119 Publications (Page 4 of 5)
SlrA/SinR/SlrR inhibits motility gene expression upstream of a hypersensitive and hysteretic switch at the level of [sigma]^sup D^ in Bacillus subtilis
Cozy, LoralynPhillips, AndrewCalvo, RebeccaBate, AshleyHsueh, Yi-HuangBonneau, RichardEichenberger, Patrick and Kearns, Daniel
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 83, (no. 6), pp. 1210, 20120301. | Journal Article
SlrA/SinR/SlrR inhibits motility gene expression upstream of a hypersensitive and hysteretic switch at the level of σD in Bacillus subtilis
Cozy, Loralyn MCozy, Loralyn MPhillips, Andrew MPhillips, Andrew MCalvo, Rebecca ACalvo, Rebecca ABate, Ashley RBate, Ashley RHsueh, Yi-HuangHsueh, Yi‐HuangBonneau, Richard ABonneau, RichardEichenberger, PatrickEichenberger, PatrickKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 83, (no. 6), pp. 1228, March 2012. | Journal Article
Swarming motility and the control of master regulators of flagellar biosynthesis
Patrick, Joyce E and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 83, (no. 1), pp. 23, 2012-01-00. | Journal Article
CsrA–FliW interaction governs flagellin homeostasis and a checkpoint on flagellar morphogenesis in Bacillus subtilis
Mukherjee, SampritiMukherjee, SampritiYakhnin, HelenYakhnin, HelenKysela, DaveKysela, DaveSokoloski, JoshSokoloski, JoshBabitzke, PaulBabitzke, PaulKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 82, (no. 2), pp. 461, October 2011. | Journal Article
DegU‐phosphate activates expression of the anti‐sigma factor FlgM in Bacillus subtilis
Hsueh, Yi‐HuangHsueh, Yi-HuangCozy, Loralyn MCozy, Loralyn MSham, Lok‐ToSham, Lok-ToCalvo, Rebecca ACalvo, Rebecca AGutu, Alina DGutu, Alina DWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 81, (no. 4), pp. 1108, August 2011. | Journal Article
New inhibitors of colony spreading in Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus anthracis
Hao, XinHao, XinNguyen, TamNguyen, TamKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BArpin, Carolynn CArpin, Carolynn CFall, RayFall, RaySammakia, Tarek and Sammakia, Tarek
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 21, (no. 18), pp. 5588, 2011-09-15. | Journal Article
Tracing the domestication of a biofilm-forming bacterium.
McLoon, Anna LGuttenplan, Sarah BKearns, DanielKolter, Roberto and Losick, Richard M
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 193, (no. 8), pp. 2027-34, 2011/Apr. | Journal Article
A field guide to bacterial swarming motility
Kearns, Daniel
Nature Reviews: Microbiology, vol. 8, (no. 9), pp. 634-644, 2010. | Journal Article
Gene position in a long operon governs motility development in Bacillus subtilis
Cozy, Loralyn M and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular microbiology, vol. 76, (no. 2), pp. 285, 2010-Apr. | Journal Article
Multi-species integrative biclustering.
Waltman, PeterKacmarczyk, ThadeousBate, Ashley RKearns, Daniel BReiss, David JEichenberger, Patrick and Bonneau, Richard
. | Journal Article
The EpsE Flagellar Clutch Is Bifunctional and Synergizes with EPS Biosynthesis to Promote Bacillus subtilis Biofilm Formation
Guttenplan, Sarah BBlair, Kris M and Kearns, Daniel B
PLoS genetics, vol. 6, (no. 12), pp. e1001243, 2010-Dec-09. | Journal Article
Growing Bacillus subtilis tendrils sense and avoid each other
James, Barry LKret, JenniferPatrick, Joyce EKearns, Daniel B and Fall, Ray
FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 298, (no. 1), pp. 19, 20090901. | Journal Article
Laboratory Strains of Bacillus subtilis Do Not Exhibit Swarming Motility ,
Patrick, Joyce E and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 191, (no. 22), pp. 7129-7133, 2009. | Journal Article
RemA (YlzA) and RemB (YaaB) Regulate Extracellular Matrix Operon Expression and Biofilm Formation in Bacillus subtilis ,
Winkelman, Jared TBlair, Kris M and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 191, (no. 12), pp. 3981-3991, 2009. | Journal Article
Role of the D-Dependent Autolysins in Bacillus subtilis Population Heterogeneity ,
Chen, RuiGuttenplan, Sarah BBlair, Kris M and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 191, (no. 18), pp. 5775-5784, 2009. | Journal Article
Role of the sigmaD-dependent autolysins in Bacillus subtilis population heterogeneity.
Chen, RuiGuttenplan, Sarah BBlair, Kris M and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 191, (no. 18), pp. 5775-84, 2009/Sep. | Journal Article
Role of the [[sigma].sup.D]-dependent autolysins in Bacillus subtilis population heterogeneity
Chen, RuiGuttenplan, SarahBlair, Kris and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 191, (no. 17-18), pp. 5775, 20090901. | Journal Article
Role of the [sigma]^sup D^-Dependent Autolysins in Bacillus subtilis Population Heterogeneity
Chen, RuiGuttenplan, SarahBlair, Kris and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 191, (no. 18), pp. 5775, 20090901. | Journal Article
A Molecular Clutch Disables Flagella in the Bacillus subtilis Biofilm
Blair, Kris MTurner, LindaWinkelman, Jared TBerg, Howard C and Kearns, Daniel
Science, vol. 320, (no. 5883), pp. 1636-1638, Jun 20, 2008. | Journal Article
A novel regulatory protein governing biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis
Chu, FrancesKearns, DanielMcLoon, AnnaChai, YunrongKolter, Roberto and Losick, Richard M
Molecular microbiology., vol. 68, (no. 5), pp. 1117-1127, 2008. | Journal Article
Division of labour during Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation
Kearns, Daniel
Molecular microbiology., vol. 67, (no. 2), pp. 229-231, 2008. | Journal Article
MinJ (YvjD) is a topological determinant of cell division in Bacillus subtilis
Patrick, Joyce E and Kearns, Daniel
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 70, (no. 5), pp. 1166-1179, 2008. | Journal Article
Bright Insight into Bacterial Gliding
Kearns, Daniel
Science (Washington), vol. 315, (no. 5813), pp. 773-774, 2007. | Journal Article
Bright insight into bacterial gliding: a tank tread-like motion of successive adhesions provides the force needed to propel a rod-shaped bacterium
Kearns, Daniel
Science, vol. 315, (no. 5813), pp. 773, 20070209. | Journal Article
Microbiology. Bright insight into bacterial gliding.
Kearns, Daniel
Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 315, (no. 5813), pp. 773-4, 2007/Feb/9. | Journal Article