126 Publications (Page 1 of 6)
Dog–human social relationship: representation of human face familiarity and emotions in the dog brain
Thompkins, Andie MThompkins, Andie M.Thompkins, Andie MLazarowski, LuciaLazarowski, LuciaLazarowski, LuciaBhavitha, RamaiahgariRamaiahgari, BhavithaRamaiahgari, BhavithaRamaiahgari, BhavithaGotoor, Sai Sheshan RoyGotoor, Sai Sheshan RoyGotoor, Sai Sheshan RoyWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas S.Deshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, GopikrishnaKatz, Jeffrey S.Katz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey S and Katz, Jeffrey S
Animal Cognition, vol. 24, (no. 2), pp. 251-266, Mar 2021. | Journal Article
3-T MRI mapping is a valid in vivo method of quantitatively evaluating the anterior cruciate ligament: rater reliability and comparison across age
Anz, Adam WDenney, Thomas SBranch, Eric AWalz, Christopher RBrock, Kenny V and Goodlett, Michael D
Skeletal Radiology, vol. 49, (no. 3), pp. 443-452, Mar 2020. | Journal Article
A multimodal magnetoencephalography 7 T fMRI and 7 T proton MR spectroscopy study in first episode psychosis
Gawne, Timothy JGawne, Timothy JGawne, Timothy JGawne, Timothy JOverbeek, Gregory JOverbeek, Gregory JOverbeek, Gregory JOverbeek, Gregory JKillen, Jeffery FKillen, Jeffery FKillen, Jeffery FKillen, Jeffery FReid, Meredith AReid, Meredith AReid, Meredith AReid, Meredith AKraguljac, Nina VKraguljac, Nina VKraguljac, Nina VKraguljac, Nina VDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SEllis, Charles AEllis, Charles AEllis, Charles AEllis, Charles ALahti, Adrienne CLahti, Adrienne CLahti, Adrienne C and Lahti, Adrienne C
NPJ Schizophrenia, vol. 6, (no. 1), 2020. | Journal Article
Creatine kinase rate constant in the human heart at 7T with 1D-ISIS/2D CSI localization
Bashir, AdilZhang, Jianyi and Denney, Thomas S
PLoS One, vol. 15, (no. 3), Mar 2020. | Journal Article
No evidence of abnormal metabolic or inflammatory activity in the brains of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a preliminary study using whole-brain magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)
Mueller, ChristinaLin, Joanne CThannickal, Halle HAltamish, DarediaDenney, Thomas SBeyers, Ronald and Younger, Jarred W
Clinical Rheumatology, vol. 39, (no. 6), pp. 1765-1774, Jun 2020. | Journal Article
Structural Connectome Disruptions in Military Personnel with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Proessl, FelixDretsch, Michael NConnaboy, ChrisLovalekar, MitaDunn-Lewis, CourtenayCanino, Maria CSterczala, Adam JDeshpande, GopikrishnaKatz, Jeffrey SDenney, Thomas S and Flanagan, Shawn D
Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 37, (no. 19), pp. 2102-2112, Oct 2020. | Journal Article
Supervised machine learning for diagnostic classification from large-scale neuroimaging datasets
Rangaprakash, DDretsch, Michael NKatz, Jeffrey S and Denney, Thomas S
Brain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 14, (no. 6), pp. 2378-2416, Dec 2020. | Journal Article
The Cardioprotective Mechanism of Phenylaminoethyl Selenides (PAESe) Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Involves Frataxin.
Fu, X.Fu, X.Fu, XiaoyuEggert, M.Eggert, MathewEggert, M.Yoo, S.Yoo, SieunYoo, S.Patel, N.Patel, N.Patel, NikhilZhong, J.Zhong, J.Zhong, JumingSteinke, IanSteinke, I.Steinke, I.Govindarajulu, ManojGovindarajulu, M.Govindarajulu, M.Turumtay, E.A.Turumtay, E.A.Turumtay, Emine AkyuzMouli, S.Mouli, ShravanthiMouli, S.Panizzi, P.Panizzi, P.Panizzi, PeterBeyers, R.Beyers, RonaldBeyers, R.Denney, ThomasDenney, T.Denney, T.Arnold, R.Arnold, RobertArnold, R.Amin, R.H.Amin, Rajesh H and Amin, R.H.
Frontiers in pharmacology, vol. 11, pp. 574656, 2020. | Journal Article
3-T MRI mapping is a valid in vivo method of quantitatively evaluating the anterior cruciate ligament: rater reliability and comparison across age
Anz, Adam WEdison, JosDenney, Thomas SBranch, Eric AWalz, Christopher RBrock, Kenny V and Goodlett, Michael D
Skeletal radiology, 2019-Sep-03. | Journal Article
7T Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in First-Episode Schizophrenia
Reid, M.A.Reid, Meredith ASalibi, N.Salibi, NouhaWhite, D.M.White, David MGawne, Timothy JGawne, T.J.Denney, T.S.Denney, Thomas SLahti, A.C. and Lahti, Adrienne C
Schizophrenia Bulletin, vol. 45, (no. 1), pp. 189, 20190101. | Journal Article
Differential neural activation when voluntarily regulating emotions in service members with chronic mild traumatic brain injury
Dretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NDaniel, Thomas ADaniel, Thomas AGoodman, Adam MGoodman, Adam MKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDenney, ThomasDenney, ThomasDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, GopikrishnaRobinson, Jennifer L and Robinson, Jennifer L
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, vol. 26, (no. 1), pp. 88, 1/2/2019. | Journal Article
Impact of medical therapy for cardiovascular disease on left ventricular diastolic properties and remodeling
Sharifov, Oleg FDenney, Thomas SPrabhu, Sumanth DLloyd, Steven G and Gupta, Himanshu
International Journal of Cardiology. Heart & Vasculature, vol. 23, 2019-05-01. | Journal Article
Plasma xanthine oxidase activity is related to increased sodium and left ventricular hypertrophy in resistant hypertension
Butts, BrittanyButts, BrittanyButts, BrittanyButts, BrittanyCalhoun, David ACalhoun, David ACalhoun, David ACalhoun, David ADenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SLloyd, Steven GLloyd, Steven GLloyd, Steven GLloyd, Steven GGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuGaddam, Krishna KGaddam, Krishna KGaddam, Krishna KGaddam, Krishna KAban, InmaculadaAban, InmaculadaAban, InmaculadaAban, InmaculadaOparil, SuzanneOparil, SuzanneOparil, SuzanneOparil, SuzanneSanders, Paul WSanders, Paul WSanders, Paul WSanders, Paul WPatel, RakeshPatel, RakeshPatel, RakeshPatel, RakeshCollawn, James FCollawn, James FCollawn, James FCollawn, James FDell'Italia, Louis JDell’Italia, Louis JDell'Italia, Louis J and Dell'Italia, Louis J
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 134, pp. 349, April 2019. | Journal Article
Strength and Temporal Variance of the Default Mode Network to Investigate Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Service Members with Psychological Trauma
Dretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NRangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDaniel, Thomas ADaniel, Thomas ADaniel, Thomas ADaniel, Thomas AGoodman, Adam MGoodman, Adam MGoodman, Adam MGoodman, Adam MDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Journal of Experimental Neuroscience, vol. 13, 2019-03-01. | Journal Article
Supervised machine learning for diagnostic classification from large-scale neuroimaging datasets
Lanka, PradyumnaLanka, PradyumnaRangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DDretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDeshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2019-11-05. | Journal Article
Adeno-Associated Virus Gene Therapy in a Sheep Model of Tay–Sachs Disease
Gray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, H.L.Gray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LRandle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NRandle, A.N.Randle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NMaitland, S.A.Maitland, Stacy AMaitland, Stacy AMaitland, Stacy AMaitland, Stacy AMaitland, Stacy ABenatti, Hector RBenatti, Hector RBenatti, H.R.Benatti, Hector RBenatti, Hector RBenatti, Hector RHubbard, Spencer MHubbard, Spencer MHubbard, Spencer MHubbard, S.M.Hubbard, Spencer MHubbard, Spencer MCanning, Peter FCanning, P.F.Canning, Peter FCanning, Peter FCanning, Peter FCanning, Peter FVogel, Matthew BVogel, Matthew BVogel, Matthew BVogel, M.B.Vogel, Matthew BVogel, Matthew BBrunson, Brandon LBrunson, Brandon LBrunson, Brandon LBrunson, B.L.Brunson, Brandon LBrunson, Brandon LHwang, MisakoHwang, M.Hwang, MisakoHwang, MisakoHwang, MisakoHwang, MisakoEllis, Lauren EEllis, L.E.Ellis, Lauren EEllis, Lauren EEllis, Lauren EEllis, Lauren EBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MBradbury, A.M.Gentry, A.S.Gentry, Atoska SGentry, Atoska SGentry, Atoska SGentry, Atoska SGentry, Atoska STaylor, Amanda RTaylor, Amanda RTaylor, Amanda RTaylor, A.R.Taylor, Amanda RTaylor, Amanda RWooldridge, Anne AWooldridge, A.A.Wooldridge, Anne AWooldridge, Anne AWooldridge, Anne AWooldridge, Anne AWilhite, D.R.Wilhite, Dewey RWilhite, Dewey RWilhite, Dewey RWilhite, Dewey RWilhite, Dewey RWinter, Randolph LWinter, Randolph LWinter, Randolph LWinter, Randolph LWinter, R.L.Winter, Randolph LWhitlock, Brian KWhitlock, Brian KWhitlock, B.K.Whitlock, Brian KWhitlock, Brian KWhitlock, Brian KJohnson, Jacob AJohnson, Jacob AJohnson, J.A.Johnson, Jacob AJohnson, Jacob AJohnson, Jacob AHolland, MerileeHolland, MerileeHolland, MerileeHolland, MerileeHolland, MerileeHolland, M.Salibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaSalibi, N.Beyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, R.J.Beyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JSartin, James LSartin, James LSartin, James LSartin, James LSartin, James LSartin, J.L.Denney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, T.S.Cox, N.R.Cox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RSena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, M.Sena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, MiguelMartin, Douglas RMartin, Douglas RMartin, Douglas RMartin, Douglas RMartin, D.R. and Martin, Douglas R
Human Gene Therapy, vol. 29, (no. 3), pp. 326, 2018-03-01. | Journal Article
Characterization of Australian Labradoodle dystrophinopathy.
Shrader, Stephanie MShrader, Stephanie MShrader, Stephanie MJung, SeungWooJung, SeungWooJung, SeungWooDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SSmith, Bruce FSmith, Bruce F and Smith, Bruce F
Neuromuscular disorders : NMD, August 29, 2018. | Journal Article
Identifying disease foci from static and dynamic effective connectivity networks: Illustration in soldiers with trauma
Rangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DDretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NVenkataraman, ArchanaVenkataraman, ArchanaKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDeshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Human Brain Mapping, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 287, 2018-01-00. | Journal Article
Identifying neuropsychiatric disorders using unsupervised clustering methods: Data and code
Zhao, XinyuZhao, XinyuRangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NDeshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Data in Brief, vol. 22, pp. 573, 2018-02-01. | Journal Article
Investigating the Correspondence of Clinical Diagnostic Grouping With Underlying Neurobiological and Phenotypic Clusters Using Unsupervised Machine Learning.
Zhao, XinyuZhao, XinyuRangaprakash, DRangaprakash, DYuan, BowenYuan, BowenDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDretsch, Michael NDretsch, Michael NDeshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Frontiers in applied mathematics and statistics, vol. 4, 2018. | Journal Article
Butts, BrittanyWong, RyanPowell, Pamela CLitovsky, SilvioGupta, HimanshuLloyd, StevenDenney, ThomasZhang, XiaoxiaAban, InmaculadaAi, XunCollawn, JamesDavies, James and Dell'Italia, Louis
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 71, (no. 11), pp. A1994, 2018-03-10. | Journal Article
Left Ventricular Torsion Shear Angle Volume Approach for Noninvasive Evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction in Preserved Ejection Fraction
Sharifov, Oleg FSchiros, Chun GAban, InmaculadaPerry, Gilbert JDell'italia, Louis JLloyd, Steven GDenney, Thomas S and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of the American Heart Association, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. n/a, 09 January 2018. | Journal Article
Novel Noninvasive Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Stiffness Using Velocity Transfer Function.
Gupta, AnkurGupta, AnkurSharifov, Oleg FSharifov, Oleg FLloyd, Steven GLloyd, Steven GTallaj, Jose ATallaj, Jose AAban, InmaculadaAban, InmaculadaDell'italia, Louis JDell'italia, Louis JDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SGupta, Himanshu and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of the American Heart Association, vol. 7, (no. 18), pp. e009459, September 18, 2018. | Journal Article
Separate brain areas for processing human and dog faces as revealed by awake fMRI in dogs (Canis familiaris).
Thompkins, Andie M.Thompkins, AndieThompkins, Andie MRamaiahgari, BhavithaRamaiahgari, BhavithaRamaiahgari, BhavithaZhao, SinanZhao, SinanZhao, SinanGotoor, Sai Sheshan RoyGotoor, SaiGotoor, Sai Sheshan RoyWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulDenney, ThomasDenney, Thomas S.Denney, Thomas SDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, GopikrishnaKatz, Jeffrey S.Katz, Jeffrey and Katz, Jeffrey S
Learning & behavior, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 561-573, December 2018. | Journal Article
Zinc Nanoparticles Enhance Brain Connectivity in the Canine Olfactory Network: Evidence From an fMRI Study in Unrestrained Awake Dogs.
Ramaihgari, BhavithaRamaihgari, BhavithaRamaihgari, BhavithaPustovyy, Oleg MPustovyy, Oleg MPustovyy, Oleg MWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulWaggoner, PaulBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JWildey, ChesterWildey, ChesterWildey, ChesterMorrison, EdwardMorrison, EdwardMorrison, EdwardSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SKatz, Jeffrey SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SVodyanoy, Vitaly JVodyanoy, Vitaly JVodyanoy, Vitaly JDeshpande, GopikrishnaDeshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Frontiers in veterinary science, vol. 5, pp. 127, 2018. | Journal Article