3 Grants
Dimensions NASA: Collaborative Research: The biogeography and evolution of drought tolerance in grasses
Clark, LynnCraine, JosephUngerer, Mark and Nippert, Jesse
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Division of Environmental Biology (ID: 1342787), $406,948USD, 01/01/2014 -- 12/31/2016
Testing the consequences of the carbon-quality temperature hypothesis for soil organic matter decomposition
Craine, JosephMc Lauchlan, Kendra and Fierer, Noah
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Division of Environmental Biology (ID: 0816629), $451,657USD, 09/01/2008 -- 08/31/2011
International Research Fellowship Program: Effects of Soils and Precipitation on Plant and Ecosystem Traits in South African Savanna
Craine, Joseph
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of International Science and Engineering (ID: 0301834), $76,453USD, 07/01/2003 -- 06/30/2005