
Interests: Water and food security governance; agricultural decision making.

His current work investigates the dynamics of human-environment relationships including land use, agricultural decision-making, food security and environmental governance. Previous research focused on deforestation/reforestation, urban ecosystems, and community resilience. Much of his work involves the integration of household-level analysis with environmental data and is draws on extensive fieldwork campaigns.

Our team investigates spatial dimensions of social-ecological systems


  • Water and Food Security
  • GIS, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling
  • Governance and Institutional Analysis
  • Environmental Decision-Making
Past Affiliations
Chicano/a Studies, African Studies, Political Science, Cognitive Science, Geography
PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Geography, 1998
BA, Virginia Tech, Geography, 1989
geography geographic information systems gis remote sensing spatial data or analysis earth remote sensing environmental geography global change
English, Spanish
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Association of American Geographers
Population Association of America