81 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
Instructional Climates in Preschool Children Who Are At-Risk. Part II: Perceived Physical CompetenceRobinson, Leah E⋅Rudisill, Mary and Goodway, Jacqueline DResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 80, (no. 3), pp. 543-551, Sep 2009.
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Motivational climate and fundamental motor skill performance in a naturalistic physical education settingMartin, Ellen H⋅Martin, Ellen H⋅Rudisill, Mary E⋅Rudisill, Mary E⋅Hastie, Peter and Hastie, Peter APhysical Education and Sport Pedagogy, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 240, 7/1/2009.
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A Developmental Perspective on the Role of Motor Skill Competence in Physical Activity: An Emergent RelationshipStodden, David F⋅Stodden, David F⋅Goodway, Jacqueline D⋅Goodway, Jacqueline D⋅Langendorfer, Stephen J⋅Langendorfer, Stephen J⋅Roberton, Mary A⋅Roberton, Mary Ann⋅Rudisill, Mary E⋅Rudisill, Mary E⋅Garcia, Clersida⋅Garcia, Clersida⋅Garcia, Luis E and Garcia, Luis EQuest, vol. 60, (no. 2), pp. 306, 5/1/2008.
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Implementing a Physical Activity Curriculum into the School Day: Helping Early Childhood Teachers Meet the ChallengeBreslin, Casey⋅Morton, Jane R and Rudisill, MaryEarly Childhood Education Journal, vol. 35, (no. 5), pp. 429-437, 2008.
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The End-State Comfort Effect in Young ChildrenAdalbjornsson, Carola F⋅Adalbjornsson, Carola F⋅Fischman, Mark G⋅Fischman, Mark G⋅Rudisill, Mary E and Rudisill, Mary EResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 79, (no. 1), pp. 41, 3/1/2008.
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Gender differences in cortisol response to physical activity: comparing young children with adults.(EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY AND FITNESS)Wall, Sarah and Rudisill, MaryResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 78, (no. 1), pp. A-22, 20070201.
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Mastery Motivational ClimateParish, Loraine E⋅Rudisill, Mary E and Onge, Paul M. StResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 78, (no. 3), pp. 178, 6/1/2007.
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Mastery Motivational Climate: Influence on Physical Play and Heart Rate in African American ToddlersParish, Loraine⋅Rudisill, Mary and St Onge, PaulResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 78, (no. 3), pp. 171-8, Jun 2007.
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Relationship Between Humeral Angle And Ball Lag Across Different Ball Weights And SizesBreslin, Casey⋅Breslin, Casey⋅Weimar, Wendi⋅Weimar, Wendi⋅Garner, John⋅Garner, John⋅Parish, Loraine⋅Parish, Loraine⋅Campbell, Brian⋅Campbell, Brian⋅Rudisill, Mary and Rudisill, MaryMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 39, (no. Supplement), pp. S479, 2007-05-00.
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The Influence of Ball Size and Weight on the Lag Period of the Upper Arm in Overhand ThrowingGarner, John C⋅Garner, John C⋅Weimar, Wendi⋅Weimar, Wendi⋅Breslin, Casey⋅Breslin, Casey⋅Parish, Lori⋅Parish, Lori⋅Campbell, Brian⋅Campbell, Brian⋅Rudisill, Mary and Rudisill, MaryMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 39, (no. Supplement), pp. S477, 2007-05-00.
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The Influence Of Ball Weight And Size On Shoulder External RotationWeimar, Wendi⋅Weimar, Wendi⋅Garner, John⋅Garner, John⋅Breslin, Casey⋅Breslin, Casey⋅Parish, Loraine⋅Parish, Loraine⋅Campbell, Brian⋅Campbell, Brian⋅Rudisill, Mary and Rudisill, MaryMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 39, (no. Supplement), pp. S477, 2007-05-00.
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WHAT TEACHER CANDIDATES LEARNED ABOUT DIVERSITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE, AND THEMSELVES FROM SERVICE-LEARNING EXPERIENCESBaldwin, Shelia C⋅Buchanan, Alice M and Rudisill, MaryJournal of Teacher Education, vol. 58, (no. 4), Sep/Oct 2007.
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Goal orientation and mastery climate: a review of contemporary research and insights to interventionValentini, Nadia Cristina and Rudisill, Mary ElizabethEstudos de Psicologia (Campinas), vol. 23, (no. 2), pp. 171, 2006-06-00.
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HAPPE: Toddlers in Physical PlayParish, Loraine E and Rudisill, MaryYC Young Children, vol. 61, (no. 3), pp. 32-34, May 2006.
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An Inclusive Mastery Climate Intervention and the Motor Skill Development of Children with and Without DisabilitiesValentini, Nadia C⋅Valentini, N.C.⋅Rudisill, Mary E and Rudisill, M.E.Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, vol. 21, (no. 4), pp. 347, 2004-10-00.
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Meeting Active Start Guidelines in the ADC-Boykin Program: InfantsAdalbjornsson, Carola⋅Rudisill, Mary⋅Wall, Sarah and Howard, CandiceTeaching Elementary Physical Education, vol. 15, (no. 2), pp. 18, 20040301.
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Meeting Active Start Guidelines in the ADC-Motion Program: PreschoolRudisill, Mary and Wall, SarahTeaching Elementary Physical Education, vol. 15, (no. 2), pp. 25, 20040301.
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Meeting Active Start Guidelines in the ADC-Ridgecrest Program: ToddlersWall, Sarah and Rudisill, MaryTeaching Elementary Physical Education, vol. 15, (no. 2), pp. 21, 20040301.
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Motivational Climate, Motor-Skill Development, and Perceived Competence: Two Studies of Developmentally Delayed Kindergarten ChildrenValentini, Nadia C⋅Valentini, N.⋅Rudisill, Mary E and Rudisill, M.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, vol. 23, (no. 3), pp. 234, 2004-07-00.
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Student Motivation in Physical Education: Breaking down BarriersMowling, Claire M⋅Brock, Sheri J⋅Eiler, Kim K and Rudisill, MaryJournal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance JOPERD, vol. 75, (no. 6), pp. 40, Aug 2004.
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Student Motivation in Physical Education: Breaking Down BarriersMowling, Claire M⋅Eiler, Kim K⋅Brock, Sheri J and Rudisill, MaryJournal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2004.
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Predictors of object control motor skill performance in young children attending urban elementary schools. (Motor Behavior)Crowe, Heather⋅Goodway, Jacqueline and Rudisill, MaryResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 74, (no. 1), pp. A-29, 20030301.
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Service Learning as Scholarship in Teacher Education.Buchanan, Alice M⋅Baldwin, Sheila C and Rudisill, MaryEducational Researcher, vol. 31, (no. 5), pp. 28-34, Jun-Jul 2002.
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Service Learning as Scholarship in Teacher Education.Buchanan, Alice M⋅Baldwin, Sheila C and Rudisill, MaryEducational Researcher, vol. 31, (no. 8), pp. 30-36, Nov 2002.
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Mastery Motivational Climate Interventions: A Closer Developmental Look at Who BenefitsBuchanan, Alice⋅Valentini, Nadia⋅Goodway, Jacqueline⋅Rudisill, Mary⋅Martin, Ellen⋅Adalbjornsson, Carola⋅Valentini, Nadia⋅Buchanan, Alice⋅Goodway, Jacqueline⋅Martin, Ellen⋅Adalbjornsson, Carola and Rudisill, MaryResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 71, (no. 1), pp. A-54, 20000301.
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