392 Publications (Page 6 of 16)
Tempest in a teapot: A systematic review of HPV vaccination and risk compensation research
Kasting, Monica LKasting, Monica LKasting, Monica LKasting, Monica L.Shapiro, Gilla KShapiro, Gilla KShapiro, Gilla KShapiro, Gilla K.Rosberger, ZeevRosberger, ZeevRosberger, ZeevRosberger, ZeevKahn, Jessica A.Kahn, Jessica AKahn, Jessica AKahn, Jessica AZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory D.
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics: HPV Vaccines and Immunization, vol. 12, (no. 6), pp. 1450, 6/2/2016. | Journal Article
The Effect of Provider Communication About Vaccination on Mothers’ Willingness to Vaccinate Their Children against HPV and Influenza: A Randomized Trial of Illustrated Health Messaging Vignettes
Donahue, Kelly L., PhDHendrix, Kristin S., PhDSturm, Lynne A., PhD and Zimet, Gregory
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 58, (no. 2), pp. S117, 2016. | Journal Article
The Feminization of HPV: Reversing Gender Biases in US Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Policy
Daley, Ellen MDaley, Ellen MDaley, EllenDaley, Ellen MVamos, Cheryl AVamos, Cheryl AVamos, Cheryl AVamos, CherylZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DZimet, GregoryZimet, Gregory DRosberger, ZeevRosberger, ZeevRosberger, ZeevRosberger, ZeevThompson, ErikaThompson, Erika LThompson, Erika LThompson, Erika LMerrell, LauraMerrell, LauraMerrell, Laura and Merrell, Laura
American journal of public health, vol. 106, (no. 6), pp. 984, 2016-Jun. | Journal Article
Vaccine strategies: Optimising outcomes
Hardt, KarinBonanni, PaoloKing, SusanSantos, JoseEl-Hodhod, MostafaZimet, Gregory and Preiss, Scott
Vaccine, vol. 34, (no. 52), pp. 6699, 2016. | Journal Article
159. Ahead of the Curve: What Predicts HPV Vaccine Initiation Among Nine– and Ten–Year-Olds in the U.S.?
Donahue, Kelly L., PhDHendrix, Kristin S., PhDSturm, Lynne, PhD and Zimet, Gregory
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 56, (no. 2), pp. S82, 2015. | Journal Article
25. Adolescent Self-Consent for Biomedical HIV Prevention Research: Implications for Protocol Approval and Implementation
Gilbert, AmyKnopf, Amy S., PhDFortenberry, J. Dennis, MDKapogiannis, Bill G., MDHosek, Sybil, PhD and Zimet, Gregory
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 56, (no. 2), pp. S14, 2015. | Journal Article
97. Socialization and Negotiation Around HIV Risk and Sexual Relationship Development Among Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: Three Spheres of Influence, Three Conflicting Messages
Knopf, AmeliaKnopf, AmeliaDraucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryThompson, Elaine and Thompson, Elaine
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 56, (no. 2), pp. S51, 2015. | Journal Article
"A day late and a dollar short": Physicians and HPV vaccination
Zimet, G.D.
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, vol. 24, pp. 1643-1644. | Journal Article
Adolescent decision making about participation in a hypothetical HIV vaccine trial
Alexander, AndreiaAlexander, A.B.Alexander, Andreia BOtt, Mary AOtt, MaryOtt, M.A.Lally, MichelleLally, Michelle ALally, M.A.Sniecinski, KevinSniecinski, K.Sniecinski, KevinBaker, AlyneBaker, AlyneBaker, A.Zimet, G.D.Zimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory
Vaccine, vol. 33, pp. 1331-1337. | Journal Article
Adolescent self-consent for biomedical human immunodeficiency virus prevention research
Gilbert, A.L.Gilbert, Amy LewisGilbert, AmyKnopf, AmeliaKnopf, Amelia S.Knopf, A.S.Fortenberry, J.Fortenberry, J. DennisFortenberry, J.D.Hosek, Sybil G.Hosek, Sybil G., Ph.DHosek, S.G.Kapogiannis, BillKapogiannis, B.G.Kapogiannis, Bill G.Zimet, G.D.Zimet, Gregory D. and Zimet, Gregory D., Ph.D
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 57, pp. 113-119. | Journal Article
A model of health care provider decision making about HPV vaccination in adolescent males
Alexander, A.B.Best, C.Stupiansky, N. and Zimet, G.D.
Vaccine, vol. 33, pp. 4081-4086. | Journal Article
Catching up or missing out? human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability among 18-to 26-year-old men who have sex with men in a us national sample
Cummings, T.Cummings, TeresaKasting, MonicaKasting, M.L.Rosenberger, JoshuaRosenberger, J.G.Rosenthal, S.L.Rosenthal, SusanZimet, GregoryZimet, G.D.Stupiansky, N.W. and Stupiansky, Nathan
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, vol. 42, pp. 601-606. | Journal Article
Cervical cancer screening in a sexually transmitted disease clinic: Screening adoption experiences from a midwestern clinic
Meyerson, Beth EMeyerson, BethMeyerson, Beth EMeyerson, B.E.Meyerson, Beth EMeyerson, Beth ESayegh, M ASayegh, M ASayegh, M.Sayegh, M AaronSayegh, M ASayegh, M.A.Davis, AlissaDavis, AlissaDavis, AlissaDavis, AlissaDavis, A.Davis, AlissaArno, JanetArno, Janet NArno, J.N.Arno, Janet NArno, Janet NArno, Janet NZimet, Gregory DZimet, G.D.Zimet, GregoryZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DLeMonte, AnnLeMonte, Ann MLeMonte, A.M.LeMonte, Ann MLeMonte, Ann MLeMonte, Ann MWilliams, James AWilliams, J.A.Williams, James AWilliams, James AWilliams, James AWilliams, JamesBarclay, LynnBarclay, LynnBarclay, L.Barclay, LynnBarclay, LynnBarclay, LynnVan Der Pol, BarbaraVan Der Pol, B.Van Der Pol, BarbaraVan Der Pol, BarbaraPol, Barbara and Van Der Pol, Barbara
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 105, pp. e8-e14. | Journal Article
Clinician attitudes toward CDC interim pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) guidance and operationalizing PrEP for adolescents
Mullins, Tanya L KowalczykMullins, T.L.K.Lally, M.Lally, MichelleZimet, GregoryZimet, G.Kahn, J.A. and Kahn, Jessica A
AIDS Patient Care and STDs, vol. 29, pp. 193-203. | Journal Article
HPV.edu study protocol: A cluster randomised controlled evaluation of education, decisional support and logistical strategies in school-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of adolescents
Skinner, S.R.Skinner, S.R.Skinner, S.R.Skinner, S RachelDavies, C.Davies, C.Davies, C.Davies, CristynCooper, SpringCooper, S.Cooper, S.Cooper, S.Stoney, T.Stoney, TanyaStoney, TanyaStoney, T.Stoney, TanyaStoney, T.Stoney, TanyaStoney, TanyaStoney, T.Stoney, T.Stoney, T.Stoney, TanyaMarshall, H.Marshall, H.Marshall, H.Marshall, HelenJones, J.Jones, J.Jones, J.Jones, JaneCollins, J.Collins, J.Collins, JoanneCollins, J.Hutton, H.Hutton, H.Hutton, HeidiHutton, HeidiHutton, H.Hutton, H.Hutton, HeidiHutton, HeidiHutton, H.Hutton, HeidiHutton, H.Hutton, HeidiParrella, A.Parrella, A.Parrella, A.Parrella, AdrianaZimet, G.Zimet, GregoryZimet, G.Zimet, G.Regan, David GRegan, D.G.Regan, D.G.Regan, D.G.Whyte, PattiWhyte, P.Whyte, P.Whyte, P.Brotherton, Julia M LBrotherton, J.M.L.Brotherton, J.M.L.Brotherton, J.M.L.Richmond, P.Richmond, PeterRichmond, P.Richmond, PeterRichmond, PeterRichmond, P.Richmond, PeterRichmond, P.Richmond, PeterRichmond, P.Richmond, PeterRichmond, P.McCaffrey, KirstenMccaffrey, K.McCaffrey, K.McCaffrey, K.Garland, S.M.Garland, S.M.Garland, S.M.Garland, Suzanne MLeask, JulieLeask, J.Leask, J.Leask, J.Kang, MelissaKang, M.Kang, M.Kang, M.Braunack-Mayer, A.Braunack Mayer, AnnetteBraunack-Mayer, A.Braunack-Mayer, A.Kaldor, J.Kaldor, J.Kaldor, JohnKaldor, J.McGeechan, K.Mcgeechan, K.McGeechan, K. and McGeechan, Kevin
BMC Public Health, vol. 15. | Journal Article
Human papillomavirus vaccine initiation among 9-13-year-olds in the United States
Donahue, KellyDonahue, KellyDonahue, K.L.Hendrix, KristinHendrix, KristinHendrix, K.S.Sturm, LynneSturm, L.A.Sturm, LynneZimet, GregoryZimet, G.D. and Zimet, Gregory
Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 2, pp. 892-898. | Journal Article
Increasing efforts to reduce cervical cancer through state-level comprehensive cancer control planning
Meyerson, Beth EMeyerson, B.E.Zimet, Gregory DZimet, G.D.Multani, Gurprit SMultani, G.S.Levell, C.Levell, CalebLawrence, C.A.Lawrence, Carrie ASmith, J.S. and Smith, Jennifer S
Cancer Prevention Research, vol. 8, pp. 636-641. | Journal Article
Interventions to Improve Adolescent Vaccination: What May Work and What Still Needs to Be Tested
Dempsey, A.F. and Zimet, G.D.
Vaccine, vol. 33, pp. D106-D113. | Journal Article
Interventions to Improve Adolescent Vaccination. What May Work and What Still Needs to Be Tested
Dempsey, A.F. and Zimet, G.D.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. | Journal Article
Parental attitudes and beliefs regarding the nine-valent human papillomavirus vaccine
Fontenot, H.B.Domush, V. and Zimet, G.D.
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 57, pp. 595-600. | Journal Article
Risk perceptions, sexual attitudes, and sexual behavior after HPV vaccination in 11-12 year-old girls.
Mullins, Tanya L KowalczykWiddice, Lea ERosenthal, Susan LZimet, Gregory D and Kahn, Jessica A
Vaccine, vol. 33, (no. 32), pp. 3907-3912, July 31, 2015. | Journal Article
School-based hpv immunization of young adolescents: Effects of two brief health interventions
Rickert, V.I.Auslander, B.A.Cox, D.S.Rosenthal, S.L.Rupp, R.E. and Zimet, G.D.
Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, vol. 11, pp. 315-321. | Journal Article
The impact of brief messages on HSV-2 screening uptake among female defendants in a court setting: A randomized controlled trial utilizing prospect theory
Roth, A.M.Roth, Alexis MRoth, Alexis MRoth, Alexis M.Pol, Barbara Van DerVan Der Pol, BarbaraVan Der Pol, BarbaraVan Der Pol, B.Fortenberry, J DennisFortenberry, J.D.Fortenberry, J. DennisFortenberry, J. DennisDodge, BrianDodge, BrianDodge, B.Dodge, BrianReece, MichaelReece, M.Reece, MichaelReece, MichaelCerto, D.Certo, DavidCerto, DavidCerto, DavidZimet, G.D.Zimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory D.
Journal of Health Communication, vol. 20, pp. 230-236. | Journal Article
The role of parental attitudes and provider discussions in uptake of adolescent vaccines
Rickert, V.I.Rickert, Vaughn IRehm, Susan JRehm, S.J.Aalsma, M.C.Aalsma, Matthew CZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, G.D.
Vaccine, vol. 33, pp. 642-647. | Journal Article
460: Obstetrical decision-making for periviable deliveries: a conjoint analysis
Tucker Edmonds, BrownsyneTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneMcKenzie, FatimaMcKenzie, FatimaHendrix, KristinHendrix, KristinZimet, GregoryZimet, GregoryPerkins, Susan and Perkins, Susan
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 210, (no. 1), pp. S231, 2014. | Journal Article