151 Publications (Page 4 of 7)
Contributions of individual reactive biogenic volatile organic compounds to organic nitrates above a mixed forest
Pratt, K. A.Pratt, K. A.Pratt, KaMielke, LHMielke, L. H.Mielke, L. H.Shepson, P. B.Shepson, P. B.Shepson, PBBryan, AMBryan, A. M.Bryan, A. M.Steiner, Allison LSteiner, A. L.Steiner, A. L.Ortega, J.Ortega, J.Ortega, J.Daly, R.Daly, R.Daly, R.Helmig, D.Helmig, D.Helmig, D.Vogel, CsVogel, C. S.Vogel, C. S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Stevens, P. S.Stevens, P.Stevens, P. S.Alaghmand, M.Alaghmand, M. and Alaghmand, M.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 12, pp. 10125-10143. | Journal Article
In-canopy gas-phase chemistry during CABINEX 2009: sensitivity of a 1-D canopy model to vertical mixing and isoprene chemistry
Bryan, A.M.Bryan, A. M.Bryan, Alexander MBryan, A. M.Bertman, S. B.Bertman, SbBertman, S. B.Bertman, S.B.Carroll, M. A.Carroll, MACarroll, M.A.Carroll, M. A.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Edwards, G.D.Edwards, GDEdwards, G. D.Edwards, G. D.Forkel, R.Forkel, R.Forkel, R.Forkel, R.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Guenther, A. B.Guenther, ABGuenther, A.B.Guenther, A. B.Hansen, R. F.Hansen, R.F.Hansen, R. F.Hansen, RFHelmig, D.Helmig, D.Helmig, D.Helmig, D.Jobson, B. T.Jobson, B.Jobson, B.T.Jobson, B. T.Keutsch, F.N.Keutsch, F. N.Keutsch, F. N.Keutsch, F.Lefer, B.Lefer, B. L.Lefer, B. L.Lefer, B.L.Pressley, S.Pressley, S. N.Pressley, S. N.Pressley, S.N.Shepson, P. B.Shepson, P. B.Shepson, P.B.Shepson, P.Stevens, P.S.Stevens, P.Stevens, P. S.Stevens, P. S.Steiner, A.L.Steiner, A. L.Steiner, A. L. and Steiner, A.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 12, pp. 8829-8849. | Journal Article
Influence of water on anharmonicity, stability, and vibrational energy distribution of hydrogen-bonded adducts in atmospheric reactions: case study of the OH + isoprene reaction intermediate using ab initio molecular dynamics.
Dietrick, Scott MDietrick, Scott M.Dietrick, S.M.Pacheco, Alexander B.Pacheco, Alexander BPacheco, A.B.Phatak, PrasadPhatak, PrasadPhatak, P.Stevens, P.S.Stevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SIyengar, Srinivasan S.Iyengar, S.S. and Iyengar, Srinivasan S
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 116, (no. 1), pp. 399-414, 2012/Jan/12. | Journal Article
Influence of Water on Anharmonicity, Stability, and Vibrational Energy Distribution of Hydrogen-Bonded Adducts in Atmospheric Reactions: Case Study of the OH plus Isoprene Reaction Intermediate Using Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
Dietrick, Scott MDietrick, Scott M.Dietrick, S.M.Pacheco, Alexander B.Pacheco, Alexander BPacheco, A.B.Phatak, PrasadPhatak, PrasadPhatak, P.Stevens, P.S.Stevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SIyengar, Srinivasan S.Iyengar, S.S. and Iyengar, Srinivasan S
Journal of Physical Chemistry a, vol. 116, pp. 399-414. | Journal Article
Kinetic isotope effects and rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of three deuterated toluenes with OH from 298 to 353 K
Kim, DaekyunKim, DaekyunStevens, Philip SStevens, Philip S.Hites, Ronald A. and Hites, Ronald A
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, vol. 44, pp. 821-827. | Journal Article
Kinetic measurements of the ClO + O 3 → ClOO + O 2 reaction
Geophysical Research Letters. | Journal Article
Observations and modeling of formaldehyde at the PROPHET mixed hardwood forest site in 2008
Galloway, Melissa M.DiGangi, Joshua P.Hottle, John R.Huisman, Andrew J.Mielke, Levi H.Alaghmand, MarjanShepson, Paul B.Weremijewicz, JoannaKlavon, HughMcNeal, Fredrick M.Carroll, Mary AnneGriffith, StephenHansen, Robert F.Dusanter, SebastienStevens, Philip S.Bertman, Steven B. and Keutsch, Frank N.
Atmospheric Environment, vol. 49, pp. 403-410. | Journal Article
OH and HO<sub>2</sub> radical chemistry during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009 – Part 1: Measurements and model comparison
"Pump-probe" atom-centered density matrix propagation studies to gauge anharmonicity and energy repartitioning in atmospheric reactive adducts: case study of the OH + isoprene and OH + butadiene reaction intermediates.
Pacheco, Alexander BPacheco, Alexander B.Pacheco, A.B.Dietrick, S.M.Dietrick, Scott M.Dietrick, Scott MStevens, Philip SStevens, P.S.Stevens, Philip S.Iyengar, Srinivasan SIyengar, Srinivasan S. and Iyengar, S.S.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 116, (no. 16), pp. 4108-28, 2012/Apr/26. | Journal Article
"Pump-Probe" Atom-Centered Density Matrix Propagation Studies To Gauge Anharmonicity and Energy Repartitioning in Atmospheric Reactive Adducts: Case Study of the OH + Isoprene and OH + Butadiene Reaction Intermediates
Pacheco, Alexander BPacheco, Alexander B.Pacheco, A.B.Dietrick, S.M.Dietrick, Scott M.Dietrick, Scott MStevens, Philip SStevens, P.S.Stevens, Philip S.Iyengar, Srinivasan SIyengar, Srinivasan S. and Iyengar, S.S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry a, vol. 116, pp. 4108-4128. | Journal Article
Supplementary material to "OH and HO<sub>2</sub> radical chemistry during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009 – Part 1: Measurements and model comparison"
Nitric acid photolysis on forest canopy surface as a source for tropospheric nitrous acid
Zhou, XianliangZhang, NingTerAvest, MichaelaTang, DavidHou, JianBertman, SteveAlaghmand, MarjanShepson, Paul B.Carroll, Mary AnneGriffith, StephenDusanter, Sebastien and Stevens, Philip S.
Nature Geoscience, vol. 4, pp. 440-443. | Journal Article
Radical Dependence of the Yields of Methacrolein and Methyl Vinyl Ketone from the OH-Initiated Oxidation of Isoprene under NO^sub x^-Free Conditions
Navarro, Maria ADusanter, SebastienHites, Ronald A and Stevens, Philip S
Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 45, (no. 3), Feb 1, 2011. | Journal Article
Radical dependence of the yields of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone from the OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene under NO(x)-free conditions.
Navarro, Maria ANavarro, Maria A.Dusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienHites, Ronald AHites, Ronald A.Stevens, Philip S. and Stevens, Philip S
Environmental science & technology, vol. 45, (no. 3), pp. 923-9, 2011/Feb/1. | Journal Article
Radical Dependence of the Yields of Methacrolein and Methyl Vinyl Ketone from the OH-Initiated Oxidation of Isoprene under NOx-Free Conditions
Navarro, Maria ANavarro, Maria A.Dusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienHites, Ronald AHites, Ronald A.Stevens, Philip S. and Stevens, Philip S
Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 45, pp. 923-929. | Journal Article
Rate Constants for the Gas-Phase Reactions of OH and O-3 with beta-Ocimene, beta-Myrcene, and alpha- and beta-Farnesene as a Function of Temperature
Kim, DaekyunKim, DaekyunStevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SHites, Ronald A. and Hites, Ronald A
Journal of Physical Chemistry a, vol. 115, pp. 500-506. | Journal Article
Rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of OH and O3 with β-ocimene, β-myrcene, and α- and β-farnesene as a function of temperature.
Kim, DaekyunKim, DaekyunStevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SHites, Ronald A. and Hites, Ronald A
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 115, (no. 4), pp. 500-6, 2011/Feb/3. | Journal Article
Rate Constants for the Gas-Phase Reactions of OH and O.sub.3 with beta-Ocimene, beta-Myrcene, and alpha- and beta-Farnesene as a Function of Temperature
Kim, DaekyunKim, DaekyunStevens, PhilipStevens, PhilipHites, Ronald and Hites, Ronald
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 115, (no. 4), 20110203. | Journal Article
The glyoxal budget and its contribution to organic aerosol for Los Angeles, California, during CalNex 2010
Washenfelder, R. A.Young, C. J.Brown, S. S.Angevine, W. M.Atlas, E. L.Blake, D. R.Bon, D. M.Cubison, M. J.Gouw, J. A.Dusanter, S.Flynn, J.Gilman, J. B.Graus, M.Griffith, S.Grossberg, N.Hayes, P. L.Jimenez, J. L.Kuster, W. C.Lefer, B. L.Pollack, I. B.Ryerson, T. B.Stark, H.Stevens, P. S. and Trainer, M. K.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 116. | Journal Article
An overview of the MILAGRO 2006 campaign: Mexico City emissions and their transport and transformation
Molina, LuisaMadronich, S.Gaffney, Jeffrey SApel, E.de Foy, B.Fast, Jerome DFerrare, R.Herndon, S.Jimenez, JoseLamb, B.Osornio-Vargas, ARRussell, P.Schauer, James JStevens, Philip S and Zavala, M.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, vol. 10, (no. 3), pp. 7819-7983, 2010. | Journal Article
An overview of the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign: Mexico City emissions and their transport and transformation
Molina, L.T.Molina, L. T.Molina, LuisaMadronich, S.Madronich, S.Madronich, S.Gaffney, J. S.Gaffney, Jeffrey SGaffney, J.S.Apel, E.Apel, E.Apel, E.De Foy, B.Foy, B.de Foy, B.Fast, Jerome DFast, J.Ferrare, R.Ferrare, R.Ferrare, R.Herndon, S.Herndon, S.Herndon, S.Jimenez, J.L.Jimenez, J. L.Jimenez, JoseLamb, B.Lamb, B.Lamb, B.Osornio-Vargas, A. R.Osornio-Vargas, A.R.Osornio-Vargas, A.Russell, P.Russell, P.Russell, P.Schauer, J. J.Schauer, J.Schauer, J.J.Stevens, P.Stevens, P. S.Stevens, P.S.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Zavala, M.Zavala, M. and Zavala, M.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 10, (no. 18), 2010. | Journal Article
An overview of the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign: Mexico City emissions and their transport and transformation
Molina, L.T.Molina, L. T.Molina, LuisaMadronich, S.Madronich, S.Madronich, S.Gaffney, J. S.Gaffney, Jeffrey SGaffney, J.S.Apel, E.Apel, E.Apel, E.De Foy, B.Foy, B.de Foy, B.Fast, Jerome DFast, J.Ferrare, R.Ferrare, R.Ferrare, R.Herndon, S.Herndon, S.Herndon, S.Jimenez, J.L.Jimenez, J. L.Jimenez, JoseLamb, B.Lamb, B.Lamb, B.Osornio-Vargas, A. R.Osornio-Vargas, A.R.Osornio-Vargas, A.Russell, P.Russell, P.Russell, P.Schauer, J. J.Schauer, J.Schauer, J.J.Stevens, P.Stevens, P. S.Stevens, P.S.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Zavala, M.Zavala, M. and Zavala, M.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 10, pp. 8697-8760. | Journal Article
Impacts of HONO sources on the photochemistry in Mexico City during the MCMA-2006/MILAGO Campaign
Li, G.Lei, W.Zavala, M.Volkamer, R.Dusanter, S.Stevens, P. and Molina, L. T.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 10, pp. 6551-6567. | Journal Article
Experimental and theoretical studies of the kinetics of the OH + hydroxyacetone reaction as a function of temperature.
Baasandorj, MunkhbayarBaasandorj, MunkhbayarGriffith, StephenGriffith, StephenDusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienStevens, Philip S. and Stevens, Philip S
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 113, (no. 39), pp. 10495-502, 2009/Oct/1. | Journal Article
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Kinetics of the OH plus Hydroxyacetone Reaction As a Function of Temperature
Baasandorj, MunkhbayarBaasandorj, MunkhbayarGriffith, StephenGriffith, StephenDusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienStevens, Philip S. and Stevens, Philip S
Journal of Physical Chemistry a, vol. 113, pp. 10495-10502. | Journal Article