102 Publications (Page 3 of 5)
Medication Reconciliation Across the Continuum of Care: A Meaningful Use Mandate
Wilson, MarisaWilson, Marisa LMurphy, Lyn SMurphy, LynNewhouse, Robin P and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 43, (no. 6), pp. 314, 2013-June. | Journal Article
Methodology Issues in Implementation Science
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, RobinBobay, KathleenBobay, KathleenDykes, PatriciaDykes, PatriciaStevens, KathleenStevens, Kathleen RTitler, Marita and Titler, Marita
Medical Care, vol. 51, (no. 4), pp. S40, 20130401. | Journal Article
Nurses Work-Related Stress in China: A Comparison Between Psychiatric and General Hospitals
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. | Journal Article
Participating in a Multihospital Study to Promote Adoption of Heart Failure Guidelines: Lessons for Nurse Leaders
Johantgen, Meg and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 43, (no. 12), pp. 666, 2013-December. | Journal Article
Participating in a Multi-Hospital Study to Promote Adoption of Heart Failure Guidelines: Lessons Learned for Nurse Leaders
Journal of Nursing Administration. | Journal Article
Reconceptualization of a Doctoral EBP Course from In Class to Blended Format: Lessons Learned from a Successful Transition
Journal of Professional Nursing. | Journal Article
Reconceptualization of a Doctoral EBP Course From In-Class to Blended Format: Lessons Learned From a Successful Transition
Newhouse, RobinNewhouse, Robin PBuckley, Kathleen MBuckley, Kathleen MGrant, MarianGrant, MarianIdzik, Shannon and Reedy Idzik, Shannon
Journal of Professional Nursing, vol. 29, (no. 4), pp. 232, July-August 2013. | Journal Article
The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners
Stanik Hutt, JulieStanik-Hutt, JulieStanik-Hutt, JulieStanik-Hutt, J.Stanik-Hutt, JulieNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, R.P.Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, RobinNewhouse, Robin PWhite, Kathleen MWhite, KathleenWhite, Kathleen MWhite, K.M.White, Kathleen MJohantgen, MegJohantgen, MegJohantgen, MegJohantgen, M.Johantgen, MegBass, Eric BBass, EricBass, Eric BBass, Eric BBass, E.B.Zangaro, GeorgeZangaro, GeorgeZangaro, GeorgeZangaro, G.Zangaro, GeorgeWilson, ReneeWilson, ReneeWilson, ReneeWilson, R.Wilson, ReneeFountain, LilyFountain, L.Fountain, LilyFountain, LilyFountain, LilySteinwachs, Donald MSteinwachs, Donald MSteinwachs, D.M.Steinwachs, Donald MSteinwachs, DonaldHeindel, LouHeindel, LouHeindel, LouHeindel, LouHeindel, L.Weiner, J.P.Weiner, Jonathan PWeiner, Jonathan PWeiner, Jonathan P and Weiner, Jonathan
Journal of Nurse Practitioners. | Journal Article
Universal glove and gown use and acquisition of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Morgan, DanielPineles, LisaShardell, MichelleDembry, LouiseBelton, BeverlyLoeb, MarkNewhouse, RobinHall, KendallJohnson, J.Morgan, DanielPineles, LisaShardell, MichelleDembry, LouisePerencevich, EliHarris, AnthonyBraun, BarbaraJohnson, J.Hall, KendallBelton, BeverlyLoeb, MarkNewhouse, RobinHarris, AnthonyBraun, Barbara and Perencevich, Eli
JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 310, (no. 15), pp. 1571, 20131016. | Journal Article
Universal Glove and Gown Use and Acquisition of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in the ICU: A Randomized Trial
Harris, Anthony DPineles, Lisa LBelton, BeverlyJohnson, Jennifer KShardell, Michelle DLoeb, MarkNewhouse, Robin PDembry, Louise MarieBraun Skarha, BarbaraBraun, BarbaraPerencevich, EliHall, Kendall KMorgan, Daniel JShahryar, Syed KShahryar, Syed KPrice, Connie SPrice, Connie SGadbaw, Joseph JGadbaw, Joseph JDrees, MarciDrees, MarciKett, Daniel HKett, Daniel HMuñoz-Price, L SMuñoz-Price, L SilviaJacob, Jesse TJacob, Jesse THerwaldt, Loreen ASulis, Carol AHerwaldt, Loreen AYokoe, Deborah SSulis, Carol AMaragakis, Lisa LYokoe, Deborah SLissauer, Matthew EMaragakis, LisaZervos, Marcus JLissauer, Matthew EWarren, David KZervos, Marcus JCarver, Robin LWarren, David KCarver, Robin LAnderson, DeverickCalfee, David PAnderson, Deverick JBowling, Jason ECalfee, David PBowling, Jason ESafdar, Nasia and Safdar, Nasia
Journal of the American Medical Association. | Journal Article
Comparison of Labor and Delivery Care Provided by Certified Nurse-Midwives and Physicians: A Systematic Review, 1990 to 2008
Johantgen, MegJohantgen, MegFountain, LilyFountain, LilyZangaro, GeorgeZangaro, GeorgeNewhouse, Robin PNewhouse, RobinStanik-Hutt, JulieStanik-Hutt, JulieWhite, Kathleen and White, Kathleen
Women's Health Issues, vol. 22, (no. 1), pp. e81, 2012. | Journal Article
Meaningful Use: Intersections With Evidence-Based Practice and Outcomes
Wilson, Marisa LWilson, MarisaNewhouse, Robin P and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 42, (no. 9), pp. 398, 2012-September. | Journal Article
Patients’ Access to Their Health Information: A Meaningful-Use Mandate
Wilson, MarisaWilson, Marisa LMurphy, LynMurphy, Lyn SNewhouse, Robin and Newhouse, Robin P
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 42, (no. 11), pp. 496, 2012-November. | Journal Article
Policy Implications for Optimizing Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Use Nationally
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PWeiner, Jonathan PWeiner, Jonathan PStanik Hutt, JulieStanik-Hutt, JulieWhite, Kathleen MWhite, Kathleen MJohantgen, MegJohantgen, MegSteinwachs, DonSteinwachs, DonZangaro, GeorgeZangaro, GeorgeAldebron, JillianAldebron, JillianBass, Eric B and Bass, Eric B
Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 89, 20120500. | Journal Article
The Intersection of Evidence-Based Practice With 5 Quality Improvement Methodologies
Seidl, Kristin and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 42, (no. 6), pp. 304, 2012-June. | Journal Article
We are your health care team
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, RobinWhite, KathiWhite, KathiStanik-Hutt, JulieStanik Hutt, JulieJohantgen, Meg and Johantgen, Meg
Nursing economic, vol. 30, (no. 2), pp. 118, 2012 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Advanced practice nurse outcomes 1990-2008: a systematic review
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PStanik-Hutt, JulieStanik Hutt, JulieWhite, Kathleen MWhite, Kathleen MJohantgen, MegJohantgen, MegBass, Eric BBass, Eric BZangaro, GeorgeZangaro, GeorgeWilson, Renee FWilson, Renee FFountain, LilyFountain, LilySteinwachs, Donald MSteinwachs, Donald MHeindel, LouHeindel, LouWeiner, Jonathan P and Weiner, Jonathan P
Nursing economic, vol. 29, (no. 5), pp. 230, 2011 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
County and State Quality Data to Inform Expanded Roles for Nursing's Future
Newhouse, Robin P and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 41, (no. 9), pp. 346, 2011-September. | Journal Article
Psychometric Testing of the Smoking Cessation Counseling Scale
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, R.P.Newhouse, Robin PHimmelfarb, Cheryl DHimmelfarb, Cheryl DennisonHimmelfarb, C.D.Liang, YulanLiang, Yulan and Liang, Y.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, vol. 43, (no. 4), pp. 411, December 2011. | Journal Article
Rural Hospital Nursing: Results of a National Survey of Nurse Executives
Newhouse, RobinNewhouse, Robin PMorlock, LauraMorlock, Laura LPronovost, Peter JPronovost, PeterBreckenridge Sproat, Sara and Sproat, Sara B
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 41, (no. 3), pp. 137, 2011-March. | Journal Article
Clinical Guidelines for Nursing Practice: Are We There Yet?
Newhouse, Robin P and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 59, 2010-February. | Journal Article
Do We Know How Much the Evidence-Based Intervention Cost?
Newhouse, Robin and Newhouse, Robin P
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 40, (no. 7/8), pp. 299, 2010-July/August. | Journal Article
Instruments to Assess Organizational Readiness for Evidence-Based Practice
Newhouse, Robin P and Newhouse, Robin
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 40, (no. 10), pp. 407, 2010-October. | Journal Article
Interdisciplinary evidence-based practice: Moving from silos to synergy
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, Robin PSpring, Bonnie and Spring, Bonnie
Nursing Outlook, vol. 58, (no. 6), pp. 317, 2010. | Journal Article
A Case Study in Evaluating Infrastructure for EBP and Selecting a Model
Newhouse, Robin PNewhouse, RobinJohnson, Karen and Johnson, Karen
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, vol. 39, (no. 10), pp. 411, 2009-October. | Journal Article