131 Publications (Page 3 of 6)
Inactivation of Lrp5 in osteocytes reduces Young's modulus and responsiveness to the mechanical loading
Zhao, LimingZhao, LimingShim, Joon WShim, JoonDodge, Todd RDodge, ToddRobling, AlexanderRobling, Alexander GYokota, Hiroki and Yokota, Hiroki
Bone, vol. 54, (no. 1), pp. 43, 2013. | Journal Article
Reduced gravitational loading does not account for the skeletal effect of botulinum toxin-induced muscle inhibition suggesting a direct effect of muscle on bone.
Warden, Stuart JGalley, Matthew RRichard, Jeffrey SGeorge, Lydia ADirks, Rachel CGuildenbecher, Elizabeth AJudd, Ashley MRobling, Alexander and Fuchs, Robyn
Bone, vol. 54, (no. 1), pp. 98-105, 2013/May. | Journal Article
Sclerostin inhibition reverses skeletal fragility in an Lrp5-deficient mouse model of OPPG syndrome.
Kedlaya, RajendraVeera, ShreyaHoran, Daniel JMoss, Rachel EAyturk, Ugur MJacobsen, Christina MBowen, MargotPaszty, ChrisWarman, Matthew L and Robling, Alexander
Science translational medicine, vol. 5, (no. 211), pp. 211ra158, 2013/Nov/13. | Journal Article
The expanding role of Wnt signaling in bone metabolism.
Robling, Alexander
Bone, vol. 55, (no. 1), pp. 256-7, 2013/Jul. | Journal Article
Dynamic muscle loading and mechanotransduction.
Yokota, HirokiTovar, Andrés and Robling, Alexander
Bone, vol. 51, (no. 4), pp. 826-7, 2012/Oct. | Journal Article
Immortalization and characterization of osteoblast cell lines generated from wild-type and Nmp4-null mouse bone marrow stromal cells using murine telomerase reverse transcriptase (mTERT).
Alvarez, Marta BChildress, PaulPhilip, Binu KGerard-O'Riley, RitaHanlon, MichaelHerbert, Brittney SheaRobling, AlexanderPavalko, Fredrick M and Bidwell, Joseph
Journal of cellular physiology, vol. 227, (no. 5), pp. 1873-82, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Mechanical loading, damping, and load-driven bone formation in mouse tibiae
Dodge, ToddDodge, ToddWanis, MinaWanis, MinaAyoub, RamezAyoub, RamezZhao, LimingZhao, LimingWatts, Nelson BWatts, NelsonBhattacharya, AmitBhattacharya, AmitAkkus, OzanAkkus, OzanRobling, AlexanderRobling, AlexanderYokota, Hiroki and Yokota, Hiroki
Bone, vol. 51, (no. 4), pp. 818, 2012. | Journal Article
Mechanotransduction in bone tissue: The A214V and G171V mutations in Lrp5 enhance load-induced osteogenesis in a surface-selective manner.
Niziolek, Paul JWarman, Matthew L and Robling, Alexander
Bone, vol. 51, (no. 3), pp. 459-65, 2012/Sep. | Journal Article
Sost downregulation and local Wnt signaling are required for the osteogenic response to mechanical loading.
Tu, XiaolinRhee, YumieCondon, Keith WBivi, NicolettaAllen, Matthew RDwyer, DeniseStolina, MarinaTurner, Charles HRobling, AlexanderPlotkin, Lilian I and Bellido, Teresita
Bone, vol. 50, (no. 1), pp. 209-17, 2012/Jan. | Journal Article
The interaction of biological factors with mechanical signals in bone adaptation: recent developments.
Robling, Alexander
Current osteoporosis reports, vol. 10, (no. 2), pp. 126-31, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Anabolic and catabolic regimens of human parathyroid hormone 1-34 elicit bone- and envelope-specific attenuation of skeletal effects in Sost-deficient mice.
Robling, AlexanderKedlaya, RajendraEllis, Shana NChildress, Paul JBidwell, JosephBellido, Teresita and Turner, Charles H
Endocrinology, vol. 152, (no. 8), pp. 2963-75, 2011/Aug. | Journal Article
Charles Hall Turner 1961–2010
Robling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GBurr, David B and Burr, David B
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 26, (no. 1), pp. 2, January 2011. | Journal Article
High-bone-mass-producing mutations in the Wnt signaling pathway result in distinct skeletal phenotypes
Niziolek, Paul JFarmer, Takeisha LCui, YajunTurner, Charles HWarman, Matthew L and Robling, Alexander
Bone, vol. 49, (no. 5), pp. 1010-1019, 2011. | Journal Article
Iron deficiency drives an autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) phenotype in fibroblast growth factor-23 (Fgf23) knock-in mice
Farrow, Emily GFarrow, EmilyYu, XijieYu, XijieSummers, LeliaSummers, Lelia JDavis, SiobhanDavis, Siobhan IFleet, JamesFleet, James CAllen, Matthew RAllen, MatthewRobling, AlexanderRobling, AlexanderStayrook, Keith RStayrook, KeithJideonwo, VictoriaJideonwo, VictoriaMagers, MartinMagers, Martin JGarringer, HollyGarringer, Holly JVidal, RubenVidal, RubenChan, Rebecca JChan, RebeccaGoodwin, CharlesGoodwin, Charles BHui, Siu LHui, SiuPeacock, MunroPeacock, MunroWhite, Kenneth and White, Kenneth E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 108, (no. 46), Nov 15, 2011. | Journal Article
Lrp5 functions in bone to regulate bone mass
Cui, YajunCui, YajunNiziolek, Paul JNiziolek, Paul JMacDonald, Bryan TMacdonald, Bryan TMacdonald, Bryan TZylstra, Cassandra RZylstra, Cassandra RAlenina, NataliaAlenina, NataliaRobinson, Daniel RRobinson, Daniel RZhong, ZhendongZhong, ZhendongMatthes, SusannMatthes, SusannJacobsen, Christina MConlon, RonConlon, Ronald ABrommage, RobertBrommage, RobertLiu, QingyunLiu, QingyunMseeh, FaikaMseeh, FaikaPowell, David RPowell, David RYang, Qi MYang, Qi MZambrowicz, BrianZambrowicz, BrianGerrits, HanGerrits, HanGossen, Jan AGossen, Jan AHe, XiHe, XiBader, MichaelBader, MichaelWilliams, Bart OWilliams, Bart OWarman, Matthew LWarman, Matthew LRobling, Alexander G and Robling, Alexander
Nature Medicine, vol. 17, (no. 6), pp. 684-91, Jun 2011. | Journal Article
Muscle Forces Directly Influence Bone Adaptation
Dirks, Rachel CDirks, Rachel CDirks, Rachel CEllis, Shana NEllis, Shana NEllis, Shana NClifton, Ashley MClifton, Ashley MClifton, Ashley MFuchs, Robyn KFuchs, Robyn KFuchs, Robyn KRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart J and Warden, Stuart J
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 43, (no. Suppl 1), pp. 245, 2011-05-00. | Journal Article
Nmp4/CIZ Suppresses the Response of Bone to Anabolic Parathyroid Hormone by Regulating Both Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts
Childress, PaulPhilip, Binu KRobling, AlexanderBruzzaniti, AngelaKacena, MelissaBivi, NicolettaPlotkin, Lilian IHeller, Aaron and Bidwell, Joseph P
Calcified Tissue International, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 74-89, Jul 2011. | Journal Article
The haploinsufficient hematopoietic microenvironment is critical to the pathological fracture repair in murine models of neurofibromatosis type 1.
Wu, XiaohuaWu, XiaohuaWu, XiaohuaWu, XiaohuaChen, ShiChen, ShiChen, ShiChen, ShiHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengRhodes, Steven DRhodes, Steven DRhodes, Steven DRhodes, Steven DMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SLi, XiaohongLi, XiaohongLi, XiaohongLi, XiaohongYang, XianlinYang, XianlinYang, XianlinYang, XianlinJiang, LiJiang, LiJiang, LiJiang, LiNalepa, GrzegorzNalepa, GrzegorzNalepa, GrzegorzNalepa, GrzegorzSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeSnider, PaigeRobling, Alexander GRobling, AlexanderRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GClapp, D WadeClapp, D WadeClapp, D WClapp, D WadeConway, Simon JConway, Simon JConway, Simon JConway, Simon JGuise, Theresa AGuise, Theresa AGuise, Theresa AGuise, Theresa AYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng-Chun and Yang, Feng Chun
PloS one, vol. 6, (no. 9), pp. e24917, 2011. | Journal Article
Mechanical Stimulation and Intermittent Parathyroid Hormone Treatment Induce Disproportional Osteogenic, Geometric, and Biomechanical Effects in Growing Mouse Bone
Mcateer, Maureen EMcateer, Maureen ENiziolek, Paul JNiziolek, Paul JEllis, Shana NEllis, Shana NAlge, Daniel LAlge, Daniel LRobling, Alexander G and Robling, Alexander
Calcified Tissue International, vol. 86, (no. 5), pp. 389-96, May 2010. | Journal Article
Modulation of Wnt signaling influences fracture repair.
Komatsu, David EMary, Michelle NSchroeder, Robert JRobling, AlexanderTurner, Charles H and Warden, Stuart J
Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, vol. 28, (no. 7), pp. 928-36, 2010/Jul. | Journal Article
Muscle loss and bone loss: master and slave?
Robling, Alexander
Bone, vol. 46, (no. 2), pp. 272-3, 2010/Feb. | Journal Article
Nmp4/CIZ: road block at the intersection of PTH and load.
Childress, PaulRobling, Alexander and Bidwell, Joseph
Bone, vol. 46, (no. 2), pp. 259-66, 2010/Feb. | Journal Article
Numerical modeling of long bone adaptation due to mechanical loading: correlation with experiments.
Chennimalai Kumar, NatarajanDantzig, Jonathan AJasiuk, Iwona MRobling, Alexander and Turner, Charles H
Annals of biomedical engineering, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 594-604, 2010/Mar. | Journal Article
RAGE supports parathyroid hormone-induced gains in femoral trabecular bone
Philip, Binu KChildress, Paul JRobling, AlexanderHeller, AaronNawroth, Peter PBierhaus, Angelika and Bidwell, Joseph P
American Journal of Physiology, vol. 298, (no. 3), Mar 2010. | Journal Article
The emerging role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in the skeleton and its mediation of the skeletal effects of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5).
Warden, Stuart JRobling, AlexanderHaney, Elizabeth MTurner, Charles H and Bliziotes, Michael M
Bone, vol. 46, (no. 1), pp. 4-12, 2010/Jan. | Journal Article