161 Publications (Page 3 of 7)
Liver Enzyme Elevations Within 3 Months of Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Likelihood of Liver Disease
Goyal, AlkaGoyal, AlkaHyams, JefferyHyams, Jeffery SLerer, TrudyLerer, TrudyLeleiko, Neal SLeleiko, NealOtley, Anthony ROtley, AnthonyGriffiths, Anne MGriffiths, AnneRosh, JoelRosh, Joel RCabrera, JoseCabrera, Jose MOliva-Hemker, MariaOliva-Hemker, Maria MMack, DavidMack, David RRick, James NRick, JamesPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, MarianCarvalho, RyanCarvalho, RyanGrossman, AndrewGrossman, Andrew BHitch, Meredith CHitch, MeredithSudel, BorisSudel, BorisKappelman, MichaelKappelman, Michael DSaeed, Shehzad ASaeed, ShehzadFaubion, WilliamFaubion, William ASchaefer, MarcSchaefer, Marc EMarkowitz, James FMarkowitz, JamesKeljo, David and Keljo, David J
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 59, (no. 3), pp. 323, 2014-September. | Journal Article
Retrospective Cohort Study of Methotrexate Use in the Treatment of Pediatric Crohnʼs Disease
Sunseri, WhitneySunseri, WhitneyHyams, Jeffrey SHyams, Jeffrey SLerer, TrudyLerer, TrudyMack, David RMack, David RGriffiths, Anne MGriffiths, Anne MOtley, Anthony ROtley, Anthony RRosh, Joel RRosh, Joel RCarvalho, RyanCarvalho, RyanGrossman, Andrew BGrossman, Andrew BCabrera, JoseCabrera, JosePfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DRick, JamesRick, JamesLeleiko, Neal SLeleiko, Neal SHitch, Meredith CHitch, Meredith COliva-Hemker, MariaOliva-Hemker, MariaSaeed, Shehzad ASaeed, Shehzad AKappelman, MichaelKappelman, MichaelMarkowitz, JamesMarkowitz, JamesKeljo, David J and Keljo, David J
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 20, (no. 8), pp. 1345, 2014-Aug. | Journal Article
Tu1190 Clinical Outcome and Prediction of Final Diagnosis in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unclassified (IBD-U) Patients
Hofmekler, TatyanaSauer, CaryGillespie, ScottMcCracken, CourtneyBertha, MadelineWalters, ThomasDenson, LeeGriffiths, AnneDubinsky, MarlaMarkowitz, JamesBaldassano, RobertCrandall, WallaceRosh, JoelPfefferkorn, MarianOtley, AnthonyHeyman, MelvinLeleiko, NealBaker, SusanGuthery, StephenEvans, JonathanZiring, DavidKellermayer, RichardStephens, MichaelMack, DavidOliva-Hemker, MariaPatel, AshishKirschner, BarbaraMoulton, DedrickCohen, StanleyKappelman, MichaelHyams, Jeffrey and Kugathasan, Subra
Gastroenterology, vol. 146, (no. 5), pp. S-779, 2014. | Journal Article
692 Impact of Body Mass Index on Efficacy of Infliximab in Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Grossi, VictoriaLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesGriffiths, AnneEvans, JonathanBousvaros, AthosMack, DavidOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelOliva-Hemker, MariaSaeed, ShehzadDeslandres, ColetteCarvalho, RyanGrossman, AndrewKeljo, DavidKappelman, MichaelHitch, MeredithSudel, BorisRick, JamesCabrera, JoseFaubion, WilliamLeleiko, Neal and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-128, 2013. | Journal Article
829 Early Anti-TNFα Therapy Is Superior to Early Immunomodulator Therapy in Newly Diagnosed Children With Crohn's Disease
Hyams, JeffreyKim, Mi-OkDenson, LeeGriffiths, AnneDubinsky, MarlaMarkowitz, JamesBaldassano, RobertCrandall, WallaceRosh, JoelPfefferkorn, MarianOtley, AnthonyHeyman, MelvinLeleiko, NealBaker, SusanGuthery, StephenEvans, JonathanZiring, DavidKellermayer, RichardStephens, MichaelMack, DavidOliva-Hemker, MariaEssers, JonahPatel, AshishKirschner, BarbaraMoulton, DedrickCohen, StanleyLiu, ChunyanKugathasan, Subra and Walters, Thomas
Gastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-146, 2013. | Journal Article
831 Prospective Cohort Study of Methotrexate Use in Treatment of Pediatric Crohn Disease
Sunseri, WhitneyHyams, JeffreyLerer, TrudyMack, DavidGriffiths, AnneOtley, AnthonyRosh, JoelBousvaros, AthosCarvalho, RyanGrossman, AndrewCabrera, JosePfefferkorn, MarianRick, JamesLeleiko, NealHitch, MeredithEvans, JonathanOliva-Hemker, MariaSaeed, ShehzadKappelman, MichaelMarkowitz, James and Keljo, David
Gastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-146, 2013. | Journal Article
953 Prolonged Exposure to Prednisone Is Decreasing in Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) During the Last Decade
Sorbara, JuliaMack, DavidLerer, TrudyOtley, AnthonyLeleiko, NealGriffiths, AnneEvans, JonathanKeljo, DavidPfefferkorn, MarianRosh, JoelRick, JamesBousvaros, AthosOliva-Hemker, MariaCabrera, JoseCarvalho, RyanSaeed, ShehzadGrossman, AndrewKappelman, MichaelHitch, MeredithFaubion, WilliamSchaefer, MarcSudel, BorisMarkowitz, James and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-173, 2013. | Journal Article
Mo1975 Ileal RNA-Seq Analyses Reveal Decreased Mucosal Myeloid Cell Immune Responses in Pediatric Crohn Disease Patients With Phagocyte Dysfunction Due to Neutralizing Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GMCSF) Auto-Antibodies
Haberman, YaelJurrickova, IngridDexheimer, PhillipKarrns, RebekahTang, DoraBonkowski, ErinFey, BenjaminNoe, JoshuaMarkowitz, JamesHeyman, MelvinCrandall, WallaceSnapper, ScottKellermayer, RichardKappelman, MichaelRosh, JoelOtley, AnthonyPfefferkorn, MarianCohen, StanleyPatel, AshishKirschner, BarbaraBaldassano, RobertDubinsky, MarlaWalters, ThomasAronow, Bruce and Denson, Lee
Gastroenterology, vol. 144, (no. 5), pp. S-709, 2013. | Journal Article
NASPGHAN Clinical Report on the Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Patients With Internal Penetrating Crohn Disease: Intraabdominal Abscess With and Without Fistula
Pfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, Marian DMarshalleck, FrancisMarshalleck, Francis EMarshalleck, FrancisSaeed, ShehzadSaeed, Shehzad ASaeed, ShehzadSplawski, JudySplawski, JudySplawski, Judy BLinden, BradleyLinden, Bradley CLinden, BradleyWeston, BenjaminWeston, Benjamin F and Weston, Benjamin
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 57, (no. 3), pp. 400, 2013-September. | Journal Article
Outcome Following Aminosalicylate Therapy in Children Newly Diagnosed As Having Ulcerative Colitis
Zeisler, BellaZeisler, BellaLerer, TrudyLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesMarkowitz, JamesMack, DavidMack, DavidGriffiths, Anne MGriffiths, AnneBousvaros, AthosBousvaros, AthosKeljo, DavidKeljo, DavidRosh, JoelRosh, JoelEvans, JonathanEvans, JonathanKappelman, MichaelKappelman, Michael DOtley, AnthonyOtley, AnthonyKay, MarshaKay, MarshaGrossman, AndrewGrossman, AndrewSaeed, Shehzad ASaeed, ShehzadCarvalho, Ryan SCarvalho, RyanOliva-Hemker, MariaOliva Hemker, Maria MFaubion, William AFaubion, WilliamSudel, BorisSudel, BorisPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, MarianAshai-Khan, FarhatAshai Khan, Farhat NLeLeiko, NealLeleiko, NealHyams, Jeffrey and Hyams, Jeffrey
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 18, 2013-January. | Journal Article
138 Effect of Deep Ulceration at Diagnostic Colonoscopy on Initial Therapy and One Year Outcome in Children With Crohn's Disease
Hyams, JeffreyKim, Mi-OkDenson, LeeStephens, MichaelMarkowitz, JamesGriffiths, AnneCrandall, WallaceEssers, JonahBaldassano, RobertDubinsky, MarlaRosh, JoelPfefferkorn, MarianKim, SandraOtley, AnthonyKellermayer, RichardHeyman, MelvinLeleiko, NealBaker, SusanGuthery, StephenEvans, JonathanZiring, DavidKugathasan, Subra and Walters, Thomas
Gastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-36, 2012. | Journal Article
139 Long-Term Outcomes After Institution of Adalimumab Therapy in Pediatric Crohn Disease
Rosh, JoelLerer, TrudyStephens, MichaelCarvalho, RyanPfefferkorn, MarianEvans, JonathanGriffiths, AnneOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosGrossman, AndrewAshai-Khan, FarhatLeleiko, NealKeljo, DavidKay, MarshaHitch, MeredithSaeed, ShehzadOliva-Hemker, MariaMack, DavidMarkowitz, James and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-36, 2012. | Journal Article
141 Assessment of Durability of Infliximab Maintenance Therapy in Children With Crohn's Disease
Pfefferkorn, MarianLerer, TrudyMack, DavidEvans, JonathanKeljo, DavidKay, MarshaRosh, JoelOtley, AnthonyStephens, MichaelOliva-Hemker, MariaLeleiko, NealBousvaros, AthosCarvalho, RyanAshai-Khan, FarhatGrossman, AndrewSaeed, ShehzadHitch, MeredithKappelman, MichaelSudel, BorisFaubion, WilliamMarkowitz, James and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-37, 2012. | Journal Article
142 Prospective Multicenter Pediatric Cohort Study: Patients With Liver Enzyme Elevations in the First 3 Months After Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease are at Increased Risk of Chronic Liver Disease
Goyal, AlkaHyams, JeffreyLerer, TrudyLeleiko, NealOtley, AnthonyGriffiths, AnneEvans, JonathanRosh, JoelStephens, MichaelBousvaros, AthosOliva-Hemker, MariaMack, DavidAshai-Khan, FarhatPfefferkorn, MarianCarvalho, RyanGrossman, AndrewHitch, MeredithSudel, BorisKappelman, MichaelSaeed, ShehzadFaubion, WilliamKay, MarshaSchaefer, MarcMarkowitz, James and Keljo, David
Gastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-37, 2012. | Journal Article
Budesonide Use in Pediatric Crohn Disease
Otley, AnthonyOtley, AnthonyLeLeiko, NealLeLeiko, NealLangton, ChristineLangton, ChristineLerer, TrudyLerer, TrudyMack, DavidMack, David REvans, JonathanEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, MarianCarvalho, Ryan SCarvalho, RyanRosh, JoelRosh, JoelGriffiths, AnneGriffiths, AnneOliva-Hemker, MariaOliva-Hemker, MariaKay, MarshaKay, MarshaBousvaros, AthosBousvaros, AthosStephens, MichaelStephens, MichaelSamson, CharlesSamson, CharlesGrossman, AndrewGrossman, AndrewKeljo, DavidKeljo, DavidMarkowitz, JamesMarkowitz, JamesHyams, Jeffrey and Hyams, Jeffrey
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 55, (no. 2), pp. 204, 2012-August. | Journal Article
Mathematical weighting of the pediatric Crohn's disease activity index (PCDAI) and comparison with its other short versions.
Turner, DanGriffiths, Anne MWalters, Thomas DSeah, TongMarkowitz, JamesPfefferkorn, Marian DKeljo, DavidWaxman, JacobOtley, AnthonyLeleiko, Neal SLeLeiko, Neal SMack, David RHyams, Jeffrey and Levine, Arie
Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 55-62, 2012/Jan. | Journal Article
Sa1884 Infliximab Versus Immunomodulator as First Maintenance Therapy in Children With Crohn Disease
Markowitz, JamesEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianGriffiths, AnneKeljo, DavidMack, DavidCarvalho, RyanLeleiko, NealOtley, AnthonyRosh, JoelStephens, MichaelSaeed, ShehzadAshai-Khan, FarhatBousvaros, AthosKay, MarshaOliva-Hemker, MariaGrossman, AndrewSudel, BorisKappelman, MichaelDimmitt, ReedLangton, Christine and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-349, 2012. | Journal Article
Sa2001 Longitudinal Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Hagin, SarahOtley, AnthonyLerer, TrudyHyams, JeffreyMarkowitz, JamesGriffiths, AnneEvans, JonathanAshai-Khan, FarhatPfefferkorn, MarianGrossman, AndrewKeljo, DavidLobato, Debra and Leleiko, Neal
Gastroenterology, vol. 142, (no. 5), pp. S-378, 2012. | Journal Article
Changing Trends in Pharmacologic Therapy of Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Ofei, SylviaCarvalho, RyanHyams, JeffreyLerer, TrudySchaefer, MarcMachan, JasonLangton, ChristineMack, DavidEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianGriffiths, AnneOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosKeljo, DavidKay, MarshaOliva-Hemker, MariaKappelman, MichaelSaeed, ShehzadLeLeiko, NealStephens, MichaelGrossman, AndrewMarkowitz, James and Rosh, Joel
Gastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-197, 2011. | Journal Article
Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on protein turnover in the fasting and fed state in adolescents with Crohn disease.
Hannon, Tamara SHannon, Tamara SHannon, TamaraDiMeglio, Linda ADiMeglio, Linda ADi Meglio, Linda APfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DCarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EDenne, Scott CDenne, Scott C and Denne, Scott C
Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM, vol. 24, (no. 9-10), pp. 633-40, 2011. | Journal Article
Esophageal pH monitoring with the BRAVO capsule: experience in a single tertiary medical center.
Cabrera, Jose MDavis, MiriamHorn, DebbiePfefferkorn, Marian D and Croffie, Joseph M
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 53, (no. 4), pp. 404-8, 2011/Oct. | Journal Article
Exploring potential noninvasive biomarkers in eosinophilic esophagitis in children.
Subbarao, Girish CRosenman, Marc BOhnuki, LyoGeorgelas, AnnDavis, MiriamFitzgerald, JosephMolleston, JeanCroffie, Joseph MPfefferkorn, Marian DCorkins, Mark RLim, Joel RSteiner, StevenSchaefer, ElizabethGleich, Gerald J and Gupta, Sandeep K
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 651-8, 2011/Dec. | Journal Article
Outcome following thiopurine use in children with ulcerative colitis: a prospective multicenter registry study.
Hyams, Jeffrey SHyams, Jeffrey SLerer, TrudyLerer, TrudyMack, DavidMack, DavidBousvaros, AthosBousvaros, AthosGriffiths, AnneGriffiths, Anne MRosh, JoelRosh, JoelOtley, AnthonyOtley, AnthonyEvans, JonathanEvans, JonathanStephens, MichaelStephens, Michael CKay, MarshaKay, MarshaKeljo, DavidKeljo, DavidPfefferkorn, MarianPfefferkorn, Marian DSaeed, ShehzadSaeed, ShehzadCrandall, WallaceCrandall, WallaceMichail, SoniaMichail, SoniaKappelman, Michael DKappelman, Michael DGrossman, AndrewGrossman, AndrewSamson, Charles MSamson, CharlesSudel, BorisSudel, BorisOliva-Hemker, MariaOliva-hemker, MariaLeleiko, NealLeleiko, NealMarkowitz, James and Markowitz, James
The American journal of gastroenterology, vol. 106, (no. 5), pp. 981-7, 2011/May. | Journal Article
Outcomes Following Aminosalicylate Therapy in Children Newly Diagnosed With Ulcerative Colitis: A Prospective Multi-Center Registry Experience
Zeisler, BellaLerer, TrudyMarkowitz, JamesMack, DavidGriffiths, AnneBousvaros, AthosKeljo, DavidRosh, JoelEvans, JonathanKappelman, MichaelOtley, AnthonyKay, MarshaGrossman, AndrewSamson, CharlesSaeed, ShehzadCarvalho, RyanOliva-Hemker, MariaFaubion, WilliamSudel, BorisPfefferkorn, MarianLeleiko, Neal and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-92, 2011. | Journal Article
Post-Intestinal Resection Management of Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Schaefer, MarcLangton, ChristineMarkowitz, JamesMack, DavidEvans, JonathanPfefferkorn, MarianGriffiths, AnneOtley, AnthonyBousvaros, AthosRosh, JoelKeljo, DavidCarvalho, RyanKay, MarshaOliva-Hemker, MariaKappelman, MichaelAshai-Khan, FarhatStephens, MichaelSamson, CharlesGrossman, AndrewDimmitt, ReedSudel, BorisFaubion, WilliamLeleiko, Neal and Hyams, Jeffrey
Gastroenterology, vol. 140, (no. 5), pp. S-782, 2011. | Journal Article