119 Publications (Page 2 of 5)
Contact with the CsrA core is required for allosteric inhibition by FliW in Bacillus subtilis
Kearns, Daniel B. and Oshiro, Reid T
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Contact with the CsrA Core Is Required for Allosteric Inhibition by FliW in Bacillus subtilis
Journal of Bacteriology. | Journal Article
Correction for Pozsgai et al., "Modified mariner Transposons for Random Inducible-Expression Insertions and Transcriptional Reporter Fusion Insertions in Bacillus subtilis"
Pozsgai, Eric RBlair, Kris M and Kearns, Daniel B
Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 86, (no. 10), 2020-May-05. | Journal Article
Harnessing β-Lactam Antibiotics for Illumination of the Activity of Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Bacillus subtilis
Sharifzadeh, ShabnamDempwolff, FelixKearns, Daniel B and Carlson, Erin E
ACS chemical biology, vol. 15, (no. 5), pp. 1251, 2020-May-15. | Journal Article
Noc corrals migration of FtsZ protofilaments during cytokinesis in Bacillus subtilis
RnhP is a plasmid‐borne RNase HI that contributes to genome maintenance in the ancestral strain Bacillus subtilis NCIB 3610
Molecular Microbiology. | Journal Article
The large pBS32/pLS32 plasmid of ancestral Bacillus subtilis
Burton, Aisha and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology. | Journal Article
The Min System Disassembles FtsZ Foci and Inhibits Polar Peptidoglycan Remodeling in Bacillus subtilis
Yu, YuanchenYu, YuanchenZhou, JinshengZhou, JinshengDempwolff, FelixDempwolff, FelixBaker, Joshua DBaker, Joshua DKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BJacobson, Stephen C and Jacobson, Stephen C
mBio, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. e03197-19, 2020-Mar-17. | Journal Article
Tn FLX : a Third-Generation mariner -Based Transposon System for Bacillus subtilis
Dempwolff, FelixSanchez, Sandra and Kearns, Daniel B
Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 86, (no. 10), 2020-May-05. | Journal Article
TnFLX: a Third-Generation mariner-Based Transposon System for Bacillus subtilis
Dempwolff, FelixDempwolff, FelixSanchez, SandraSanchez, SandraKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel B.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 86, (no. 10), 2020-03-13. | Journal Article
Functional Regulators of Bacterial Flagella
Subramanian, Sundharraman and Kearns, Daniel B
Annual review of microbiology, vol. 73, (no. 1), 2019-May-28. | Journal Article
Organization of the Flagellar Switch Complex of Bacillus subtilis
Ward, ElizabethKim, Eun APanushka, JosephBotelho, TaysonMeyer, TrevorKearns, Daniel BOrdal, George and Blair, David F
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 201, (no. 8), 2019-Apr-15. | Journal Article
Selective Penicillin-Binding Protein Imaging Probes Reveal Substructure in Bacterial Cell Division
Kocaoglu, OzdenKocaoglu, OzdenCalvo, Rebecca ACalvo, Rebecca ASham, Lok-ToSham, Lok-ToCozy, Loralyn MCozy, Loralyn MLanning, Bryan RLanning, Bryan RFrancis, SamsonFrancis, SamsonWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BCarlson, Erin E and Carlson, Erin E
ACS Chemical Biology, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. 1672, 2019-07-19. | Journal Article
Suppressor mutations in ribosomal proteins and FliY restore Bacillus subtilis swarming motility in the absence of EF-P
Hummels, Katherine and Kearns, Daniel
PLoS Genetics, vol. 15, (no. 6), pp. e1008179, 2019-06-25. | Journal Article
Assembly Order of Flagellar Rod Subunits in Bacillus subtilis
Burrage, Andrew MVanderpool, Eric and Kearns, Daniel B
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 200, (no. 23), 2018-Dec-01. | Journal Article
EF-P Posttranslational Modification Has Variable Impact on Polyproline Translation in Bacillus subtilis
Witzky, AnneHummels, Katherine RTollerson, 2nd, RodneyRajkovic, AndreiJones, Lisa AKearns, Daniel B and Ibba, Michael
mBio, vol. 9, (no. 2), pp. e00306-18, 2018-04-03. | Journal Article
SwrD (YlzI) Promotes Swarming in Bacillus subtilis by Increasing Power to Flagellar Motors
Hall, Ashley NSubramanian, SundharramanOshiro, Reid TCanzoneri, Alexandra K and Kearns, Daniel B
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 200, (no. 2), 2018-Jan-15. | Journal Article
The C-Terminal Region of Bacillus subtilis SwrA Is Required for Activity and Adaptor-Dependent LonA Proteolysis
Hughes, Anna CSubramanian, SundharramanDann, 3rd, Charles E and Kearns, Daniel B
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 200, (no. 6), pp. e00659-17, 2018-03-15. | Journal Article
A structural model of flagellar filament switching across multiple bacterial species
Wang, FengbinWang, FengbinBurrage, Andrew MBurrage, AndrewPostel, SandraPostel, SandraClark, Reece EClark, ReeceOrlova, AlbinaOrlova, AlbinaSundberg, EricSundberg, Eric JKearns, Daniel BKearns, DanielEgelman, Edward H and Egelman, Edward
Nature communications, vol. 8, (no. 1), pp. 13, 2017-10-16. | Journal Article
Carbonyl reduction by YmfI in Bacillus subtilis prevents accumulation of an inhibitory EF-P modification state
Hummels, Katherine RWitzky, AnneRajkovic, AndreiTollerson, RodneyJones, Lisa AIbba, Michael and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 106, (no. 2), pp. 251, 2017-10-00. | Journal Article
Complete Genome Sequence of Undomesticated Bacillus subtilis Strain NCIB 3610
Nye, Taylor MSchroeder, Jeremy WKearns, Daniel B and Simmons, Lyle A
Genome announcements, vol. 5, (no. 20), 2017-May-18. | Journal Article
MotI (DgrA) acts as a molecular clutch on the flagellar stator protein MotA in Bacillus subtilis
Subramanian, SundharramanGao, XiaohuiDann, 3rd, Charles E and Kearns, Daniel B
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 114, (no. 51), pp. 13542, 2017-Dec-01. | Journal Article
Non-contact cohesive swimming of bacteria in two-dimensional liquid films
Zhai, HeLi, YeSanchez, SandraKearns, Daniel B and Wu, Yilin
Physical review letters, vol. 119, (no. 1), pp. 018101, 2017-07-05. | Journal Article
Viscous drag on the flagellum activates Bacillus subtilis entry into the K-state
Diethmaier, ChristineDiethmaier, ChristineChawla, RaviChawla, RaviCanzoneri, AlexandraCanzoneri, AlexandraKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BLele, Pushkar PLele, Pushkar PDubnau, David and Dubnau, David
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 106, (no. 3), pp. 380, 2017-11-00. | Journal Article
csrTRepresents a New Class ofcsrA-Like Regulatory Genes Associated with Integrative Conjugative Elements of Legionella pneumophila
Abbott, Zachary DAbbott, Zachary DFlynn, Kaitlin JFlynn, Kaitlin JByrne, Brenda GByrne, Brenda GMukherjee, SampritiMukherjee, SampritiKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BSwanson, Michele S and Swanson, Michele S
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 198, (no. 3), pp. 564, 2016-02-01. | Journal Article