article
Quantitative proteomic and metabolomic profiling reveals altered mitochondrial metabolism and folate biosynthesis pathways in the aging Drosophila eye
Hall, H.H, HallBR, CooperCooper, B.R.Qi, G.G, QiAB, WijeratneWijeratne, A.B.Mosley, A.L.AL, MosleyVM, Weake and Weake, V.M.
A multi-omic analysis of the dorsal striatum in an animal model of divergent genetic risk for alcohol use disorder.
Grecco, G.G.Haggerty, D.L.Doud, E.H.Fritz, B.M.Yin, F.Hoffman, H.Mosley, A.L.Simpson, E.Liu, Y.Baucum, A.J. and Atwood, B.K.
Journal of neurochemistry. | Journal Article
A Quantitative Global Proteomics Approach Identifies Candidate Urinary Biomarkers That Correlate With Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm Dysplasia.
Flick, Katelyn FYip-Schneider, Michele TSublette, Christopher MSimpson, Rachel EColgate, Cameron LWu, HuangbingSoufi, MazharDewitt, John MMosley, Amber LCeppa, Eugene PZhang, Jianjun and Schmidt, C Max
Pancreas. | Journal Article
Boosting detection of low abundance proteins in thermal proteome profiling experiments by addition of an isobaric trigger channel to TMT multiplexes
Justice, Sarah A. PeckMcCracken, Neil A.Victorino, José F.Wijeratne, Aruna B. and Mosley, Amber L.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Inflect: Optimizing computational workflows for thermal proteome profiling data analysis
McCracken, N.A.Peck Justice, S.A.Wijeratne, A.B. and Mosley, A.L.
Mutant thermal proteome profiling for characterization of missense protein variants and their associated phenotypes within the proteome
Justice, Sarah A. PeckBarron, Monica P.Qi, Guihong D.Wijeratne, H. R. SagaraVictorino, José F.Simpson, Ed R.Vilseck, Jonah Z.Wijeratne, Aruna B. and Mosley, Amber L.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 295, pp. 16219–16238. | Journal Article
NF-\upkappaB Signaling Is Regulated by Fucosylation in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells
Doud, Emma H.Doud, Emma H.Shetty, TruptiShetty, TruptiAbt, MelissaAbt, MelissaMosley, Amber L.Mosley, Amber L.Corson, Timothy W.Corson, Timothy W.Mehta, AnandMehta, AnandYeh, Elizabeth S. and Yeh, Elizabeth S.
Biomedicines, vol. 8, pp. 600. | Journal Article
RNA Polymerase II CTD phosphatase Rtr1 fine-tunes transcription termination
Victorino, Jose FVictorino, Jose FFox, Melanie JFox, Melanie JSmith-Kinnaman, Whitney RSmith-Kinnaman, Whitney RPeck Justice, Sarah APeck Justice, Sarah ABurriss, Katlyn HBurriss, Katlyn HBoyd, Asha KBoyd, Asha KZimmerly, Megan AZimmerly, Megan AChan, Rachel RChan, Rachel RHunter, Gerald OHunter, Gerald OLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongMosley, Amber L and Mosley, Amber L
PLoS genetics, vol. 16, (no. 3), pp. e1008317, 2020-Mar. | Journal Article
The Genetic and Physical Interactomes of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hrq1 Helicase
Rogers, Cody M.Sanders, ElsbethNguyen, Phoebe A.Smith-Kinnaman, WhitneyMosley, Amber L. and Bochman, Matthew L.
G3&\mathsemicolon#58\mathsemicolon Genes\vertGenomes\vertGenetics, vol. 10, pp. 4347–4357. | Journal Article
A novel GCN5b lysine acetyltransferase complex associates with distinct transcription factors in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
Harris, Michael THarris, Michael TJeffers, VictoriaJeffers, VictoriaMartynowicz, JenniferMartynowicz, JenniferTrue, Jason DTrue, Jason DMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LSullivan, William J and Sullivan, William J
Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, vol. 232, pp. 111203, September 2019. | Journal Article
A phase I study of the APE1 protein inhibitor APX3330 in patients with advanced solid tumors
Shahda, SafiShahda, SafiShahda, SafiLakhani, Nehal JLakhani, Nehal JLakhani, Nehal JO'Neil, BertO'Neil, BertO'Neil, BertRasco, Drew WRasco, Drew WRasco, Drew WWan, JunWan, JunWan, JunMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LLiu, HaoLiu, HaoLiu, HaoKelley, Mark RKelley, Mark RKelley, Mark RMessmann, Richard AdamMessmann, Richard Adam and Messmann, Richard Adam
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 37, (no. 15_suppl), pp. 3097, 2019-05-20. | Journal Article
Correction: Baucum II, Anthony J. et al. Proteomic Analysis of the Spinophilin Interactome in Rodent Striatum Following Psychostimulant Sensitization. Proteomes 2018, 6, 53
Watkins, Darryl STrue, Jason DMosley, Amber L and Baucum, Anthony J
Proteomes, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 7, 2019-02-13. | Journal Article
Endoplasmic reticulum stress alters ryanodine receptor function in the murine pancreatic β cell
Yamamoto, Wataru RYamamoto, Wataru RYamamoto, Wataru RBone, Robert NBone, Robert NBone, Robert NSohn, PaulSohn, PaulSohn, PaulSyed, FarooqSyed, FarooqSyed, FarooqReissaus, Christopher AReissaus, Christopher AReissaus, Christopher AMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LWijeratne, Aruna BWijeratne, Aruna BWijeratne, Aruna BTrue, Jason DTrue, Jason DTrue, Jason DTong, XinTong, XinTong, XinKono, TatsuyoshiKono, TatsuyoshiKono, TatsuyoshiEvans-Molina, CarmellaEvans Molina, Carmella and Evans-Molina, Carmella
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 294, (no. 1), pp. 181, 2019-01-04. | Journal Article
Hypusine biosynthesis in β cells links polyamine metabolism to facultative cellular proliferation to maintain glucose homeostasis
Levasseur, Esther M.Levasseur, Esther MLevasseur, Esther MYamada, KentaroYamada, KentaroYamada, KentaroPiñeros, Annie RPiñeros, Annie RPiñeros, Annie R.Wu, WentingWu, WentingWu, WentingSyed, FarooqSyed, FarooqSyed, FarooqOrr, Kara S.Orr, Kara SOrr, Kara SAnderson-Baucum, EmilyAnderson-Baucum, EmilyAnderson-Baucum, EmilyMastracci, Teresa L.Mastracci, Teresa LMastracci, Teresa LMaier, BernhardMaier, BernhardMaier, BernhardMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber L.Mosley, Amber LLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongBernal-Mizrachi, ErnestoBernal-Mizrachi, ErnestoBernal-Mizrachi, ErnestoAlonso, Laura CAlonso, Laura C.Alonso, Laura CScott, DonaldScott, DonaldScott, DonaldGarcia-Ocaña, AdolfoGarcia-Ocaña, AdolfoGarcia-Ocaña, AdolfoTersey, Sarah ATersey, Sarah A.Tersey, Sarah AMirmira, Raghavendra G.Mirmira, Raghavendra G and Mirmira, Raghavendra G
Science signaling, vol. 12, (no. 610), pp. eaax0715, 2019-12-03. | Journal Article
Loss of Nmp4 optimizes osteogenic metabolism and secretion to enhance bone quality
Shao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyWichern, EmilyChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JChildress, Paul JAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleAdaway, MicheleMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathMisra, JagannathKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaKlunk, AngelaBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongLiu, YunlongRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayBrustovetsky, NickolayHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesHamilton, JamesJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieJacobs, KylieVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakVashishth, DeepakStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph P and Bidwell, Joseph P
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, vol. 316, (no. 5), pp. E772, 2019-05-01. | Journal Article
Methods review: Mass spectrometry analysis of RNAPII complexes
Burriss, Katlyn Hughes and Mosley, Amber L
Methods, vol. 159-160, pp. 114, 2019-04-15. | Journal Article
RNA Polymerase II CTD phosphatase Rtr1 prevents premature transcription termination
Fox, M.J.Victorino, J.F.Smith-Kinnaman, W.R.Peck Justice, S.A.Gao, H.Boyd, A.K.Zimmerly, M.A.Chan, R.R.Hunter, G.O.Liu, Y. and Mosley, A.L.
Temperature sensitive Mutant Proteome Profiling: a novel tool for the characterization of the global impact of missense mutations on the proteome
Justice, Sarah A. PeckQi, GuihongWijeratne, H.R. SagaraVictorino, Jose F.Simpson, Ed RWijeratne, Aruna B. and Mosley, Amber L
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Writing a wrong: Coupled RNA polymerase II transcription and RNA quality control
Peck, Sarah AHughes, Katlyn DVictorino, Jose F and Mosley, Amber L
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, vol. 10, (no. 4), pp. n/a, July/August 2019. | Journal Article
Abstract 2695: Quantitative phosphoproteome analysis identifies novel functional pathways of tumor suppressor DLC1 in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
Gökmen-Polar, YesimGökmen-Polar, YesimTrue, Jason DTrue, Jason DVieth, EdytaVieth, EdytaGu, YuanGu, YuanGu, XiaopingGu, XiaopingQi, Guihong DQi, Guihong DMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LBadve, Sunil and Badve, Sunil
Cancer Research, vol. 78, (no. 13 Supplement), pp. 2695, 2018-07-01. | Journal Article
Casein Kinase II Phosphorylation of Spt6 Enforces Transcriptional Fidelity by Maintaining Spn1-Spt6 Interaction
Dronamraju, RaghuvarDronamraju, RaghuvarDronamraju, RaghuvarKerschner, Jenny LKerschner, Jenny LKerschner, Jenny LPeck, Sarah APeck, Sarah APeck, Sarah AHepperla, Austin JHepperla, Austin JHepperla, Austin JAdams, Alexander TAdams, Alexander TAdams, Alexander THughes, Katlyn DHughes, Katlyn DHughes, Katlyn DAslam, SadiaAslam, SadiaAslam, SadiaYoblinski, Andrew RYoblinski, Andrew RYoblinski, Andrew RDavis, Ian JDavis, Ian JDavis, Ian JMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LMosley, Amber LStrahl, Brian DStrahl, Brian D and Strahl, Brian D
Cell Reports, vol. 25, (no. 12), pp. 3489.e5, 2018-12-18. | Journal Article