297 Publications (Page 8 of 12)
EPOXI instrument calibrationKlaasen, Kenneth P⋅A’Hearn, Michael⋅Besse, Sebastian⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Carcich, Brian⋅Farnham, Tony⋅Feaga, Lori⋅Groussin, Olivier⋅Hampton, Donald⋅Huisjen, Marty and others(pp. 643–680). Academic Press
Imaging Comets ISON and Garradd With the Deep Impact Flyby SpacecraftFarnham, Tony⋅Bodewits, D⋅Feaga, LM⋅A’Hearn, MF⋅Sunshine, JM⋅Wellnitz, DD⋅Klaasen, KP and Himes, TW
Photometric properties of the nucleus of Comet 103P/Hartley 2Li, Jian-Yang⋅Besse, Sébastien⋅A’Hearn, Michael F⋅Belton, Michael JS⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Farnham, Tony L⋅Klaasen, Kenneth P⋅Lisse, Carey M⋅Meech, Karen J⋅Sunshine, Jessica M and others(pp. 559–570). Academic Press
Photometric properties of the nucleus of Comet 103P/Hartley 2Li, J.-Y.⋅Besse, S.⋅A’Hearn, M.F.⋅Belton, M.J.S.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Farnham, T.L.⋅Klaasen, K.P.⋅Lisse, C.M.⋅Meech, K.J.⋅Sunshine, J.M. and Thomas, P.C.Icarus, vol. 222, pp. 559-570.
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Return to comet Tempel 1: overview of Stardust-NExT resultsVeverka, J⋅Klaasen, K⋅A’Hearn, M⋅Belton, M⋅Brownlee, D⋅Chesley, S⋅Clark, B⋅Economou, T⋅Farquhar, R⋅Green, SF and others(pp. 424–435). Academic Press
Return to Comet Tempel 1: Overview of Stardust-NExT resultsVeverka, J.⋅Klaasen, K.⋅A’Hearn, M.⋅Belton, M.⋅Brownlee, D.⋅Chesley, S.⋅Clark, B.⋅Economou, T.⋅Farquhar, R.⋅Green, S.F.⋅Groussin, O.⋅Harris, A.⋅Kissel, J.⋅Li, J.-Y.⋅Meech, K.⋅Melosh, J.⋅Richardson, J.⋅Schultz, P.⋅Silen, J.⋅Sunshine, J.⋅Thomas, P.⋅Bhaskaran, S.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Carcich, B.⋅Cheuvront, A.⋅Farnham, T.⋅Sackett, S.⋅Wellnitz, D. and Wolf, A.Icarus, vol. 222, pp. 424-435.
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Solar System X-rays from Charge Exchange ProcessesLisse, Carey M⋅Christian, DJ⋅Bhardwaj, A⋅Dennerl, K⋅Wolk, SJ⋅Bodewits, D⋅Combi, MR⋅Zurbuchen, TH and Lepri, ST
The detection, localization, and dynamics of large icy particles surrounding Comet 103P/Hartley 2Hermalyn, B.⋅Farnham, T.L.⋅Collins, S.M.⋅Kelley, M.S.⋅A’Hearn, M.F.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Carcich, B.⋅Lindler, D.J.⋅Lisse, C.⋅Meech, K.⋅Schultz, P.H. and Thomas, P.C.Icarus, vol. 222, pp. 625-633.
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The detection, localization, and dynamics of large icy particles surrounding Comet 103P/Hartley 2Hermalyn, Brendan⋅Farnham, Tony L⋅Collins, Steven M⋅Kelley, Michael S⋅A’Hearn, Michael F⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Carcich, Brian⋅Lindler, Don J⋅Lisse, Casey⋅Meech, Karen and others(pp. 625–633). Academic Press
The Early Inbound Activity of Comet ISON (C/2012 S1)A’Hearn, Michael F⋅Biver, N⋅Bodewits, D⋅Farnham, TL⋅Feaga, LM⋅Feldman, PD⋅Knight, MM⋅O’Rourke, L⋅Schleicher, DG and Weaver, HA
The nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Shape and geology from two flybysThomas, P.⋅A’Hearn, M.⋅Belton, M.J.S.⋅Brownlee, D.⋅Carcich, B.⋅Hermalyn, B.⋅Klaasen, K.⋅Sackett, S.⋅Schultz, P.H.⋅Veverka, J.⋅Bhaskaran, S.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Chesley, S.⋅Clark, B.⋅Farnham, T.⋅Groussin, O.⋅Harris, A.⋅Kissel, J.⋅Li, J.-Y.⋅Meech, K.⋅Melosh, J.⋅Quick, A.⋅Richardson, J.⋅Sunshine, J. and Wellnitz, D.Icarus, vol. 222, pp. 453-466.
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The nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Shape and geology from two flybysThomas, P⋅A’Hearn, M⋅Belton, MJS⋅Brownlee, D⋅Carcich, B⋅Hermalyn, B⋅Klaasen, K⋅Sackett, S⋅Schultz, PH⋅Veverka, J and others(pp. 453–466). Academic Press
The Search for the X-ray Bow-shock in the Chandra ACIS-S Sample of CometsChristian, Damian J⋅Ewing, I⋅Bodewits, D⋅Dennerl, K⋅Lisse, CM and Wolk, SJ
Uncorrelated volatile behavior during the 2011 apparition of comet C/2009 P1 GarraddFeaga, Lori M⋅A’Hearn, Michael F⋅Farnham, Tony L⋅Bodewits, Dennis⋅Sunshine, Jessica M⋅Gersch, Alan M⋅Protopapa, Silvia⋅Yang, Bin⋅Drahus, Michal and Schleicher, David G(pp. 24). IOP Publishing
Using exoplanet systems with highly elliptical orbits to search for star-planet interactionsHodgson, John R⋅Christian, Damian J⋅Bodewits, Dennis and Hawley, Suzanne(pp. 291–292). Cambridge University Press
Using exoplanet systems with highly elliptical orbits to search for star-planet interactionsHodgson II, J.R.⋅Christian, D.J.⋅Bodewits, D. and Hawley, S.2013
A multiwavelength investigation of sungrazing comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3)Knight, Matthew M⋅Kelley, MS⋅Weaver, HA⋅Fernandez, YR⋅Chesley, SR⋅McNaught, R⋅Bodewits, D⋅Lisse, CM⋅Osip, DJ⋅Dello Russo, N and others
A Multiwavelength Investigation of the Remains of Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3)Knight, Matthew M⋅Weaver, HA⋅Fernandez, YR⋅Chesley, SR⋅Kelley, MS⋅McNaught, R⋅Bodewits, D⋅Lisse, CM⋅Osip, DJ⋅Dello Russo, N and others
A Second Ecounter with 9P/Tempel 1: Overview of the Stardust-NExT ResultsVeverka, J⋅Klaasen, K⋅A’Hearn, M⋅Belton, MJS⋅Brownlee, D⋅Chesley, S⋅Clark, B⋅Economou, T⋅Farquhar, R⋅Green, S and others
A Study of C/2009 P1 Garradd’s Dominant Volatiles as Observed by the Deep Impact HRI-IR SpectrometerFeaga, Lori M⋅A’Hearn, M⋅Farnham, T⋅Gersch, A⋅Bodewits, D and Klaasen, K
Chandra ACIS-S X-Ray Imaging Spectroscopy of EPOXI Target Comet 103P/Hartley 2Lisse, CM⋅Christian, DJ⋅Wolk, SJ⋅Dennerl, K⋅Bodewits, D⋅Li, J-Y⋅Combi, MR⋅Lepri, ST⋅Zurbuchen, TH⋅Dello-Russo, N and others
Cometary charge exchange diagnostics in UV and X-rayBodewits, D.⋅Christian, D.J.⋅Carter, J.A.⋅Dennerl, K.⋅Ewing, I.⋅Hoekstra, R.⋅Lepri, S.T.⋅Lisse, C.M. and Wolk, S.J.Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 333, pp. 335-340.
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Cometary charge exchange diagnostics in UV and X-rayBodewits, D⋅Christian, DJ⋅Carter, JA⋅Dennerl, K⋅Ewing, I⋅Hoekstra, R⋅Lepri, ST⋅Lisse, CM and Wolk, SJ(pp. 335–340). WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin
Cometary volatiles and the origin of cometsA’Hearn, Michael F⋅Feaga, Lori M⋅Keller, H Uwe⋅Kawakita, Hideyo⋅Hampton, Donald L⋅Kissel, Jochen⋅Klaasen, Kenneth P⋅McFadden, Lucy A⋅Meech, Karen J⋅Schultz, Peter H and others(pp. 29). IOP Publishing
Cometary volatiles and the origin of cometsA’Hearn, M.F.⋅Feaga, L.M.⋅Keller, H.U.⋅Kawakita, H.⋅Hampton, D.L.⋅Kissel, J.⋅Klaasen, K.P.⋅McFadden, L.A.⋅Meech, K.J.⋅Schultz, P.H.⋅Sunshine, J.M.⋅Thomas, P.⋅Veverka, J.⋅Yeomans, D.K.⋅Besse, S.⋅Bodewits, D.⋅Farnham, T.L.⋅Groussin, O.⋅Kelley, M.S.⋅Lisse, C.M.⋅Merlin, F.⋅Protopapa, S. and Wellnitz, D.D.Astrophysical Journal, vol. 758.
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