110 Publications (Page 2 of 5)
Nursing Supports Expression of Proteins Associated with Neonatal Porcine Testicular Development
Rahman, Kathleen MRahman, Kathleen M.Chen, Joseph CChen, Joseph C.Camp, Meredith ECamp, Meredith E.Bartol, Frank F.Bartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 265, 2012-08-01. | Journal Article
Uterine gland development begins postnatally and is accompanied by estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in the dog.
Cooke, Paul SBorsdorf, D CEkman, G CDoty, K FClark, S GDziuk, P J and Bartol, Frank F
Theriogenology, vol. 78, (no. 8), pp. 1787-95, 2012/Nov. | Journal Article
Age and Duration-Dependent Effects of Lactocrine Signaling on Markers and Mediators of Uterine Growth and Remodeling in Neonatal Gilts
Ferio, Kathleen MFerio, Kathleen M.Chen, Joseph CChen, Joseph C.Welch, Kristene AWelch, Kristene A.Camp, Meredith ECamp, Meredith E.Bartol, Frank FBartol, Frank F.Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 85, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 351, 2011-07-01. | Journal Article
Characterization and biological activity of relaxin in porcine milk.
Frankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnHo, Teh YuanHo, Teh-YuanReimer, David CReimer, David CChen, JosephChen, JosephLasano, SalamiaLasano, SalamiaSteinetz, Bernard GSteinetz, Bernard GBartol, Frank FBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A
Reproduction (Cambridge, England), vol. 141, (no. 3), pp. 373-80, 2011/Mar. | Journal Article
Defining a Critical Time Period for Lactocrine Signaling in Support of Neonatal Porcine Cervical Development
Camp, Meredith ECamp, Meredith E.Ferio, Kathleen MFerio, Kathleen M.Chen, Joseph CChen, Joseph C.Welch, Kristene AWelch, Kristene A.Bartol, Frank FBartol, Frank F.Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 85, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 355, 2011-07-01. | Journal Article
Milk-borne lactocrine-acting factors affect gene expression patterns in the developing neonatal porcine uterus
Chen, Joseph CChen, Joseph CFrankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnWiley, AnneWiley, Anne AMiller, Dori JMiller, Dori JWelch, Kristene AWelch, Kristene AHo, Teh-YuanHo, Teh YuanBartol, Frank FBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A
Reproduction, vol. 141, (no. 5), pp. 675-683, 2011. | Journal Article
Nursing For 48 h From Birth Supports Normal Tissue Compartment-Specific Gene Expression Events and Neonatal Porcine Endometrial Morphogenesis
Miller, Dori J.Miller, Dori J.Miller, Dori JSilva, Alejandro J.Silva, Alejandro JSilva, Alejandro J.Wiley, Anne A.Wiley, Anne AWiley, Anne A.Bagnell, Carol ABagnell, Carol A.Bagnell, Carol A.Bartol, Frank FBartol, Frank F. and Bartol, Frank F.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 85, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 371, 2011-07-01. | Journal Article
Thiazolidinediones/PPARγ agonists and fatty acid synthase inhibitors as an experimental combination therapy for prostate cancer.
MANSOUR, MahmoudMansour, MahmoudSCHWARTZ, DeanSchwartz, D. DABDEL-MAGEED, Asim BJudd, Robert LJUDD, RobertAkingbemi, Benson TBraden, Tim DAKINGBEMI, BensonBRADEN, TimMorrison, Edward EDennis, JohnMORRISON, EdwardBartol, Frank FDENNIS, JohnHazi, AmandaBARTOL, FrankNapier, IndiaHAZI, AmandaNAPIER, India and Abdel-Mageed, Asim B
International journal of oncology, vol. 38, (no. 2), pp. 537-46, 2011/Feb. | Journal Article
Xenomitochondrial mice: investigation into mitochondrial compensatory mechanisms.
Cannon, M VDunn, David AIrwin, Michael HBrooks, A IBartol, Frank FTrounce, Ian and Pinkert, C A
Mitochondrion, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 33-9, 2011/Jan. | Journal Article
Colostrum Is Important for Estrogen Receptor-α Expression in Male and Female Neonatal Porcine Reproductive Tissues
Ferio, Kathleen MFerio, Kathleen MFrankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnChen, JosephChen, JosephHo, Teh-YuanHo, Teh-YuanMiller, Dori JMiller, Dori JBartol, Frank FBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 426, 2010-11-01. | Journal Article
Defining the Porcine Milk Proteome
Silva, Alejandro JSilva, Alejandro J.Wiley, Anne AWiley, Anne A.Frankshun, Amy LynnFrankshun, Amy LynnBagnell, Carol A.Bagnell, Carol ABartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank F.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 430, 2010-11-01. | Journal Article
Developmental Exposures of Male Rats to Soy Isoflavones Impact Leydig Cell Differentiation
Sherrill, Jessica DSparks, MorganDennis, JohnMansour, MahmoudKemppainen, Barbara WBartol, Frank FMorrison, Edward E and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. 3), pp. 488-501, 2010. | Journal Article
Effects of Lactocrine Signaling and Relaxin on Estrogen and Relaxin Receptor Expression in the Neonatal Porcine Heart
Sanchez, NathalieSanchez, NathalieChen, JosephChen, JosephMiller, Dori JMiller, Dori J.Wiley, Anne A.Wiley, Anne ABartol, Frank FBartol, Frank F.Bagnell, Carol A. and Bagnell, Carol A
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 428, 2010-11-01. | Journal Article
Lactocrine Signaling Supports Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)9 Expression in the Neonatal Porcine Uterus
Chen, Joseph CChen, Joseph C.Frankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnWelch, Kristene AWelch, Kristene A.Ferio, Kathleen MFerio, Kathleen M.Wiley, Anne AWiley, Anne A.Ho, Teh-YuanHo, Teh-YuanBartol, Frank F.Bartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 169, 2010-11-01. | Journal Article
Nursing During the First 48 h of Life Is Important for Expression of Proteins Involved in Neonatal Porcine Cervical Development at Postnatal Day 14
Frankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnChen, JosephChen, JosephBarron, Lauren ABarron, Lauren A.Ferio, Kathleen MFerio, Kathleen M.Miller, Dori JMiller, Dori J.Bartol, Frank FBartol, Frank F.Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 336, 2010-11-01. | Journal Article
Transient estrogen exposure from birth affects uterine expression of developmental markers in neonatal gilts with lasting consequences in pregnant adults.
Chen, Joseph CChen, JosephWiley, AnneWiley, AnneHo, Teh YuanHo, Teh-YuanFrankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnHord, Kristin MHord, KristinBartol, FrankBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol
Reproduction (Cambridge, England), vol. 139, (no. 3), pp. 623-30, 2010/Mar. | Journal Article
Biological activity of relaxin in porcine milk.
Frankshun, Amy-LynnHo, Teh-YuanSteinetz, Bernard GBartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol A
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, pp. 164-8, 2009/Apr. | Journal Article
Biological Activity of Relaxin in Porcine Milk
Frankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnHo, Teh-YuanHo, Teh YuanSteinetz, BernardSteinetz, BernardBartol, FrankBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, (no. 1), pp. 164-168, 2009. | Journal Article
Laser microdissection of neonatal porcine endometrium for tissue-specific evaluation of relaxin receptor (RXFP1) expression in response to perinatal zearalenone exposure.
Wiley, AnneKauffold, JohannesWähner, MartinCrean-Harris, BethanyMiller, Dori JBagnell, Carol A and Bartol, Frank F
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, pp. 190-1, 2009/Apr. | Journal Article
Laser Microdissection of Neonatal Porcine Endometrium for Tissue-Specific Evaluation of Relaxin Receptor (RXFP1) Expression in Response to Perinatal Zearalenone Exposure
Wiley, AnneKauffold, JohannesWaohner, MartinCrean-Harris, BethanyMiller, Dori JBagnell, Carol A and Bartol, Frank F
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, (no. 1), pp. 190-191, 2009. | Journal Article
Milk and Relaxin Affect Expression of Proteins Important for Growth, Remodeling, and Apoptosis of the Neonatal Porcine Cervix
Frankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnChen, JosephChen, JosephMiller, Dori JMiller, Dori J.Wiley, Anne AWiley, Anne A.Ho, Teh-YuanHo, Teh-YuanBartol, Frank FBartol, Frank F.Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 81, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 258, 2009-07-01. | Journal Article
Milk-borne relaxin and the lactocrine hypothesis for maternal programming of neonatal tissues.
Bagnell, Carol ASteinetz, Bernard G and Bartol, Frank F
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, pp. 152-7, 2009/Apr. | Journal Article
Milk-Borne Relaxin and the Lactocrine Hypothesis for Maternal Programming of Neonatal Tissues
Bagnell, Carol ASteinetz, Bernard and Bartol, Frank F
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, (no. 1), pp. 152-157, 2009. | Journal Article
Perinatal zearalenone exposure affects RXFP1, RXFP2, and morphoregulatory gene expression in the neonatal porcine uterus.
Chen, Joseph CWiley, AnneKauffold, JohannesWähner, MartinBartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol A
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, pp. 188-9, 2009/Apr. | Journal Article
Perinatal Zearalenone Exposure Affects RXFP1, RXFP2, and Morphoregulatory Gene Expression in the Neonatal Porcine Uterus
Chen, Joseph CWiley, AnneKauffold, JohannesWaohner, MartinBartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol A
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1160, (no. 1), pp. 188-189, 2009. | Journal Article