161 Publications (Page 3 of 7)
Liver Enzyme Elevations Within 3 Months of Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Likelihood of Liver DiseaseGoyal, Alka⋅Goyal, Alka⋅Hyams, Jeffery⋅Hyams, Jeffery S⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Leleiko, Neal S⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Otley, Anthony R⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Griffiths, Anne M⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Rosh, Joel R⋅Cabrera, Jose⋅Cabrera, Jose M⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria M⋅Mack, David⋅Mack, David R⋅Rick, James N⋅Rick, James⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Grossman, Andrew B⋅Hitch, Meredith C⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Kappelman, Michael D⋅Saeed, Shehzad A⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Faubion, William⋅Faubion, William A⋅Schaefer, Marc⋅Schaefer, Marc E⋅Markowitz, James F⋅Markowitz, James⋅Keljo, David and Keljo, David JJournal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 59, (no. 3), pp. 323, 2014-September.
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Retrospective Cohort Study of Methotrexate Use in the Treatment of Pediatric Crohnʼs DiseaseSunseri, Whitney⋅Sunseri, Whitney⋅Hyams, Jeffrey S⋅Hyams, Jeffrey S⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Mack, David R⋅Mack, David R⋅Griffiths, Anne M⋅Griffiths, Anne M⋅Otley, Anthony R⋅Otley, Anthony R⋅Rosh, Joel R⋅Rosh, Joel R⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Grossman, Andrew B⋅Grossman, Andrew B⋅Cabrera, Jose⋅Cabrera, Jose⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Rick, James⋅Rick, James⋅Leleiko, Neal S⋅Leleiko, Neal S⋅Hitch, Meredith C⋅Hitch, Meredith C⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Saeed, Shehzad A⋅Saeed, Shehzad A⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Markowitz, James⋅Markowitz, James⋅Keljo, David J and Keljo, David JInflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 20, (no. 8), pp. 1345, 2014-Aug.
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Tu1190 Clinical Outcome and Prediction of Final Diagnosis in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unclassified (IBD-U) PatientsHofmekler, Tatyana⋅Sauer, Cary⋅Gillespie, Scott⋅McCracken, Courtney⋅Bertha, Madeline⋅Walters, Thomas⋅Denson, Lee⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Dubinsky, Marla⋅Markowitz, James⋅Baldassano, Robert⋅Crandall, Wallace⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Heyman, Melvin⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Baker, Susan⋅Guthery, Stephen⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Ziring, David⋅Kellermayer, Richard⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Mack, David⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Patel, Ashish⋅Kirschner, Barbara⋅Moulton, Dedrick⋅Cohen, Stanley⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Hyams, Jeffrey and Kugathasan, SubraGastroenterology, vol. 146, (no. 5), pp. S-779, 2014.
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692 Impact of Body Mass Index on Efficacy of Infliximab in Children With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseGrossi, Victoria⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Markowitz, James⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Mack, David⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Deslandres, Colette⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Keljo, David⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Rick, James⋅Cabrera, Jose⋅Faubion, William⋅Leleiko, Neal and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-128, 2013.
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829 Early Anti-TNFα Therapy Is Superior to Early Immunomodulator Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Children With Crohn's DiseaseHyams, Jeffrey⋅Kim, Mi-Ok⋅Denson, Lee⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Dubinsky, Marla⋅Markowitz, James⋅Baldassano, Robert⋅Crandall, Wallace⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Heyman, Melvin⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Baker, Susan⋅Guthery, Stephen⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Ziring, David⋅Kellermayer, Richard⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Mack, David⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Essers, Jonah⋅Patel, Ashish⋅Kirschner, Barbara⋅Moulton, Dedrick⋅Cohen, Stanley⋅Liu, Chunyan⋅Kugathasan, Subra and Walters, ThomasGastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-146, 2013.
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831 Prospective Cohort Study of Methotrexate Use in Treatment of Pediatric Crohn DiseaseSunseri, Whitney⋅Hyams, Jeffrey⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Mack, David⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Cabrera, Jose⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Rick, James⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Markowitz, James and Keljo, DavidGastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-146, 2013.
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953 Prolonged Exposure to Prednisone Is Decreasing in Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) During the Last DecadeSorbara, Julia⋅Mack, David⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Keljo, David⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Rick, James⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Cabrera, Jose⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Faubion, William⋅Schaefer, Marc⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Markowitz, James and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-173, 2013.
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Mo1975 Ileal RNA-Seq Analyses Reveal Decreased Mucosal Myeloid Cell Immune Responses in Pediatric Crohn Disease Patients With Phagocyte Dysfunction Due to Neutralizing Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GMCSF) Auto-AntibodiesHaberman, Yael⋅Jurrickova, Ingrid⋅Dexheimer, Phillip⋅Karrns, Rebekah⋅Tang, Dora⋅Bonkowski, Erin⋅Fey, Benjamin⋅Noe, Joshua⋅Markowitz, James⋅Heyman, Melvin⋅Crandall, Wallace⋅Snapper, Scott⋅Kellermayer, Richard⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Cohen, Stanley⋅Patel, Ashish⋅Kirschner, Barbara⋅Baldassano, Robert⋅Dubinsky, Marla⋅Walters, Thomas⋅Aronow, Bruce and Denson, LeeGastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-709, 2013.
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NASPGHAN Clinical Report on the Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Patients With Internal Penetrating Crohn Disease: Intraabdominal Abscess With and Without FistulaPfefferkorn, Marian⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Marshalleck, Francis⋅Marshalleck, Francis E⋅Marshalleck, Francis⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Saeed, Shehzad A⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Splawski, Judy⋅Splawski, Judy⋅Splawski, Judy B⋅Linden, Bradley⋅Linden, Bradley C⋅Linden, Bradley⋅Weston, Benjamin⋅Weston, Benjamin F and Weston, BenjaminJournal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 57, (no. 3), pp. 400, 2013-September.
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Outcome Following Aminosalicylate Therapy in Children Newly Diagnosed As Having Ulcerative ColitisZeisler, Bella⋅Zeisler, Bella⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Markowitz, James⋅Markowitz, James⋅Mack, David⋅Mack, David⋅Griffiths, Anne M⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Keljo, David⋅Keljo, David⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Kappelman, Michael D⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Saeed, Shehzad A⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Carvalho, Ryan S⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Oliva Hemker, Maria M⋅Faubion, William A⋅Faubion, William⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Ashai Khan, Farhat N⋅LeLeiko, Neal⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Hyams, Jeffrey and Hyams, JeffreyJournal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 18, 2013-January.
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138 Effect of Deep Ulceration at Diagnostic Colonoscopy on Initial Therapy and One Year Outcome in Children With Crohn's DiseaseHyams, Jeffrey⋅Kim, Mi-Ok⋅Denson, Lee⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Markowitz, James⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Crandall, Wallace⋅Essers, Jonah⋅Baldassano, Robert⋅Dubinsky, Marla⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Kim, Sandra⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Kellermayer, Richard⋅Heyman, Melvin⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Baker, Susan⋅Guthery, Stephen⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Ziring, David⋅Kugathasan, Subra and Walters, ThomasGastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-36, 2012.
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139 Long-Term Outcomes After Institution of Adalimumab Therapy in Pediatric Crohn DiseaseRosh, Joel⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Keljo, David⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Mack, David⋅Markowitz, James and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-36, 2012.
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141 Assessment of Durability of Infliximab Maintenance Therapy in Children With Crohn's DiseasePfefferkorn, Marian⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Mack, David⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Keljo, David⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Faubion, William⋅Markowitz, James and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-37, 2012.
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142 Prospective Multicenter Pediatric Cohort Study: Patients With Liver Enzyme Elevations in the First 3 Months After Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease are at Increased Risk of Chronic Liver DiseaseGoyal, Alka⋅Hyams, Jeffrey⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Mack, David⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Hitch, Meredith⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Faubion, William⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Schaefer, Marc⋅Markowitz, James and Keljo, DavidGastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-37, 2012.
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Budesonide Use in Pediatric Crohn DiseaseOtley, Anthony⋅Otley, Anthony⋅LeLeiko, Neal⋅LeLeiko, Neal⋅Langton, Christine⋅Langton, Christine⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Mack, David⋅Mack, David R⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Carvalho, Ryan S⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Samson, Charles⋅Samson, Charles⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Keljo, David⋅Keljo, David⋅Markowitz, James⋅Markowitz, James⋅Hyams, Jeffrey and Hyams, JeffreyJournal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 55, (no. 2), pp. 204, 2012-August.
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Mathematical weighting of the pediatric Crohn's disease activity index (PCDAI) and comparison with its other short versions.Turner, Dan⋅Griffiths, Anne M⋅Walters, Thomas D⋅Seah, Tong⋅Markowitz, James⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Keljo, David⋅Waxman, Jacob⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Leleiko, Neal S⋅LeLeiko, Neal S⋅Mack, David R⋅Hyams, Jeffrey and Levine, ArieInflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 55-62, 2012/Jan.
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Sa1884 Infliximab Versus Immunomodulator as First Maintenance Therapy in Children With Crohn DiseaseMarkowitz, James⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Keljo, David⋅Mack, David⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Dimmitt, Reed⋅Langton, Christine and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-349, 2012.
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Sa2001 Longitudinal Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseHagin, Sarah⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Hyams, Jeffrey⋅Markowitz, James⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Keljo, David⋅Lobato, Debra and Leleiko, NealGastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-378, 2012.
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Changing Trends in Pharmacologic Therapy of Pediatric Crohn's DiseaseOfei, Sylvia⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Hyams, Jeffrey⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Schaefer, Marc⋅Machan, Jason⋅Langton, Christine⋅Mack, David⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Keljo, David⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅LeLeiko, Neal⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Markowitz, James and Rosh, JoelGastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-197, 2011.
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Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on protein turnover in the fasting and fed state in adolescents with Crohn disease.Hannon, Tamara S⋅Hannon, Tamara S⋅Hannon, Tamara⋅DiMeglio, Linda A⋅DiMeglio, Linda A⋅Di Meglio, Linda A⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Carroll, Aaron E⋅Carroll, Aaron E⋅Carroll, Aaron E⋅Denne, Scott C⋅Denne, Scott C and Denne, Scott CJournal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM, vol. 24, (no. 9-10), pp. 633-40, 2011.
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Esophageal pH monitoring with the BRAVO capsule: experience in a single tertiary medical center.Cabrera, Jose M⋅Davis, Miriam⋅Horn, Debbie⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D and Croffie, Joseph MJournal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 53, (no. 4), pp. 404-8, 2011/Oct.
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Exploring potential noninvasive biomarkers in eosinophilic esophagitis in children.Subbarao, Girish C⋅Rosenman, Marc B⋅Ohnuki, Lyo⋅Georgelas, Ann⋅Davis, Miriam⋅Fitzgerald, Joseph⋅Molleston, Jean⋅Croffie, Joseph M⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Corkins, Mark R⋅Lim, Joel R⋅Steiner, Steven⋅Schaefer, Elizabeth⋅Gleich, Gerald J and Gupta, Sandeep KJournal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 651-8, 2011/Dec.
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Outcome following thiopurine use in children with ulcerative colitis: a prospective multicenter registry study.Hyams, Jeffrey S⋅Hyams, Jeffrey S⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Mack, David⋅Mack, David⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Griffiths, Anne M⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Stephens, Michael C⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Keljo, David⋅Keljo, David⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian D⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Crandall, Wallace⋅Crandall, Wallace⋅Michail, Sonia⋅Michail, Sonia⋅Kappelman, Michael D⋅Kappelman, Michael D⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Samson, Charles M⋅Samson, Charles⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Oliva-hemker, Maria⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Leleiko, Neal⋅Markowitz, James and Markowitz, JamesThe American journal of gastroenterology, vol. 106, (no. 5), pp. 981-7, 2011/May.
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Outcomes Following Aminosalicylate Therapy in Children Newly Diagnosed With Ulcerative Colitis: A Prospective Multi-Center Registry ExperienceZeisler, Bella⋅Lerer, Trudy⋅Markowitz, James⋅Mack, David⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Keljo, David⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Samson, Charles⋅Saeed, Shehzad⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Faubion, William⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Leleiko, Neal and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-92, 2011.
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Post-Intestinal Resection Management of Pediatric Crohn's DiseaseSchaefer, Marc⋅Langton, Christine⋅Markowitz, James⋅Mack, David⋅Evans, Jonathan⋅Pfefferkorn, Marian⋅Griffiths, Anne⋅Otley, Anthony⋅Bousvaros, Athos⋅Rosh, Joel⋅Keljo, David⋅Carvalho, Ryan⋅Kay, Marsha⋅Oliva-Hemker, Maria⋅Kappelman, Michael⋅Ashai-Khan, Farhat⋅Stephens, Michael⋅Samson, Charles⋅Grossman, Andrew⋅Dimmitt, Reed⋅Sudel, Boris⋅Faubion, William⋅Leleiko, Neal and Hyams, JeffreyGastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-782, 2011.
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