
Areas of Interest: Characterization of the chemical mechanisms in the atmosphere that influence regional air quality and global climate change

Much of his group's current research is focused on improving our understanding of the influence of biogenic emissions and their oxidation products on the chemistry of the atmosphere. This research involves laboratory studies of the kinetics of important atmospheric reactions, theoretical studies of the reaction mechanisms, and field measurements of the atmosphere in both urban and forested environments.


  • Indoor Chemistry: Indoor Oxidation
  • Ambient measurements of OH radicalS
  • Laboratory measurements: Laboratory measurements of VOC oxidation
  • Theoretical studies of OH radical reactions

Research: Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanisms

Research Fields: Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences & Ecology


Research: Atmospheric chemistry; Air quality; Biosphere-atmosphere interactions

Research Area:

  • Environmental Science

Subject area: Physical

Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

Environmental Policy, Environmental Policy, Public Administration, Public Administration, Chemistry, Geography, Geography
PhD, Harvard University, Physical Chemistry, 1990
AM, Harvard University, Chemistry, 1986
BA, Oberlin College, Chemistry, 1984
atmospheric sciences atmospheric chemistry mass spectrometry chemical reactions remote sensing environmental chemistry air pollution marine atmospheric chemistry atmospheric models photochemistry