78 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
A Critical Examination of Timing of Burning in the Kansas Flint Hills
Towne, E and Craine, Joseph
Rangeland Ecology and Management, vol. 69, (no. 1), pp. 28-34, Jan 2016. | Journal Article
Convergence of soil nitrogen isotopes across global climate gradients.
Craine, Joseph MCraine, Joseph MCraine, J.M.Elmore, Andrew JElmore, Andrew JElmore, A.J.Wang, LixinWang, LixinWang, L.Augusto, L.Augusto, LaurentAugusto, LaurentBaisden, W TroyBaisden, W TBaisden, W.T.Brookshire, E N JBrookshire, E N JBrookshire, E.N.J.Cramer, Michael DCramer, Michael DCramer, M.D.Hasselquist, N.J.Hasselquist, Niles JHasselquist, Niles JHobbie, E.A.Hobbie, Erik AHobbie, Erik AKahmen, AnsgarKahmen, A.Kahmen, AnsgarKoba, KeisukeKoba, KeisukeKoba, K.Kranabetter, J MKranabetter, J MartyKranabetter, J.M.Mack, Michelle CMack, M.C.Mack, Michelle CMarin-spiotta, ErikaMarin-Spiotta, ErikaMarin Spiotta, E.Mayor, J.R.Mayor, Jordan RMayor, Jordan RMclauchlan, Kendra KMcLauchlan, K.K.McLauchlan, Kendra KMichelsen, A.Michelsen, AndersMichelsen, AndersNardoto, Gabriela BNardoto, Gabriela BNardoto, G.B.Oliveira, R.S.Oliveira, Rafael SOliveira, Rafael SPerakis, Steven SPerakis, Steven SPerakis, S.S.Peri, Pablo LPeri, P.L.Peri, Pablo LQuesada, Carlos AQuesada, C.A.Quesada, Carlos ARichter, AndreasRichter, AndreasRichter, A.Schipper, L.A.Schipper, Louis ASchipper, Louis AStevenson, B.A.Stevenson, Bryan AStevenson, Bryan ATurner, Benjamin LTurner, B.L.Turner, Benjamin LViani, R.A.G.Viani, Ricardo A GViani, Ricardo A GWanek, W.Wanek, WolfgangWanek, WolfgangZeller, BerndZeller, Bernd and Zeller, B.
Scientific reports, vol. 5, pp. 8280, 2015. | Journal Article
Ecological interpretations of nitrogen isotope ratios of terrestrial plants and soils
Craine, JosephCraine, J.M.Brookshire, EBrookshire, E.N.J.Cramer, M.D.Cramer, MichaelHasselquist, N.J.Hasselquist, NilesKoba, K.Koba, KeisukeMarin Spiotta, E.Marin-spiotta, ErikaWang, L. and Wang, Lixin
(pp. 1-26). Nov 2015
Seasonal Shifts in Diet and Gut Microbiota of the American Bison (Bison bison).
Bergmann, Gaddy TCraine, Joseph MRobeson, Michael SRobeson Ii, Michael S and Fierer, Noah
PloS one, vol. 10, (no. 11), pp. e0142409, 2015. | Journal Article
Cessation of Burning Dries Soils Long Term in a Tallgrass Prairie
Craine, Joseph and Nippert, Jesse
Ecosystems, vol. 17, (no. 1), pp. 54-65, Jan 2014. | Journal Article
Communication in a divided world
Craine, Joseph M
Nature Geoscience, vol. 7, (no. 5), pp. 322-324, May 2014. | Journal Article
Ecological consequences of shifting the timing of burning tallgrass prairie.
Towne, E Gene and Craine, Joseph M
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 7), pp. e103423, 2014. | Journal Article
Fifty thousand years of Arctic vegetation and megafaunal diet.
Willerslev, EskeWillerslev, EWillerslev, E.Willerslev, E.Willerslev, EskeWillerslev, EskeDavison, JohnDavison, JDavison, J.Davison, JohnDavison, J.Davison, JohnMoora, MariMoora, MMoora, M.Moora, MariMoora, M.Moora, MariZobel, M.Zobel, MartinZobel, MZobel, MartinZobel, M.Zobel, MartinCoissac, EricCoissac, EricCoissac, E.Coissac, EricCoissac, ECoissac, E.Edwards, M.E.Edwards, Mary E.Edwards, Mary EEdwards, M.E.Edwards, Mary EEdwards, MLorenzen, ELorenzen, Eline DLorenzen, Eline D.Lorenzen, Eline DLorenzen, E.D.Lorenzen, E.D.Vestergård, MetteVestergård, MetteVesterg?rd, M.Vesterg?rd, M.Vestergard, MetteVestergård, MGussarova, G.Gussarova, GalinaGussarova, GalinaGussarova, GalinaGussarova, GGussarova, G.Haile, JamesHaile, JamesHaile, JamesHaile, J.Haile, J.Haile, JCraine, JosephCraine, JCraine, JosephCraine, JosephCraine, J.Craine, J.Gielly, LudovicGielly, LudovicGielly, L.Gielly, LudovicGielly, LGielly, L.Boessenkool, SanneBoessenkool, SBoessenkool, SanneBoessenkool, S.Boessenkool, S.Boessenkool, SanneEpp, L.S.Epp, Laura SEpp, LEpp, Laura S.Epp, Laura SEpp, L.S.Pearman, Peter BPearman, P.B.Pearman, P.B.Pearman, Peter B.Pearman, PPearman, Peter BCheddadi, R.Cheddadi, RachidCheddadi, R.Cheddadi, RachidCheddadi, RachidCheddadi, RMurray, D.Murray, DavidMurray, DMurray, D.Murray, DavidMurray, DavidBråthen, Kari AnneBr?then, K.A.Bråthen, KBrathen, Kari ABrathen, Kari AnneBråthen, KariBr?then, K.A.Yoccoz, N.Yoccoz, NYoccoz, NigelYoccoz, N.Yoccoz, NigelYoccoz, NigelBinney, H.Binney, HeatherBinney, HeatherBinney, HBinney, H.Binney, HeatherCruaud, C.Cruaud, CorinneCruaud, CorinneCruaud, C.Cruaud, CorinneCruaud, CWincker, PatrickWincker, PatrickWincker, P.Wincker, PWincker, PatrickWincker, P.Goslar, TomaszGoslar, TomaszGoslar, TomaszGoslar, T.Goslar, TGoslar, T.Alsos, I.G.Alsos, I.G.Alsos, Inger GAlsos, IAlsos, Inger GreveAlsos, Inger GreveBellemain, EvaBellemain, EvaBellemain, E.Bellemain, EBellemain, EvaBellemain, E.Brysting, A.K.Brysting, ABrysting, Anne KragBrysting, Anne KragBrysting, A.K.Brysting, Anne KragElven, ReidarElven, R.Elven, RElven, R.Elven, ReidarElven, ReidarS?nsteb?, J?.H.S?nsteb?, J?.H.Sonstebo, Jorn HenrikSønstebø, Jørn HenrikSønstebø, Jørn HSønstebø, JMurton, JulianMurton, JMurton, J.Murton, JulianMurton, JulianMurton, J.Sher, A.Sher, ASher, AndreiSher, AndreiSher, AndreiSher, A.Rasmussen, MRasmussen, MortenRasmussen, MortenRasmussen, M.Rasmussen, M.Rasmussen, MortenRønn, ReginRønn, RRonn, ReginR?nn, R.R?nn, R.Rønn, ReginMourier, T.Mourier, TobiasMourier, TMourier, TobiasMourier, T.Mourier, TobiasCooper, A.Cooper, AlanCooper, AlanCooper, A.Cooper, ACooper, AlanAustin, JeremyAustin, J.Austin, JeremyAustin, J.Austin, JAustin, JeremyMöller, PerMoller, PerMöller, P.Möller, PMöller, PerMöller, P.Froese, D.Froese, DuaneFroese, DuaneFroese, D.Froese, DuaneFroese, DZazula, G.Zazula, GZazula, G.Zazula, GrantZazula, GrantZazula, GrantPompanon, FrançoisPompanon, F.Pompanon, F.Pompanon, FPompanon, FranoisPompanon, FrançoisRioux, D.Rioux, DelphineRioux, DelphineRioux, D.Rioux, DelphineRioux, DNiderkorn, VincentNiderkorn, VincentNiderkorn, V.Niderkorn, V.Niderkorn, VNiderkorn, VincentTikhonov, AlexeiTikhonov, ATikhonov, A.Tikhonov, AlexeiTikhonov, AlexeiTikhonov, A.Savvinov, GrigoriySavvinov, G.Savvinov, GSavvinov, G.Savvinov, GrigoriySavvinov, GrigoriyRoberts, R.G.Roberts, RRoberts, Richard G.Roberts, Richard GRoberts, R.G.Roberts, Richard GMacphee, R.D.E.Macphee, R.D.E.MacPhee, Ross D EMacphee, RMac Phee, Ross DMacPhee, Ross D. E.Gilbert, MGilbert, M TGilbert, M.T.P.Gilbert, M Thomas PGilbert, M. Thomas P.Gilbert, M.T.P.Kj?r, K.H.Kjaer, Kurt H.Kj?r, K.H.Kjær, Kurt HKjær, KKjær, Kurt HOrlando, LudovicOrlando, L.Orlando, LudovicOrlando, LudovicOrlando, LOrlando, L.Brochmann, C.Brochmann, ChristianBrochmann, ChristianBrochmann, CBrochmann, ChristianBrochmann, C.Taberlet, P.Taberlet, PierreTaberlet, P.Taberlet, PTaberlet, Pierre and Taberlet, Pierre
Nature, vol. 506, (no. 7486), pp. 47-51, 2014/Feb/6. | Journal Article
Lack of eutrophication in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem over 27 years
Mc Lauchlan, Kendra KCraine, JosephNippert, Jesse B and Ocheltree, Troy W
Ecology, vol. 95, (no. 5), May 2014. | Journal Article
Changes in global nitrogen cycling during the Holocene epoch
Mc Lauchlan, Kendra KWilliams, Joseph JCraine, Joseph and Jeffers, Elizabeth S
Nature, vol. 495, (no. 7441), pp. 352-5, Mar 21, 2013. | Journal Article
Global diversity of drought tolerance and grassland climate-change resilience
Craine, Joseph MCraine, JosephOcheltree, Troy WOcheltree, Troy WNippert, Jesse BNippert, Jesse BTowne, EGeneTowne, E GSkibbe, Adam MSkibbe, Adam MKembel, Steven WKembel, Steven WFargione, Joseph E and Fargione, Joseph E
Nature Climate Change, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 63-67, 2013. | Journal Article
Long-term climate sensitivity of grazer performance: a cross-site study.
Craine, Joseph
PloS one, vol. 8, (no. 6), pp. e67065, 2013. | Journal Article
Long-Term Climate Sensitivity of Grazer Performance: A Cross-Site Study. e67065
Craine, Joseph
PLoS ONE, vol. 8, (no. 6), 2013. | Journal Article
Precipitation timing and grazer performance in a tallgrass prairie
Craine, JosephTowne, E. GTolleson, Doug and Nippert, Jesse B
Oikos, vol. 122, (no. 2), pp. 191-198, Feb 2013. | Journal Article
Reduction of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition with sustained temperature increase
Craine, JosephFierer, NoahMc Lauchlan, Kendra K and Elmore, Andrew J
Biogeochemistry, vol. 113, (no. 1-3), pp. 359-368, 2013. | Journal Article
Relationships between Biological and Thermal Indices of Soil Organic Matter Stability Differ with Soil Organic Carbon Level
Peltre, ClémentFernández, JoséFernandez, J. M.Craine, Joseph and Plante, Alain
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 77, (no. 6), pp. 2020-2028, Nov/Dec 2013. | Journal Article
The importance of precipitation timing for grassland productivity
Craine, Joseph
Plant Ecology, vol. 214, (no. 8), pp. 1085-1089, Aug 2013. | Journal Article
Community traitscape of foliar nitrogen isotopes reveals N availability patterns in a tallgrass prairie
Craine, JosephTowne, EGeneOcheltree, Troy W and Nippert, Jesse B
Plant and Soil, vol. 356, (no. 1-2), pp. 395-403, 2012. | Journal Article
Consistent effects of nitrogen amendments on soil microbial communities and processes across biomes
Ramirez, KellyCraine, Joseph and Fierer, Noah
Global Change Biology, vol. 18, (no. 6), pp. 1918-1927, Jun 2012. | Journal Article
Flowering phenology as a functional trait in a tallgrass prairie.
Craine, JosephWolkovich, Elizabeth MGene Towne, E and Kembel, Steven W
The New phytologist, vol. 193, (no. 3), pp. 673-82, 2012/Feb. | Journal Article
Improved characterization of soil organic matter by thermal analysis using CO2/H2O evolved gas analysis.
Fernández, José MPeltre, ClémentCraine, Joseph and Plante, Alain F
Environmental science & technology, vol. 46, (no. 16), pp. 8921-7, 2012/Aug/21. | Journal Article
Resource limitation, tolerance, and the future of ecological plant classification.
Craine, JosephEngelbrecht, Bettina MLusk, Christopher HMcDowell, Nate G and Poorter, Hendrik
Frontiers in plant science, vol. 3, pp. 246, 2012. | Journal Article
Species-specific trajectories of nitrogen isotopes in Indiana hardwood forests, USA
Mc Lauchlan, K. and Craine, J.
Biogeosciences, vol. 9, (no. 2), 2012. | Journal Article
The moisture response of soil heterotrophic respiration: interaction with soil properties
Moyano, FEVasilyeva, N.Bouckaert, LiesbethCook, F.Craine, J.Yuste, JCurielDon, A.Epron, D.Formanek, P.Franzluebbers, Alan JIlstedt, U.Kätterer, T.Orchard, V.Reichstein, M.Rey, A.Ruamps, L.Subke, J.-A.Thomsen, I. and Chenu, C.
Biogeosciences, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. 1173-1182, 2012. | Journal Article
Which traits determine shifts in the abundance of tree species in a fire-prone savanna?
Higgins, Steven IBond, WilliamCombrink, HenriCraine, JosephFebruary, Edmund CGovender, NavashniLannas, KathrynMoncreiff, Glenn and Trollope, Winston S
Journal of Ecology, vol. 100, (no. 6), pp. 1400-1410, 2012. | Journal Article