297 Publications (Page 3 of 12)
Linking surface morphology, composition, and activity on the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoFornasier, S⋅Hoang, VH⋅Hasselmann, PH⋅Feller, C⋅Barucci, MA⋅Deshapriya, JDP⋅Sierks, H⋅Naletto, G⋅Lamy, PL⋅Rodrigo, R and others
On deviations from free-radial outflow in the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–GerasimenkoGerig, S-B⋅Marschall, Raphael⋅Thomas, Nicolas⋅Bertini, Ivano⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Davidsson, Björn⋅Fulle, Marco⋅Ip, W-H⋅Keller, Horst Uwe⋅Küppers, Michael and others(pp. 1–22). Academic Press
On deviations from free-radial outflow in the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–GerasimenkoGerig, S.-B.⋅Marschall, R.⋅Thomas, N.⋅Bertini, I.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Davidsson, B.⋅Fulle, M.⋅Ip, W.-H.⋅Keller, H.U.⋅Küppers, M.⋅Preusker, F.⋅Scholten, F.⋅Su, C.C.⋅Toth, I.⋅Tubiana, C.⋅Wu, J.-S.⋅Sierks, H.⋅Barbieri, C.⋅Lamy, P.L.⋅Rodrigo, R.⋅Koschny, D.⋅Rickman, H.⋅Agarwal, J.⋅Barucci, M.A.⋅Bertaux, J.-L.⋅Cremonese, G.⋅Deppo, V. Da⋅Debei, S.⋅Cecco, M. De⋅Deller, J.⋅Fornasier, S.⋅Groussin, O.⋅Gutierrez, P.J.⋅Güttler, C.⋅Hviid, S.F.⋅Jorda, L.⋅Knollenberg, J.⋅Kramm, J.-R.⋅Kührt, E.⋅Lara, L.M.⋅Lazzarin, M.⋅Moreno, J.J. Lopez⋅Marzari, F.⋅Mottola, S.⋅Naletto, G.⋅Oklay, N. and Vincent, J.-B.Icarus, vol. 311, pp. 1–22.
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Rapid evolution of the spin state of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-KresakBodewits, Dennis⋅Farnham, Tony⋅Kelley, Michael SP and Manning Knight, Matthew
Regional unit definition for the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on the SHAP7 modelThomas, Nicolas⋅El Maarry, MR⋅Theologou, Panagiotis⋅Preusker, F⋅Scholten, F⋅Jorda, Laurent⋅Hviid, SF⋅Marschall, Raphael⋅Kührt, E⋅Naletto, G and othersPergamon
Solar system science with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey TelescopeHoller, Bryan J⋅Milam, Stefanie N⋅Bauer, James M⋅Alcock, Charles⋅Bannister, Michele T⋅Bjoraker, Gordon L⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Bosh, Amanda S⋅Buie, Marc W⋅Farnham, Tony L and others(pp. 034003). International Society for Optics and Photonics
Solar system science with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey TelescopeHoller, Bryan J⋅Holler, Bryan J⋅Milam, Stefanie N⋅Milam, Stefanie N⋅Bauer, James M⋅Bauer, James M⋅Alcock, Charles⋅Alcock, Charles⋅Bannister, Michele T⋅Bannister, Michele T⋅Bjoraker, Gordon L⋅Bjoraker, Gordon L⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Bosh, Amanda S⋅Bosh, Amanda S⋅Buie, Marc W⋅Buie, Marc W⋅Farnham, Tony L⋅Farnham, Tony L⋅Haghighipour, Nader⋅Haghighipour, Nader⋅Hardersen, Paul S⋅Hardersen, Paul S⋅Harris, Alan W⋅Harris, Alan W⋅Hirata, Christopher M⋅Hirata, Christopher M⋅Hsieh, Henry H⋅Hsieh, Henry H⋅Kelley, Michael S. P⋅Kelley, Michael S. P⋅Knight, Matthew M⋅Knight, Matthew M⋅Kramer, Emily A⋅Kramer, Emily A⋅Longobardo, Andrea⋅Longobardo, Andrea⋅Nixon, Conor A⋅Nixon, Conor A⋅Palomba, Ernesto⋅Palomba, Ernesto⋅Protopapa, Silvia⋅Protopapa, Silvia⋅Quick, Lynnae C⋅Quick, Lynnae C⋅Ragozzine, Darin⋅Ragozzine, Darin⋅Reddy, Vishnu⋅Reddy, Vishnu⋅Rhodes, Jason D⋅Rhodes, Jason D⋅Rivkin, Andy S⋅Rivkin, Andy S⋅Sarid, Gal⋅Sarid, Gal⋅Sickafoose, Amanda A⋅Sickafoose, Amanda A⋅Simon, Amy A⋅Simon, Amy A⋅Thomas, Cristina A⋅Thomas, Cristina A⋅Trilling, David E⋅Trilling, David E⋅West, Robert A and West, Robert AJournal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 034003, 20180701.
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Tensile strength of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko nucleus material from overhangsAttree, Nicholas⋅Groussin, Olivier⋅Jorda, Laurent⋅Nébouy, David⋅Thomas, Nicolas⋅Brouet, Yann⋅Kührt, Ekkehard⋅Preusker, Frank⋅Scholten, Frank⋅Knollenberg, Jörg and others(pp. A33). EDP Sciences
Tensile strength of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus material from overhangs (Corrigendum)Attree, N⋅Groussin, O⋅Jorda, L⋅Nébouy, D⋅Thomas, Nicolas⋅Brouet, Yann⋅Kührt, E⋅Preusker, F⋅Scholten, F⋅Knollenberg, J and others(pp. C2). EDP Sciences
The big lobe of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet: morphological and spectrophotometric evidences of layering as from OSIRIS dataFerrari, Sabrina⋅Penasa, L⋅La Forgia, F⋅Massironi, M⋅Naletto, G⋅Lazzarin, M⋅Fornasier, S⋅Hasselmann, PH⋅Lucchetti, A⋅Pajola, M and others
The phase function and density of the dust observed at comet 67P/Churyumov–GerasimenkoFulle, Marco⋅Bertini, Ivano⋅Della Corte, V⋅Güttler, Carsten⋅Ivanovski, S⋅La Forgia, F⋅Lasue, J⋅Levasseur-Regourd, AC⋅Marzari, F⋅Moreno, F and others(pp. 2835–2839). Oxford University Press
Characterization of dust aggregates in the vicinity of the Rosetta spacecraftGüttler, Carsten⋅Hasselmann, Pedro H⋅Li, Y⋅Fulle, Marco⋅Tubiana, Cécilia⋅Kovacs, Gabor⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Hofmann, Marc and others(pp. S312–S320). Oxford University Press
Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-KresakBodewits, D⋅Farnham, TL⋅Knight, MM⋅Siegel, M⋅Kammerer, A⋅Gonzalez, JJ⋅Yoshimoto, K⋅Goiato, M and Hasubick, W
Cometary Orbital Trends with SpitzerKelley, Michael S⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Feaga, Lori M⋅Knight, Matthew M⋅McKay, Adam⋅Snodgrass, Colin⋅Wooden, Diane H and Bauer, James M
Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Final observations from the Deep Impact spacecraftFarnham, T.L.⋅Kelley, M.S.P.⋅A’Hearn, M.F.⋅Feaga, L.M.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Sunshine, J.M.⋅Wellnitz, D.D. and Wissler, S.Icarus, vol. 284, pp. 106–113.
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Comet C/2018 a1 (panstarrs)Bonomi, R⋅Tombelli, M⋅Foglia, S⋅Alessandro, R⋅Grosso, F⋅Lombardo, M⋅Inter, G⋅Bartolini, S⋅Cernis, K⋅Jaeger, M and others
Evidence of sub-surface energy storage in comet 67P from the outburst of 2016 July 03Agarwal, J⋅Della Corte, V⋅Feldman, PD⋅Geiger, B⋅Merouane, S⋅Bertini, I⋅Bodewits, D⋅Fornasier, S⋅Grün, E⋅Hasselmann, P and others(pp. s606–s625). Oxford University Press
Geomorphology of comet 67P/Churyumov–GerasimenkoBirch, Samuel PD⋅Tang, Y⋅Hayes, AG⋅Kirk, Randolph L⋅Bodewits, D⋅Campins, H⋅Fernandez, Y⋅Freitas Bart, R⋅Kutsop, NW⋅Sierks, Holger and othersOxford University Press
Investigating the physical properties of outbursts on comet 67P/Churyumov–GerasimenkoLin, Zhong-Yi⋅Knollenberg, J⋅Vincent, J-B⋅A’Hearn, MF⋅Ip, WH⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Barbieri, C⋅Lamy, PL⋅Rodrigo, R⋅Koschny, D and others(pp. S731–S740). Oxford University Press
Long-term monitoring of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko’s jets with OSIRIS onboard RosettaSchmitt, MI⋅Tubiana, Cécilia⋅Güttler, Carsten⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Vincent, J-B⋅El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Mottola, Stefano⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Hofmann, Marc and others(pp. S380–S385). Oxford University Press
Long-term survival of surface water ice on comet 67POklay, Nilda⋅Mottola, Stefano⋅Vincent, J-B⋅Pajola, Maurizio⋅Fornasier, Sonia⋅Hviid, Stubbe F⋅Kappel, David⋅Kührt, Ekkehard⋅Keller, Horst Uwe⋅Barucci, Maria Antonella and others(pp. S582–S597). Oxford University Press
Modelling of the outburst on 2015 July 29 observed with OSIRIS cameras in the Southern hemisphere of comet 67P/Churyumov–GerasimenkoGicquel, Adeline⋅Rose, Martin⋅Vincent, J-B⋅Davidsson, Björn⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅A’hearn, Michael F⋅Agarwal, Jessica⋅Fougere, Nicolas⋅Sierks, Holger⋅Bertini, Ivano and others(pp. S178–S185). Oxford University Press
Multi-instrument observations of the 67P outburst of 3 July 2016Agarwal, Jessica⋅Della Corte, V⋅Feldman, PD⋅Geiger, B⋅Merouane, Sihane⋅Bertini, I⋅Bodewits, D⋅Fornasier, S⋅Gruen, E⋅Hasselmann, P and others
Near-UV OH Prompt Emission in the Innermost Coma of 103P/Hartley 2⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅⋅Protopapa, Silvia⋅Kelley, Michael S⋅Sunshine, Jessica⋅Feaga, Lori and Farnham, TonyThe Astronomical Journal.
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