297 Publications (Page 6 of 12)
Imaging the Gas from 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoA’Hearn, MF⋅Agarwal, J⋅Bertaux, J-L⋅Bodewits, D⋅Cremonese, G⋅Davidsson, B⋅Fornasier, S⋅Güttler, C⋅Knollenberg, J⋅La Forgia, F and others(pp. 2347)
Large heterogeneities in comet 67P as revealed by active pits from sinkhole collapseVincent, Jean-Baptiste⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Besse, Sébastien⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Keller, Horst Uwe⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅A'Hearn, Michael F⋅Auger, Anne-Thérèse⋅Barucci, M Antonella⋅Bertaux, Jean-Loup⋅Bertini, Ivano⋅Capanna, Claire⋅Cremonese, Gabriele⋅Da Deppo, Vania⋅Davidsson, Björn⋅Debei, Stefano⋅De Cecco, Mariolino⋅El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy⋅Ferri, Francesca⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Fulle, Marco⋅Gaskell, Robert⋅Giacomini, Lorenza⋅Groussin, Olivier⋅Guilbert-Lepoutre, Aurélie⋅Gutierrez-Marques, P⋅Gutiérrez, Pedro J⋅Güttler, Carsten⋅Hoekzema, Nick⋅Höfner, Sebastian⋅Hviid, Stubbe F⋅Ip, Wing-Huen⋅Jorda, Laurent⋅Knollenberg, Jörg⋅Kovacs, Gabor⋅Kramm, Rainer⋅Kührt, Ekkehard⋅Küppers, Michael⋅La Forgia, Fiorangela⋅Lara, Luisa M⋅Lazzarin, Monica⋅Lee, Vicky⋅Leyrat, Cédric⋅Lin, Zhong-Yi⋅Lopez Moreno, Josè J⋅Lowry, Stephen⋅Magrin, Sara⋅Maquet, Lucie⋅Marchi, Simone⋅Marzari, Francesco⋅Massironi, Matteo⋅Michalik, Harald⋅Moissl, Richard⋅Mottola, Stefano⋅Naletto, Giampiero⋅Oklay, Nilda⋅Pajola, Maurizio⋅Preusker, Frank⋅Scholten, Frank⋅Thomas, Nicolas⋅Toth, Imre and Tubiana, CeciliaNature, vol. 523, (no. 7558), pp. 66, 2015-Jul-02.
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Large heterogeneities in comet 67P as revealed by active pits from sinkhole collapseVincent, Jean-Baptiste⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Besse, Sébastien⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Keller, Horst Uwe and others(pp. 63). Nature Publishing Group
Large-scale dust jets in the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by the OSIRIS instrument onboard RosettaLara, LM⋅Lowry, S⋅Vincent, J-B⋅Gutiérrez, PJ⋅Rożek, A⋅La Forgia, F⋅Oklay, N⋅Sierks, H⋅Barbieri, C⋅Lamy, PL and others(pp. A9). EDP Sciences
Morphology and dynamics of the jets of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Early-phase developmentLin, Z-Y⋅Ip, W-H⋅Lai, I-L⋅Lee, J-C⋅Vincent, J-B⋅Lara, Luisa M⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe L and others(pp. A11). EDP Sciences
Observed changes in the physical environment and chemistry in the inner coma of 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoBodewits, Dennis⋅Lara, Luisa M⋅LaForgia, Fiorangela⋅A’Hearn, Michael F⋅Knollenberg, Joerg⋅Lazzarin, Monica⋅Lin, Zhing-Yi and Shi, Xian
On the nucleus structure and activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoSierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe L⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Keller, Horst Uwe⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅A’hearn, Michael F⋅Angrilli, Francesco and others(pp. aaa1044). American Association for the Advancement of Science
Orbital elements of the material surrounding comet 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoDavidsson, BJR⋅Gutierrez, Pedro J⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, PL⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Keller, Horst U⋅Agarwal, Jessica and others(pp. A16). EDP Sciences
Regional surface morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/OSIRIS imagesEl-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy⋅Thomas, Nicholas⋅Giacomini, L⋅Massironi, M⋅Pajola, M⋅Marschall, Raphael⋅Gracia-Berná, Antonio⋅Sierks, H⋅Barbieri, C⋅Lamy, Philippe L and others(pp. A26). EDP Sciences
Rotating dust particles in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoFulle, M⋅Ivanovski, SL⋅Bertini, I⋅Gutierrez, P⋅Lara, L⋅Sierks, H⋅Zakharov, V⋅Della Corte, V⋅Rotundi, A⋅Barbieri, C and others(pp. A14). EDP Sciences
Rotational Variation of Outgassing Morphology in 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoA’Hearn, Michael F⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅La Forgia, Fiorangela⋅Lara, Luisa M⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅Bertaux, Jean-Loup⋅Cremonese, Gabriele⋅Davidsson, Björn⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Güttler, Carsten and others
Scientific assessment of the quality of OSIRIS imagesTubiana, Cécilia⋅Guettler, Carsten⋅Kovacs, G⋅Bertini, Ivano⋅Bodewits, D⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Lara, Luisa⋅La Forgia, F⋅Magrin, S⋅Pajola, M and others(pp. A46). EDP Sciences
The dust coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by OSIRIS onboard RosettaTubiana, C⋅Bertini, I⋅Bodewits, D⋅Davidsson, B⋅Güttler, C⋅Lara, LM⋅Moreno, F⋅Cremonese, G⋅La Forgia, F⋅Oklay, N and others
The morphological diversity of comet 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoThomas, Nicolas⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe L⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Keller, Horst Uwe⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅A’Hearn, Michael F and others(pp. aaa0440). American Association for the Advancement of Science
The pre-perihelion activity of dynamically new comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) and its close encounter with MarsBodewits, Dennis⋅Kelley, Michael SP⋅Li, Jian-Yang⋅Farnham, Tony L and A’Hearn, Michael F(pp. L6). IOP Publishing
THE PRE-PERIHELION ACTIVITY OF DYNAMICALLY NEW COMET C/2013 A1 (SIDING SPRING) AND ITS CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH MARSBodewits, Dennis⋅Kelley, Michael S. P⋅Li, Jian-Yang⋅Farnham, Tony L and A’Hearn, Michael FThe Astrophysical Journal, vol. 802, (no. 1), pp. L6, 2015-03-19.
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Two independent and primitive envelopes of the bilobate nucleus of comet 67PMassironi, Matteo⋅Simioni, Emanuele⋅Marzari, Francesco⋅Cremonese, Gabriele⋅Giacomini, Lorenza⋅Pajola, Maurizio⋅Jorda, Laurent⋅Naletto, Giampiero⋅Lowry, Stephen⋅El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy⋅Preusker, Frank⋅Scholten, Frank⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Keller, Horst Uwe⋅A'Hearn, Michael F⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅Auger, Anne-Thérèse⋅Barucci, M Antonella⋅Bertaux, Jean-Loup⋅Bertini, Ivano⋅Besse, Sebastien⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Capanna, Claire⋅Da Deppo, Vania⋅Davidsson, Björn⋅Debei, Stefano⋅De Cecco, Mariolino⋅Ferri, Francesca⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Fulle, Marco⋅Gaskell, Robert⋅Groussin, Olivier⋅Gutiérrez, Pedro J⋅Güttler, Carsten⋅Hviid, Stubbe F⋅Ip, Wing-Huen⋅Knollenberg, Jörg⋅Kovacs, Gabor⋅Kramm, Rainer⋅Kührt, Ekkehard⋅Küppers, Michael⋅La Forgia, Fiorangela⋅Lara, Luisa M⋅Lazzarin, Monica⋅Lin, Zhong-Yi⋅Lopez Moreno, Josè J⋅Magrin, Sara⋅Michalik, Harald⋅Mottola, Stefano⋅Oklay, Nilda⋅Pommerol, Antoine⋅Thomas, Nicolas⋅Tubiana, Cecilia and Vincent, Jean-BaptisteNature, vol. 526, (no. 7573), pp. 405, 2015-Oct-15.
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Two independent and primitive envelopes of the bilobate nucleus of comet 67PMassironi, Matteo⋅Simioni, Emanuele⋅Marzari, Francesco⋅Cremonese, Gabriele⋅Giacomini, Lorenza⋅Pajola, Maurizio⋅Jorda, Laurent⋅Naletto, Giampiero⋅Lowry, Stephen⋅El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy and others(pp. 402). Nature Publishing Group
A study of dust and gas at Mars from comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)Kelley, Michael SP⋅Farnham, Tony L⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Tricarico, Pasquale and Farnocchia, Davide(pp. L16). IOP Publishing
A Study of dust and gas at mars from comet C/2013 A1 (siding spring)Kelley, M.S.P.⋅Farnham, T.L.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Tricarico, P. and Farnocchia, D.Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 792.
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Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: First science results by Rosetta/OSIRISThomas, Nicolas⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, Cesare⋅Lamy, Philippe⋅Rodrigo, Rafael⋅Koschny, Detlef⋅Rickman, Hans⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅A’Hearn, Michael⋅Angrilli, Francesco and others
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko-First Science Results by Rosetta/OSIRISSierks, H⋅Barbieri, C⋅Lamy, PL⋅Rodrigo, R⋅Koschny, D⋅Rickman, H⋅Agarwal, J⋅A’Hearn, MF⋅Angrilli, F⋅Barucci, MA and others
Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)Bodewits, D⋅Farnham, T⋅A’Hearn, MF and Schleicher, D
Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) and its close approach to MarsFarnham, T⋅Kelley, M⋅Bodewits, D⋅Kleyna, J⋅Li, J-Y⋅Stevenson, R and Bauer, J
First OSIRIS observations of active areas on comet 67PVincent, J-B⋅Sierks, H⋅Oklay, N⋅Agarwal, J⋅Güttler, C⋅Bodewits, D and Team, Osiris