126 Publications (Page 3 of 6)
Effect of spironolactone on diastolic function in hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy.
Gupta, ASchiros, C GGaddam, K KAban, IDenney, T SLloyd, S GOparil, SDell'Italia, L JCalhoun, D A and Gupta, H
Journal of human hypertension, vol. 29, (no. 4), pp. 241-246, April 2015. | Journal Article
Improved Right Ventricular Performance with Increased Tricuspid Annular Excursion in Athlete's Heart.
Zha, WeiSchiros, Chun GReddy, GautamFeng, WeiDenney, Thomas SLloyd, Steven GDell'Italia, Louis J and Gupta, Himanshu
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, vol. 2, pp. 8, 2015. | Journal Article
Interaction analysis of the new pooled cohort equations for 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk estimation: a simulation analysis
Schiros, Chun GDenney, Thomas S and Gupta, Himanshu
BMJ Open, vol. 5, (no. 4), 2015. | Journal Article
Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction index based on non-invasive measurements
Schiros, Chun GDenney, Thomas SAban, Inmaculada and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, vol. 17, (no. Suppl 1), pp. Q24, 2015-02-01. | Journal Article
Left ventricular twist and shear in patients with primary mitral regurgitation.
Reyhan, MeralReyhan, MeralWang, ZheWang, ZheLi, MingLi, MingKim, Hyun J.Kim, Hyun JGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuLloyd, Steven G.Lloyd, Steven GDell'Italia, Louis JDell'Italia, Louis J.Denney, ThomasDenney, ThomasEnnis, Daniel B and Ennis, Daniel B.
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, vol. 42, (no. 2), pp. 400-406, August 2015. | Journal Article
Mitral Annular Kinetics, Left Atrial, and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Post Mitral Valve Repair in Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation.
Schiros, Chun GAhmed, Mustafa IMcGiffin, David CZhang, XiaoxiaLloyd, Steven GAban, InmaculadaDenney, Thomas SDell'Italia, Louis J and Gupta, Himanshu
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, vol. 2, pp. 31, 2015. | Journal Article
Mucopolysaccharidosis-like phenotype in feline Sandhoff disease and partial correction after AAV gene therapy.
Gray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LBrunson, Brandon LBrunson, Brandon LBrunson, Brandon LHolland, MerrileeHolland, MerrileeHolland, MerrileeHespel, Adrien-MaxenceHespel, Adrien MaxenceHespel, Adrien-MaxenceBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MMcCurdy, Victoria JMcCurdy, Victoria JMcCurdy, Victoria JBeadlescomb, Patricia MBeadlescomb, Patricia MBeadlescomb, Patricia MRandle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JJohnson, Aime KJohnson, Aime KJohnson, Aime KVoyles, Meredith LVoyles, Meredith LVoyles, Meredith LMontgomery, Ronald DMontgomery, Ronald DMontgomery, Ronald DWilson, Diane UWilson, Diane UWilson, Diane UHudson, Judith AHudson, Judith AHudson, Judith ACox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RBaker, Henry JBaker, Henry JBaker, Henry JSena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, MiguelMartin, Douglas RMartin, Douglas R and Martin, Douglas R
Molecular genetics and metabolism, vol. 116, (no. 1-2), pp. 80-87. | Journal Article
Pulmonary artery enlargement is associated with right ventricular dysfunction and loss of blood volume in small pulmonary vessels in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Wells, J.M.Wells, JMWells, J MichaelIyer, AsIyer, Anand SIyer, A.S.Rahaghi, Farbod NRahaghi, FNRahaghi, F.N.Bhatt, SPBhatt, S.P.Bhatt, Surya PGupta, H.Gupta, HimanshuGupta, HDenney, Thomas SDenney, TSDenney, T.S.Lloyd, Steven GLloyd, SGLloyd, S.G.Dell’Italia, LJDell’Italia, L.J.Dell'Italia, Louis JNath, H.Nath, HNath, HrudayaEstepar, Raul San JoseEstepar, RSJEstepar, R.S.J.Washko, GRWashko, G.R.Washko, George RDransfield, Mark TDransfield, MT and Dransfield, M.T.
Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging, vol. 8, (no. 4), April 2015. | Journal Article
The role of frataxin in doxorubicin-mediated cardiac hypertrophy.
Mouli, ShravanthiMouli, ShravanthiMouli, ShravanthiMouli, ShravanthiMouli, ShravanthiMouli, ShravanthiNanayakkara, GayaniNanayakkara, GayaniNanayakkara, GayaniNanayakkara, GayaniNanayakkara, GayaniNanayakkara, GayaniAlAlasmari, AbdullahAlAlasmari, AbdullahAlAlasmari, AbdullahAlalasmari, A.AlAlasmari, AbdullahAlAlasmari, AbdullahAlAlasmari, AbdullahEldoumani, HaithamEldoumani, HaithamEldoumani, HaithamEldoumani, HaithamEldoumani, HaithamEldoumani, HaithamFu, XiaoyuFu, XiaoyuFu, XiaoyuFu, XiaoyuFu, XiaoyuFu, XiaoyuBerlin, AveryBerlin, AveryBerlin, AveryBerlin, AveryBerlin, AveryBerlin, AveryLohani, MadhukarLohani, MadhukarLohani, MadhukarLohani, MadhukarLohani, MadhukarLohani, MadhukarNie, BenNie, BenNie, BenNie, BenNie, BenNie, BenArnold, Robert DArnold, Robert DArnold, Robert DArnold, Robert DArnold, Robert DArnold, Robert DKavazis, AndreasKavazis, AndreasKavazis, AndreasKavazis, AndreasKavazis, AndreasKavazis, AndreasSmith, ForrestSmith, ForrestSmith, ForrestSmith, ForrestSmith, ForrestSmith, ForrestBeyers, RonaldBeyers, RonaldBeyers, RonaldBeyers, RonaldBeyers, RonaldBeyers, RonaldDenney, ThomasDenney, ThomasDenney, ThomasDenney, ThomasDenney, ThomasDenney, ThomasDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanZhong, JumingZhong, JumingZhong, JumingZhong, JumingZhong, JumingZhong, JumingQuindry, JohnQuindry, JohnQuindry, JohnQuindry, JohnQuindry, JohnQuindry, JohnAmin, RajeshAmin, RajeshAmin, RajeshAmin, RajeshAmin, Rajesh and Amin, Rajesh
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, vol. 309, (no. 5), pp. H844-H859, September 2015. | Journal Article
3D+time left ventricular strain by unwrapping harmonic phase with graph cuts
Li, MingGupta, HimanshuLloyd, Steven GDell'Italia, Louis J and Denney, Thomas S
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, vol. 17, (no. Pt 2), pp. 578, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Functional MRI of the olfactory system in conscious dogs.
Jia, HaoPustovyy, Oleg MWaggoner, PaulBeyers, Ronald JSchumacher, JohnWildey, ChesterBarrett, JayMorrison, Edward ESalibi, NouhaDenney, Thomas SVodyanoy, Vitaly J and Deshpande, Gopikrishna
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. e86362, 2014. | Journal Article
High resolution MRI anatomy of the cat brain at 3 Tesla.
Gray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LSalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaJosephson, Eleanor MJosephson, Eleanor MHudson, Judith AHudson, Judith ACox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RRandle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NMcCurdy, Victoria JMcCurdy, Victoria JBradbury, Allison MBradbury, Allison MWilson, Diane UWilson, Diane UBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SMartin, Douglas R and Martin, Douglas R
Journal of neuroscience methods, vol. 227, pp. 10-17, April 30, 2014. | Journal Article
Increased sarcolipin expression and adrenergic drive in humans with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and chronic isolated mitral regurgitation.
Zheng, JunyingYancey, Danielle MAhmed, Mustafa IWei, Chih-ChangPowell, Pamela CShanmugam, MayilvahananGupta, HimanshuLloyd, Steven GMcGiffin, David CSchiros, Chun GDenney, Thomas SBabu, Gopal J and Dell'italia, Louis J
Circulation. Heart failure, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 194-202, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
Schiros, ChunDenney, ThomasTallaj, JosePerry, GilbertLloyd, StevenItalia, Louis and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 63, (no. 12), 2014-04-01. | Journal Article
Left ventricular torsion shear angle volume analysis in patients with hypertension: a global approach for LV diastolic function.
Schiros, Chun GDesai, Ravi VVenkatesh, Bharath AmbaleGaddam, Krishna KAgarwal, ShilpiLloyd, Steven GCalhoun, David ADenney, Thomas SDell'italia, Louis J and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, vol. 16, pp. 70, September 26, 2014. | Journal Article
Mitral annular kinetics in mitral regurgitation
Zhang, XiaoxiaSchiros, Chun GAhmed, Mustafa IMcGiffin, David SLloyd, Steven GDell'Italia, Louis JDenney, Thomas S and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, vol. 16, (no. S1), pp. P269, 2014-01-00. | Journal Article
Modified treatment approach using cardiovascular disease risk calculator for primary prevention.
Gupta, HimanshuSchiros, Chun G and Denney, Thomas S
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 8), pp. e104478, 2014. | Journal Article
Sustained normalization of neurological disease after intracranial gene therapy in a feline model.
McCurdy, Victoria JMcCurdy, Victoria JJohnson, Aime KJohnson, Aime KGray-Edwards, Heather LGray-Edwards, Heather LRandle, Ashley NRandle, Ashley NBrunson, Brandon LBrunson, Brandon LMorrison, Nancy EMorrison, Nancy ESalibi, NouhaSalibi, NouhaJohnson, Jacob AJohnson, Jacob AHwang, MisakoHwang, MisakoBeyers, Ronald JBeyers, Ronald JLeroy, Stanley GLeroy, Stanley GMaitland, StacyMaitland, StacyDenney, Thomas SDenney, Thomas SCox, Nancy RCox, Nancy RBaker, Henry JBaker, Henry JSena-Esteves, MiguelSena-Esteves, MiguelMartin, Douglas R and Martin, Douglas R
Science translational medicine, vol. 6, (no. 231), pp. 231ra48, 2014/Apr/9. | Journal Article
Importance of Three-Dimensional Geometric Analysis in the Assessment of the Athlete's Heart
Schiros, Chun GAhmed, Mustafa ISanagala, ThriveniZha, WeiMcGiffin, David CBamman, Marcas MGupta, HimanshuLloyd, Steven GDenney, Thomas S and Dell'italia, Louis J
The American Journal of Cardiology, vol. 111, (no. 7), Apr 1, 2013. | Journal Article
Left ventricular torsional hysteresis in patients with hypertension: a global parameter for diastolic function
Schiros, ChunDesai, RaviVenkatesh, BharathAhmed, MustafaAgarwal, ShilpiLloyd, StevenCalhoun, DavidMcGiffin, DavidDenney, ThomasDell'Italia, Louis and Gupta, Himanshu
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, vol. 15, (no. Suppl 1), 2013. | Journal Article
Left ventricular twist and shear-angle in patients with mitral regurgitation
Reyhan, MeralReyhan, MeralLi, MingLi, MingGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuLlyod, StevenLlyod, Steven GDell'Italia, LouisDell'Italia, Louis JKim, HyunKim, Hyun JDenney, ThomasDenney, Thomas SEnnis, Daniel and Ennis, Daniel
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, vol. 15, (no. Suppl 1), 2013. | Journal Article
Left ventricular twist, but not circumferential-longitudinal shear angle, increases with increasing age in normal subjects
Reyhan, MeralReyhan, MeralLi, MingLi, MingGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuLlyod, StevenLlyod, Steven GDell'Italia, Louis JDell'Italia, LouisKim, HyunKim, Hyun JDenney, Thomas SDenney, ThomasEnnis, Daniel and Ennis, Daniel
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, vol. 15, (no. Suppl 1), 2013. | Journal Article
Response to letter regarding article, “magnetic resonance imaging with 3-dimensional analysis of left ventricular remodeling in isolated mitral regurgitation: implications beyond dimensions”.
Schiros, Chun GGladden, James DClark, DonaldGupta, HimanshuLloyd, Steven GMcGiffin, David CAhmed, Mustafa IAban, Inmaculada BDell'italia, Louis JPerry, Gilbert and Denney, Thomas S
Circulation, vol. 127, (no. 7), pp. e462, 2013/Feb/19. | Journal Article
A randomized controlled phase IIb trial of beta(1)-receptor blockade for chronic degenerative mitral regurgitation.
Ahmed, Mustafa IAhmed, Mustafa IAban, InmaculadaAban, Inmaculada BLloyd, Steven GLloyd, Steven GGupta, HimanshuGupta, HimanshuHoward, GeorgeHoward, GeorgeInusah, SeiduInusah, SeiduPeri, KalyaniPeri, KalyaniRobinson, JessicaRobinson, JessicaSmith, PattySmith, PattyMcGiffin, David CMcGiffin, David CSchiros, Chun GSchiros, Chun GDenney, ThomasDenney, Thomas SDell'Italia, Louis J and Dell'italia, Louis J
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 60, (no. 9), pp. 833-8, 2012/Aug/28. | Journal Article
Clark, DonaldGladden, JamesSchiros, ChunLloyd, StevenDenney, ThomasGuichard, JasonGupta, HimanshuMcGiffin, DavidDell'Italia, Louis and Ahmed, Mustafa
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 59, (no. 13), pp. E1974, Mar 27, 2012. | Journal Article