126 Publications (Page 1 of 6)
Dog–human social relationship: representation of human face familiarity and emotions in the dog brainThompkins, Andie M⋅Thompkins, Andie M.⋅Thompkins, Andie M⋅Lazarowski, Lucia⋅Lazarowski, Lucia⋅Lazarowski, Lucia⋅Bhavitha, Ramaiahgari⋅Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha⋅Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha⋅Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha⋅Gotoor, Sai Sheshan Roy⋅Gotoor, Sai Sheshan Roy⋅Gotoor, Sai Sheshan Roy⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S.⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Katz, Jeffrey S.⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S and Katz, Jeffrey SAnimal Cognition, vol. 24, (no. 2), pp. 251-266, Mar 2021.
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3-T MRI mapping is a valid in vivo method of quantitatively evaluating the anterior cruciate ligament: rater reliability and comparison across ageAnz, Adam W⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Branch, Eric A⋅Walz, Christopher R⋅Brock, Kenny V and Goodlett, Michael DSkeletal Radiology, vol. 49, (no. 3), pp. 443-452, Mar 2020.
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A multimodal magnetoencephalography 7 T fMRI and 7 T proton MR spectroscopy study in first episode psychosisGawne, Timothy J⋅Gawne, Timothy J⋅Gawne, Timothy J⋅Gawne, Timothy J⋅Overbeek, Gregory J⋅Overbeek, Gregory J⋅Overbeek, Gregory J⋅Overbeek, Gregory J⋅Killen, Jeffery F⋅Killen, Jeffery F⋅Killen, Jeffery F⋅Killen, Jeffery F⋅Reid, Meredith A⋅Reid, Meredith A⋅Reid, Meredith A⋅Reid, Meredith A⋅Kraguljac, Nina V⋅Kraguljac, Nina V⋅Kraguljac, Nina V⋅Kraguljac, Nina V⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Ellis, Charles A⋅Ellis, Charles A⋅Ellis, Charles A⋅Ellis, Charles A⋅Lahti, Adrienne C⋅Lahti, Adrienne C⋅Lahti, Adrienne C and Lahti, Adrienne CNPJ Schizophrenia, vol. 6, (no. 1), 2020.
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Creatine kinase rate constant in the human heart at 7T with 1D-ISIS/2D CSI localizationBashir, Adil⋅Zhang, Jianyi and Denney, Thomas SPLoS One, vol. 15, (no. 3), Mar 2020.
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No evidence of abnormal metabolic or inflammatory activity in the brains of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a preliminary study using whole-brain magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)Mueller, Christina⋅Lin, Joanne C⋅Thannickal, Halle H⋅Altamish, Daredia⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Beyers, Ronald and Younger, Jarred WClinical Rheumatology, vol. 39, (no. 6), pp. 1765-1774, Jun 2020.
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Structural Connectome Disruptions in Military Personnel with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderProessl, Felix⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Connaboy, Chris⋅Lovalekar, Mita⋅Dunn-Lewis, Courtenay⋅Canino, Maria C⋅Sterczala, Adam J⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Denney, Thomas S and Flanagan, Shawn DJournal of Neurotrauma, vol. 37, (no. 19), pp. 2102-2112, Oct 2020.
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Supervised machine learning for diagnostic classification from large-scale neuroimaging datasets⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Katz, Jeffrey S and Denney, Thomas SBrain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 14, (no. 6), pp. 2378-2416, Dec 2020.
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The Cardioprotective Mechanism of Phenylaminoethyl Selenides (PAESe) Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Involves Frataxin.Fu, X.⋅Fu, X.⋅Fu, Xiaoyu⋅Eggert, M.⋅Eggert, Mathew⋅Eggert, M.⋅Yoo, S.⋅Yoo, Sieun⋅Yoo, S.⋅Patel, N.⋅Patel, N.⋅Patel, Nikhil⋅Zhong, J.⋅Zhong, J.⋅Zhong, Juming⋅Steinke, Ian⋅Steinke, I.⋅Steinke, I.⋅Govindarajulu, Manoj⋅Govindarajulu, M.⋅Govindarajulu, M.⋅Turumtay, E.A.⋅Turumtay, E.A.⋅Turumtay, Emine Akyuz⋅Mouli, S.⋅Mouli, Shravanthi⋅Mouli, S.⋅Panizzi, P.⋅Panizzi, P.⋅Panizzi, Peter⋅Beyers, R.⋅Beyers, Ronald⋅Beyers, R.⋅Denney, Thomas⋅Denney, T.⋅Denney, T.⋅Arnold, R.⋅Arnold, Robert⋅Arnold, R.⋅Amin, R.H.⋅Amin, Rajesh H and Amin, R.H.Frontiers in pharmacology, vol. 11, pp. 574656, 2020.
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3-T MRI mapping is a valid in vivo method of quantitatively evaluating the anterior cruciate ligament: rater reliability and comparison across ageAnz, Adam W⋅Edison, Jos⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Branch, Eric A⋅Walz, Christopher R⋅Brock, Kenny V and Goodlett, Michael DSkeletal radiology, 2019-Sep-03.
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7T Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in First-Episode SchizophreniaReid, M.A.⋅Reid, Meredith A⋅Salibi, N.⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅White, D.M.⋅White, David M⋅Gawne, Timothy J⋅Gawne, T.J.⋅Denney, T.S.⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Lahti, A.C. and Lahti, Adrienne CSchizophrenia Bulletin, vol. 45, (no. 1), pp. 189, 20190101.
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Differential neural activation when voluntarily regulating emotions in service members with chronic mild traumatic brain injuryDretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Goodman, Adam M⋅Goodman, Adam M⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Denney, Thomas⋅Denney, Thomas⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Robinson, Jennifer L and Robinson, Jennifer LApplied Neuropsychology: Adult, vol. 26, (no. 1), pp. 88, 1/2/2019.
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Impact of medical therapy for cardiovascular disease on left ventricular diastolic properties and remodelingSharifov, Oleg F⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Prabhu, Sumanth D⋅Lloyd, Steven G and Gupta, HimanshuInternational Journal of Cardiology. Heart & Vasculature, vol. 23, 2019-05-01.
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Plasma xanthine oxidase activity is related to increased sodium and left ventricular hypertrophy in resistant hypertensionButts, Brittany⋅Butts, Brittany⋅Butts, Brittany⋅Butts, Brittany⋅Calhoun, David A⋅Calhoun, David A⋅Calhoun, David A⋅Calhoun, David A⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Gupta, Himanshu⋅Gupta, Himanshu⋅Gupta, Himanshu⋅Gupta, Himanshu⋅Gaddam, Krishna K⋅Gaddam, Krishna K⋅Gaddam, Krishna K⋅Gaddam, Krishna K⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Oparil, Suzanne⋅Oparil, Suzanne⋅Oparil, Suzanne⋅Oparil, Suzanne⋅Sanders, Paul W⋅Sanders, Paul W⋅Sanders, Paul W⋅Sanders, Paul W⋅Patel, Rakesh⋅Patel, Rakesh⋅Patel, Rakesh⋅Patel, Rakesh⋅Collawn, James F⋅Collawn, James F⋅Collawn, James F⋅Collawn, James F⋅Dell'Italia, Louis J⋅Dell’Italia, Louis J⋅Dell'Italia, Louis J and Dell'Italia, Louis JFree Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 134, pp. 349, April 2019.
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Strength and Temporal Variance of the Default Mode Network to Investigate Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Service Members with Psychological TraumaDretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Goodman, Adam M⋅Goodman, Adam M⋅Goodman, Adam M⋅Goodman, Adam M⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaJournal of Experimental Neuroscience, vol. 13, 2019-03-01.
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Supervised machine learning for diagnostic classification from large-scale neuroimaging datasetsLanka, Pradyumna⋅Lanka, Pradyumna⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaBrain Imaging and Behavior, 2019-11-05.
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Adeno-Associated Virus Gene Therapy in a Sheep Model of Tay–Sachs DiseaseGray-Edwards, Heather L⋅Gray-Edwards, H.L.⋅Gray-Edwards, Heather L⋅Gray-Edwards, Heather L⋅Gray-Edwards, Heather L⋅Gray-Edwards, Heather L⋅Randle, Ashley N⋅Randle, Ashley N⋅Randle, A.N.⋅Randle, Ashley N⋅Randle, Ashley N⋅Randle, Ashley N⋅Maitland, S.A.⋅Maitland, Stacy A⋅Maitland, Stacy A⋅Maitland, Stacy A⋅Maitland, Stacy A⋅Maitland, Stacy A⋅Benatti, Hector R⋅Benatti, Hector R⋅Benatti, H.R.⋅Benatti, Hector R⋅Benatti, Hector R⋅Benatti, Hector R⋅Hubbard, Spencer M⋅Hubbard, Spencer M⋅Hubbard, Spencer M⋅Hubbard, S.M.⋅Hubbard, Spencer M⋅Hubbard, Spencer M⋅Canning, Peter F⋅Canning, P.F.⋅Canning, Peter F⋅Canning, Peter F⋅Canning, Peter F⋅Canning, Peter F⋅Vogel, Matthew B⋅Vogel, Matthew B⋅Vogel, Matthew B⋅Vogel, M.B.⋅Vogel, Matthew B⋅Vogel, Matthew B⋅Brunson, Brandon L⋅Brunson, Brandon L⋅Brunson, Brandon L⋅Brunson, B.L.⋅Brunson, Brandon L⋅Brunson, Brandon L⋅Hwang, Misako⋅Hwang, M.⋅Hwang, Misako⋅Hwang, Misako⋅Hwang, Misako⋅Hwang, Misako⋅Ellis, Lauren E⋅Ellis, L.E.⋅Ellis, Lauren E⋅Ellis, Lauren E⋅Ellis, Lauren E⋅Ellis, Lauren E⋅Bradbury, Allison M⋅Bradbury, Allison M⋅Bradbury, Allison M⋅Bradbury, Allison M⋅Bradbury, Allison M⋅Bradbury, A.M.⋅Gentry, A.S.⋅Gentry, Atoska S⋅Gentry, Atoska S⋅Gentry, Atoska S⋅Gentry, Atoska S⋅Gentry, Atoska S⋅Taylor, Amanda R⋅Taylor, Amanda R⋅Taylor, Amanda R⋅Taylor, A.R.⋅Taylor, Amanda R⋅Taylor, Amanda R⋅Wooldridge, Anne A⋅Wooldridge, A.A.⋅Wooldridge, Anne A⋅Wooldridge, Anne A⋅Wooldridge, Anne A⋅Wooldridge, Anne A⋅Wilhite, D.R.⋅Wilhite, Dewey R⋅Wilhite, Dewey R⋅Wilhite, Dewey R⋅Wilhite, Dewey R⋅Wilhite, Dewey R⋅Winter, Randolph L⋅Winter, Randolph L⋅Winter, Randolph L⋅Winter, Randolph L⋅Winter, R.L.⋅Winter, Randolph L⋅Whitlock, Brian K⋅Whitlock, Brian K⋅Whitlock, B.K.⋅Whitlock, Brian K⋅Whitlock, Brian K⋅Whitlock, Brian K⋅Johnson, Jacob A⋅Johnson, Jacob A⋅Johnson, J.A.⋅Johnson, Jacob A⋅Johnson, Jacob A⋅Johnson, Jacob A⋅Holland, Merilee⋅Holland, Merilee⋅Holland, Merilee⋅Holland, Merilee⋅Holland, Merilee⋅Holland, M.⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, N.⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, R.J.⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Sartin, James L⋅Sartin, James L⋅Sartin, James L⋅Sartin, James L⋅Sartin, James L⋅Sartin, J.L.⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, T.S.⋅Cox, N.R.⋅Cox, Nancy R⋅Cox, Nancy R⋅Cox, Nancy R⋅Cox, Nancy R⋅Cox, Nancy R⋅Sena-Esteves, Miguel⋅Sena-Esteves, Miguel⋅Sena-Esteves, M.⋅Sena-Esteves, Miguel⋅Sena-Esteves, Miguel⋅Sena-Esteves, Miguel⋅Martin, Douglas R⋅Martin, Douglas R⋅Martin, Douglas R⋅Martin, Douglas R⋅Martin, D.R. and Martin, Douglas RHuman Gene Therapy, vol. 29, (no. 3), pp. 326, 2018-03-01.
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Characterization of Australian Labradoodle dystrophinopathy.Shrader, Stephanie M⋅Shrader, Stephanie M⋅Shrader, Stephanie M⋅Jung, SeungWoo⋅Jung, SeungWoo⋅Jung, SeungWoo⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Smith, Bruce F⋅Smith, Bruce F and Smith, Bruce FNeuromuscular disorders : NMD, August 29, 2018.
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Identifying disease foci from static and dynamic effective connectivity networks: Illustration in soldiers with traumaRangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Venkataraman, Archana⋅Venkataraman, Archana⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaHuman Brain Mapping, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 287, 2018-01-00.
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Identifying neuropsychiatric disorders using unsupervised clustering methods: Data and codeZhao, Xinyu⋅Zhao, Xinyu⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaData in Brief, vol. 22, pp. 573, 2018-02-01.
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Investigating the Correspondence of Clinical Diagnostic Grouping With Underlying Neurobiological and Phenotypic Clusters Using Unsupervised Machine Learning.Zhao, Xinyu⋅Zhao, Xinyu⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Rangaprakash, D⋅Yuan, Bowen⋅Yuan, Bowen⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Dretsch, Michael N⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaFrontiers in applied mathematics and statistics, vol. 4, 2018.
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LEFT ATRIAL ENLARGEMENT AND SYSTOLIC FAILURE IS RELATED TO CHYMASE ACTIVATION IN PATIENTS WITH MITRAL REGURGITATION AND PRESERVED LEFT VENTRICULAR EJECTION FRACTIONButts, Brittany⋅Wong, Ryan⋅Powell, Pamela C⋅Litovsky, Silvio⋅Gupta, Himanshu⋅Lloyd, Steven⋅Denney, Thomas⋅Zhang, Xiaoxia⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Ai, Xun⋅Collawn, James⋅Davies, James and Dell'Italia, LouisJournal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 71, (no. 11), pp. A1994, 2018-03-10.
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Left Ventricular Torsion Shear Angle Volume Approach for Noninvasive Evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction in Preserved Ejection FractionSharifov, Oleg F⋅Schiros, Chun G⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Perry, Gilbert J⋅Dell'italia, Louis J⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Denney, Thomas S and Gupta, HimanshuJournal of the American Heart Association, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. n/a, 09 January 2018.
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Novel Noninvasive Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Stiffness Using Velocity Transfer Function.Gupta, Ankur⋅Gupta, Ankur⋅Sharifov, Oleg F⋅Sharifov, Oleg F⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Lloyd, Steven G⋅Tallaj, Jose A⋅Tallaj, Jose A⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Aban, Inmaculada⋅Dell'italia, Louis J⋅Dell'italia, Louis J⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Gupta, Himanshu and Gupta, HimanshuJournal of the American Heart Association, vol. 7, (no. 18), pp. e009459, September 18, 2018.
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Separate brain areas for processing human and dog faces as revealed by awake fMRI in dogs (Canis familiaris).Thompkins, Andie M.⋅Thompkins, Andie⋅Thompkins, Andie M⋅Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha⋅Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha⋅Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha⋅Zhao, Sinan⋅Zhao, Sinan⋅Zhao, Sinan⋅Gotoor, Sai Sheshan Roy⋅Gotoor, Sai⋅Gotoor, Sai Sheshan Roy⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Denney, Thomas⋅Denney, Thomas S.⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Katz, Jeffrey S.⋅Katz, Jeffrey and Katz, Jeffrey SLearning & behavior, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 561-573, December 2018.
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Zinc Nanoparticles Enhance Brain Connectivity in the Canine Olfactory Network: Evidence From an fMRI Study in Unrestrained Awake Dogs.Ramaihgari, Bhavitha⋅Ramaihgari, Bhavitha⋅Ramaihgari, Bhavitha⋅Pustovyy, Oleg M⋅Pustovyy, Oleg M⋅Pustovyy, Oleg M⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Waggoner, Paul⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Wildey, Chester⋅Wildey, Chester⋅Wildey, Chester⋅Morrison, Edward⋅Morrison, Edward⋅Morrison, Edward⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly J⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly J⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly J⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaFrontiers in veterinary science, vol. 5, pp. 127, 2018.
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