246 Publications (Page 6 of 10)
Differential effects of Mg2+ ions on the individual kinetic steps of human cytosolic and mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenases.KK, Ho⋅A, Allali-Hassani⋅TD, Hurley and H, Weiner
Differential effects of Mg ions on the individual kinetic steps of human cytosolic and mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenases
Ho, Kwok⋅Allai-Hassani, Abdellah⋅Hurley, Thomas and Weiner, Henry
Biochemistry, vol. 44, (no. 22), pp. 8022, 20050607. | Journal Article
Disruption of the coenzyme binding site and dimer interface revealed in the crystal structure of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase "Asian" variant.HN, Larson⋅H, Weiner and TD, Hurley
Disruption of the Coenzyme Binding Site and Dimer Interface Revealed in the Crystal Structure of Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase "Asian" Variant.Larson, Heather N⋅Larson, Heather N⋅Weiner, Henry⋅Weiner, Henry⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Hurley, Thomas DJournal of biological chemistry., vol. 280, (no. 34), pp. 30550-30556, 2005.
| Journal Article
Hydrolysis of capecitabine to 5’-deoxy-5-fluorocytidine by human carboxylesterases and inhibition by loperamide.Quinney, S K⋅SK, Quinney⋅Quinney, Sk⋅Sanghani, Sonal P⋅SP, Sanghani⋅Sanghani, SP⋅Davis, WI⋅Davis, W I⋅WI, Davis⋅TD, Hurley⋅Hurley, T D⋅Hurley, TD⋅Sun, Z⋅Z, Sun⋅Sun, Z⋅DJ, Murry⋅Murry, Daryl J⋅Murry, DJ⋅Bosron, WF⋅Bosron, William F and WF, BosronThe Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.
| Journal Article
Hydrolysis of capecitabine to 5’-deoxy-5-fluorocytidine by human carboxylesterases and inhibition by loperamide.SK, Quinney⋅SP, Sanghani⋅WI, Davis⋅TD, Hurley⋅Z, Sun⋅DJ, Murry and WF, Bosron
Pyrithiamine as a substrate for thiamine pyrophosphokinase.JY, Liu⋅DE, Timm and TD, Hurley
Pyrithiamine as a substrate for thiamine pyrophosphokinase.
JY, Liu⋅DE, Timm and TD, Hurley
The Journal of biological chemistry. | Journal Article
Requirements for catalysis in mammalian glycogenin.TD, Hurley⋅S, Stout⋅E, Miner⋅J, Zhou and PJ, Roach
Requirements for Catalysis in Mammalian GlycogeninHurley, Thomas D⋅Stout, Stephanie⋅Miner, Emily⋅Zhou, Jing and Roach, Peter JJournal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 280, (no. 25), pp. 23892-23899, 2005.
| Journal Article
Identification and analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the gemcitabine pharmacologic pathwayFukunaga, A. K⋅Marsh, Sharon⋅Murry, Daryl J⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Mc Leod, Howard LThe Pharmacogenomics Journal, vol. 4, (no. 5), pp. 307-314, 2004.
| Journal Article
Identification and analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the gemcitabine pharmacologic pathway.AK, Fukunaga⋅S, Marsh⋅DJ, Murry⋅TD, Hurley and HL, McLeod
Methylphenidate is stereoselectively hydrolyzed by human carboxylesterase CES1A1.Z, Sun⋅DJ, Murry⋅SP, Sanghani⋅WI, Davis⋅NY, Kedishvili⋅Q, Zou⋅TD, Hurley and WF, Bosron
Methylphenidate is stereoselectively hydrolyzed by human carboxylesterase CES1A1.Sun, Zejin⋅Sun, Z.⋅Murry, Daryl J⋅Murry, D.J.⋅Sanghani, Sonal P⋅Sanghani, S.P.⋅Davis, Wilhelmina I⋅Davis, W.I.⋅Kedishvili, N.Y.⋅Kedishvili, Natalia Y⋅Zou, Q.⋅Zou, Qin⋅Hurley, Thomas D⋅Hurley, T.D.⋅Bosron, W.F. and Bosron, William FThe Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, vol. 310, (no. 2), pp. 469-76, 2004/Aug.
| Journal Article
Structure of three class I human alcohol dehydrogenases complexed with isoenzyme specific formamide inhibitors.
BJ, Gibbons and TD, Hurley
Biochemistry. | Journal Article
Structure of three class I human alcohol dehydrogenases complexed with isoenzyme specific formamide inhibitors.BJ, Gibbons and TD, Hurley
Coenzyme isomerization is integral to catalysis in aldehyde dehydrogenase.SJ, Perez-Miller and TD, Hurley
Coenzyme isomerization is integral to catalysis in aldehyde dehydrogenase.
SJ, Perez-Miller and TD, Hurley
Biochemistry. | Journal Article
Structure-function relationships in human Class III alcohol dehydrogenase (formaldehyde dehydrogenase).Sanghani, Paresh C⋅Robinson, Howard⋅Bennett-Lovsey, Riccardo⋅Hurley, Thomas D and Bosron, William FChemico-biological interactions, vol. 143-144, pp. 195-200, 2003/Feb/1.
| Journal Article
Structure-function relationships in human Class III alcohol dehydrogenase (formaldehyde dehydrogenase).PC, Sanghani⋅H, Robinson⋅R, Bennett-Lovsey⋅TD, Hurley and WF, Bosron
Crystal structure of the autocatalytic initiator of glycogen biosynthesis, glycogenin.BJ, Gibbons⋅PJ, Roach and TD, Hurley
Crystal structure of the autocatalytic initiator of glycogen biosynthesis, glycogenin.Gibbons, Brian J⋅BJ, Gibbons⋅Roach, Peter J⋅PJ, Roach⋅Hurley, Thomas D and TD, HurleyJournal of molecular biology.
| Journal Article
Human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Structural changes associated with ternary complex formation.Sanghani, Paresh C⋅Bosron, William F and Hurley, Thomas DBiochemistry, vol. 41, (no. 51), pp. 15189-94, 2002/Dec/24.
| Journal Article
Human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Structural changes associated with ternary complex formation.PC, Sanghani⋅WF, Bosron and TD, Hurley
Human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Structures of apo, binary, and inhibitory ternary complexes.PC, Sanghani⋅H, Robinson⋅WF, Bosron and TD, Hurley