392 Publications (Page 9 of 16)
Human papillomavirus vaccine in adolescent women: a 2012 update.
Etter, Dillon JZimet, Gregory D and Rickert, Vaughn I
Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 305-310, October 2012. | Journal Article
Influence of race and socioeconomic status on the diagnosis of child abuse: a randomized study.
Laskey, Antoinette LStump, Timothy EPerkins, Susan MZimet, Gregory DSherman, Steven J and Downs, Stephen M
The Journal of pediatrics, vol. 160, (no. 6), pp. 1003-8.e1, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Parent-son decision-making about human papillomavirus vaccination: a qualitative analysis
Alexander, Andreia BStupiansky, NathanOtt, Mary AHerbenick, DebbyReece, Michael and Zimet, Gregory D
BMC Pediatrics, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 192, 2012. | Journal Article
Parent-son decision-making about human papillomavirus vaccination: a qualitative analysis.
Alexander, Andreia BStupiansky, NathanOtt, Mary AHerbenick, DebbyReece, Michael and Zimet, Gregory D
BMC pediatrics, vol. 12, pp. 192, 2012. | Journal Article
Perspectives on Decision Making About Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among 11- to 12-Year-Old Girls and Their Mothers
Griffioen, Anne MGriffioen, Anne MGlynn, SusanGlynn, SusanMullins, Tanya KMullins, Tanya KZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DRosenthal, Susan LRosenthal, Susan LFortenberry, JDennisFortenberry, J. DennisKahn, Jessica A and Kahn, Jessica A
Clinical Pediatrics, vol. 51, (no. 6), pp. 560-568, 2012. | Journal Article
Reasons for Low Pandemic H1N1 2009 Vaccine Acceptance within a College Sample
Ravert, Russell DFu, Linda Y and Zimet, Gregory D
Advances in Preventive Medicine, vol. 2012, pp. 7, 20121128. | Journal Article
Reduction of HPV infections through vaccination among at-risk urban adolescents
Cummings, TeresaCummings, TeresaCummings, TeresaZimet, Gregory DZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryBrown, DarronBrown, DarronBrown, DarronTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuTu, WanzhuYang, ZiyiYang, ZiyiYang, ZiyiFortenberry, JDennisFortenberry, J.Fortenberry, J.Shew, MarciaShew, Marcia and Shew, Marcia L
Vaccine, vol. 30, (no. 37), pp. 5496-5499, 2012. | Journal Article
Risk Perceptions After Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in HIV-Infected Adolescents and Young Adult Women
Kahn, Jessica AXu, JiahongZimet, Gregory DLiu, NancyGonin, ReneDillard, Mary E and Squires, Kathleen
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 50, (no. 5), pp. 464-470, 2012. | Journal Article
"Tell juliana": Acceptability of the candidate microbicide vivagel? and two placebo gels among ethnically diverse, sexually active young women participating in a phase 1 microbicide study
Carballo Diéguez, AlexCarballo-Diéguez, A.Giguere, R.Giguere, RebeccaDolezal, CurtisDolezal, C.Chen, Beatrice AChen, B.A.Kahn, JessicaKahn, J.Zimet, GregZimet, G.Mabragana, MarinaMabragaña, M.Leu, Cheng-ShiunLeu, C.-S.Mc Gowan, I. and McGowan, Ian
AIDS and Behavior, vol. 16, pp. 1761-1774. | Journal Article
The role of herd immunity in parents' decision to vaccinate children: a systematic review.
Quadri Sheriff, MaheenHendrix, KristinDowns, Stephen MSturm, LynneZimet, Gregory D and Finnell, S M
Pediatrics, vol. 130, (no. 3), pp. 522-30, 2012/Sep. | Journal Article
Thinking differently about cervical cancer screening in high-risk populations
Meyerson, BethMeyerson, Beth E.Meyerson, B.E.Crosby, Richard A.Crosby, R.A.Crosby, Richard APol, Barbara J. Van DerVan Der Pol, Barbara JVan Der Pol, B.J.Zimet, Gregory D.Zimet, G.D. and Zimet, Gregory D
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 43, pp. 221-224. | Journal Article
Variations in microbicide gel acceptability among young women in the USA and Puerto Rico
Giguere, RebeccaGiguere, R.Carballo Diéguez, AlexCarballo-Diéguez, A.Ventuneac, AnaVentuneac, A.Mabragaña, MarinaMabragaña, M.Dolezal, CurtisDolezal, C.Chen, B.A.Chen, Beatrice AKahn, J.A.Kahn, Jessica AZimet, Gregory DZimet, G.D.McGowan, Ian and McGowan, I.
Culture, Health and Sexuality, vol. 14, pp. 151-166. | Journal Article
Attitudes toward HPV Vaccination among Women Aged 27 to 45.
Weiss, ThomasRosenthal, Susan L and Zimet, Gregory D
ISRN obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 2011, pp. 670318, 2011. | Journal Article
Future chlamydia screening preferences of men attending a sexually transmissible infection clinic
Roth, AlexisRoth, A.Roth, AlexisPol, Barbara Van DerVan Der Pol, Barbara JVan Der Pol, B.Dodge, BrianDodge, Brian MDodge, B.Fortenberry, J DFortenberry, J.D.Fortenberry, J. DennisZimet, GregoryZimet, Gregory and Zimet, G.
Sexual Health, vol. 8, pp. 419-426. | Journal Article
Human papillomavirus vaccine: an updated position statement of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.
Friedman, LawrenceFriedman, L.Bell, D.L.Bell, David LKahn, J.A.Kahn, Jessica AMarcell, A.V.Marcell, Arik VMiddleman, Amy BMiddleman, A.B.Rosenthal, Susan LRosenthal, S.L.Zimet, G.D. and Zimet, Gregory D
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, vol. 48, (no. 2), pp. 215-6, 2011/Feb. | Journal Article
Influence of patient's relationship status and HPV history on physicians' decisions to recommend HPV vaccination.
Zimet, Gregory DStupiansky, NathanWeiss, ThomasRosenthal, Susan LGood, Margaret B and Vichnin, Michelle D
Vaccine, vol. 29, (no. 3), pp. 378-81, 2011/Jan/10. | Journal Article
Low acceptance of HSV-2 testing among high-risk women.
Roth, AlexisDodge, Brian MVan Der Pol, Barbara JReece, Michael and Zimet, Gregory D
International journal of STD & AIDS, vol. 22, (no. 6), pp. 329-31, 2011/Jun. | Journal Article
Predictors of HPV vaccine uptake among women aged 19-26: Importance of a physician’s recommendation
Rosenthal, S.L.Weiss, T.W.Zimet, G.D.Ma, L.Good, M.B. and Vichnin, M.D.
Vaccine, vol. 29, pp. 890-895. | Journal Article
The effects of vaccine characteristics on adult women's attitudes about vaccination: A conjoint analysis study
Stockwell, Melissa SRosenthal, Susan LSturm, LynneMays, RoseBair, Rita M and Zimet, Gregory D
Vaccine, vol. 29, (no. 27), pp. 4507-4511, 2011. | Journal Article
Use of Drawings to Explore U.S. Women's Perspectives on Why People Might Decline HIV Testing
Mays, RoseSturm, LynneRasche, Julie CThometz Cox, DenaCox, Anthony D and Zimet, Gregory D
Health Care for Women International, vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 328-343, 2011. | Journal Article
Adolescent Males and Human Papillomavirus: Psychosexual Development, Infection, and Vaccination
Rosenthal, S.L. and Zimet, G.D.
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 46. | Journal Article
Adult women's attitudes toward the HPV vaccine.
Short, MaryRosenthal, Susan LSturm, LynneBlack, LoraLoza, MelissaBreitkopf, Daniel and Zimet, Gregory D
Journal of women's health (2002), vol. 19, (no. 7), pp. 1305-11, 2010/Jul. | Journal Article
Behavioral considerations for engaging youth in HIV clinical research.
Hosek, Sybil G and Zimet, Gregory D
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), vol. 54 Suppl 1, pp. S25-30, 2010/Jul. | Journal Article
Behavioral interventions to increase HPV vaccination acceptability among mothers of young girls.
Thometz Cox, DenaCox, Dena SCox, Anthony DCox, Anthony DSturm, LynneSturm, LynneZimet, Greg and Zimet, Gregory D
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, vol. 29, (no. 1), pp. 29-39, 2010/Jan. | Journal Article
Behavioral research on biomedical sexual health technologies: opportunities and directions.
Zimet, Gregory D
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, vol. 42, (no. 1), pp. 12-3, 2010/Mar. | Journal Article