119 Publications (Page 3 of 5)
Expression of multiple Bacillus subtilis genes is controlled by decay of slrA mRNA from Rho-dependent 3' ends
Liu, BoLiu, BoKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BBechhofer, David H and Bechhofer, David H
Nucleic acids research, vol. 44, (no. 7), pp. 3372, 2016-Apr-20. | Journal Article
The Microbial Olympics 2016
Nelson, Michaeline BChase, Alexander BMartiny, Jennifer B HStocker, RomanNguyen, JenLloyd, KarenOshiro, Reid TKearns, Daniel BSchneider, Johannes PRingel, Peter DBasler, MarekOlson, Christine AVuong, Helen EHsiao, Elaine YRoller, Benjamin R KAckermann, MartinSmillie, ChrisChien, DianaAlm, Eric and Jermy, Andrew J
Nature Microbiology, vol. 1, (no. 8), pp. 16122, Aug 2016. | Journal Article
d-Amino Acid Probes for Penicillin Binding Protein-based Bacterial Surface Labeling
Fura, Jonathan MFura, Jonathan MKearns, DanielKearns, DanielPires, Marcos M and Pires, Marcos M
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 290, (no. 51), pp. 30550, 2015-Dec-18. | Journal Article
FlgM Is Secreted by the Flagellar Export Apparatus in Bacillus subtilis
Calvo, Rebecca A and Kearns, Daniel B
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 197, (no. 1), pp. 91, 2015-Jan-01. | Journal Article
Functional Activation of the Flagellar Type III Secretion Export Apparatus
Phillips, AndrewCalvo, Rebecca and Kearns, Daniel
PLoS Genetics, vol. 11, (no. 8), 20150801. | Journal Article
Identification of Poly-N-acetylglucosamine as a Major Polysaccharide Component of the Bacillus subtilis Biofilm Matrix
Roux, DamienRoux, DamienCywes-Bentley, ColetteCywes-Bentley, ColetteZhang, Yi-FanZhang, Yi-FanPons, StephaniePons, StephanieKonkol, MelissaKonkol, MelissaKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BLittle, Dustin JLittle, Dustin JHowell, P LynneHowell, P LynneSkurnik, DavidSkurnik, DavidPier, Gerald B and Pier, Gerald B
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 290, (no. 31), pp. 19272, 2015-Jul-31. | Journal Article
Preparation, Imaging, and Quantification of Bacterial Surface Motility Assays
Morales-Soto, NydiaMorales-Soto, NydiaAnyan, Morgen EAnyan, Morgen EMattingly, Anne EMattingly, Anne EMadukoma, Chinedu SMadukoma, Chinedu SHarvey, Cameron WHarvey, Cameron WAlber, MarkAlber, MarkDéziel, EricDéziel, EricKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BShrout, Joshua D and Shrout, Joshua D
Journal of Visualized Experiments, (no. 98), 4-2015. | Journal Article
Defects in the Flagellar Motor Increase Synthesis of Poly-γ-Glutamate in Bacillus subtilis
Chan, JiaGuttenplan, Sarah and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 196, (no. 4), pp. 753, 20140215. | Journal Article
Engineering of Bacillus subtilis strains to allow rapid characterization of heterologous diguanylate cyclases and phosphodiesterases
Gao, XiaohuiDong, XiaoSubramanian, SundharramanCooper, CalebMatthews, PaigeKearns, Daniel and Dann, Charles
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 80, (no. 19), pp. 5901, 20141001. | Journal Article
Global analysis of mRNA decay intermediates in Bacillus subtilis wild‐type and polynucleotide phosphorylase‐deletion strains
Liu, BoLiu, BoDeikus, GintarasDeikus, GintarasBree, AnnaBree, AnnaDurand, SylvainDurand, SylvainKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BBechhofer, David H and Bechhofer, David H
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 94, (no. 1), pp. 55, October 2014. | Journal Article
The canonical twin-arginine translocase components are not required for secretion of folded GFP from the ancestral strain of Bacillus subtilis.
The canonical twin-arginine translocase components are not required for secretion of folded GFP from the ancestral strain of Bacillus subtilis.
. | Journal Article
The Canonical Twin-Arginine Translocase Components Are Not Required for Secretion of Folded Green Fluorescent Protein from the Ancestral Strain of Bacillus subtilis
Snyder, Anthony JMukherjee, SampritiGlass, J KyleKearns, Daniel B and Mukhopadhyay, Suchetana
Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 80, (no. 10), pp. 3232, 2014-May. | Journal Article
A Plasmid-Encoded Phosphatase Regulates Bacillus subtilis Biofilm Architecture, Sporulation, and Genetic Competence
Parashar, VijayParashar, VijayKonkol, MelissaKonkol, Melissa AKearns, Daniel BKearns, DanielNeiditch, Matthew and Neiditch, Matthew
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 195, (no. 10), pp. 2448, 20130515. | Journal Article
FliW and FliS Function Independently To Control Cytoplasmic Flagellin Levels in Bacillus subtilis
Mukherjee, SampritiMukherjee, SampritiBabitzke, PaulBabitzke, PaulKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 195, (no. 2), pp. 306, 20130115. | Journal Article
Functional Characterization of Core Components of the Bacillus subtilis Cyclic-Di-GMP Signaling Pathway
Gao, XiaohuiGao, XiaohuiMukherjee, SampritiMukherjee, SampritiMatthews, Paige MMatthews, PaigeHammad, LoubnaHammad, Loubna AKearns, DanielKearns, Daniel BDann Iii, Charles E and Dann, Charles
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 195, (no. 21), pp. 4792, 20131101. | Journal Article
Plasmid-Encoded ComI Inhibits Competence in the Ancestral 3610 Strain of Bacillus subtilis
Konkol, MelissaBlair, Kris and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 195, (no. 18), pp. 4093, 20130915. | Journal Article
Regulation of flagellar motility during biofilm formation.
Guttenplan, Sarah B and Kearns, Daniel B
FEMS microbiology reviews, vol. 37, (no. 6), pp. 849-871, November 2013. | Journal Article
RemA is a DNA-binding protein that activates biofilm matrix gene expression inBacillus subtilis
Winkelman, Jared TWinkelman, Jared TBree, Anna CBree, Anna CBate, Ashley RBate, Ashley REichenberger, PatrickEichenberger, PatrickGourse, Richard LGourse, Richard LKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 88, (no. 5), pp. 997, 2013-06-00. | Journal Article
The cell biology of peritrichous flagella in Bacillus subtilis
Guttenplan, Sarah BGuttenplan, Sarah BGuttenplan, Sarah BShaw, SidneyShaw, SidneyShaw, SidneyKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel B and Kearns, Daniel B
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 87, (no. 1), pp. 229, January 2013. | Journal Article
You get what you select for: better swarming through more flagella
Kearns, Daniel
Trends in Microbiology, vol. 21, (no. 10), pp. 509, 2013. | Journal Article
Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns-Triggered Root Responses Mediate Beneficial Rhizobacterial Recruitment in Arabidopsis
Lakshmanan, VenkatachalamLakshmanan, VenkatachalamKitto, SherryKitto, Sherry LCaplan, JeffreyCaplan, Jeffrey LHsueh, Yi-HuangHsueh, Yi-HuangKearns, DanielKearns, Daniel BWu, Yu-SungWu, Yu-SungBais, Harsh and Bais, Harsh P
Plant Physiology, vol. 160, (no. 3), pp. 1661, 20121101. | Journal Article
ModifiedmarinerTransposons for Random Inducible-Expression Insertions and Transcriptional Reporter Fusion Insertions in Bacillus subtilis
Pozsgai, Eric RBlair, Kris M and Kearns, Daniel B
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 78, (no. 3), pp. 785, 2012-02-01. | Journal Article
Molecular Characterization of the Flagellar Hook in Bacillus subtilis
Courtney, ColleenCozy, Loralyn and Kearns, Daniel
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 194, (no. 17), pp. 4629, 20120901. | Journal Article
Selective Penicillin-Binding Protein Imaging Probes Reveal Substructure in Bacterial Cell Division
Kocaoglu, OzdenKocaoglu, OzdenCalvo, Rebecca ACalvo, Rebecca ASham, Lok-ToSham, Lok-ToCozy, Loralyn MCozy, Loralyn MLanning, Bryan RLanning, Bryan RFrancis, SamsonFrancis, SamsonWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BCarlson, Erin E and Carlson, Erin E
ACS chemical biology, vol. 7, (no. 10), pp. 1753, 2012-Oct-19. | Journal Article