128 Publications (Page 1 of 6)
Treadmilling FtsZ polymers drive the directional movement of sPG-synthesis enzymes via a Brownian ratchet mechanism
McCausland, Joshua WMcCausland, Joshua WMcCausland, Joshua WMc Causland, Joshua WYang, XinxingSquyres, Georgia RSquyres, Georgia RSquyres, Georgia RSquyres, Georgia RLyu, ZhixinBruce, Kevin EBruce, Kevin EBruce, Kevin EBruce, Kevin ELamanna, Melissa MLamanna, Melissa MLamanna, Melissa MLamanna, Melissa MSöderström, BillGarner, Ethan CGarner, Ethan CGarner, Ethan CGarner, Ethan CWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EXiao, JieXiao, JieXiao, JieXiao, JieLiu, JianLiu, JianLiu, Jian and Liu, Jian
Nature Communications, vol. 12, (no. 1), 2021. | Journal Article
Undermodification cues division
Winkler, Malcolm E
Nature Chemical Biology, vol. 17, (no. 8), pp. 841-843, Aug 2021. | Journal Article
Chemical tools for selective activity profiling of bacterial penicillin-binding proteins
Sharifzadeh, ShabnamBrown, Nathaniel WShirley, Joshua DBruce, Kevin EWinkler, Malcolm E and Carlson, Erin E
Methods in enzymology, vol. 638, pp. 27, 2020-00-00. | Journal Article
Competence beyond Genes: Filling in the Details of the Pneumococcal Competence Transcriptome by a Systems Approach
Winkler, Malcolm E and Morrison, Donald A
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 201, (no. 13), pp. 1, 2019-Jul-01. | Journal Article
Movement dynamics of divisome proteins and PBP2x:FtsW in cells of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Perez, Amilcar JPerez, Amilcar JPerez, Amilcar JCesbron, YannCesbron, YannCesbron, YannShaw, Sidney LShaw, Sidney LShaw, Sidney LBazan Villicana, JesusBazan Villicana, JesusBazan Villicana, JesusTsui, Ho-Ching TTsui, Ho-Ching TTsui, Ho-Ching TBoersma, Michael JBoersma, Michael JBoersma, Michael JYe, Ziyun AYe, Ziyun AYe, Ziyun ATovpeko, YaninaTovpeko, YaninaTovpeko, YaninaDekker, CeesDekker, CeesDekker, CeesHolden, SeamusHolden, SeamusHolden, SeamusWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm E and Winkler, Malcolm E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 116, (no. 8), pp. 3220, 2019-02-19. | Journal Article
Redefining the Small Regulatory RNA Transcriptome in Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 2 Strain D39
Sinha, DhritiZimmer, KurtCameron, Todd ARusch, Douglas BWinkler, Malcolm E and De Lay, Nicholas R
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 201, (no. 14), pp. 1, 2019-Jul-15. | Journal Article
Redefining the sRNA Transcriptome in Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 2 Strain D39
Sinha, DhritiZimmer, KurtCameron, Todd ARusch, Douglas BWinkler, Malcolm E and De Lay, Nicholas R
Journal of bacteriology, 2019-Mar-04. | Journal Article
Selective Penicillin-Binding Protein Imaging Probes Reveal Substructure in Bacterial Cell Division
Kocaoglu, OzdenKocaoglu, OzdenCalvo, Rebecca ACalvo, Rebecca ASham, Lok-ToSham, Lok-ToCozy, Loralyn MCozy, Loralyn MLanning, Bryan RLanning, Bryan RFrancis, SamsonFrancis, SamsonWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EKearns, Daniel BKearns, Daniel BCarlson, Erin E and Carlson, Erin E
ACS Chemical Biology, vol. 14, (no. 7), pp. 1672, 2019-07-19. | Journal Article
Structure of the Large Extracellular Loop of FtsX and Its Interaction with the Essential Peptidoglycan Hydrolase PcsB in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Rued, Britta ERued, Britta ERued, Britta EAlcorlo, MartínAlcorlo, MartínAlcorlo, MartínEdmonds, Katherine AEdmonds, Katherine AEdmonds, Katherine AMartínez-Caballero, SisethMartínez-Caballero, SisethMartínez-Caballero, SisethStraume, DanielStraume, DanielStraume, DanielFu, YueFu, YueFu, YueBruce, Kevin EBruce, Kevin EBruce, Kevin EWu, HongweiWu, HongweiWu, HongweiHåvarstein, Leiv SHåvarstein, Leiv SHåvarstein, Leiv SHermoso, Juan AHermoso, Juan AHermoso, Juan AWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EGiedroc, David PGiedroc, David P and Giedroc, David P
mBio, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. e02622-18, 2019-01-29. | Journal Article
The cell cycle regulator GpsB functions as cytosolic adaptor for multiple cell wall enzymes
Cleverley, Robert MRutter, Zoe JRismondo, JeanineCorona, FedericoTsui, Ho-Ching TiffanyAlatawi, Fuad ADaniel, Richard AHalbedel, SvenMassidda, OriettaWinkler, Malcolm E and Lewis, Richard J
Nature communications, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 17, 2019-01-16. | Journal Article
The Opp (AmiACDEF) Oligopeptide Transporter Mediates Resistance of Serotype 2 Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 to Killing by Chemokine CXCL10 and Other Antimicrobial Peptides
Bruce, Kevin ERued, Britta ETsui, Ho-Ching Tiffany and Winkler, Malcolm E
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 200, (no. 11), 2018-Jun-01. | Journal Article
Absence of the KhpA and KhpB (JAG/EloR) RNA-binding proteins suppresses the requirement for PBP2b by overproduction of FtsA in Streptococcus pneumoniae D39
Zheng, Jiaqi JPerez, Amilcar JTsui, Ho-Ching TiffanyMassidda, Orietta and Winkler, Malcolm E
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 106, (no. 5), pp. 814, 2017-12-00. | Journal Article
Biological and Chemical Adaptation to Endogenous Hydrogen Peroxide Production in Streptococcus pneumoniae D39.
Lisher, John PLisher, John PTsui, Ho-Ching TiffanyTsui, Ho-Ching TiffanyRamos-Montañez, SmirlaRamos-Montañez, SmirlaHentchel, Kristy LHentchel, Kristy LMartin, Julia EMartin, Julia ETrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EGiedroc, David P and Giedroc, David P
mSphere, vol. 2, (no. 1). | Journal Article
Novel Electrophilic Scaffold for Imaging of Essential Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Sharifzadeh, ShabnamBoersma, Michael JKocaoglu, OzdenShokri, AlirezaBrown, Clayton LShirley, Joshua DWinkler, Malcolm E and Carlson, Erin E
ACS chemical biology, vol. 12, (no. 11), pp. 2857, 2017-11-17. | Journal Article
Perturbation of manganese metabolism disrupts cell division inStreptococcus pneumoniae
Martin, Julia EMartin, Julia ELisher, John PLisher, John PWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EGiedroc, David P and Giedroc, David P
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 104, (no. 2), pp. 348, 2017-04-00. | Journal Article
Roles of the Essential Protein FtsA in Cell Growth and Division in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Mura, AndreaFadda, DanielaPerez, Amilcar JDanforth, Madeline LMusu, DanielaRico, Ana IsabelKrupka, MarcinDenapaite, DaliaTsui, Ho-Ching TWinkler, Malcolm EBranny, PavelVicente, MiguelMargolin, William and Massidda, Orietta
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 199, (no. 3), pp. E00608, 2017-Feb-01. | Journal Article
The zinc efflux activator SczA protects S treptococcus pneumoniae serotype 2 D39 from intracellular zinc toxicity
Martin, Julia EMartin, J.E.Martin, Julia EEdmonds, Katherine AEdmonds, K.A.Edmonds, Katherine ABruce, K.E.Bruce, Kevin EBruce, Kevin ECampanello, Gregory CCampanello, Gregory CCampanello, G.C.Eijkelkamp, B.A.Eijkelkamp, Bart AEijkelkamp, Bart ABrazel, Erin BBrazel, Erin BBrazel, E.B.McDevitt, Christopher AMcDevitt, Christopher AMc Devitt, C.A.Winkler, Malcolm EWinkler, M.E.Winkler, Malcolm EGiedroc, David PGiedroc, D.P. and Giedroc, David P
Molecular Microbiology, vol. 104, (no. 4), pp. 651, 2017-05-00. | Journal Article
1H, 13C, 15N resonance assignments of the extracellular loop 1 domain (ECL1) of Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 FtsX, an essential cell division protein.
Fu, YueBruce, Kevin ERued, BrittaWinkler, Malcolm E and Giedroc, David P
Biomolecular NMR assignments, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 89-92, April 2016. | Journal Article
Biochemical characterization of essential cell division proteins FtsX and FtsE that mediate peptidoglycan hydrolysis by PcsB in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Bajaj, RuchikaBajaj, RuchikaBruce, Kevin E.Bruce, Kevin EDavidson, Amy LDavidson, Amy L.Rued, Britta E.Rued, Britta EStauffacher, Cynthia VStauffacher, Cynthia V.Winkler, Malcolm E. and Winkler, Malcolm E
MicrobiologyOpen, May 10, 2016. | Journal Article
Physiological Roles of the Dual Phosphate Transporter Systems in Low and High Phosphate Conditions and in Capsule Maintenance of Streptococcus pneumoniae D39.
Zheng, Jiaqi JSinha, DhritiWayne, Kyle J and Winkler, Malcolm E
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, vol. 6, pp. 63, 2016. | Journal Article
Roles of the essential protein FtsA in cell growth and division in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Mura, AndreaFadda, DanielaPerez, Amilcar JDanforth, Madeline LMusu, DanielaRico, Ana IsabelKrupka, MarcinDenapaite, DaliaTsui, Ho-Ching TWinkler, Malcolm EBranny, PavelVicente, MiguelMargolin, William and Massidda, Orietta
Journal of bacteriology, November 21, 2016. | Journal Article
Suppression and Synthetic-Lethal Genetic Relationships of ΔgpsB Mutations Indicate That GpsB Mediates Protein Phosphorylation and Penicillin-Binding Protein Interactions in Streptococcus pneumoniae D39.
Rued, Britta EZheng, Jiaqi JMura, AndreaTsui, Ho-Ching TBoersma, Michael JMazny, Jeffrey LCorona, FedericoPerez, Amilcar JFadda, DanielaDoubravová, LindaBuriánková, KarolínaBranny, PavelMassidda, Orietta and Winkler, Malcolm E
Molecular microbiology, December 23, 2016. | Journal Article
Suppression of a deletion mutation in the gene encoding essential PBP2b reveals a new lytic transglycosylase involved in peripheral peptidoglycan synthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae D39.
Tsui, Ho-Ching TiffanyZheng, Jiaqi JMagallon, Ariel NRyan, John DYunck, RachelRued, Britta EBernhardt, Thomas G and Winkler, Malcolm E
Molecular microbiology, vol. 100, (no. 6), pp. 1039-1065, June 2016. | Journal Article
A new quorum-sensing system (TprA/PhrA) for Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 that regulates a lantibiotic biosynthesis gene cluster.
Hoover, Sharon EHoover, Sharon EHoover, Sharon EPerez, Amilcar JPerez, Amilcar JPerez, Amilcar JTsui, Ho‐Ching TTsui, Ho-Ching TTsui, Ho-Ching TSinha, DhritiSinha, DhritiSinha, DhritiSmiley, David LSmiley, David LSmiley, David LDiMarchi, Richard DDi Marchi, Richard DDiMarchi, Richard DWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm EWinkler, Malcolm ELazazzera, Beth ALazazzera, Beth A and Lazazzera, Beth A
Molecular microbiology, vol. 97, (no. 2), pp. 229-243, July 2015. | Journal Article
Minimal Peptidoglycan (PG) Turnover in Wild-Type and PG Hydrolase and Cell Division Mutants of Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 Growing Planktonically and in Host-Relevant Biofilms.
Boersma, Michael JBoersma, Michael JKuru, ErkinKuru, ErkinRittichier, Jonathan TRittichier, Jonathan TVanNieuwenhze, Michael SVan Nieuwenhze, Michael SBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VWinkler, Malcolm E and Winkler, Malcolm E
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 197, (no. 21), pp. 3472-3485, November 2015. | Journal Article