170 Publications (Page 6 of 7)
Response of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Fruits to Environmental Factors
Xu, JingwenSu, XiaoyuLi, YonghuiSun, XiuzhiWang, Donghai and Wang, Weiqun
European Journal of Nutrition &\mathsemicolon Food Safety, pp. 233–247. | Journal Article
Bread characteristics and antioxidant activities of Maillard reaction products of white pan bread containing various sugars
Shen, YantingChen, Gengjun and Li, Yonghui
LWT, vol. 95, pp. 308–315. | Journal Article
Effect of Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate on the Physicochemical Properties of Soft Wheat Flour Doughs and Gluten Polymerization
Chen, GengjunEhmke, LauraMiller, RebeccaFaa, PierreSmith, Gordon and Li, Yonghui
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 66, pp. 6840–6850. | Journal Article
Epoxidized and Acrylated Epoxidized Camelina Oils for Ultraviolet-Curable Wood Coatings
Li, YonghuiWang, Donghai and Sun, Xiuzhi S.
Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. | Journal Article
Improvers and functional ingredients in whole wheat bread: A review of their effects on dough properties and bread quality
Tebben, LaurenShen, Yanting and Li, Yonghui
Trends in Food Science & Technology, vol. 81, Nov 2018. | Journal Article
Phenolic acid composition and antioxidant activity of hard red winter wheat varieties
Tian, Wenfei and Li, Yonghui
Journal of Food Biochemistry, pp. e12682. | Journal Article
Physicochemical properties and gluten structures of hard wheat flour doughs as affected by salt
Chen, GengjunEhmke, LauraSharma, ChetanMiller, RebeccaFaa, PierreSmith, Gordon and Li, Yonghui
Food Chemistry. | Journal Article
Potassium chloride affects gluten microstructures and dough characteristics similarly as sodium chloride
Chen, GengjunHu, Ruijia and Li, Yonghui
Journal of Cereal Science. | Journal Article
Optimization of Soybean Oil Based Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives Using a Full Factorial Design
Li, YonghuiChou, Shih-hsiungQian, WentingSung, JonggeunChang, Shing and Sun, Xiuzhi
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. 94, (no. 5), pp. 713-721, May 2017. | Journal Article
Competitive Nucleophilic Attack Chemistry Based on Undecenoic Acid: A New Chemical Route for Plant-Oil-Based Epoxies
Li, CongLi, YonghuiCai, XiaoxiaWang, HongwangBossmann, Stefan H.Sung, Jonggeun and Sun, Xiuzhi Susan
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 5718–5729. | Journal Article
Mesoporous Hybrids of Reduced Graphene Oxide and Vanadium Pentoxide for Enhanced Performance in Lithium-Ion Batteries and Electrochemical Capacitors
Pandey, Gaind PPandey, Gaind P.Pandey, G. P.Liu, TaoLiu, TaoLiu, T.Brown, EmeryBrown, EmeryBrown, E.Yang, YiqunYang, YiqunYang, Y. Q.Li, YonghuiLi, Y. H.Li, YonghuiSun, Xiuzhi SusanSun, XzssSun, Xiuzhi SusanFang, YuepingFang, YuepingFang, Y. P.Li, J.Li, Jun and Li, Jun
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 8, pp. 9200–9210. | Journal Article
Thermostable gel polymer electrolyte based on succinonitrile and ionic liquid for high-performance solid-state supercapacitors
Pandey, G.P.Pandey, Gaind P.Liu, TaoLiu, T.Hancock, C.Hancock, CodyLi, Y.Li, YonghuiSun, Xiuzhi SusanSun, X.S.Li, J. and Li, Jun
Journal of Power Sources, vol. 328, pp. 510–519. | Journal Article
Camelina oil derivatives and adhesion properties. Industrial Crops and Products
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Copolymers from epoxidized soybean oil and lactic acid oligomers for pressure-sensitive adhesives. RSC Advances
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Effective Infiltration of Gel Polymer Electrolyte into Silicon-Coated Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofibers as Anodes for Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Pandey, Gaind PKlankowski, Steven ALi, YonghuiSun, Xiuzhi SusanWu, JudyRojeski, Ronald A and Li, Jun
ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol. 7, (no. 37), pp. 20909-20918, September 23, 2015. | Journal Article
Epoxidation of Camelina sativa oil and peel adhesion properties. Industrial Crops and Products
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Oxirane Cleavage Kinetics of Epoxidized Soybean Oil by Water and UV-Polymerized Resin Adhesion Properties
Li, YonghuiWang, Donghai and Sun, Xiuzhi
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. 92, (no. 1), pp. 121-131, Jan 2015. | Journal Article
Oxirane Cleavage Kinetics of Epoxidized Soybean Oil by Water and UV-Polymerized Resin Adhesion Properties. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society
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Plasticization effects of dihydroxyl soybean oil improve flexibilities of epoxy-based films for coating applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science
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Polyols from epoxidized soybean oil and alpha hydroxyl acids and their adhesion properties from UV polymerization
Li, Yonghui and Sun, Xiuzhi Susan
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 63, pp. 1–8. | Journal Article
Synthesis and characterization of acrylic polyols and polymers from soybean oils for pressure-sensitive adhesives. RSC Advances
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Di-Hydroxylated Soybean Oil Polyols with Varied Hydroxyl Values and Their Influence on UV-Curable Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
Li, Yonghui and Sun, Xiuzhi
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. 91, (no. 8), pp. 1425-1432, Aug 2014. | Journal Article
Di-Hydroxylated Soybean Oil Polyols with Varied Hydroxyl Values and Their Influence on UV-Curable Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society
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Photoactivity of Poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites modulated by TiO 2 nanofillers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science
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Plasticization effects of dihydroxyl soybean oil improve flexibilities of epoxy-based films for coating applications
Sung, JonggeunLi, Yonghui and Sun, Xiuzhi Susan
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 132, pp. n/a–n/a. | Journal Article