12 Grants
Seasonal Measurements of Hydrogen Oxide Radical (HOx) Chemistry in Forests
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (ID: 2322462), $872,179USD, 2023-09-01 -- 2026-08-31
Measurements of Hydrogen Oxide (HOx) Radical Chemistry Above and Below the Forest Canopy
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (ID: 1827450), $766,198USD, 09/01/2018 -- 08/31/2021
HOx Radical Chemistry in Forest Environments: Measurements and Characterization of Instrument Interferences
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 1440834), $222,008USD, 10/01/2014 -- 09/30/2017
Measurements of HOx Radical Chemistry in a Changing Forest Environment
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 1104880), $446,119USD, 09/01/2011 -- 08/31/2013
Development of a Laser Photofragmentation/ Laser-Induced Fluorescence Instrument for Tropospheric Measurements of Nitrous Acid
Stevens, Philip and Dusanter, Sebastien
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 1012161), $393,225USD, 09/01/2010 -- 08/31/2013
Collaborative Research: Program for Research on Oxidants: Photochemistry Emissions and Transport (PROPHET) 2009--Community Atmosphere-Biosphere INteractions EXperiment (CABINEX)
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 0904167), $145,915USD, 09/15/2009 -- 08/31/2011
Kinetics of the Hydroxyl Radical (OH) and Ozone-Initiated Oxidation of Biogenic Terpenes
Hites, Ronald and Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 0622815), $541,139USD, 09/15/2006 -- 02/29/2012
Measurements of Tropospheric OH and HO2 Radicals in Forest Environments
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 0612738), $619,505USD, 08/01/2006 -- 01/31/2012
Laboratory Measurements of the Hydroxyl Radical (OH)-Initiated Oxidation of Alpha and Beta-Pinene
Hites, Ronald and Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 0106705), $484,831USD, 08/15/2001 -- 06/30/2006
CAREER: Laboratory and Field Measurements of Tropospheric Hydroxyl Radical (OH) and Peroxy Radical (HO2) by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 9984152), $584,143USD, 07/15/2000 -- 12/31/2006
Laboratory Kinetics Studies of Peroxy Radical Reactions with Nitric Oxide
Stevens, Philip
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 9622712), $286,512USD, 09/01/1996 -- 08/31/2001
Tropospheric OH, HO2, N02, and NO by Resonance Emission: Instrumentation and Measurements of Abundances and Fluxes
Stevens, Philip and Brune, William
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (ID: 9217748), $441,900USD, 05/01/1993 -- 04/30/1997