151 Publications (Page 3 of 7)
Response to Review #2
Supplementary material to "Development of an instrument for direct ozone production rate measurements: Measurement reliability and current limitations"
Supplementary material to "Measurements of the OH radical yield from the ozonolysis of biogenic alkenes: A potential interference with laser-induced fluorescence measurements of ambient OH"
Differences in BVOC oxidation and SOA formation above and below the forest canopy
Schulze, Benjamin CWallace, Henry WFlynn, James HLefer, Barry LErickson, Matt HJobson, B. ThomasDusanter, SebastienGriffith, Stephen MHansen, Robert FStevens, Philip S and Griffin, Robert J
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, pp. 35, 2016-06-14. | Journal Article
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Kinetics of the OH plus Propionaldehyde Reaction between 277 and 375 K at Low Pressure
Carey, Jr. and Stevens, Philip S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry a, vol. 120, pp. 1377-1385. | Journal Article
Measurements of hydroxyl and hydroperoxy radicals during CalNex-LA: Model comparisons and radical budgets
Griffith, S. M.Hansen, R. F.Dusanter, S.Michoud, V.Gilman, J. B.Kuster, W. C.Veres, P. R.Graus, M.Gouw, J. A.Roberts, J.Young, C.Washenfelder, R.Brown, S. S.Thalman, R.Waxman, E.Volkamer, R.Tsai, C.Stutz, J.Flynn, J. H.Grossberg, N.Lefer, B.Alvarez, S. L.Rappenglueck, B.Mielke, L. H.Osthoff, H. D. and Stevens, P. S.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 121, pp. 4211-4232. | Journal Article
Supplementary material to "Differences in BVOC oxidation and SOA formation above and below the forest canopy"
An Atmospheric Constraint on the NO2 Dependence of Daytime Near-Surface Nitrous Acid (HONO)
Pusede, Sally E.Pusede, Sally EVandenBoer, Trevor CVandenBoer, Trevor C.Murphy, Jennifer G.Murphy, Jennifer GMarkovic, Milos Z.Markovic, Milos ZYoung, Cora JYoung, Cora J.Veres, Patrick RVeres, Patrick R.Roberts, James M.Roberts, James MWashenfelder, Rebecca AWashenfelder, Rebecca A.Brown, Steven S.Brown, Steven SRen, XinrongRen, XinrongTsai, CatalinaTsai, CatalinaStutz, JochenStutz, JochenBrune, William HBrune, William H.Browne, Eleanor CBrowne, Eleanor C.Wooldridge, Paul JWooldridge, Paul J.Graham, Ashley R.Graham, Ashley RWeber, RobinWeber, RobinGoldstein, Allen H.Goldstein, Allen HDusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienGriffith, Stephen MGriffith, Stephen M.Stevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SLefer, Barry L.Lefer, Barry LCohen, Ronald C and Cohen, Ronald C.
Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 49, pp. 12774-12781. | Journal Article
An Atmospheric Constraint on the NO2 Dependence of Daytime Near-Surface Nitrous Acid (HONO).
Pusede, Sally E.Pusede, Sally EVandenBoer, Trevor CVandenBoer, Trevor C.Murphy, Jennifer G.Murphy, Jennifer GMarkovic, Milos Z.Markovic, Milos ZYoung, Cora JYoung, Cora J.Veres, Patrick RVeres, Patrick R.Roberts, James M.Roberts, James MWashenfelder, Rebecca AWashenfelder, Rebecca A.Brown, Steven S.Brown, Steven SRen, XinrongRen, XinrongTsai, CatalinaTsai, CatalinaStutz, JochenStutz, JochenBrune, William HBrune, William H.Browne, Eleanor CBrowne, Eleanor C.Wooldridge, Paul JWooldridge, Paul J.Graham, Ashley R.Graham, Ashley RWeber, RobinWeber, RobinGoldstein, Allen H.Goldstein, Allen HDusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienGriffith, Stephen MGriffith, Stephen M.Stevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SLefer, Barry L.Lefer, Barry LCohen, Ronald C and Cohen, Ronald C.
Environmental science & technology, vol. 49, (no. 21), pp. 12774-12781, November 3, 2015. | Journal Article
Detailed characterizations of a Comparative Reactivity Method (CRM) instrument: experiments vs. modelling
Detailed characterizations of the new Mines Douai comparative reactivity method instrument via laboratory experiments and modeling
Michoud, V.Hansen, R. F.Locoge, N.Stevens, P. S. and Dusanter, S.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 8, pp. 3537-3553. | Journal Article
Gas and aerosol carbon in California: comparison of measurements and model predictions in Pasadena and Bakersfield
Baker, K. R.Baker, K.R.Carlton, A. G.Carlton, A.G.Kleindienst, T. E.Kleindienst, T.E.Offenberg, J. H.Offenberg, J.H.Beaver, M.R.Beaver, M. R.Gentner, D. R.Gentner, D.R.Goldstein, A. H.Goldstein, A.H.Hayes, P. L.Hayes, P.L.Jimenez, J.L.Jimenez, J. L.Gilman, J. B.Gilman, J.B.De Gouw, J.A.Gouw, J. A.Gouw, J. A.Gouw, J. A.Woody, M.C.Woody, M. C.Pye, H.O.T.Pye, H. O. T.Kelly, J. T.Kelly, J.T.Lewandowski, M.Lewandowski, M.Lewandowski, M.Lewandowski, M.Jaoui, M.Jaoui, M.Jaoui, M.Jaoui, M.Stevens, P.S.Stevens, P. S.Brune, W.H.Brune, W. H.Lin, Y. -H.Lin, Y. H.Rubitschun, C. L.Rubitschun, C.L.Surratt, J. D. and Surratt, J.D.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 15, pp. 5243-5258. | Journal Article
Intercomparison of the comparative reactivity method (CRM) and pump-probe technique for measuring total OH reactivity in an urban environment
Intercomparison of the comparative reactivity method (CRM) and pump-probe technique for measuring total OH reactivity in an urban environment
Hansen, R. F.Blocquet, M.Schoemaecker, C.Leonardis, T.Locoge, N.Fittschen, C.Hanoune, B.Stevens, P. S.Sinha, V. and Dusanter, S.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 8, pp. 4243-4264. | Journal Article
Supplementary material to "Detailed characterizations of a Comparative Reactivity Method (CRM) instrument: experiments vs. modelling"
Supplementary material to "Intercomparison of the comparative reactivity method (CRM) and pump-probe technique for measuring total OH reactivity in an urban environment"
Chlorine as a primary radical: evaluation of methods to understand its role in initiation of oxidative cycles
Young, C. J.Washenfelder, R. A.Edwards, P. M.Parrish, D. D.Gilman, J. B.Kuster, W. C.Mielke, L. H.Osthoff, H. D.Tsai, C.Pikelnaya, O.Stutz, J.Veres, P. R.Roberts, J. M.Griffith, S.Dusanter, S.Stevens, P. S.Flynn, J.Grossberg, N.Lefer, B.Holloway, J. S.Peischl, J.Ryerson, T. B.Atlas, E. L.Blake, D. R. and Brown, S. S.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 14, pp. 3427-3440. | Journal Article
Measurements of total hydroxyl radical reactivity during CABINEX 2009-Part 1: field measurements
Hansen, R. F.Griffith, S. M.Dusanter, S.Rickly, P. S.Stevens, P. S.Bertman, S. B.Carroll, M. A.Erickson, M. H.Flynn, J. H.Grossberg, N.Jobson, B. T.Lefer, B. L. and Wallace, H. W.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 14, pp. 2923-2937. | Journal Article
Kinetics of the Reaction of OH Radicals with 3-Methylfuran at Low Pressure
Liljegren, Jennifer A. and Stevens, Philip S.
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, vol. 45, pp. 787-794. | Journal Article
Measurements of total hydroxyl radical reactivity during CABINEX 2009 – Part 1: Field measurements
OH and HO2 radical chemistry during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009 - Part 1: Measurements and model comparison
Griffith, S.Griffith, S. M.Hansen, R.Hansen, R. F.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Stevens, P.Stevens, P. S.Alaghmand, M.Alaghmand, M.Bertman, S. B.Bertman, S.Carroll, M. A.Carroll, M.Erickson, M.Erickson, M.Galloway, M.Galloway, M.Grossberg, N.Grossberg, N.Hottle, J.Hottle, J.Hou, J.Hou, J.Jobson, B. T.Jobson, B.Kammrath, A.Kammrath, A.Keutsch, F.Keutsch, F. N.Lefer, B. L.Lefer, B.Mielke, L.Mielke, L. H.O'Brien, A.O’Brien, A.Shepson, P.Shepson, P. B.Thurlow, M.Thurlow, M.Wallace, W.Wallace, W.Zhang, N.Zhang, N.Zhou, X. and Zhou, X. L.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 13, (no. 11), 2013. | Journal Article
OH and HO2 radical chemistry during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009-Part 1: Measurements and model comparison
Griffith, S.Griffith, S. M.Hansen, R.Hansen, R. F.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Stevens, P.Stevens, P. S.Alaghmand, M.Alaghmand, M.Bertman, S. B.Bertman, S.Carroll, M. A.Carroll, M.Erickson, M.Erickson, M.Galloway, M.Galloway, M.Grossberg, N.Grossberg, N.Hottle, J.Hottle, J.Hou, J.Hou, J.Jobson, B. T.Jobson, B.Kammrath, A.Kammrath, A.Keutsch, F.Keutsch, F. N.Lefer, B. L.Lefer, B.Mielke, L.Mielke, L. H.O'Brien, A.O’Brien, A.Shepson, P.Shepson, P. B.Thurlow, M.Thurlow, M.Wallace, W.Wallace, W.Zhang, N.Zhang, N.Zhou, X. and Zhou, X. L.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 13, pp. 5403-5423. | Journal Article
Organic aerosol composition and sources in Pasadena, California, during the 2010 CalNex campaign
Hayes, P. L.Hayes, P.L.Ortega, A.M.Ortega, A. M.Cubison, M. J.Cubison, M.J.Froyd, K.D.Froyd, K. D.Zhao, Y.Zhao, Y.Zhao, Y.Zhao, Y.Cliff, S.S.Cliff, S. S.Hu, W.W.Hu, W. W.Toohey, D.W.Toohey, D. W.Flynn, J.H.Flynn, J. H.Lefer, B. L.Lefer, B.L.Grossberg, N.Grossberg, N.Grossberg, N.Grossberg, N.Alvarez, S.Alvarez, S.Alvarez, S.Alvarez, S.Rappenglück, B.Rappengl{\"u}ck, B.Rappenglueck, B.Taylor, J. W.Taylor, J.W.Allan, J.D.Allan, J. D.Holloway, J.S.Holloway, J. S.Gilman, J.B.Gilman, J. B.Kuster, W. C.Kuster, W.C.De Gouw, J. A.Gouw, J. A.De Gouw, J.A.Massoli, P.Massoli, P.Massoli, P.Massoli, P.Zhang, X.Zhang, X.Zhang, X.Zhang, X.Liu, J.Liu, J.Liu, J.Liu, J.Weber, R. J.Weber, R.J.Corrigan, A.L.Corrigan, A. L.Russell, L.M.Russell, L. M.Isaacman, G.Isaacman, G.Isaacman, G.Isaacman, G.Worton, D. R.Worton, D.R.Kreisberg, N. M.Kreisberg, N.M.Goldstein, A. H.Goldstein, A.H.Thalman, R.Thalman, R.Thalman, R.Thalman, R.Waxman, E. M.Waxman, E.M.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Volkamer, R.Lin, Y. H.Lin, Y.H.Surratt, J.D.Surratt, J. D.Kleindienst, T. E.Kleindienst, T.E.Offenberg, J. H.Offenberg, J.H.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Dusanter, S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Griffith, S.Stevens, P. S.Stevens, P.S.Brioude, J.Brioude, J.Brioude, J.Brioude, J.Angevine, W.M.Angevine, W. M.Jimenez, J. L. and Jimenez, J.L.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 118, pp. 9233-9257. | Journal Article
Supplementary material to "Measurements of total hydroxyl radical reactivity during CABINEX 2009 – Part 1: Field measurements"
Temperature dependence of the yields of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone from the OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene under NOx-free conditions
Navarro, Maria A.Dusanter, Sebastien and Stevens, Philip S.
Atmospheric Environment, vol. 79, pp. 59-66. | Journal Article