297 Publications (Page 12 of 12)
Charge exchange and dissociative processes in collisions of slow He 2+ ions with H 2 O moleculesSeredyuk, B⋅McCullough, RW⋅Tawara, H⋅Gilbody, HB⋅Bodewits, D⋅Hoekstra, R⋅Tielens, AGGM⋅Sobocinski, P⋅Pesic, D⋅Hellhammer, R and others(pp. 022705). American Physical Society
Charge exchange and dissociative processes in collisions of slow He2+ ions with H2O moleculesSeredyuk, B.⋅McCullough, R.W.⋅Tawara, H.⋅Gilbody, H.B.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Hoekstra, R.⋅Tielens, A.G.G.M.⋅Sobocinski, P.⋅Pesic, D.⋅Hellhammer, R.⋅Sulik, B.⋅Stolterfoht, N.⋅Abu-Haija, O. and Kamber, E.Y.Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol. 71.
| Journal Article
Charge Exchange Of Solar Wind Alpha Particles In Cometary AtmospheresBodewits, D⋅Hoekstra, R and Tielens, X
Fingerprints of charge exchange between He2+ and water moleculesBodewits, D.⋅Tielens, A.G.G.M.⋅Morgenstern, R. and Hoekstra, R.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 235, pp. 358-361.
| Journal Article
Fingerprints of charge exchange between He2+ and water moleculesBodewits, D⋅Tielens, AGGM⋅Morgenstern, R and Hoekstra, R(pp. 358–361). North-Holland
New Chandra Observations of Comets, 2003-2005.Lisse, CM⋅Christian, DJ⋅Dennerl, K⋅Wolk, SJ⋅Bodewits, D⋅Hoekstra, R⋅Combi, MR⋅Makinen, T⋅Weaver, HA⋅Sassen, T and others
Probing the interaction between comets and the solar windBodewits, D⋅Hoekstra, R and Tielens, AGGM(pp. 261–269)
Probing the interaction between comets and the solar windBodewits, D.⋅Hoekstra, R. and Tielens, A.G.G.M.AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 774, pp. 261-269.
| Conference Proceeding
Spitzer and Chandra observations of the Deep Impact encounter with Comet 9P/Tempel 1Lisse, CM⋅A’Hearn, MF⋅Belton, MJS⋅Bodewits, D⋅Christian, DJ⋅VanCleve, J⋅Combi, M⋅Dennerl, K⋅Farnham, TL⋅Fernandez, YR and others(pp. 1484)
The Spatial Distribution Of Comet-Solar Wind X-ray SpectraBodewits, D⋅Hoekstra, R⋅Tielens, X and Lisse, C
Catching some sun: Probing the solar wind with cometary X-ray and far-ultraviolet emissionBodewits, D.⋅Juhász, Z.⋅Hoekstra, R. and Tielens, A.G.G.M.Astrophysical Journal, vol. 606.
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Catching some Sun: Probing the solar wind with cometary X-ray and far-ultraviolet emissionBodewits, D⋅Juhász, Z⋅Hoekstra, R and Tielens, AGGM(pp. L81). IOP Publishing
Chandra Observations of a Collisionally and Optically Thin Charge Exchange System-Comet 2P/Encke 2003Christian, DJ⋅Lisse, CM⋅Dennerl, K⋅Wolk, SJ⋅Bodewits, D⋅Combi, MR⋅Hoekstra, R⋅Makinen, JTT and Weaver, HA(pp. 1117)
X-ray and far-ultraviolet emission from comets: Relevant charge exchange processesBodewits, D.⋅McCullough, R.W.⋅Tielens, A.G.G.M. and Hoekstra, R.Physica Scripta, vol. 70.
| Journal Article
X-ray and Far-Ultraviolet emission from comets: Relevant charge exchange processesBodewits, D⋅McCullough, RW⋅Tielens, AGGM and Hoekstra, R(pp. C17). IOP Publishing
Catching some sun: the interaction between comets and the solar windBodewits, DUniversity of Groningen. Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences
n.d.no date or unknown
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Mail Stop 306-392, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109, USA 2Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-2421, USA 3Cornell University, Space Sciences Building, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA 4Laboratoire dÆAstrophysique de Marseille, UniversitΘde Provence and CNRS, Marseille, FranceKlaasen, Kenneth P⋅Besse, Sebastian⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Carcich, Brian⋅Farnham, Tony⋅Feaga, Lori⋅Groussin, Olivier⋅Hampton, Donald⋅Huisjen, Marty⋅Kelley, Michael and others
45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2014)A’Hearn, MF⋅Bodewits, D⋅Combi, MR⋅Russo, N Dello⋅Feldman, PD and McCandliss, SR
Chandra ACIS-S X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy of EPOXI Target Comet 103P/Hartley 2. CM Lisse1, DJChristian, SJ⋅Dennerl, K⋅Bodewits, D⋅Li, JY⋅Combi, MR⋅Lepri, ST⋅Zurbuchen, TH and Dello-Russo, N
EPSCLa Forgia, F⋅Lazzarin, M⋅Bodewits, D⋅A’Hearn, MF⋅Bertini, I⋅Penasa, L⋅Naletto, G⋅Cremonese, G⋅Massironi, M⋅Ferri, F and others
Full text documentGicquel, A⋅Rose, M⋅Vincent, JB⋅Davidsson, B and Bodewits, D
INTERACTION OF COMETS WITH SOLAR WIND IONSBodewits, Dennis⋅Juhász, Zoltán⋅Tielens, Xander⋅Morgenstern, Reinhard and Hoekstra, Ronnie