151 Publications (Page 2 of 7)
Response to reviewer 2
OH and HO2 radical chemistry in a midlatitude forest: Measurements and model comparisons
Lew, Michelle LRickly, Pamela SBottorff, Brandon PSklaveniti, SofiaLéonardis, ThierryLocoge, NadineDusanter, SebastienKundu, ShuvashishWood, Ezra and Stevens, Philip S
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, pp. 35, 2019-08-21. | Journal Article
Overview of HOMEChem: House Observations of Microbial and Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. | Journal Article
Peroxy Radical Measurements by Ethane – Nitric Oxide Chemical Amplification and Laser-Induced Fluorescence/Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion during the IRRONIC field campaign in a Forest in Indiana
Kundu, ShuvashishDeming, Benjamin LLew, Michelle MBottorff, Brandon PRickly, PamelaStevens, Philip SDusanter, SebastienSklaveniti, SofiaLeonardis, ThierryLocoge, Nadine and Wood, Ezra C
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, pp. 31, 2019-01-14. | Journal Article
Peroxy radical measurements by ethane – nitric oxide chemical amplification and laser-induced fluorescence during the IRRONIC field campaign in a forest in Indiana
Kundu, ShuvashishDeming, Benjamin LLew, Michelle MBottorff, Brandon PRickly, PamelaStevens, Philip SDusanter, SebastienSklaveniti, SofiaLeonardis, ThierryLocoge, Nadine and Wood, Ezra C
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. | Journal Article
Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model – Part 3: Assessing the influence of semi-volatile and intermediate-volatility organic compounds and NO<sub><i>x</i></sub>
Akherati, AliAkherati, AliAkherati, A.Cappa, Christopher DCappa, Christopher DCappa, C.D.Kleeman, Michael JKleeman, Michael JKleeman, M.J.Docherty, Kenneth SDocherty, Kenneth SDocherty, K.S.Jimenez, J.L.Jimenez, Jose LJimenez, Jose LGriffith, S.M.Griffith, Stephen MGriffith, Stephen MDusanter, SebastienDusanter, S.Dusanter, SebastienStevens, Philip SStevens, Philip SStevens, P.S.Jathar, S.H.Jathar, Shantanu H and Jathar, Shantanu H
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. | Journal Article
Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model - Part 3: Assessing the influence of semi-volatile and intermediate-volatility organic compounds and NO.sub.x
Akherati, AliCappa, ChristopherKleeman, MichaelDocherty, KennethJimenez, JoseGriffith, StephenDusanter, SebastienStevens, Philip and Jathar, Shantanu
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 19, (no. 7), pp. 4561, 20190408. | Journal Article
Simulating the Weekly Cycle of NO x ‐VOC‐HO x ‐O 3 Photochemical System in the South Coast of California During CalNex‐2010 Campaign
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. | Journal Article
Supplementary material to "OH and HO<sub>2</sub> radical chemistry in a midlatitude forest: Measurements and model comparisons"
Supplementary material to "Peroxy Radical Measurements by Ethane – Nitric Oxide Chemical Amplification and Laser-Induced Fluorescence/Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion during the IRRONIC field campaign in a Forest in Indiana"
Bidirectional Ecosystem-Atmosphere Fluxes of Volatile Organic Compounds Across the Mass Spectrum: How Many Matter?
Millet, Dylan B.Alwe, Hariprasad D.Chen, XinDeventer, Malte JulianGriffis, Timothy J.Holzinger, RupertBertman, Steven B.Rickly, Pamela S.Stevens, Philip S.Leonardis, ThierryLocoge, NadineDusanter, SebastienTyndall, Geoffrey S.Alvarez, Sergio L.Erickson, Matthew H. and Flynn, James H.
Acs Earth and Space Chemistry, vol. 2, pp. 764-777. | Journal Article
Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles Basin: Formation of Oxygenated Compounds and Determination of Emission Ratios
Gouw, J. A.Gilman, J. B.Kim, S. -W.Alvarez, S. L.Dusanter, S.Graus, M.Griffith, S. M.Isaacman-VanWertz, G.Kuster, W. C.Lefer, B. L.Lerner, B. M.McDonald, B. C.Rappengluck, B.Roberts, J. M.Stevens, P. S.Stutz, J.Thalman, R.Veres, P. R.Volkamer, R.Warneke, C.Washenfelder, R. A. and Young, C. J.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 123, pp. 2298-2319. | Journal Article
Development of an instrument for direct ozone production rate measurements: measurement reliability and current limitations
Sklaveniti, SofiaSklaveniti, SofiaLocoge, NadineLocoge, NadineStevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SWood, EzraWood, EzraKundu, ShuvashishKundu, ShuvashishDusanter, Sébastien and Dusanter, Sebastien
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 11, pp. 741-761. | Journal Article
Measurement of interferences associated with the detection of the hydroperoxy radical in the atmosphere using laser-induced fluorescence
Lew, Michelle M.Dusanter, Sebastien and Stevens, Philip S.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 11, pp. 95-109. | Journal Article
Measurements of a potential interference with laser-induced fluorescence measurements of ambient OH from the ozonolysis of biogenic alkenes
Rickly, Pamela and Stevens, Philip S.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 11, pp. 1-16. | Journal Article
Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model - Part 3: Assessing the influence of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds and NOX
Akherati, AliCappa, Christopher DKleeman, Michael JDocherty, Kenneth SJimenez, Jose LGriffith, Stephen MDusanter, SebastienStevens, Philip S and Jathar, Shantanu H
2018-07-10. | Journal Article
Supplementary material to "Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model – Part 3: Assessing the influence of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds and NO<sub>X</sub>"
Akherati, AliCappa, Christopher D.Kleeman, Michael J.Docherty, Kenneth S.Jimenez, Jose L.Griffith, Stephen M.Dusanter, Sebastien and Jathar, Shantanu H.
Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles basin: Nighttime Removal of Alkenes and Determination of Emission Ratios
Gouw, J. A.Gilman, J. B.Kim, S. -W.Lerner, B. M.Isaacman-VanWertz, G.McDonald, B. C.Warneke, C.Kuster, W. C.Lefer, B. L.Griffith, S. M.Dusanter, S.Stevens, P. S. and Stutz, J.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 122, pp. 11843-11861. | Journal Article
Development of an instrument for direct ozone production rate measurements: Measurement reliability and current limitations
Sklaveniti, SofiaLocoge, NadineStevens, Philip SWood, EzraKundu, Shuvashish and Dusanter, Sébastien
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, pp. 46, 2017-08-01. | Journal Article
Differences in BVOC oxidation and SOA formation above and below the forest canopy
Schulze, Benjamin C.Schulze, Benjamin CSchulze, Benjamin CWallace, Henry W.Wallace, Henry WWallace, Henry WFlynn, James H.Flynn, James HFlynn, James HLefer, Barry L.Lefer, Barry LLefer, Barry LErickson, Matt HErickson, Matt HErickson, Matt H.Jobson, B. TomJobson, B TJobson, B TDusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienDusanter, SebastienGriffith, Stephen MGriffith, Stephen M.Griffith, Stephen MHansen, Robert FHansen, Robert FHansen, Robert F.Stevens, Philip S.Stevens, Philip SStevens, Philip SVanReken, TimothyVanReken, TimothyVanReken, TimothyGriffin, Robert J.Griffin, Robert J and Griffin, Robert J
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 17, pp. 1805-1828. | Journal Article
Measurement of interferences associated with the detection of the hydroperoxy radical in the atmosphere using laser-induced fluorescence
Lew, Michelle MDusanter, Sebastien and Stevens, Philip S
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, pp. 30, 2017-08-09. | Journal Article
Measurements of the OH radical yield from the ozonolysis of biogenic alkenes: A potential interference with laser-induced fluorescence measurements of ambient OH
Rickly, Pamela and Stevens, Philip S
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, pp. 25, 2017-06-21. | Journal Article
Response to referee #1
Response to referee #2
Response to Review #1