102 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Evidence of validity of the Smoking Cessation Counseling scale - Brazilian version. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
. | Journal Article
Evidências de validade da escala Smoking Cessation Counseling - versão brasileira. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
. | Journal Article
Evidencias de validez de la escala Smoking Cessation Counseling - versión brasileña. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
. | Journal Article
RWJF future of nursing scholars experience and recommendations: Focus group results at final convening. Nursing Outlook
. | Journal Article
Indiana University's Community Engagement Framework for a Public Health Priority
Newhouse, Robin and Hawkins, Faith
ENGAGE! Co-created Knowledge Serving the City, vol. 1, (no. 2), 2020-04-16. | Journal Article
Methods of nursing certification in North America–A scoping review
Chappell, KathyNewhouse, RobinLundmark, VickiElChamaa, RimaJeong, DahnGallagher, Deborah KendallSalt, Elizabeth and Kitto, Simon
Nursing Outlook, 2020-Apr-28. | Journal Article
Predictors of emergency medical services use by adults with heart failure; 2009–2017
Pressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonLee, Christopher SLee, Christopher SLee, Christopher SLee, Christopher SLee, Christopher SArkins, Thomas PArkins, Thomas PArkins, Thomas PArkins, Thomas PArkins, Thomas PO'Donnell, DanielO'Donnell, DanielO'Donnell, DanielO'Donnell, DanielO'Donnell, DanielCook, RyanCook, RyanCook, RyanCook, RyanCook, RyanBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, IrminaPang, Peter SPang, Peter SPang, Peter SPang, Peter S and Pang, Peter S
Heart & Lung, 2020-Apr-02. | Journal Article
Adaptação transcultural para o Brasil e confiabilidade da Smoking Cessation Counseling
Zambardi, Juliana Maria RuocoLopes, Camila TakaoMorais, Sheila Coelho Ramalho VasconcelosNewhouse, Robin PurdyLopes, Juliana de Lima and Barros, Alba Lúcia Bottura Leite de
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 297, 2019-06-00. | Journal Article
A Multisite Health System Survey to Assess Organizational Context to Support Evidence-Based Practice.
Pittman, JoycePittman, J.Pittman, JoycePittman, JoyceCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, A.Cohee, AndreaStorey, SusanStorey, S.Storey, SusanStorey, SusanLaMothe, JulieLaMothe, J.LaMothe, JulieLaMothe, JulieGilbert, JasonGilbert, J.Gilbert, JasonGilbert, JasonBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, G.Ofner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, S.Ofner, SusanNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, R. and Newhouse, Robin
Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, June 23, 2019. | Journal Article
Building Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Capacity in a Large Statewide Health System: A Multimodal Approach
Storey, SusanStorey, SusanStorey, SusanWagnes, LisaWagnes, LisaWagnes, LisaLaMothe, JulieLaMothe, JulieLaMothe, JuliePittman, JoycePittman, JoycePittman, JoyceCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, Robin and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 49, (no. 4), pp. 214, 2019-April. | Journal Article
Constructing a Sensitizing Definition of Certification in Nursing for Research Purposes: A Hybrid Methodology Using Consensus-Building Approach
Chappell, KathyJeong, DahnElChamaa, RimaLundmark, VickiKendall-Gallagher, DeborahSalt, ElizabethNewhouse, RobinJohantgen, MegReeves, ScottMoore, DonaldOlson, CurtisVan Hoof, ThomasPrice, DavidCampbell, CraigDanilovich, Natalia and Kitto, Simon
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 18, 2019-January. | Journal Article
How will we lead? Nursing actions to reduce health impact of addiction
Newhouse, Robin
Nursing Outlook, vol. 67, (no. 5), pp. 502, September-October 2019. | Journal Article
Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) training for nurses in acute care settings: Lessons learned.
Schwindt, RhondaSchwindt, RhondaAgley, JonAgley, JonNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinFerren, Melora and Ferren, Melora
Applied nursing research : ANR, vol. 48, pp. 19-21, August 2019. | Journal Article
Variation in SBIRT delivery among acute care facilities.
Keen, AlysonThoele, Kelli and Newhouse, Robin
Nursing outlook, October 10, 2019. | Journal Article
Multisite Studies Demonstrate Positive Relationship Between Practice Environments and Smoking Cessation Counseling Evidence‐Based Practices
Newhouse, RobinByon, Ha DoStorkman Wolf, Emily and Johantgen, Meg
Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, vol. 15, (no. 3), pp. 224, June 2018. | Journal Article
Psychometric Testing of the Smoking Cessation Counseling Scale Among Magnet® Hospital Nurses
Liu, WenLiu, W.Johantgen, MegJohantgen, M.Newhouse, Robin and Newhouse, R.
Western Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 40, (no. 4), pp. 581, 20180400. | Journal Article
Study protocol testing toolkit versus usual care for implementation of screening, brief intervention, referral to treatment in hospitals: a phased cluster randomized approach
Newhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, R.Janney, MichelleJanney, MichelleJanney, M.Gilbert, AnneGilbert, AnneGilbert, A.Agley, JonAgley, JonAgley, J.Bakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, G.Ferren, M.Ferren, MeloraFerren, MeloraMullins, C DanielMullins, C.D.Mullins, C DanielJohantgen, M.Johantgen, MegJohantgen, MegSchwindt, RhondaSchwindt, RhondaSchwindt, R.Thoele, KelliThoele, K. and Thoele, Kelli
Addiction science & clinical practice, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 28, 2018-12-27. | Journal Article
Building Research Infrastructure in Magnet® Hospitals: Current Status and Future Directions
Johantgen, MegWeiss, MarianneLundmark, VickiNewhouse, RobinHaller, KarenUnruh, Lynn and Shirey, Maria
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 47, (no. 4), pp. 204, 2017-April. | Journal Article
Early assessment of the 10-step patient engagement framework for patient-centred outcomes research studies: the first three steps
Sofolahan-Oladeinde, YewandeSofolahan-Oladeinde, YewandeNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PLavallee, Danielle CLavallee, Danielle CHuang, Jennifer CHuang, Jennifer CMullins, C Daniel and Mullins, C Daniel
Family practice, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 277, 2017-Jun-01. | Journal Article
Emergency Medical Services Activation for Heart Failure Patients: A Methodological Pilot Study
Jung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonJung, MiyeonPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JPressler, Susan JNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PLake, Kittie RLake, Kittie RLake, Kittie RLake, Kittie RLake, Kittie RSmith, MaddisonSmith, MaddisonSmith, MaddisonSmith, MaddisonSmith, MaddisonO'Donnell, DanO'Donnell, DanO'Donnell, DanO'Donnell, DanO'Donnell, DanArkins, TomArkins, TomArkins, TomArkins, TomArkins, TomBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosCook, RyanCook, RyanCook, RyanCook, RyanCook, RyanPang, PeterPang, PeterPang, PeterPang, PeterPang, PeterGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, IrminaGradus-Pizlo, Irmina and Gradus-Pizlo, Irmina
Journal of Cardiac Failure, vol. 23, (no. 8), pp. S83, 2017-08-00. | Journal Article
Engaging patients with heart failure into the design of health system interventions: Impact on research methods
Newhouse, Robin P.Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, R.P.Johantgen, MegJohantgen, M.Johantgen, MegThomas, Sue AThomas, S.A.Thomas, Sue A.Trocky, N.M.Trocky, Nina MTrocky, Nina M.Dennison-Himmelfarb, CherylDennison-Himmelfarb, CherylDennison Himmelfarb, C.Cheon, JooyoungCheon, JooyoungCheon, J.Miller, WandaMiller, WandaMiller, W.Gray, TracyGray, T.Gray, TracyPruitt, R.Pruitt, Robin and Pruitt, Robin
Geriatric Nursing, vol. 38, pp. 342–346. | Journal Article
Inpatient Unit Heart Failure Discharge Volume Predicts All-cause 30-Day Hospital Readmission
Dordunoo, DzifaDordunoo, DzifaThomas, SueThomas, SueFriedmann, ErikaFriedmann, ErikaRussell, StuartRussell, StuartNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, RobinAkintade, Bim and Akintade, Bim
The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 225, 2017-May/June. | Journal Article
Shared Vision Among Acute Care Magnet® Hospital Nurses
Liu, WenLiu, W.Johantgen, MegJohantgen, M.Newhouse, Robin and Newhouse, R.
Western Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 318, 20170200. | Journal Article
The PCORI Methodology Report
Challenges, solutions and future directions in the evaluation of service innovations in health care and public health
Raine, RosalindFitzpatrick, RayBarratt, HelenBevan, GywnBlack, NickBoaden, RuthBower, PeterCampbell, MarionDenis, Jean-LouisDevers, KellyDixon-Woods, MaryFallowfield, LesleyForder, JulienFoy, RobbieFreemantle, NickFulop, Naomi JGibbons, ElizabethGillies, ClareGoulding, LucyGrieve, RichardGrimshaw, JeremyHowarth, EmmaLilford, Richard JMcDonald, RuthMoore, GrahamMoore, LaurenceNewhouse, RobinO’Cathain, AliciaOr, ZeynepPapoutsi, ChrysanthiPrady, StephanieRycroft-Malone, JoSekhon, JasjeetTurner, SimonWatson, Samuel I and Zwarenstein, Merrick
Health Services and Delivery Research, vol. 4, (no. 16), pp. 136, 2016-05-00. | Journal Article