55 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Pilot clinical study to assess caries lesion activity using quantitative light-induced fluorescence during dehydration.
Ando, MasatoshiAndo, MasatoshiAndo, MasatoshiFerreira-Zandoná, Andrea GFerreira-Zandoná, Andrea GFerreira-Zandoná, Andrea GEckert, George JEckert, George JEckert, George JZero, Domenick TZero, Domenick TZero, Domenick TStookey, George KStookey, George K and Stookey, George K
Journal of biomedical optics, vol. 22, (no. 3), pp. 35005, March 1, 2017. | Journal Article
Development of gold standard ion-selective electrode-based methods for fluoride analysis.
Martínez Mier, E. AAparecido Cury, JaimeHeilman, J RKatz, Barry PLevy, Steven MLi, YMaguire, AnneMargineda, JO'Mullane, DPhantumvanit, PSoto Rojas, Armando EStookey, George KVilla Litovsky, AlbertoWefel, J SWhelton, HWhitford, G MZero, Domenick TZhang, W and Zohouri, V
Caries research, vol. 45, (no. 1), pp. 3-12, 2011. | Journal Article
Development of a standardisation device for photographic assessment of dental fluorosis in field studies.
Soto Rojas, Armando EMartínez-Mier, E AUreña-Cirett, JoseJackson, Richard D and Stookey, George K
Oral health & preventive dentistry, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 29-36, 2008. | Journal Article
The effect of saliva on dental caries
Stookey, George K
Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 139, pp. 11S-17S, 2008. | Journal Article
The effect of saliva on dental caries
Stookey, George K
American Dental Association. The Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 139, May 2008. | Journal Article
The effect of saliva on dental caries.
Stookey, George K
Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), vol. 139 Suppl, pp. 11S-17S, 2008/May. | Journal Article
Ability of quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) to assess the activity of white spot lesions during dehydration.
Ando, MasatoshiStookey, George K and Zero, Domenick T
American journal of dentistry, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 15-8, 2006/Feb. | Journal Article
A 6-month clinical study assessing the safety and efficacy of two cetylpyridinium chloride mouthrinses.
Stookey, George KBeiswanger, BradleyMau, MelissaIsaacs, Roger LWitt, Jon J and Gibb, Roger
American journal of dentistry. , vol. 18 Spec No, pp. 24A-28A, 2005/Jul. | Journal Article
Quantitative light fluorescence: a technology for early monitoring of the caries process.
Stookey, George K
Dental clinics of North America. , vol. 49, (no. 4), pp. 753-70, vi, 2005/Oct. | Journal Article
Should a dental explorer be used to probe suspected carious lesions?
Hamilton, James C and Stookey, George K
American Dental Association. The Journal of the American Dental Association, vol. 136, (no. 11), pp. 1526-1532, Nov 2005. | Journal Article
Should a dental explorer be used to probe suspected carious lesions? No--use of an explorer can lead to misdiagnosis and disrupt remineralization.
Stookey, George K
Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), vol. 136, (no. 11), pp. 1527, 1529, 1531, 2005/Nov. | Journal Article
Dental fluorosis and altitude: a preliminary study.
Martínez Mier, E. ASoto Rojas, Armando EUreña-Cirett, José LKatz, Barry PStookey, George K and Dunipace, Ann J
Oral health & preventive dentistry, vol. 2, (no. 1), pp. 39-48, 2004. | Journal Article
Development of a questionnaire to measure perceptions of, and concerns derived from, dental fluorosis.
Martínez Mier, E. AMaupome, GerardoSoto Rojas, Armando EUreña-Cirett, José LKatz, Barry P and Stookey, George K
Community dental health, vol. 21, (no. 4), pp. 299-305, 2004/Dec. | Journal Article
Effect of imaging geometry on evaluating natural white-spot lesions using quantitative light-induced fluorescence.
Ando, MasatoshiEckert, George JStookey, George K and Zero, Domenick T
Caries research, vol. 38, (no. 1), pp. 39-44, 2004 Jan-Feb. | Journal Article
Evaluation of Several Techniques for the Detection of Secondary Caries Adjacent to Amalgam Restorations
Ando, MasatoshiGonzalez Cabezas, CarlosIsaacs, Roger LEckert, George J and Stookey, George K
Caries Research, vol. 38, (no. 4), pp. 350-6, Jul/Aug 2004. | Journal Article
[Evaluation of the fluorine content in fluoridated table salt].
Martínez Mier, E. ASoto Rojas, Armando EBuckley, Christine MStookey, George KZero, Domenick T and Margineda, Jorge
Salud pública de México, vol. 46, (no. 3), pp. 197-8, 2004 May-Jun. | Journal Article
Optical methods--quantitative light fluorescence.
Stookey, George K
Journal of dental research. , vol. 83 Spec No C, pp. C84-8, 2004. | Journal Article
Optical Methods-Quantitative Light Fluorescence
Stookey, George K
Journal of Dental Research, vol. 83, pp. C84-8, 2004. | Journal Article
The relative anticaries effectiveness of three fluoride-containing dentifrices in Puerto Rico.
Stookey, George KMau, M SIsaacs, Roger LGonzalez-Gierbolini, CBartizek, R D and Biesbrock, A R
Caries research. , vol. 38, (no. 6), pp. 542-50, 2004 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Fluoride intake from foods, beverages and dentifrice by children in Mexico.
Martínez Mier, E. ASoto Rojas, Armando EUreña-Cirett, José LStookey, George K and Dunipace, Ann J
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 221-30, 2003/Jun. | Journal Article
Influence of enamel thickness on quantification of mineral loss in enamel using laser-induced fluorescence
Ando, MasatoshiSchemehorn, B. REckert, George JZero, Domenick T and Stookey, George K
Caries Research, vol. 37, (no. 1), pp. 24-8, Jan/Feb 2003. | Journal Article
Dental fluorosis: variability among different inbred mouse strains.
Everett, Eric TMcHenry, M AReynolds, NEggertsson, HSullivan, JKantmann, CMartínez Mier, E. AWarrick, J M and Stookey, George K
Journal of dental research, vol. 81, (no. 11), pp. 794-8, 2002/Nov. | Journal Article
Inhibition of secondary caries lesion progression using fluorides varnish
Fontana, Margherita RGonzalez Cabezas, CarlosHaider, A. and Stookey, George K
Caries Research, vol. 36, (no. 2), pp. 129-35, Mar/Apr 2002. | Journal Article
The fluoride content of foods and beverages from negligibly and optimally fluoridated communities.
Jackson, Richard DBrizendine, Edward JKelly, Sue AHinesley, RoseStookey, George K and Dunipace, Ann J
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology, vol. 30, (no. 5), pp. 382-91, 2002/Oct. | Journal Article
Comparative study to quantify demineralized enamel in deciduous and permanent teeth using laser- and light-induced fluorescence techniques
Ando, MasatoshiVeen, Monique HSchemehorn, Bruce R and Stookey, George K
Caries Research, vol. 35, (no. 6), pp. 464-70, Nov/Dec 2001. | Journal Article