161 Publications (Page 5 of 7)
W1188 Growth in Pediatric Patients with IBD Treated with Infliximab or 6-Mercaptopurine/Azathioprine
Keljo, DavidMarkowitz, JamesLangton, ChristineLerer, TrudyBousvaros, AthosCarvalho, RyanCrandall, WallaceEvans, JonathanGriffiths, AnneKay, MarshaKugathasan, SubraLeLeiko, NealMack, DavidOliva-Hemker, MariaOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelTomer, Gitit and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-673, 2009. | Journal Article
W1189 Indeterminate Colitis (IC) in Children: A Two-Year Follow-Up
Lora, MelissaPfefferkorn, MarianLangton, ChristineMarkowitz, JamesEvans, JonathanRosh, JoelKay, MarshaCrandall, WallaceKeljo, DavidOtley, AnthonyKugathasan, SubraCarvalho, RyanOliva-Hemker, MariaBousvaros, AthosLeleiko, NealMack, DavidGriffiths, Anne and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-674, 2009. | Journal Article
W1196 Utilization and Effect of Methotrexate in the Treatment of Pediatric Crohn's Disease: A Multi-Center Experience
Rosh, JoelMohamed, AlliyaMarkowitz, JamesMack, DavidGriffiths, AnneBousvaros, AthosKay, MarshaMamula, PetarPfefferkorn, MarianCarvalho, RyanKugathasan, SubraKeljo, DavidTomer, GititLeLeiko, NealOliva-Hemker, MariaLerer, TrudyHyams, Jeffrey and Crandall, Wallace
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-675, 2009. | Journal Article
W1198 Medication Use and Disease Characteristics in Early-Onset and Later-Onset Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Oliva-Hemker, MariaHutfless, SusanHyams, JeffreyLangton, ChristineLerer, TrudyBousvaros, AthosCarvalho, RyanCrandall, WallaceEvans, JonathanGriffiths, AnneKay, MarshaKeljo, DavidKugathasan, SubraLeLeiko, NealMack, DavidMamula, PetarOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, Joel and Markowitz, James
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-676, 2009. | Journal Article
394 Age of Diagnosis Influences Serologic Responses in Children with Crohn Disease: A Possible Clue to Etiology?
Markowitz, JamesKugathasan, SubraDubinsky, MarlaLing, MeiCrandall, WallaceLeLeiko, NealOliva-Hemker, MariaRosh, JoelEvans, JonathanMack, DavidOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianBahar, RonVasiliauskas, EricWahbeh, GhassanSilber, GaryQuiros, J.Wrobel, IwonaNebel, JustinLanders, CarolPicornell, YoanaTaylor, KentRotter, JeromeTargan, Stephan and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-54, 2008. | Journal Article
924 Long-Term Outcome Following Infliximab Therapy in Pediatric Patients with Crohn Disease: Results from a Multicenter Study
Hyams, JeffreyLerer, TrudyPfefferkorn, MarianKugathasan, SubraEvans, JonathanOtley, AnthonyGriffiths, AnneCarvalho, RyanMack, DavidBousvaros, AthosRosh, JoelMamula, PetarMoyer, M.Kay, MarshaCrandall, WallaceOliva-Hemker, MariaKeljo, DavidLeLeiko, Neal and Markowitz, James
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-135, 2008. | Journal Article
Appendiceal orifice inflammation and ulcerative proctitis.
Pfefferkorn, Marian D
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, vol. 6, (no. 8), pp. e31-2, 2008/Aug. | Journal Article
Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism following infliximab therapy in pediatric Crohn's disease.
Steiner, Steven JSteiner, StevenPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DFitzgerald, Joseph FFitzgerald, JosephDenne, Scott C and Denne, Scott C
Pediatric research, vol. 64, (no. 6), pp. 673-6, 2008/Dec. | Journal Article
Comparison of oral prednisone and topical fluticasone in the treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis: a randomized trial in children.
Schaefer, Elizabeth TFitzgerald, JosephMolleston, JeanCroffie, Joseph MPfefferkorn, Marian DCorkins, Mark RLim, Joel DSteiner, Steven and Gupta, Sandeep K
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 165-73, 2008/Feb. | Journal Article
Effect of early immunomodulator use in moderate to severe pediatric Crohn disease.
Punati, JayaMarkowitz, JamesLerer, TrudyHyams, Jeffrey SKugathasan, SubraGriffiths, Anne MOtley, AnthonyRosh, JoelPfefferkorn, Marian DMack, DavidEvans, JonathanBousvaros, AthosMoyer, M SWyllie, RobertOliva Hemker, Maria MMezoff, AdamLeleiko, NealKeljo, David and Crandall, Wallace
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. 949-54, 2008/Jul. | Journal Article
Effects of infliximab and parenteral nutrition on albumin and fibrinogen synthesis rates in pediatric Crohn disease.
Steiner, StevenSteiner, StevenPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, Marian DFitzgerald, JosephFitzgerald, JosephDenne, Scott C and Denne, Scott
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 47, (no. 5), pp. 579-84, 2008/Nov. | Journal Article
Short-term response to adalimumab in childhood inflammatory bowel disease.
Noe, Joshua D and Pfefferkorn, Marian D
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 14, (no. 12), pp. 1683-7, 2008/Dec. | Journal Article
Steroids and poor nutrition are associated with infectious wound complications in children undergoing first stage procedures for ulcerative colitis.
Markel, Troy ALou, Derek CPfefferkorn, Marian DScherer, L. RWest, KarenRouse, Thomas MEngum, Scott ALadd, Alan PRescorla, Fred J and Billmire, Deborah F
Surgery, vol. 144, (no. 4), pp. 540-5; discussion 545-7, 2008/Oct. | Journal Article
T1164 Surgery in a Prospectively Followed Cohort of Pediatric Patients with Crohn's Disease (CD)
Schaefer, MarcHyams, JeffreyMarkowitz, JamesMack, DavidGriffiths, AnneOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosKeljo, DavidEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianKay, MarshaMamula, PetarRosh, JoelCarvalho, RyanKugathasan, SubraMoyer, M.Crandall, Wallace and LeLeiko, Neal
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-498, 2008. | Journal Article
The Utility of Fecal Lactoferrin in Identifying Crohnʼs Disease Activity in Children
Pfefferkorn, MarianNguyen, JamesJuliar, BethDavis, Miriam and Boone, James
American Journal of Gastroenterology, vol. 103, pp. S529, 2008-09-00. | Journal Article
W1127 Clinical Outcome Following Immunomodulator Therapy in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis (UC): Results from a Prospective Multicenter Inception Cohort
Bousvaros, AthosLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesGriffiths, AnneKeljo, DavidLeLeiko, NealMack, DavidEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianOtley, AnthonyKugathasan, SubraRosh, JoelCarvalho, RyanMoyer, M.Kay, MarshaMamula, PetarKerzner, BennyCrandall, Wallace and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-639, 2008. | Journal Article
W1128 Extra-Intestinal Manifestations of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dotson, JenniferHyams, JeffreyMarkowitz, JamesLeLeiko, NealMack, DavidEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianGriffiths, AnneOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosKugathasan, SubraRosh, JoelKeljo, DavidCarvalho, RyanMoyer, M.Mamula, PetarKay, MarshaKerzner, BennyLangton, Christine and Crandall, Wallace
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-639, 2008. | Journal Article
W1219 Retrospective Evaluation of the Safety and Effect of Adalimumab Therapy (Reseat) in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Rosh, JoelLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesGoli, SridharMamula, PetarNoe, JoshuaPfefferkorn, MarianKelleher, KathleenGriffiths, AnneKugathasan, SubraKeljo, DavidOliva-Hemker, MariaCrandall, WallaceCarvalho, RyanMack, David and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-658, 2008. | Journal Article
W1225 Budesonide Is An Effective But Underutilized Therapy in Pediatric Crohn Disease
Otley, AnthonyMarkowitz, JamesLeLeiko, NealGriffiths, AnneCrandall, WallaceKugathasan, SubraOliva-Hemker, MariaBousvaros, AthosPfefferkorn, MarianMack, DavidEvans, JonathanRosh, JoelKeljo, DavidMamula, PetarMoyer, M.Carvalho, RyanKerzner, BennyKay, MarshaLerer, Trudy and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-659, 2008. | Journal Article
Accuracy and tolerability of the Bravo catheter-free pH capsule in patients between the ages of 4 and 18 years.
Croffie, Joseph MFitzgerald, JosephMolleston, JeanGupta, Sandeep KCorkins, Mark RPfefferkorn, Marian DLim, Joel RSteiner, Steven and Dadzie, Steven K
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 45, (no. 5), pp. 559-63, 2007/Nov. | Journal Article
Acute effects of enteral nutrition on protein turnover in adolescents with Crohn disease.
Hannon, Tamara SHannon, TamaraHannon, Tamara SDimeglio, Linda ADimeglio, Linda ADimeglio, Linda APfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DDenne, Scott CDenne, Scott C and Denne, Scott C
Pediatric research, vol. 61, (no. 3), pp. 356-60, 2007/Mar. | Journal Article
At what age is a suction rectal biopsy less likely to provide adequate tissue for identification of ganglion cells?
Croffie, Joseph MDavis, Mary MFaught, Philip RCorkins, Mark RGupta, Sandeep KPfefferkorn, Marian DMolleston, Jean and Fitzgerald, Joseph
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 198-202, 2007/Feb. | Journal Article
Intercenter variation in initial management of children with Crohn's disease
Kappelman, Michael DBousvaros, AthosHyams, Jeffrey SMarkowitz, JamesPfefferkorn, Marian DKugathasan, SubraRosh, JoelOtley, AnthonyMack, DavidGriffiths, Anne MEvans, JonathanGrand, RichardLangton, ChristineKleinman, Ken and Finkelstein, Jonathan
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, vol. 13, (no. 7), pp. 890-895, 2007. | Journal Article
Protein and energy metabolism response to the initial dose of infliximab in children with Crohn's disease.
Steiner, StevenSteiner, Steven JPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DFitzgerald, JosephFitzgerald, Joseph FDenne, Scott C and Denne, Scott C
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 13, (no. 6), pp. 737-44, 2007/Jun. | Journal Article
Appendicial Orifice Inflammation and Hematochezia in an Adolescent
Pfefferkorn, Marian D
American Journal of Gastroenterology, vol. 101, pp. S307, 2006-09-00. | Journal Article