161 Publications (Page 4 of 7)
Significance of esophageal Crohn disease in children.
Ammoury, Rana F and Pfefferkorn, Marian D
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 52, (no. 3), pp. 291-4, 2011/Mar. | Journal Article
The Prometheus Crohn's Prognostic Test Does Not Reliably Predict Complicated Crohn's Disease in Children
Markowitz, JamesLeleiko, NealKeljo, DavidMack, DavidEvans, JonathanKappelman, MichaelOliva-Hemker, MariaOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelStephens, MichaelCarvalho, Ryan and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-153, 2011. | Journal Article
506 Outcome Following Thiopurine use in Children With Ulcerative Colitis: A Prospective Multicenter Study
Hyams, JeffreyLerer, TrudyMack, DavidBousvaros, AthosGriffiths, AnneRosh, JoelOtley, AnthonyEvans, JonathanStephens, MichaelKay, MarshaKeljo, DavidLeLeiko, NealSaeed, ShehzadCrandall, WallaceMichail, SoniaKappelman, MichaelSamson, CharlesSudel, BorisOliva-Hemker, MariaPfefferkorn, Marian and Markowitz, James
Gastroenterology, vol. 138, (no. 5), pp. S-73, 2010. | Journal Article
Appraisal of the Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index on Four Prospectively Collected Datasets: Recommended Cutoff Values and Clinimetric Properties
Turner, DanTurner, DanGriffiths, Anne MGriffiths, Anne MWalters, Thomas DWalters, Thomas DSeah, TongSeah, TongMarkowitz, JamesMarkowitz, JamesPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, MarianKeljo, DavidKeljo, DavidOtley, AnthonyOtley, AnthonyLeleiko, Neal SLeleiko, Neal SMack, DavidMack, DavidHyams, JeffreyHyams, JeffreyLevine, Arie and Levine, Arie
The American Journal of Gastroenterology, vol. 105, (no. 9), pp. 2092, 2010-09-00. | Journal Article
Extraintestinal manifestations of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease and their relation to disease type and severity.
Dotson, Jennifer LHyams, Jeffrey SMarkowitz, JamesLeLeiko, Neal SMack, DavidEvans, Jonathan SPfefferkorn, Marian DGriffiths, Anne MOtley, Anthony RBousvaros, AthosKugathasan, SubraRosh, Joel RKeljo, DavidCarvalho, Ryan STomer, GititMamula, PetarKay, Marsha HKerzner, BennyOliva-Hemker, MariaLangton, Christine R and Crandall, Wallace
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 51, (no. 2), pp. 140-5, 2010/Aug. | Journal Article
Factors that determine risk for surgery in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease.
Schaefer, Marc EMachan, Jason TKawatu, DavidLangton, Christine RMarkowitz, JamesCrandall, WallaceMack, DavidEvans, Jonathan SPfefferkorn, Marian DGriffiths, Anne MOtley, Anthony RBousvaros, AthosKugathasan, SubraRosh, Joel RKeljo, David JCarvalho, Ryan STomer, GititMamula, PetarKay, Marsha HKerzner, BennyOliva-Hemker, MariaKappelman, Michael DSaeed, Shehzad AHyams, Jeffrey S and Leleiko, Neal S
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, vol. 8, (no. 9), pp. 789-94, 2010/Sep. | Journal Article
Outcome following infliximab therapy in children with ulcerative colitis.
Hyams, Jeffrey SLerer, TrudyGriffiths, Anne MPfefferkorn, Marian DStephens, Michael CEvans, JonathanOtley, AnthonyCarvalho, Ryan SMack, DavidBousvaros, AthosRosh, JoelGrossman, AndrewTomer, GititKay, MarshaCrandall, WallaceOliva-Hemker, MariaOliva-hemker, MariaKeljo, DavidLeleiko, NealLeLeiko, Neal and Markowitz, James
The American journal of gastroenterology, vol. 105, (no. 6), pp. 1430-6, 2010/Jun. | Journal Article
S1189 Upper Gastrointestinal Involvement in Pediatric Crohn's Disease: Experience of a Large Multicenter Inception Cohort
Mack, DavidMarkowitz, JamesLerer, TrudyGriffiths, AnneEvans, JonathanOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelCrandall, WallaceMichail, SoniaOliva-Hemker, MariaKay, MarshaSamson, CharlesKeljo, DavidKappelman, MichaelStephens, MichaelGrossman, AndrewSaeed, ShehzadLeLeiko, Neal and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 138, (no. 5), pp. S-200, 2010. | Journal Article
S2005 Clinical Effect and Changing Patterns of use of Methotrexate in the Treatment of Pediatric Crohn's Disease: A Multi-Center Experience
Rosh, JoelMohamed, AlliyaDougherty, KellyLerer, TrudyKeljo, DavidMack, DavidGriffiths, AnneCrandall, WallaceBousvaros, AthosKay, MarshaGrossman, AndrewPfefferkorn, MarianMichail, SoniaStephens, MichaelSamson, CharlesLeLeiko, NealOliva-Hemker, MariaSaeed, ShehzadKappelman, MichaelOtley, AnthonyEvans, JonathanSudel, BorisMarkowitz, James and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 138, (no. 5), pp. S-299, 2010. | Journal Article
S2007 Significance of Esophageal Crohn's Disease in Children
Ammoury, Rana and Pfefferkorn, Marian
Gastroenterology, vol. 138, (no. 5), pp. S-300, 2010. | Journal Article
S2023 NOD2 Mutations and Presenting Clinical Characteristics of Crohn's Disease (CD) in Children
Pfefferkorn, MarianLangton, ChristineMack, DavidOtley, AnthonyLeLeiko, NealStephens, MichaelRosh, JoelOliva-Hemker, MariaCrandall, WallaceEvans, JonathanSamson, CharlesKappelman, MichaelMichail, SoniaHyams, Jeffrey and Markowitz, James
Gastroenterology, vol. 138, (no. 5), pp. S-303, 2010. | Journal Article
Utility of fecal lactoferrin in identifying Crohn disease activity in children.
Pfefferkorn, Marian DBoone, James HNguyen, James TJuliar, Beth EDavis, Miriam A and Parker, Kelly K
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 51, (no. 4), pp. 425-8, 2010/Oct. | Journal Article
154 Inter-Center Variation in the Clinical Outcomes of Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Kappelman, MichaelMarkowitz, JamesBousvaros, AthosCarvalho, RyanCrandall, WallaceEvans, JonathanGalanko, JosephGriffiths, AnneKeljo, DavidKugathasan, SubraLangton, ChristineLeleiko, NealMack, DavidOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelTomer, Gitit and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-30, 2009. | Journal Article
Age of diagnosis influences serologic responses in children with Crohn's disease: A possible clue to etiology?
Markowitz, JamesMarkowitz, JamesKugathasan, SubraKugathasan, SubraDubinsky, MarlaDubinsky, MarlaMei, LingMei, LingCrandall, WallaceCrandall, WallaceLeLeiko, NealLeLeiko, NealOliva‐Hemker, MariaOliva Hemker, Maria MRosh, JoelRosh, JoelEvans, JonathanEvans, JonathanMack, DavidMack, DavidOtley, AnthonyOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, MarianBahar, RonBahar, RonVasiliauskas, EricVasiliauskas, EricWahbeh, GhassanWahbeh, GhassanSilber, GarySilber, GaryQuiros, J AQuiros, J. AntonioWrobel, IwonaWrobel, IwonaNebel, JustinNebel, JustinLanders, CarolLanders, CarolPicornell, YoannaPicornell, YoannaTargan, StephanTargan, StephanLerer, TrudyLerer, TrudyHyams, Jeffrey and Hyams, Jeffrey
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, vol. 15, (no. 5), pp. 719, May 2009. | Journal Article
Appraisal of the pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index (PUCAI).
Turner, DanHyams, Jeffrey SMarkowitz, JamesLerer, TrudyMack, DavidEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, Marian DRosh, JoelKay, MarshaCrandall, WallaceKeljo, DavidOtley, AnthonyKugathasan, SubraCarvalho, Ryan SOliva Hemker, Maria MLangton, ChristineMamula, PetarBousvaros, AthosLeLeiko, Neal and Griffiths, Anne M
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 15, (no. 8), pp. 1218-23, 2009/Aug. | Journal Article
Course and treatment of perianal disease in children newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
Keljo, David JMarkowitz, JamesLangton, ChristineLerer, TrudyBousvaros, AthosCarvalho, Ryan SCrandall, WallaceEvans, JonathanGriffiths, Anne MKay, MarshaKugathasan, SubraLeLeiko, NealMack, DavidMamula, PetarMoyer, M SOliva Hemker, Maria MOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, Marian DRosh, Joel and Hyams, Jeffrey S
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 15, (no. 3), pp. 383-7, 2009/Mar. | Journal Article
Factors predictive of Crohn disease following colectomy in medically refractory pediatric colitis.
Evers, Elisa AEvers, ElisaPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, MarianSteiner, Steven J and Steiner, Steven
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 48, (no. 3), pp. 283-6, 2009/Mar. | Journal Article
Functional gastrointestinal disorders: past and present.
Ammoury, Rana FPfefferkorn, Marian D and Croffie, Joseph M
World journal of pediatrics : WJP, vol. 5, (no. 2), pp. 103-12, 2009/May. | Journal Article
Growth abnormalities persist in newly diagnosed children with crohn disease despite current treatment paradigms.
Pfefferkorn, Marian DBurke, GeorgineGriffiths, Anne MMarkowitz, JamesRosh, JoelMack, DavidOtley, AnthonyKugathasan, SubraEvans, JonathanBousvaros, AthosMoyer, M SWyllie, RobertOliva Hemker, Maria MCarvalho, Ryan SCrandall, WallaceKeljo, DavidWalters, T DLeLeiko, Neal and Hyams, Jeffrey
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 48, (no. 2), pp. 168-74, 2009/Feb. | Journal Article
Long-term outcome of maintenance infliximab therapy in children with Crohn's disease.
Hyams, Jeffrey SLerer, TrudyGriffiths, Anne MPfefferkorn, Marian DKugathasan, SubraEvans, JonathanOtley, AnthonyCarvalho, Ryan SMack, DavidBousvaros, AthosRosh, JoelMamula, PetarKay, MarshaCrandall, WallaceOliva Hemker, Maria MKeljo, DavidLeLeiko, Neal and Markowitz, James
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 15, (no. 6), pp. 816-22, 2009/Jun. | Journal Article
Long Term Use of Adalimumab in Pediatric Crohnʼs Disease: A Multi-Center Study
Rosh, JoelLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesMamula, PetarPfefferkorn, MarianGriffiths, AnneKugathasan, SubraKeljo, DavidOliva-Hemker, MariaCrandall, WallaceCarvalho, RyanMack, David and Hyams, Jeffrey
American Journal of Gastroenterology, vol. 104, pp. S549, 2009-10-00. | Journal Article
Retrospective Evaluation of the Safety and Effect of Adalimumab Therapy (RESEAT) in pediatric Crohn's disease.
Rosh, Joel RLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesGoli, Sri RMamula, PetarNoe, Joshua DPfefferkorn, Marian DKelleher, Kathleen TGriffiths, Anne MKugathasan, SubraKeljo, DavidOliva-Hemker, MariaOliva-hemker, MariaCrandall, WallaceCarvalho, Ryan SMack, David R and Hyams, Jeffrey S
The American journal of gastroenterology, vol. 104, (no. 12), pp. 3042-9, 2009/Dec. | Journal Article
Variation in care in pediatric Crohn disease.
Colletti, Richard BBaldassano, Robert NMilov, David EMargolis, Peter ABousvaros, AthosCrandall, WallaceCrissinger, Karen DD'Amico, Michael ADay, AndrewDenson, Lee ADubinsky, MarlaEbach, DawnHoffenberg, Edward JKader, Howard AKeljo, David JLeibowitz, Ian HMamula, PetarPfefferkorn, Marian D and Qureshi, M A
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 49, (no. 3), pp. 297-303, 2009/Sep. | Journal Article
W1103 Anti-CBIR1 Is Commonly Detectable in Children with Ulcerative Colitis, But Does Not Predict Disease Course Over the First 2 Years of Treatment
Markowitz, JamesMack, DavidLeleiko, NealOtley, AnthonyEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianOliva-Hemker, MariaCrandall, WallaceRosh, JoelKappelman, MichaelKeljo, DavidKugathasan, SubraLerer, Trudy and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-655, 2009. | Journal Article
W1187 Outcome Following Infliximab Therapy in Pediatric Patients with Ulcerative Colitis: Results from a Multicenter Study
Hyams, JeffreyLerer, TrudyGriffiths, AnneEvans, JonathanCarvalho, RyanOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosMack, DavidPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelKay, MarshaCrandall, WallaceTomer, GititLeleiko, NealKeljo, David and Markowitz, James
Gastroenterology, vol. 136, (no. 5), pp. A-673, 2009. | Journal Article