37 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Adaptation, culture, and the energy transition in American coal country
Carley, SanyaCarley, SanyaCarley, SanyaEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PKonisky, David MKonisky, David M and Konisky, David M
Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 37, pp. 139, March 2018. | Journal Article
A framework for evaluating geographic disparities in energy transition vulnerability
Carley, SanyaCarley, SanyaCarley, SanyaCarley, SanyaCarley, SanyaEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PGraff, MichelleGraff, MichelleGraff, MichelleGraff, MichelleGraff, MichelleKonisky, David MKonisky, David MKonisky, David MKonisky, David M and Konisky, David M
Nature Energy, vol. 3, (no. 8), pp. 627, 2018-08-00. | Journal Article
A large‐area, spatially continuous assessment of land cover map error and its impact on downstream analyses
Estes, LyndonEstes, LyndonEstes, LyndonEstes, L.Chen, PengChen, PengChen, PengChen, P.Debats, StephanieDebats, S.Debats, StephanieDebats, StephanieEvans, T.Evans, TomEvans, TomEvans, TomFerreira, StefanusFerreira, S.Ferreira, StefanusFerreira, StefanusKuemmerle, TobiasKuemmerle, TobiasKuemmerle, TobiasKuemmerle, T.Ragazzo, GabrielleRagazzo, G.Ragazzo, GabrielleRagazzo, GabrielleSheffield, JustinSheffield, JustinSheffield, JustinSheffield, J.Wolf, AdamWolf, A.Wolf, AdamWolf, AdamWood, EricWood, EricWood, E.Wood, EricCaylor, KellyCaylor, KellyCaylor, K. and Caylor, Kelly
Global Change Biology, vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 337, January 2018. | Journal Article
Collective action in a polycentric water governance system
Baldwin, ElizabethMcCord, PaulDell'Angelo, Jampel and Evans, Tom
Environmental Policy and Governance, vol. 28, (no. 4), pp. 222, July/August 2018. | Journal Article
Comparing empirical and survey-based yield forecasts in a dryland agro-ecosystem
Zhao, Y.Zhao, YiZhao, YiVergopolan, NoemiVergopolan, N.Vergopolan, NoemiBaylis, K.Baylis, KathyBaylis, KathyBlekking, JordanBlekking, JordanBlekking, J.Caylor, K.Caylor, KellyCaylor, KellyEvans, TomEvans, TomEvans, T.Giroux, S.Giroux, StaceyGiroux, StaceySheffield, JustinSheffield, JustinSheffield, J.Estes, L.Estes, Lyndon and Estes, Lyndon
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 262, pp. 156, 2018-11-15. | Journal Article
Farmer Perceptions of Conflict Related to Water in Zambia
Marcantonio, Richard AMarcantonio, RichardMarcantonio, RichardMarcantonio, RichardAttari, ShahzeenAttari, ShahzeenAttari, Shahzeen ZEvans, TomEvans, Tom P and Evans, Tom
Sustainability, vol. 10, (no. 2), pp. 313, 2018-01-26. | Journal Article
Governance of food systems across scales in times of social-ecological change : a review of indicators
Delaney, AogánDelaney, AogánEvans, TomEvans, TomMcGreevy, JohnMcGreevy, JohnBlekking, JordanBlekking, JordanSchlachter, TylerSchlachter, TylerKorhonen-Kurki, KaisaKorhonen-Kurki, KaisaTamás, PeterTamás, PeterCrane, ToddCrane, ToddEakin, HallieEakin, HallieFörch, WiebkeFörch, WiebkeJones, LindseyJones, LindseyNelson, DonaldNelson, DonaldOberlack, ChristophOberlack, ChristophPurdon, MarkPurdon, MarkRist, Stephan and Rist, Stephan
Food Security, vol. 10, (no. 2), 2018. | Journal Article
Decentralization can help reduce deforestation when user groups engage with local government.
Wright, Glenn DAndersson, Krister PGibson, Clark C and Evans, Tom P
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, December 12, 2016. | Journal Article
Strategic directions for agent-based modeling: avoiding the YAAWN syndrome.
O'Sullivan, DavidEvans, TomManson, StevenMetcalf, SaraLigmann-Zielinska, Arika and Bone, Chris
Journal of land use science, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 177-187. | Journal Article
A platform for crowdsourcing the creation of representative, accurate landcover maps
Estes, LyndonEstes, LyndonMcRitchie, DennisMcRitchie, DennisChoi, JonathanChoi, JonathanDebats, StephanieDebats, StephanieEvans, TomEvans, TomGuthe, WilliamGuthe, WilliamLuo, DeeLuo, DeeRagazzo, GabrielleRagazzo, GabrielleZempleni, RekaZempleni, RekaCaylor, Kelly and Caylor, Kelly
Nov 14, 2015
Can incentives make a difference? Assessing the effects of policy tools for encouraging tree-planting on private lands.
Ruseva, Tatyana BEvans, Tom P and Fischer, Burnell C
Journal of environmental management, vol. 155, pp. 162-170, May 15, 2015. | Journal Article
Classification of Coffee-Forest Landscapes Using Landsat TM Imagery and Spectral Mixture Analysis
Schmitt-Harsh, M.Sweeney, SP and Evans, Tom P
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 79, (no. 5), pp. 457-468, 2013. | Journal Article
Structuring institutional analysis for urban ecosystems: A key to sustainable urban forest management
Mincey, SarahHutten, MirandaFischer, BurnellEvans, TomStewart, Susan and Vogt, Jessica
Urban Ecosystems, vol. 16, (no. 3), pp. 553-571, Sep 2013. | Journal Article
Carbon stocks in coffee agroforests and mixed dry tropical forests in the western highlands of Guatemala
Schmitt-Harsh, MikaelaSchmitt-harsh, MikaelaEvans, Tom PCastellanos, Edwin and Randolph, Jc
Agroforestry Systems, vol. 86, (no. 2), pp. 141-157, 2012. | Journal Article
The relative influences of land-owner and landscape heterogeneity in an agent-based model of land-use
Kelley, Hugh and Evans, Tom P
Ecological Economics, vol. 70, (no. 6), pp. 1075-1087, 2011. | Journal Article
National forest carbon inventories: policy needs and assessment capacity
Andersson, KristerEvans, Tom P and Richards, Kenneth R
Climatic Change, vol. 93, (no. 1-2), pp. 69-101, 2009. | Journal Article
Regimes of Information: Land Use, Management, and Policy
Ekbia, Hamid and Evans, Tom P
The Information Society, vol. 25, (no. 5), pp. 328-343, 2009. | Journal Article
An Approach to Assess Relative Degradation in Dissimilar Forests: Toward a Comparative Assessment of Institutional Outcomes
Tucker, Catherine MRandolph, James CEvans, Tom PAndersson, KristerPersha, Lauren and Green, GM
Ecology and Society, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. [vp], 2008. | Journal Article
Assessing the transition from deforestation to forest regrowth with an agent-based model of land cover change for south-central Indiana (USA)
Evans, Tom P and Kelley, Hugh
Geoforum, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 819-832, 2008. | Journal Article
Case studies, cross-site comparisons, and the challenge of generalization: comparing agent-based models of land-use change in frontier regions.
Parker, Dawn CParker, Dawn CEntwisle, BarbaraEntwisle, BarbaraRindfuss, Ronald RRindfuss, Ronald RVanwey, Leah KVanwey, Leah KManson, Steven MManson, Steven MMoran, EmilioMoran, EmilioAn, LiAn, LiDeadman, PeterDeadman, PeterEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PLinderman, MarcLinderman, MarcRizi, S Mohammad MussaviMussavi Rizi, S. MohammadMalanson, George and Malanson, George
Journal of land use science, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 41-72, January 1, 2008. | Journal Article
Characterizing spatial patterns of land ownership at the parcel level in south-central Indiana, 1928-1997
Donnelly, S. and Evans, Tom P
Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 84, (no. 3-4), pp. 230-240, 2008. | Journal Article
Land use change: complexity and comparisons.
Rindfuss, Ronald RRindfuss, Ronald RRindfuss, Ronald R.Rindfuss, Ronald REntwisle, BarbaraEntwisle, BarbaraEntwisle, BarbaraEntwisle, BarbaraWalsh, Stephen J.Walsh, Stephen JWalsh, Stephen JWalsh, Stephen JAn, LiAn, LiAn, LiAn, LiBadenoch, NathanBadenoch, NathanBadenoch, NathanBadenoch, NathanBrown, Daniel GBrown, Daniel GBrown, Daniel G.Brown, Daniel GDeadman, PeterDeadman, PeterDeadman, PeterDeadman, PeterEvans, Tom P.Evans, Tom PEvans, Tom PEvans, Tom PFox, JeffersonFox, JeffersonFox, JeffersonFox, JeffersonGeoghegan, JacquelineGeoghegan, JacquelineGeoghegan, JacquelineGeoghegan, JacquelineGutmann, MyronGutmann, MyronGutmann, MyronGutmann, MyronKelly, MaggiKelly, MaggiKelly, MaggiKelly, MaggiLinderman, MarcLinderman, MarcLinderman, MarcLinderman, MarcLiu, JianguoLiu, JianguoLiu, JianguoLiu, JianguoMalanson, George PMalanson, George PMalanson, George P.Malanson, George PMena, Carlos F.Mena, Carlos FMena, Carlos FMena, Carlos FMessina, Joseph PMessina, Joseph PMessina, Joseph P.Messina, Joseph PMoran, Emilio FMoran, Emilio FMoran, Emilio FMoran, Emilio F.Parker, Dawn CParker, Dawn CParker, Dawn C.Parker, Dawn CParton, WilliamParton, WilliamParton, WilliamParton, WilliamPrasartkul, PramotePrasartkul, PramotePrasartkul, PramotePrasartkul, PramoteRobinson, Derek TRobinson, Derek T.Robinson, Derek TRobinson, Derek TSawangdee, YothinSawangdee, YothinSawangdee, YothinSawangdee, YothinVanwey, Leah KVanwey, Leah KVanwey, Leah K.Vanwey, Leah KVerburg, Peter HVerburg, Peter HVerburg, Peter H. and Verburg, Peter H
Journal of land use science, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 1-10, January 1, 2008. | Journal Article
Agent-based modeling of deforestation in southern Yucatán, Mexico, and reforestation in the Midwest United States.
Manson, Steven M and Evans, Tom P
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America., vol. 104, (no. 52), pp. 20678-20683, 2007. | Journal Article
Agent-based modeling of deforestation in southern Yucatán, Mexico, and reforestation in the Midwest United States
Manson, Steven M and Evans, Tom P
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 104, (no. 52), Dec 26, 2007. | Journal Article
Changing landscapes, changing disciplines: seeking to understand interdisciplinarity in landscape ecological change research
Musacchio, Laura ROzdenerol, EsraBryant, Margaret M and Evans, Tom P
Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 73, (no. 4), pp. 326-338, 2005. | Journal Article