78 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
Environmental constraints on a global relationship among leaf and root traits of grasses
Craine, JosephLee, WGBond, WilliamWilliams, RJ and Johnson, LC
Ecology, vol. 86, (no. 1), pp. 12-19, 2005. | Journal Article
Linking leaf and root trait syndromes among 39 grassland and savannah species
Tjoelker, Mark GCraine, JosephWedin, Dave AReich, Peter B and Tilman, G. D
New Phytologist, vol. 167, (no. 2), pp. 493-508, 2005. | Journal Article
Litter quality and the temperature sensitivity of decomposition
Fierer, NoahCraine, JosephMc Lauchlan, Kendra K and Schimel, Joshua P
Ecology, vol. 86, (no. 2), pp. 320-326, 2005. | Journal Article
Reconciling plant strategy theories of Grime and Tilman.
Craine, Joseph
Journal of ecology., vol. 93, (no. 6), pp. 1041-1052, 2005. | Journal Article
Supply pre-emption, not concentration reduction, is the mechanism of competition for nutrients
Craine, Joseph MCraine, JosephFargione, JosephFargione, JosephSugita, Shinya and Sugita, Shinya
New Phytologist, vol. 166, (no. 3), pp. 933-940, 2005. | Journal Article
Species and functional group diversity independently influence biomass accumulation and its response to CO2 and N.
Reich, Peter BTilman, G. DNaeem, ShahidEllsworth, David SKnops, JeanCraine, JosephWedin, Dave A and Trost, Jared
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 101, (no. 27), pp. 10101-6, 2004/Jul/6. | Journal Article
The influence of biotic drivers on North American palaeorecords: alternatives to climate
Craine, Joseph and Mc Lauchlan, Kendra K
The Holocene, vol. 14, (no. 5), pp. 787-791, Sep 1, 2004. | Journal Article
Covariation in leaf and root traits for native and non-native grasses along an altitudinal gradient in New Zealand.
Craine, Joseph and Lee, W G
Oecologia, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. 471-8, 2003/Mar. | Journal Article
Relationship between the structure of root systems and resource use for 11 North American grassland plants
Craine, JosephWedin, Dave AChapin, F. S and Reich, Peter B
Plant Ecology, vol. 165, (no. 1), pp. 85-100, 2003. | Journal Article
The dependence of root system properties on root system biomass of 10 North American grassland species.
Craine, JosephWedin, Dave AChapin, F.S. I and Reich, Peter B
Plant and soil., vol. 250, (no. 1), pp. 39-47, 2003. | Journal Article
The evolution of plant functional variation: Traits, spectra, and strategies
Reich, Peter BWright, IanCavender Bares, JeannineCraine, JosephOleksyn, JacekWestoby, Mark and Walters, Michael B
International Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 164, (no. 3), pp. S143-S164, 2003. | Journal Article
The resource economics of chemical and structural defenses across nitrogen supply gradients.
Craine, JosephBond, WilliamLee, William GReich, Peter B and Ollinger, Scott V
Oecologia, vol. 137, (no. 4), pp. 547-56, 2003/Dec. | Journal Article
Determinants of growing season soil CO2 flux in a Minnesota grassland.
Craine, Joseph and Wedin, Dave A
Biogeochemistry., vol. 59, (no. 3), pp. 303-313, 2002. | Journal Article
Functional traits, productivity and effects on nitrogen cycling of 33 grassland species
Craine, JosephTilman, G. DWedin, Dave AReich, Peter BTjoelker, Mark G and Knops, Jean
Functional Ecology, vol. 16, (no. 5), pp. 563-574, 2002. | Journal Article
Elevated CO2 and nitrogen supply alter leaf longevity of grassland species.
Craine, Joseph and Reich, Peter B
New phytologist., vol. 150, (no. 2), pp. 397-403, 2001. | Journal Article
Grassland species effects on soil CO2 flux track the effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen.
Craine, JosephWedin, Dave A and Reich, Peter B
New phytologist., vol. 150, (no. 2), pp. 425-434, 2001. | Journal Article
Plant diversity enhances ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition
Reich, PBReich, PeterKnops, JeanJ KnopsD TilmanTilman, DavidJ CraineCraine, JosephD EllsworthTjoelker, Mark GT LeeD WedinS NaeemD BahauddinG HendreyS JoseK WrageJ Goth and W Bengston
Nature, vol. 410, (no. 6830), pp. 809-12, Apr 12, 2001. | Journal Article
Plant diversity enhances ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition.
Reich, Peter BKnops, JeanTilman, G. DCraine, JosephEllsworth, David STjoelker, Mark GWedin, Dave ANaeem, ShahidBahauddin, D.Hendrey, F.Jose, ShibuWrage, K.Goth, J. and Bengston, W.
Nature., (no. 6830), pp. 809-812, 2001. | Journal Article
Plant diversity enhances ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition.
Reich, Peter BKnops, JeanTilman, G. DCraine, JosephEllsworth, David STjoelker, Mark GLee, TWedin, Dave ANaeem, ShahidBahauddin, DHendrey, George RJose, ShibuWrage, KGoth, J and Bengston, W
Nature, vol. 410, (no. 6830), pp. 809-12, 2001/Apr/12. | Journal Article
Plant diversity enhances ecosystem responses to elevated CO sub(2) and nitrogen deposition
Reich, Peter BKnops, JeanTilman, G. DCraine, JosephEllsworth, David STjoelker, Mark GLee, Tali DWedin, Dave ANaeem, ShahidBahauddin, D.Hendrey, George RJose, ShibuWrage, K.Goth, J. and Bengston, W.
Nature, vol. 410, (no. 6830), pp. 809-812, 2001. | Journal Article
The relationships among root and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance along fertility and disturbance gradients
Craine, JosephFroehle, J.Tilman, DGWedin, Dave A and Chapin, F. S
Oikos, vol. 93, (no. 2), pp. 274-285, 2001. | Journal Article
The response of soil CO2 flux to changes in atmospheric CO2, nitrogen supply and plant diversity.
Craine, JosephWedin, Dave A and Reich, Peter B
Global change biology., vol. 7, (no. 8), pp. 947-953, 2001. | Journal Article
The properties of root systems of grassland species and their relationships to ecosystem properties (Dissertation)
Craine, Joseph (2000).
Measurement of leaf longevity of 14 species of grasses and forbs using a novel approach.
Craine, JosephBerin, D.M.Reich, Peter BTilman, D.G. and Knops, M.H.
New phytologist., vol. 142, (no. 3), pp. 475-481, 1999. | Journal Article
Predominance of ecophysiological controls on soil CO2 flux in a Minnesota grassland
Craine, JosephWedin, David and Chapin, F
Plant and Soil, vol. 207, (no. 1), pp. 77-86, Sep 1999. | Journal Article