110 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Relaxin and the ‘Milky Way’: The lactocrine hypothesis and maternal programming of developmentBagnell, Carol A⋅Bagnell, Carol A.⋅Bartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank F.Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, vol. 487, pp. 23, 2019-May-01.
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Development and Function of Uterine Glands in Domestic Animals.Spencer, Thomas E⋅Spencer, Thomas E⋅Kelleher, Andrew M⋅Kelleher, Andrew M⋅Bartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank FAnnual review of animal biosciences, September 5, 2018.
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Effects of colostrum, feeding method, and oral IGF1 on porcine uterine developmentGeorge, Ashley F⋅George, Ashley F⋅AF, George⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅KM, Rahman⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Miller, Dori J⋅DJ, Miller⋅Miller, Dori J⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅AA, Wiley⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅Camp, Meredith E⋅ME, Camp⋅Camp, Meredith E⋅F, Bartol⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bartol, Frank⋅Bagnell, Carol A⋅Bagnell, Carol A and CA, BagnellReproduction (Cambridge, England), vol. 155, (no. 3), pp. 271, 2018-Jan-16.
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Neonatal lactocrine deficiency affects the adult porcine endometrial transcriptome at pregnancy day 13.George, Ashley F⋅George, Ashley F⋅Ho, Teh-Yuan⋅Ho, Teh-Yuan⋅Prasad, Nripesh⋅Prasad, Nripesh⋅Keel, Brittney N⋅Keel, Brittney N⋅Miles, Jeremy R⋅Miles, Jeremy R⋅Vallet, Jeffrey L⋅Vallet, Jeffrey L⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol ABiology of reproduction, August 9, 2018.
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Defining age- and lactocrine-sensitive elements of the neonatal porcine uterine microRNA–mRNA interactomeGeorge, Ashley F⋅AF, George⋅George, Ashley F⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅KM, Rahman⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Camp, Meredith E⋅ME, Camp⋅Camp, Meredith E⋅Prasad, Nripesh⋅N, Prasad⋅Prasad, Nripesh⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅FF, Bartol⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅CA, Bagnell⋅Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol ABiology of Reproduction, vol. 96, (no. 2), pp. 340, 20170201.
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Immunocontraception: Filamentous Bacteriophage as a Platform for Vaccine DevelopmentSamoylova, Tatiana⋅Samoylova, Tatiana⋅Samoylova, Tatiana⋅Braden, Timothy⋅Braden, Timothy⋅Braden, Timothy⋅Spencer, Jennifer⋅Spencer, Jennifer⋅Spencer, Jennifer⋅Bartol, Frank⋅Bartol, Frank and Bartol, FrankCurrent Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 24, (no. 35), pp. 3920, 2017-October.
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Maternal Lactocrine Programming of Porcine Reproductive Tract Development.Bagnell, Carol A⋅CA, Bagnell⋅Ho, Teh-Yuan⋅TY, Ho⋅George, Ashley F⋅AF, George⋅AA, Wiley⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅Miller, Dori J⋅DJ, Miller⋅FF, Bartol and Bartol, Frank FMolecular reproduction and development, April 13, 2017.
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Age and Nursing Affect the Neonatal Porcine Uterine Transcriptome.Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Camp, Meredith E⋅Prasad, Nripesh⋅McNeel, Anthony K⋅Levy, Shawn E⋅Bartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol ABiology of reproduction, vol. 94, (no. 2), pp. 46, February 2016.
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Postnatal reproductive development and the lactocrine hypothesisBartol, F⋅Bagnell, C and George, AJournal of Animal Science, vol. 94, pp. 558, Oct 2016.
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Prepubertal tamoxifen treatment affects development of heifer reproductive tissues and related signaling pathways.Al Naib, A⋅Tucker, H L M⋅Xie, G⋅Keisler, D H⋅Bartol, F F⋅Rhoads, R P⋅Akers, R M and Rhoads, M LJournal of dairy science, vol. 99, (no. 7), pp. 5780-5792, July 2016.
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Timing and duration of nursing from birth affect neonatal porcine uterine matrix metalloproteinase 9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1.Ho, T Y⋅Rahman, K M⋅Camp, M E⋅Wiley, A A⋅Bartol, F F and Bagnell, C ADomestic animal endocrinology, vol. 59, pp. 1-10, October 27, 2016.
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Humoral immune responses against gonadotropin releasing hormone elicited by immunization with phage-peptide constructs obtained via phage display.Samoylov, Alexandre⋅Samoylov, Alexandre⋅Samoylov, Alexandre⋅Cochran, Anna⋅Cochran, Anna⋅Cochran, Anna⋅Schemera, Bettina⋅Schemera, Bettina⋅Schemera, Bettina⋅Kutzler, Michelle⋅Kutzler, Michelle⋅Kutzler, Michelle⋅Donovan, Caitlin⋅Donovan, Caitlin⋅Donovan, Caitlin⋅Petrenko, Valery⋅Petrenko, Valery⋅Petrenko, Valery⋅Bartol, Frank⋅Bartol, Frank⋅Bartol, Frank⋅Samoylova, Tatiana⋅Samoylova, Tatiana and Samoylova, TatianaJournal of biotechnology, vol. 216, pp. 20-28, December 20, 2015.
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Bisphenol A regulation of testicular endocrine function in male rats is affected by diet.Nanjappa, Manjunatha K⋅Ahuja, Manuj⋅Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan⋅Coleman, Elaine S⋅Braden, Tim D⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bird, R C⋅Wanders, Desiree⋅Judd, Robert L and Akingbemi, Benson TToxicology letters, vol. 225, (no. 3), pp. 479-87, 2014/Mar/21.
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Effects of age, nursing, and oral IGF1 supplementation on neonatal porcine cervical development.Camp, Meredith E⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅Boulos, Monica B⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Bartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol AReproduction (Cambridge, England), vol. 148, (no. 4), pp. 441-451, October 2014.
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Nursing supports neonatal porcine testicular development.Rahman, K M⋅Lovich, J E⋅Lam, C⋅Camp, M E⋅Wiley, A A⋅Bartol, F F and Bagnell, C ADomestic animal endocrinology, vol. 48, pp. 84-92, July 2014.
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Lactation Biology Symposium: lactocrine signaling and developmental programming.Bartol, Frank F⋅Wiley, A A⋅Miller, D J⋅Silva, A J⋅Roberts, K E⋅Davolt, M L⋅Chen, J C⋅Frankshun, A-L⋅Camp, M E⋅Rahman, K M⋅Vallet, J L and Bagnell, C AJournal of animal science, vol. 91, (no. 2), pp. 696-705, 2013/Feb.
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Milk-borne relaxin and reproductive system developmentBagnell, Carol and Bartol, FrankItalian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, vol. 118, (no. 1), pp. 15-6, 2013.
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Nursing for 48 hours from birth supports porcine uterine gland development and endometrial cell compartment-specific gene expression.Miller, Dori J⋅Wiley, Anne⋅Chen, Joseph C⋅Bagnell, Carol A and Bartol, Frank FBiology of reproduction, vol. 88, (no. 1), pp. 4, 2013/Jan.
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A Neonatal Porcine Bioassay for Identification of Lactocrine Activity in ColostrumCamp, Meredith E⋅Camp, Meredith E.⋅Rahman, Kathleen M.⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Bartol, Frank F.⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.Biology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 255, 2012-08-01.
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Brief exposure to progesterone during a critical neonatal window prevents uterine gland formation in mice.Cooke, Paul S⋅Cooke, Paul S⋅Ekman, Gail C⋅Ekman, Gail C⋅Kaur, Jaspreet⋅Kaur, Jaspreet⋅Davila, Juanmahel⋅Davila, Juanmahel⋅Bagchi, Indrani C⋅Bagchi, Indrani C⋅Clark, Sherrie G⋅Clark, Sherrie G⋅Dziuk, Philip J⋅Dziuk, Philip J⋅Hayashi, Kanako⋅Hayashi, Kanako⋅Bartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank FBiology of reproduction, vol. 86, (no. 3), pp. 63, 2012/Mar.
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Establishment, Validation, and Application of Multispectral Imaging Technology to Studies of Bovine Reproductive Tract DevelopmentDavolt, Meghan Lynn⋅Wilborn, Robyn R⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅Ellis, Steven E and Bartol, Frank FBiology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 322, 2012-08-01.
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Importance of Nursing for Estrogen Receptor-Alpha Expression in the Neonatal Porcine Cerebral Cortex and HypothalamusUczkowski, Helen M⋅Uczkowski, Helen M.⋅Camp, Meredith E⋅Camp, Meredith E.⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Rahman, Kathleen M.⋅Bartol, Frank F.⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol A.Biology of Reproduction, vol. 87, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 244, 2012-08-01.
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Lactocrine programming of female reproductive tract development: Environmental connections to the reproductive continuumBartol, Frank F and Bagnell, Carol AMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology, vol. 354, (no. 1-2), pp. 16-21, 2012.
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Nursing during the first two days of life is essential for the expression of proteins important for growth and remodeling of the neonatal porcine cervix.Frankshun, Amy-Lynn⋅Frankshun, Amy-Lynn⋅Chen, Joseph⋅Chen, Joseph⋅Barron, Lauren A⋅Barron, Lauren A⋅Ho, Teh Yuan⋅Ho, Teh-Yuan⋅Miller, Dori J⋅Miller, Dori J⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Rahman, Kathleen M⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bartol, Frank F⋅Bagnell, Carol A and Bagnell, Carol AEndocrinology, vol. 153, (no. 9), pp. 4511-21, 2012/Sep.
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