110 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Relaxin and the ‘Milky Way’: The lactocrine hypothesis and maternal programming of development
Bagnell, Carol ABagnell, Carol A.Bartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank F.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, vol. 487, pp. 23, 2019-May-01. | Journal Article
Development and Function of Uterine Glands in Domestic Animals.
Spencer, Thomas ESpencer, Thomas EKelleher, Andrew MKelleher, Andrew MBartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank F
Annual review of animal biosciences, September 5, 2018. | Journal Article
Effects of colostrum, feeding method, and oral IGF1 on porcine uterine development
George, Ashley FGeorge, Ashley FAF, GeorgeRahman, Kathleen MKM, RahmanRahman, Kathleen MMiller, Dori JDJ, MillerMiller, Dori JWiley, Anne AAA, WileyWiley, Anne ACamp, Meredith EME, CampCamp, Meredith EF, BartolBartol, Frank FBartol, FrankBagnell, Carol ABagnell, Carol A and CA, Bagnell
Reproduction (Cambridge, England), vol. 155, (no. 3), pp. 271, 2018-Jan-16. | Journal Article
Neonatal lactocrine deficiency affects the adult porcine endometrial transcriptome at pregnancy day 13.
George, Ashley FGeorge, Ashley FHo, Teh-YuanHo, Teh-YuanPrasad, NripeshPrasad, NripeshKeel, Brittney NKeel, Brittney NMiles, Jeremy RMiles, Jeremy RVallet, Jeffrey LVallet, Jeffrey LBartol, Frank FBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A
Biology of reproduction, August 9, 2018. | Journal Article
Defining age- and lactocrine-sensitive elements of the neonatal porcine uterine microRNA–mRNA interactome
George, Ashley FAF, GeorgeGeorge, Ashley FRahman, Kathleen MKM, RahmanRahman, Kathleen MCamp, Meredith EME, CampCamp, Meredith EPrasad, NripeshN, PrasadPrasad, NripeshBartol, Frank FFF, BartolBartol, Frank FCA, BagnellBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 96, (no. 2), pp. 340, 20170201. | Journal Article
Immunocontraception: Filamentous Bacteriophage as a Platform for Vaccine Development
Samoylova, TatianaSamoylova, TatianaSamoylova, TatianaBraden, TimothyBraden, TimothyBraden, TimothySpencer, JenniferSpencer, JenniferSpencer, JenniferBartol, FrankBartol, Frank and Bartol, Frank
Current Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 24, (no. 35), pp. 3920, 2017-October. | Journal Article
Maternal Lactocrine Programming of Porcine Reproductive Tract Development.
Bagnell, Carol ACA, BagnellHo, Teh-YuanTY, HoGeorge, Ashley FAF, GeorgeAA, WileyWiley, Anne AMiller, Dori JDJ, MillerFF, Bartol and Bartol, Frank F
Molecular reproduction and development, April 13, 2017. | Journal Article
Age and Nursing Affect the Neonatal Porcine Uterine Transcriptome.
Rahman, Kathleen MCamp, Meredith EPrasad, NripeshMcNeel, Anthony KLevy, Shawn EBartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol A
Biology of reproduction, vol. 94, (no. 2), pp. 46, February 2016. | Journal Article
Postnatal reproductive development and the lactocrine hypothesis
Bartol, FBagnell, C and George, A
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, pp. 558, Oct 2016. | Journal Article
Prepubertal tamoxifen treatment affects development of heifer reproductive tissues and related signaling pathways.
Al Naib, ATucker, H L MXie, GKeisler, D HBartol, F FRhoads, R PAkers, R M and Rhoads, M L
Journal of dairy science, vol. 99, (no. 7), pp. 5780-5792, July 2016. | Journal Article
Timing and duration of nursing from birth affect neonatal porcine uterine matrix metalloproteinase 9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1.
Ho, T YRahman, K MCamp, M EWiley, A ABartol, F F and Bagnell, C A
Domestic animal endocrinology, vol. 59, pp. 1-10, October 27, 2016. | Journal Article
Humoral immune responses against gonadotropin releasing hormone elicited by immunization with phage-peptide constructs obtained via phage display.
Samoylov, AlexandreSamoylov, AlexandreSamoylov, AlexandreCochran, AnnaCochran, AnnaCochran, AnnaSchemera, BettinaSchemera, BettinaSchemera, BettinaKutzler, MichelleKutzler, MichelleKutzler, MichelleDonovan, CaitlinDonovan, CaitlinDonovan, CaitlinPetrenko, ValeryPetrenko, ValeryPetrenko, ValeryBartol, FrankBartol, FrankBartol, FrankSamoylova, TatianaSamoylova, Tatiana and Samoylova, Tatiana
Journal of biotechnology, vol. 216, pp. 20-28, December 20, 2015. | Journal Article
Bisphenol A regulation of testicular endocrine function in male rats is affected by diet.
Nanjappa, Manjunatha KAhuja, ManujDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanColeman, Elaine SBraden, Tim DBartol, Frank FBird, R CWanders, DesireeJudd, Robert L and Akingbemi, Benson T
Toxicology letters, vol. 225, (no. 3), pp. 479-87, 2014/Mar/21. | Journal Article
Effects of age, nursing, and oral IGF1 supplementation on neonatal porcine cervical development.
Camp, Meredith EWiley, Anne ABoulos, Monica BRahman, Kathleen MBartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol A
Reproduction (Cambridge, England), vol. 148, (no. 4), pp. 441-451, October 2014. | Journal Article
Nursing supports neonatal porcine testicular development.
Rahman, K MLovich, J ELam, CCamp, M EWiley, A ABartol, F F and Bagnell, C A
Domestic animal endocrinology, vol. 48, pp. 84-92, July 2014. | Journal Article
Lactation Biology Symposium: lactocrine signaling and developmental programming.
Bartol, Frank FWiley, A AMiller, D JSilva, A JRoberts, K EDavolt, M LChen, J CFrankshun, A-LCamp, M ERahman, K MVallet, J L and Bagnell, C A
Journal of animal science, vol. 91, (no. 2), pp. 696-705, 2013/Feb. | Journal Article
Milk-borne relaxin and reproductive system development
Bagnell, Carol and Bartol, Frank
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, vol. 118, (no. 1), pp. 15-6, 2013. | Journal Article
Nursing for 48 hours from birth supports porcine uterine gland development and endometrial cell compartment-specific gene expression.
Miller, Dori JWiley, AnneChen, Joseph CBagnell, Carol A and Bartol, Frank F
Biology of reproduction, vol. 88, (no. 1), pp. 4, 2013/Jan. | Journal Article
Uterine glands: development, function and experimental model systems.
Cooke, Paul SSpencer, Thomas EBartol, Frank F and Hayashi, Kanako
Molecular human reproduction, vol. 19, (no. 9), pp. 547-58, 2013/Sep. | Journal Article
A Neonatal Porcine Bioassay for Identification of Lactocrine Activity in Colostrum
Camp, Meredith ECamp, Meredith E.Rahman, Kathleen M.Rahman, Kathleen MBartol, Frank F.Bartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 255, 2012-08-01. | Journal Article
Brief exposure to progesterone during a critical neonatal window prevents uterine gland formation in mice.
Cooke, Paul SCooke, Paul SEkman, Gail CEkman, Gail CKaur, JaspreetKaur, JaspreetDavila, JuanmahelDavila, JuanmahelBagchi, Indrani CBagchi, Indrani CClark, Sherrie GClark, Sherrie GDziuk, Philip JDziuk, Philip JHayashi, KanakoHayashi, KanakoBartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank F
Biology of reproduction, vol. 86, (no. 3), pp. 63, 2012/Mar. | Journal Article
Establishment, Validation, and Application of Multispectral Imaging Technology to Studies of Bovine Reproductive Tract Development
Davolt, Meghan LynnWilborn, Robyn RWiley, Anne AEllis, Steven E and Bartol, Frank F
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 322, 2012-08-01. | Journal Article
Importance of Nursing for Estrogen Receptor-Alpha Expression in the Neonatal Porcine Cerebral Cortex and Hypothalamus
Uczkowski, Helen MUczkowski, Helen M.Camp, Meredith ECamp, Meredith E.Rahman, Kathleen MRahman, Kathleen M.Bartol, Frank F.Bartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 244, 2012-08-01. | Journal Article
Lactocrine programming of female reproductive tract development: Environmental connections to the reproductive continuum
Bartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol A
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, vol. 354, (no. 1-2), pp. 16-21, 2012. | Journal Article
Nursing during the first two days of life is essential for the expression of proteins important for growth and remodeling of the neonatal porcine cervix.
Frankshun, Amy-LynnFrankshun, Amy-LynnChen, JosephChen, JosephBarron, Lauren ABarron, Lauren AHo, Teh YuanHo, Teh-YuanMiller, Dori JMiller, Dori JRahman, Kathleen MRahman, Kathleen MBartol, Frank FBartol, Frank FBagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A
Endocrinology, vol. 153, (no. 9), pp. 4511-21, 2012/Sep. | Journal Article