80 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
DNA copy number and structural variation (CNV) contributions to adult and childhood obesity
Biochemical Society Transactions. | Journal Article
Draft Genome Assemblies of Two Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Strains Isolated from Canine Skin Biopsy Specimens
Microbiology Resource Announcements. | Journal Article
Effectiveness of PennHIP and Orthopedic Foundation for Animals measurements of hip joint quality for breeding selection to reduce hip dysplasia in a population of purpose-bred detection dogs.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. | Journal Article
Genome Report: Whole Genome Sequence and Annotation of the Parasitoid Jewel Wasp Nasonia giraulti Laboratory Strain RV2X[\upupsilon]Wang, X.⋅Wang, Xiaozhu⋅Kelkar, Yogeshwar D.⋅Xiong, Xiao⋅Martinson, Ellen O.⋅Lynch, Jeremy⋅Zhang, Chao⋅Werren, John H. and Wang, XuG3&\mathsemicolon#58\mathsemicolon Genes\vertGenomes\vertGenetics, pp. g3.401200.2020.
| Journal Article
Influence of Eimeria spp. Infection on Chicken Jejunal Microbiota and the Efficacy of Two Alternative Products Against the Infection.Hamilton, M.⋅Ma, X.⋅McCrea, B.A.⋅Carrisosa, M.⋅Mac Klin, K.S.⋅Zhang, C.⋅Wang, X.⋅Hauck, R.⋅Wang, X. and Hauck, R.Avian diseases.
| Journal Article
Phylogenomic analysis of Wolbachia strains reveals patterns of genome evolution and recombinationWang, Xiaozhu⋅Xiong, Xiao⋅Cao, Wenqi⋅Zhang, Chao⋅Werren, John H and Wang, XuGenome Biology and Evolution.
| Journal Article
Genome assembly of the A-group Wolbachia in Nasonia oneida using linked-reads technologyWang, Xiaozhu⋅Xiong, Xiao⋅Cao, Wenqi⋅Zhang, Chao⋅Werren, John H and Wang, XuGenome Biology and Evolution.
| Journal Article
Hypothalamic transcriptome of tame and aggressive silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) identifies gene expression differences shared across brain regions.Rosenfeld, Cheryl S⋅Hekman, Jessica P⋅Johnson, Jennifer L⋅Lyu, Zhen⋅Ortega, Madison T⋅Joshi, Trupti⋅Mao, Jiude⋅Vladimirova, Anastasiya V⋅Gulevich, Rimma G⋅Kharlamova, Anastasiya V⋅Acland, Gregory M⋅Hecht, Erin E⋅Wang, Xu⋅Clark, Andrew G⋅Trut, Lyudmila N⋅Behura, Susanta K and Kukekova, Anna VGenes, brain, and behavior.
| Journal Article
Genome assembly of the A-group Wolbachia in Nasonia oneida and phylogenomic analysis of Wolbachia strains revealed genome evolution and lateral gene transfer
Red fox genome assembly identifies genomic regions associated with tame and aggressive behavioursKukekova, Anna V.⋅Kukekova, Anna V⋅Johnson, Jennifer L⋅Johnson, Jennifer L.⋅Xiang, Xueyan⋅Feng, Shaohong⋅Liu, Shiping⋅Liu, Shiping⋅Rando, Halie M.⋅Rando, Halie M⋅Kharlamova, Anastasiya V⋅Kharlamova, Anastasiya V.⋅Herbeck, Yury⋅Serdyukova, Natalya A.⋅Serdyukova, Natalya A⋅⋅Xiong, Zijun⋅Beklemischeva, Violetta⋅Koepfli, Klaus-Peter⋅Klaus-Peter, Koepfli⋅Gulevich, Rimma G.⋅Gulevich, Rimma G⋅Vladimirova, Anastasiya V⋅Vladimirova, Anastasiya V.⋅Hekman, Jessica P.⋅Hekman, Jessica P⋅Perelman, Polina L.⋅Perelman, Polina L⋅Graphodatsky, Aleksander S⋅Graphodatsky, Aleksander S.⋅O’Brien, Stephen J.⋅Wang, Xu⋅Wang, Xu⋅Clark, Andrew G⋅Clark, Andrew G.⋅Acland, Gregory M⋅Acland, Gregory M.⋅Trut, Lyudmila N.⋅ and Zhang, GuojieNature Ecology & Evolution, vol. 2, pp. 1479–1491.
| Journal Article
TIVAN: Tissue-specific cis-eQTL single nucleotide variant annotation and predictionChen, Li⋅Chen, Li⋅Chen, L.⋅Chen, Li⋅Wang, Ye⋅Wang, Ye⋅Wang, Ye⋅Wang, Y.⋅Yao, Bing⋅Yao, Bing⋅Yao, B.⋅Yao, Bing⋅Mitra, Amit⋅Mitra, Amit⋅Mitra, Amit⋅Mitra, A.⋅Wang, Xu⋅Wang, Xu⋅Wang, X.⋅Wang, Xu⋅Qin, Xiao⋅Qin, Xiao⋅Qin, X. and Qin, XiaoBioinformatics.
| Journal Article
Genomic imprinting does not reduce the dosage of UBE3A in neuronsHillman, Paul R⋅Hillman, Paul R⋅Hillman, Paul R.⋅Christian, Sarah G⋅Christian, Sarah G⋅Christian, Sarah G. B.⋅Doan, Ryan⋅Doan, Ryan⋅Doan, Ryan⋅Cohen, Noah D.⋅Cohen, Noah D⋅Cohen, Noah D⋅Konganti, Kranti⋅Konganti, Kranti⋅Konganti, Kranti⋅Kory, Douglas⋅Douglas, Kory⋅Kory, Douglas⋅Wang, Xu⋅Wang, Xu⋅Wang, Xu⋅Samollow, Paul B⋅Samollow, Paul B.⋅Samollow, Paul B⋅Dindot, Scott V⋅Dindot, Scott V and Dindot, Scott V.Epigenetics & Chromatin, vol. 10.
| Journal Article
Genomic responses to selection for tame/aggressive behaviors in the silver fox (Vulpes vulpes)Wang, Xu⋅Pipes, Lenore⋅Trut, Lyudmila N.⋅Herbeck, Yury⋅Vladimirova, Anastasiya V.⋅Gulevich, Rimma G.⋅Kharlamova, Anastasiya V.⋅Johnson, Jennifer L.⋅Acland, Gregory M.⋅Kukekova, Anna V. and Clark, Andrew G.Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Allele-Specific Transcriptome and Methylome Analysis Reveals Stable Inheritance and Cis-Regulation of DNA Methylation in Nasonia.Wang, Xu⋅Werren, John H and Clark, Andrew GPLoS biology, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. e1002500, July 2016.
| Journal Article
OGS2: genome re-annotation of the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennisRago, Alfredo⋅Gilbert, Donald G.⋅Choi, Jeong-Hyeon⋅Sackton, Timothy B.⋅Wang, Xu⋅Kelkar, Yogeshwar D.⋅Werren, John H. and Colbourne, John K.Bmc Genomics, vol. 17.
| Journal Article
Genetic and epigenetic architecture of sex-biased expression in the jewel wasps Nasonia vitripennis and giraulti.Wang, Xu⋅Werren, John H and Clark, Andrew GProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 112, (no. 27), pp. E3545-E3554, July 7, 2015.
| Journal Article
The genetic architecture of the genome-wide transcriptional response to ER stress in the mouse.Chow, Clement Y⋅Chow, Clement Y⋅Wang, Xu⋅Wang, Xu⋅Riccardi, David⋅Riccardi, David⋅Wolfner, Mariana F⋅Wolfner, Mariana F⋅Clark, Andrew G and Clark, Andrew GPLoS genetics, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. e1004924, February 2015.
| Journal Article
TRIM28 Controls Genomic Imprinting through Distinct Mechanisms during and after Early Genome-wide Reprogramming.Alexander, Katherine A⋅Wang, Xu⋅Shibata, Maho⋅Clark, Andrew G⋅García-García, María J and Garcia-Garcia, Maria J.Cell reports, vol. 13, (no. 6), pp. 1194-1205, November 10, 2015.
| Journal Article
Chromosome-wide profiling of X-chromosome inactivation and epigenetic states in fetal brain and placenta of the opossum, Monodelphis domestica.Wang, Xu⋅Douglas, Kory C⋅Vandeberg, John L⋅VandeBerg, John L.⋅Clark, Andrew G and Samollow, PaulGenome research, vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 70-83, 2014/Jan.
| Journal Article
Genome-wide histone state profiling of fibroblasts from the opossum, Monodelphis domestica, identifies the first marsupial-specific imprinted gene.Douglas, Kory C⋅Wang, Xu⋅Jasti, Madhuri⋅Wolff, Abigail⋅Vandeberg, John L⋅VandeBerg, John L.⋅Clark, Andrew G and Samollow, PaulBMC genomics, vol. 15, (no. 1), pp. 89, 2014.
| Journal Article
Using next-generation RNA sequencing to identify imprinted genesWang, X and Clark, AHeredity, vol. 113, (no. 2), pp. 156-66, Aug 2014.
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Function and evolution of DNA methylation in Nasonia vitripennis.Wang, Xu⋅Wheeler, David A⋅Avery, Amanda⋅Rago, Alfredo⋅Choi, Jeong-Hyeon⋅Colbourne, John K⋅Clark, Andrew G and Werren, John HPLoS genetics, vol. 9, (no. 10), pp. e1003872, 2013.
| Journal Article
Paternally expressed genes predominate in the placentaWang, Xu⋅Miller, Donald C⋅Harman, Rebecca⋅Antczak, Doug and Clark, AndrewProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 110, (no. 26), Jun 25, 2013.
| Journal Article
Random X inactivation in the mule and horse placenta.Wang, Xu⋅Miller, Donald C⋅Clark, Andrew G and Antczak, DougGenome research, vol. 22, (no. 10), pp. 1855-63, 2012/Oct.
| Journal Article