11 Publications
Transcriptional regulation by STAT6
Goenka, Shreevrat and Kaplan, Mark H
Immunologic Research, vol. 50, (no. 1), pp. 87-96, 2011. | Journal Article
PARP-14, a member of the B aggressive lymphoma family, transduces survival signals in primary B cells.
Cho, Sung HGoenka, ShreevratHenttinen, TiinaGudapati, PrathyushaReinikainen, ArjaEischen, Christine MLahesmaa, Riitta and Boothby, Mark R
Blood, vol. 113, (no. 11), pp. 2416-25, 2009/Mar/12. | Journal Article
Collaborator of Stat6 (CoaSt6)-associated Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Activity Modulates Stat6-dependent Gene Transcription
Goenka, ShreevratCho, Sung H and Boothby, Mark R
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 282, (no. 26), pp. 18732-18739, 2007. | Journal Article
Selective potentiation of Stat-dependent gene expression by collaborator of Stat6 (CoaSt6), a transcriptional cofactor
Goenka, Shreevrat and Boothby, Mark R
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 103, (no. 11), pp. 4210-4215, Mar 14, 2006. | Journal Article
Sequence Motifs in IL-4R alpha Mediating Cell-Cycle Progression of Primary Lymphocytes
Stephenson, Linda MPark, Do-SimMora, Ana LGoenka, Shreevrat and Boothby, Mark R
Journal of Immunology, vol. 175, (no. 8), pp. 5178-5185, 2005. | Journal Article
Antiapoptotic function of NF-kappaB in T lymphocytes is influenced by their differentiation status: roles of Fas, c-FLIP, and Bcl-xL.
Mora, A LCorn, R AStanic, A KGoenka, ShreevratAronica, MarkStanley, SBallard, Dean WJoyce, S and Boothby, Mark R
Cell Death and Differentiation, vol. 10, (no. 9), pp. 1032-44, 2003/Sep. | Journal Article
Differential Roles of C-terminal Activation Motifs in the Establishment of Stat6 Transcriptional Specificity
Goenka, ShreevratMarlar, C.Schindler, U. and Boothby, Mark R
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 278, (no. 50), pp. 50362-50370, 2003. | Journal Article
IL-4 Signaling, Gene Transcription Regulation, and the Control of Effector T Cells
Boothby, Mark RMora, ALAronica, MarkYoun, J.Sheller, James RGoenka, Shreevrat and Stephenson, L.
Immunologic Research, vol. 23, (no. 2-3), pp. 179-191, 2001. | Journal Article
Paired Stat6 C-Terminal Transcription Activation Domains Required Both for Inhibition of an IFN-Responsive Promoter and Trans-Activation
Goenka, ShreevratYoun, J.Dzurek, LMSchindler, U.Yu-Lee, L-Y and Boothby, Mark R
Journal of Immunology, vol. 163, (no. 9), pp. 4663-4672, 1999. | Journal Article
In vivo function of an interleukin 2 receptor beta chain (IL-2Rbeta)/IL-4Ralpha cytokine receptor chimera potentiates allergic airway disease.
Youn, JChen, JGoenka, ShreevratAronica, MarkMora, A LCorrea, VSheller, James R and Boothby, Mark R
The Journal of experimental medicine, vol. 188, (no. 10), pp. 1803-16, 1998/Nov/16. | Journal Article
Characterization ofp26, a protein encoded by the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Dissertation)
Goenka, Shreevrat (1997).